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Introduction to NSTP school youth and other 

segments of society in
need of their services.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Who are covered by the NSTP Law?
 Understand what NSTP is all about
 Identify NSTP-CWTS Dimensions All incoming freshmen student, male, female,
of Development starting school year 2002-2003, enrolled in any
 Plan a proposal project aligned with baccalaureate and in at least two year
NSTP-CWTS technical-vocational or associate courses, are
required to complete one NSTP component of
What is the legal basis of NSTP? 
their choice, as a graduation requirement;
The National Service Training Program (NSTP)
All higher and technical-vocational education
Law or RA 9163 also known as “An
institutions must at least offer one of the NSTP
Act Establishing the National Service
Training Program (NSTP) for tertiary level
students, amending for the purpose Republic
Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree No.
1706, and for the other purposes,” was
enacted last January 2002 to amend the
Expanded ROTC. S- Safety and Security
What is the aim of this law? E- Education
The National Service Training Program (NSTP) R- Recreation
is a government-mandated citizenship course
V- Values Formation and Moral Recovery
required for all Filipino college students. 
I-Industry and Entrepreneurship
This program aims to enhance
civic consciousness and defense preparedness C- Care for Health
in the youth by developing the ethics of service
E- Environment
and patriotism while undergoing training in any
of its three (3) program components,
specifically designed to enhance the youth’s
Safety and Security
active contribution to the general welfare.
- This area involves disaster preparedness
during fire, earthquake or other calamity
Three Program Components that needs immediate response from
any trained civilians during emergency
Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
situations. Basic life saving seminar, fire
It refers to the program drill and the like are some of these
component, institutionalized under Section 38 examples.
and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077, designed to
provide military training to motivate, train
organize and mobilize them for national - This area involves enhancement of
defense preparedness. institutional support materials and
facilities for the community and school
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
such as providing materials containing
It refers to the program components or basic literacy skills for preschoolers,
activities contributory to the general welfare alternative learning system for out-of-
and the betterment of life for the members of school youths and adults, mathematics
the community or the enhancement of its and science tutorials and extended
facilities, especially those devoted to improving services of skilled students.
health, education,
environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation and moral of the citizenry and other - This area involves sports fest, parlor
social welfare services. games for street children and painting
that enrich youth’s capacities to relate
Literacy Training Service (LTS)
with one another in the community
It refers to the program component designed
Values Formation and Moral Recovery
to train the students to teach literacy and
numeracy skills to school children, out-of- - This involves the development of youth
to be good leaders, responsible
individuals imbued with good moral hence to find meaning in life) is
values and active agent of development by embracing existence.
of the community.  Thus, Existentialism believes
that individuals are entirely free and
Industry and Entrepreneurship
must take personal
- This area includes programs and responsibility for themselves (although
activities that are vital to economic with this responsibility comes angst, a
growth. CWTS students demonstrate profound anguish or dread). 
technical skills in communities like meat  It
processing, silkscreen making and how therefore emphasizes action, freedom a
to establish small business. nd decision as fundamental, and holds
that the only way to rise above the
Care for Health
essentially absurd condition of humanity
- This area aims to give knowledge on (which is
medical-related fields and extend health characterized by suffering and inevitable
services needed in the community. It death) is by exercising our
includes medical services like first- aid personal freedom and
operation, vaccination, info choice (a complete rejection
dissemination, basic life saving of Determinism).
seminars, heath/nutrition technical
assistance and training of youth to be
first aid assistants.
 Find your purpose
 Essentialism, at its simplest, is the view
- This area inculcates environmental that things have essences (the attribute,
awareness and its contribution to health or set of attributes, that
and related fields. It involves make an object or substance what
management of waste, environmental it fundamentally is). 
protection, dissemination and  Thus, for any specific kind of entity,
application of technologies supportive of there is a
the community needs and livelihood set of characteristics (or properties or tr
activities related to environment and aits), all of which any entity of that
other related fields supportive of the kind must have. A member of a specific
national thrust. kind of entity
may possess other characteristics but
these neither establish nor preclude its
Understanding Self and Others membership.
 It is contrasted with Non-
 Aristotle (384-322 BC)
Essentialism (which states that there
 Man is a rational animal” are no specific traits which any given
 Man is by nature a political animal” kind of entity must have),
and with Nominalism (which states
that abstract concepts, general
EXISTENTIALISM terms or universals have
no independent existence but exist only
 Create you purpose as names).
 Existentialism is a philosophy
that emphasizes individual existence, fre Science tells:
edom and choice. It is the view that  Understand yourself
humans define their own meaning in life  Understand the others
and try to  Speak his language
make rational decisions despite existing
in an irrational universe. 
 It focuses on the question of human The direction of our attention and energy
existence, and the feeling that there
is no purpose or explanation at the core Extravert (E) – is focusing on the outside
of existence.  world; other people, events, actions, things
 It holds that, as there is no God or any Introvert (I) – Is focusing on the internal
other transcendent force, the only world; thoughts, emotions, experiences
way to counter this nothingness (and
The way we make decisions
Thinking (T) – makes decisions onjectively
using logic.
Feeling (F) – makes decisions subjectively
using feeling.

How to understand the other?

 Observe the behavior
 Listen what he/she is talking about
 Analyze

Makes the world a better place by making

yourself a better person.
-Scott Scomell

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