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Lesson 1: Social Inequality1What’s In:1What’s New: What Do You Think?

1What is It: Social Inequality

2What’s More: The One3 Essay4What I Have Learned: True or False5What I Can Do:
Enumeration5Summary6Assessment7Key to Answers9References104What This Module is AboutHello!
We will move on towards learning an interesting topic about socialinequality. Inequality is present in the
society. It is important to know that wesometimes experience inequality but, sad to say, we are unaware
about it. Inequalitymeans uneven distribution of resources and opportunities, where, a few have
moreand many have less.This module will teach us the many sources of inequality. Buckle up as we
beginto discover it.What I Need to KnowAt the end of this module, you should be able to:● Identify
characteristics of the systems of stratification;(UCSP11/12HSO--IId-31)5How to Learn from this
ModuleThe following are your guides for the proper use of this module:To the Learner:1. Follow closely
to the instructions in every activity.2. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out
what youalready know.3. Answer all the exercises at the end of every lesson.4. Review the lesson that
you find difficult to understand. Be resourceful.5. All answers should be written in the module, unless,
otherwise specified,example: sheet of paper or bondpaper.6. All output should be placed in a folder
which will serve as your portfolio. Itshould be arranged in a sequential order.7. Seek assistance from
your teacher and parents/guardian.To the Teacher:1. Communicate with parents and learners regularly
for updates and feedback.2. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them.3. You may
contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within thebound of the learning competency.To
the Parents/Guardian:1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.2. Do not answer the activities for your
child. Just guide them in doing it.3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this
module.6Icons of this ModuleWhat I Need to KnowObjectivesThis part contains learning objectives that
Learningare set for you to learn as you go alongthe module.Pre-AssessmentThis is an assessment as to
your level ofWhat I Know?knowledge to the subject matter at hand,meant specifically to gauge prior
relatedknowledge.What’s In?Review ActivityThis part connects previous lesson withthat of the current
one.What’s New?ActivityAn introduction of the new lesson through Motivationalvarious activities,
before it will bepresented to you. Lesson ProperThese are discussions as a way to deepenWhat is It?your
discovery and understanding of theconcept.Performance TaskThese are follow-up activities that
areWhat’s More?intended for you to practice further in orderto master the competencies.What I Have
Learned?GeneralizationActivities designed to process what youhave learned from the
lesson.ApplicationThese are tasks that are designed to showWhat I Can Do?case your skills and
knowledge gained,and applied into real-life concerns andsituations.7Post-AssessmentThis evaluates
your level of mastery inAssessmentachieving the learning objectives of thelesson.What I
KnowPRETESTMultiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. People whose cultural
background differs from that of the dominant membersof the societya. ethnic minority c. PWDb. women
d. LGBT2. People who are barred from some degree of power, prestige, or wealth.a. dominant c.
minorityb. wealthy d. majority3. Women regarded as placed in the lower social status in the society
comparedto men.a. racial discrimination c. ethnic discriminationb. gender discrimination d. disability
discrimination4. It is the existence of uneven opportunities and rewards for a diverse socialpositions or
statuses within a group or society.a. economic inequality c. political inequalityb. cultural inequality d.
social inequality5. It is the thinking that one’s own race is superior than the others.a. discrimination c.
stereotypingb. racism d. prejudice6. This people who have physical impairments do not usually enjoy the
benefitsthat abled people received.8a. PWD c. ethnic groupb. LGBT d. women7. This is a group of people
whose gender preferences are subject todiscrimination.a. dominant c. LGBTb. minority d. PWD8. An act
of depriving minorities of equal treatment and are kept in the lowerstatus of the society and the
resistance of equality.a. stereotyping c. racismb. discrimination d. prejudice9. A negative attitude
towards the members of a particular group.a. prejudice c. discriminationb. racism d.
ethnocentrism10.The belief that our own nation, race, or group is the best.a. prejudice c. stereotypingb.
ethnocentrism d. racism11. The situation when people encounter problem that they do not know how
tosolve it.a. ethnocentrism c. stereotypingb. racism d. scapegoating12. It refers to the tendency to
picture all members of the particular group ashaving the same qualities.a. discrimination c.
stereotypingb. racism d. prejudice13. It is described on the basis of unequal distribution of income and
wealth.a. economic inequality c. political inequalityb. social inequality d. gender inequality14. When
people move, or migrate, from one society to another, they arecommonly called members of the
____________.a. majority c. ethnic groupb. minority d. women’s group15. Which of the following was
not identified as a group that has substantialadvantages accorded upon them?a. men c. members of the
upper classb. women d. wealthy910Lesson1Social InequalityLearning Competency: Identify
characteristics of the systems of stratification(UCSP11/12HSO--IId-31)What’s InWhat did you remember
about the social stratification topic? Were you able tofind out your ascribed and achieved status? Were
you able to look for rags to richesstory? I hope that whatever you learn in the previous module will give
you aninspiration to become the best you can be in the future.What’s NewActivity 1: WHAT DO YOU
THINK?Do you agree that women and men should always be treated the same way?Give three (3)
_______________.What Is ItSocial inequality is theexistence of uneven opportunities andrewards for a
diverse social positions orstatuses within a group or society. Ithappens when resources, in
whatevernature, are distributed unevenly in mostsocieties.Social inequalities are correlatedalso to
gender inequality (women andLGBT), ethnic minorities, racialinequality and persons with
disabilities,etc.Gender and sexual orientation has been a subject in inequality.Traditionally, women were
regarded as placed in the lower social status in thesociety compared to men. Men were accorded to
have more social and politicalrights. In these modern societies, though there are already many
womenrepresentations in the civil society, the culture of stereotyping is still evident. Theyare also
subjected to abuse and violence.A similar situation is also experienced by the LGBT (lesbian, gay,
bisexual,transgender) community whose gender preferences are subject to discrimination inthe
society.Ethnic minorities, as we usually call them taga-bukid (from the hinterlands),are also subject to
social discrimination – the cultural marginalization that they2experience from the dominant majority.
They are also victims of stereotyping, abuseand violence.Persons with disabilities (PWD) or differently-
abled persons are alsovictims of inequality and deprived of the opportunities in the society especially in
theemployment sector due to their physical impairments.Minorities in the social structure. Members of
the society that have morepower than others are called dominant members. Dominant members set
thestandards in the society. They enjoy more privileges such as better houses, betterschools, and higher
income. On the other hand, those who are barred from suchprivileges and opportunities are called the
minorities. They are usually denied by theequal treatment of the majorities or dominant.Discrimination
and prejudice. Discrimination happens when minorities arebeing deprived of equal treatment and are
kept in a lower status by the dominantmembers of the society and the resistance of equality.Closely
linked to discrimination is prejudice. Prejudice can be either positiveor negative but most of the times it
connotes negativity. Prejudice is defined as anegative attitude toward the members of a particular
group. It is a prejudgement ofothers that allows us to brand or label them in various negative
ways.Discrimination is an act while prejudice is an attitude.Stereotyping refers to our tendency to
picture all members of a particularcategory as having the same qualities. Usually, stereotyping is a result
of overgeneralization.Ethnocentrism is the belief that our nation, race, or group is the best orsuperior
than others.Scapegoating. This is a situation when people encounter problems that theydo not know
how to solve it. Often they feel frustrated and eventually it leads toaggression. When it happens, people
usually look someone or something else to beblamed for their own troubles or problems.Racism. It is
the belief that one’s own race is superior and has the right tocontrol or direct others.There are ways to
address this social inequality issues. First, there should beenough laws to protect these vulnerable
groups in the society. If laws are alreadymade available, execution of these laws should be
strengthened.Another way is to promote programs and projects from the government andnon-
government organizations for these groups. Educate the public, in whateveravenue, to address the
culture of social inequality.What’s More3Activity 2: THE ONE1. It’s research time. Look for a profile of a
woman, a member of the LGBT, amember of an ethnic minority, and a differently abled person who has
madeinvaluable contribution in your community, in the society or in our country.2. Describe each of
their background and invaluable contributions to the society.3. Use the format below as your guide but
you can always modify it dependingon your own skills, creativity, and available resources. Use long
bondpaper forthis activity; one profile per sheet.Name:Age:Civil
Status:SpecialTalents/Skills:Occupation:Background:Invaluablecontribution tothe societyProfiling
ActivityCriteria RatingContent and ideas are organized in a clear, logical manner. 5 4 3 2 1The profile
provides adequate if not complete backgroundinformation.5 4 3 2 1The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1Total
points (15)Activity 3: ESSAYDo you think that men and women today have equal opportunities in
oursociety? Why or why not?
____________________________________________________________________________Rubric for
Activity 3Criteria RatingThe answer relates entirely to the assigned topic. 5 4 3 2 1The answer conveys a
genuine personal view regarding thetopic.5 4 3 2 1The work is original and does not contain plagiarized
content. 5 4 3 2 1Total points (15)What Have I LearnedActivity 4: TRUE or FALSEDirection: Write the
word True if the statement is correct, write the wordFalse if the statement is incorrect. 1. Discrimination
is a biased thought against an individual or group.2. Having high quality, free education and health care
available foreveryone help reduce inequality.___________ 3. Same sex marriage is legal in the
Philippines. 4. Women are accorded more on social and political rights. 5. Social inequality is almost
present in all societies.What I Can DoActivity 5: ENUMERATIONEnumerate five (5) possible ways to
eliminate, if not, minimize socialinequality in the society?1.
__________________________________________________________SUMMARY● Social inequality is
the existence of uneven opportunities and rewards for adiverse social positions or statuses within a
group or society.● Gender and sexual orientation has been a subject in inequality. Traditionally,women
were regarded as placed in the lower social status in the societycompared to men.● A similar situation is
also experienced by the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual,transgender) community whose gender preferences
are subject todiscrimination in the society.● Ethnic minorities are also subject to social discrimination –
the culturalmarginalization that they experience from the dominant majority.● Persons with disabilities
(PWD) or differently-abled persons are also victims ofinequality and deprived of the opportunities in the
society especially in theemployment sector due to their physical impairments.● Members of the society
that have more power than others are called dominantmembers. Those who are barred from such
privileges and opportunities arecalled the minorities.● Discrimination happens when minorities are
being deprived of equal treatmentand are kept in a lower status by the dominant members of the
society andthe resistance of equality.● Prejudice is defined as a negative attitude toward the members
of a particulargroup. It is a prejudgement of others that allows us to brand or label them invarious
negative ways.● Stereotyping refers to our tendency to picture all members of a particularcategory as
having the same qualities.6● Ethnocentrism is the belief that our nation, race, or group is the best
orsuperior than others.● Scapegoating is a situation when people encounter problems that they do
notknow how to solve it. People usually look someone or something else to beblamed for their own
troubles or problems.● Racism is the belief that one’s own race is superior and has the right tocontrol or
direct others.ASSESSMENTPOSTTESTMultiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. People
whose cultural background differs from that of the dominant membersof the societya. ethnic minority c.
PWDb. women d. LGBT2. People who are barred from some degree of power, prestige, or wealth.a.
dominant c. minorityb. wealthy d. majority3. Women regarded as placed in the lower social status in the
society comparedto men.a. racial discrimination c. ethnic discriminationb. gender discrimination d.
disability discrimination4. It is the existence of uneven opportunities and rewards for a diverse
socialpositions or statuses within a group or society.a. economic inequality c. political inequalityb.
cultural inequality d. social inequality5. It is the thinking that one’s own race is superior than the
others.a. discrimination c. stereotypingb. racism d. prejudice6. This people who have physical
impairments do not usually enjoy the benefitsthat abled people received.a. PWD c. ethnic group7b.
LGBT d. women7. This is a group of people whose gender preferences are subject todiscrimination.a.
dominant c. LGBTb. minority d. PWD8. An act of depriving minorities of equal treatment and are kept in
the lowerstatus of the society and the resistance of equality.a. stereotyping c. racismb. discrimination d.
prejudice9. A negative attitude towards the members of a particular group.a. prejudice c.
discriminationb. racism d. ethnocentrism10.The belief that our own nation, race, or group is the best.a.
prejudice c. stereotypingb. ethnocentrism d. racism11.The situation when people encounter problem
that they do not know how tosolve it.a. ethnocentrism c. stereotypingb. racism d. scapegoating12.It
refers to the tendency to picture all members of the particular group ashaving the same qualities.a.
discrimination c. stereotypingb. racism d. prejudice13. It is described on the basis of unequal distribution
of income and wealth.a. economic inequality c. political inequalityb. social inequality d. gender
inequality14.When people move, or migrate, from one society to another, they arecommonly called
members of the ____________.a. majority c. ethnic groupb. minority d. women’s group15.Which of the
following was not identified as a group that has substantialadvantages accorded upon them?a. men c.
members of the upper classb. women d. wealthy89REFERENCEAntonio P. Contreras, Arleigh Ross D. Dela
Cruz, Dennis S. Erasga, Cecile C.Fadrigon, Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics, Quezon
City:Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2016, 247-249.Ederlina D. Baleña, Dolores M. Lucero, Arnel M.
Peralta, Understanding Culture,Society, and Politics for Senior High School, Quezon City:
EducationalResources Corporation, 2016, 133-147."Chapter 11. Race and Ethnicity – Introduction to
Sociology – 1st Canadian Edition."BC Open Textbooks – Open Textbooks Adapted and Created by BC
Faculty.Last modified November 6,
and Discrimination | Boundless Sociology." Lumen Learning – SimpleBook Production. Accessed June 14,
anddiscrimination/."Women in the Workplace | Boundless Sociology." Lumen Learning – Simple
BookProduction. Accessed June 14,
theworkplace/.10Management TeamChairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO IIIRegional DirectorCo-
Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO VAsst. Regional DirectorCherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO
VSchools Division SuperintendentAlicia E. Anghay, PhD, CESEAsst. Schools Division SuperintendentMala
Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMDMembers: Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMSBienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr.,
EPS-ADMLorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID ChiefRomeo B. Aclo, EPS-Araling PanlipunanJoel D. Potane, LRMS
ManagerLanie O. Signo, Librarian IIGemma Pajayon, PDO II11

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