Hardware and Software

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1. Definitions:

1.1. Hardware
1.2. Software

2. Hardware

2.1. Internal components of the CPU

Hard disc drive
Processor or Microchip
RAM (Random Access Memory)
ROM (Read Only Memory)
Expansion Cards
2.2. Communication elements
2.3. Storage devices
Information recording

3. Software

3.1. Binary / Machine Code

Bits and Bytes
How to transform a number into binary code
Different computing units
3.2. Operating System
3.3. Programs / Applications
3.4. Files
1. Definitions
Computers are probably the machines that have experienced one of the most rapid
developments since their beginning. Our world cannot be imagined without them. In
fact, there are many people who think we depend too much on them...

'Computing' or 'Computer science' is defined as the automatic treatment of

information by using computers.

Technically speaking, a computer is a combination of two elements:

• Hardware : every physical part (touchable) of the computer. They may be

internal or external to the commonly called “CPU” (or the “tower”)

• Software : untouchable components of the computer. It compiles all the

digital information and logical instructions that the system uses to do different

2. Hardware
2.1. Internal components of the CPU
To be accurate, the CPU is the compound of the three main physical components of
a computer: the processor, the motherboard and the hard disc drive, and it's often
called the “box” or the “tower” in which these components are connected.


It's a plastic hard film that contains

the electronic circuits and plugs (which
are named slots) where all the devices
are connected.

Hard disk drive (HDD)

It's the main storage system. Depending on the

amount of information we need to store we may have
more than one disc connected to the same mother
board. It contains all the information required by the

This information is not lost when the machine is

switched off.

Processor or microchip

It's like the computer's brain. It does

every mathematical and logical operation. One
of its main features is the processing speed,
defined as the number of operations it is able
to do per second.

Since each process made by this

element requires electricity, the processor

reaches high temperatures that have to be decreased by a special element: the cooler,
which is located on the microchip.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

It's a special type of storage device. It only

contains the information that the processor
needs at the present moment, and it loses all data
when we switch off the computer.

If we need to have a lot of applications

opened at the same time, we need to have a RAM
with a high capacity.

ROM (Read Only Memory)

This is a memory in which the booting sequence and other

firmware (software that is closely tied to specific hardware)
is stored.

The information is recorded during the manufacturing

process, and it cannot be modified, that’s why it’s defined as
read only”.

Expansion cards

They are little mother boards, connected to the slots of

the main one and are used to increase the amount of
computer applications that can be run or to improve the
ones that are installed.

Some examples are the graphic card, sound, video, network...

2.2. Communication elements

These elements are used to stablish communication between the user or the
outside world and the CPU. There are different types depending on the flow of

Input peripherals:

they are used by the user to send a set

of data to the processor

Examples: keyboard, mouse, microphone,


Output peripherals:

they are used by the processor to give

information to the user

Examples: printer, screen, loudspeakers...

Input-Output peripheral:

they are used by the processor to give

information to the user and vice versa, so
the information travels both ways

Examples: router, touchable screen...


When we connect a peripheral to a computer, the operating system needs to have

some information: what type of device it is, its data transmission speed, whether it's
an input or an output peripheral and other things.

These specifications are written in little programs called drivers and they are
different for each device and operating system. Nowadays, in most of the cases, they
are already included in the computer’s software from the beginning, so we don’t have
to install any program to use a peripheral.


To have data transmission with the computer, we need to have special hardware to
connect the specific peripheral to the CPU. This type of device is called port. There
are different types of ports.

a) External Ports

Usually, most of them are at the back side of the computer. In the picture, we see
the most common ones:

• Serial port: it sends all the information bit by bit, through a single wire.

• Parallel port: it sends several bits at the same time, through multiple wires. The
data transmission speed is higher in this case.

• USB: we define it as a plug-and-play port. If we use this port to connect any

device it will be automatically detected and we will be able to use it.

• VGA: it's used to connect the computer to a screen or to a projector

• PS/2: it's used to connect some keyboards and mouses.

• LAN (Local Area Network): it allows a computer to connect to a network using a

wired connection.

• Audio ports:

o Sound in: connection for external audio sources (tape recorder, record
player, or CD player)

o Microphone or Mic: connection for a microphone or headphones.

o Sound out: primary sound connection for speakers or headphones.

b) Internal Ports / Slots

They are directly tied to the mother board, and they are used to insert the
expansion cards, the hard disc, the DVD unit and other internal components.

2.3. Storage devices

Storage systems can be classified into different types, depending on specific
factors such as:

Their portability

• portable devices : like a pen drive, a storage card, CD/DVD, external hard
disc...They may be easily carried and connected in different computers

• non-portable devices: hard disc drive and the RAM memory, both attached to
the motherboard.

The way the information is stored:

• magnetic devices: hard disc drives, floppy discs...

• optical devices: CD, DVD... (one use or recordable)

• flash memories: data are electrically written or erased → pen drive, cards...

3. Software
3.1. Binary / Machine code
Generally speaking, a binary code is every language based upon two characters.
Morse code, in which every word is made with combinations of “dots” and “lines”, is a
good example.

In this case, binary code or machine code is the language that is used by the
different parts of the computer to communicate between them. A computer is
basically an electrical machine, so it has to use electrical currents to stablish
communication between its components.

The machine code is made up of zeros (“no current”) and ones (“current”), and it’s
commonly called binary code. The first programs were written directly in this
language, because the computers were too simple to interpret complex instructions
expressed in human language.

Bits and Bytes

A bit is how we define the “basic unit of information” in computing and digital
communication, so it’s each “0” and “1” whit which computer language is made.

Let’s imagine we make every possible combination of two bits. The language would
be made with the following “words” ( 4 = 22 ):

00 / 01 / 10 / 11

In the case of combinations of 3 bits, the possibilities increase up to 8 = 23 :

000 / 001 / 010 / 011 / 100 / 101 / 110 / 111

So, if we want to know the number of combinations (or “words”) we can do with n
bits, it’s calculated from the expression:

nm. Comb = 2 n

A byte is haw we call the group of 8 bits. It’s the minimum unit used in computing.
With this size, the language has 256 combinations.

How to transform a number into binary code

In digital computing, every character, number and letter has a binary equivalent.
When a key is pressed, the digital signal is translated into a binary one and
transmitted to the microprocessor.

To transform a number (for instance) we take into account that the base in the
binary code is the number 2.

Different computing units

1 kilobyte = 1024 (210) bytes

1 Megabyte = 1024 (210) kilobytes = 220 bytes

1 Gigabyte = 1024 (210) Megabytes = 230 bytes

1 Terabyte = 1024 (210) Gigabytes = 240 bytes

3.2. Operating System
The operating system (OS) is the main program of the computer. It has some
important functions:

• to coordinate and manage all the information flow that runs between the
different components, the processor, the hard disc, the peripherals...

• to design the best structure in order to organize all the information when it is
stored in creating documents, files, folders, directories...

• to define the graphic interface (font size, aspect, launchers, icons...) with the

The three main operating systems at the current moment (in computers):

created in 1985 by Microsoft. It's the most extended OS
in its different versions, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.
Its best advantage is that it is very intuitive and has a
simple and “friendly” interface.
created from UNIX by Linux Torvalds in the University of
Finland. It is based on a community in which everyone
profits from sharing the knowledge. It is free and many of
its applications too. Its modern appearance is very similar
to Windows.
Mac OS:
created in 1984 by Apple. It is widely used for graphic
applications. It introduced the idea of interacting with the
computer by using windows, but Microsoft was faster at
developing this system.

3.3. Programs / Applications

A program is defined as a list of instructions; when they are executed (to run the
program), they do a specific task. To create this set of instructions we have to know
how to “talk” to the computer in order to transmit the correct orders. There are two
types of languages:

• Programming language: it's the one that is used by the person who creates
the program (programmer). It's written with key words (usually English terms),
very similar to a telegram.

• Machine language: it's the language that the different parts of the computer
use to communicate between them. It is a binary code written with zeros (“no
current”) and ones (“current”).

• Compilator: it's a special program that is used to translate every instruction

written in programming language into binary code. Over time, programming has
become much, much easier.

3.4. Files
Depending on the type of information we manage, we can have different sorts of
files, and in order to know what type of file we are managing we have to look at the
three last letters. They are the extension of the file. Here you have a table with the
main of them, showing the type of document:

Type of Document Extension

Text Document .doc / .txt / .odt

Calc / Spread Sheet .xls / .ods

Presentation .ppt / .pps / .odp

Application (program) .exe

Portable document .pdf

Image .jpg / .png / .bmp / .gif

Sound file .mp3 / .wav

Video file .mp4 / .dvd / .avi

Internet site .htm

Compressed file .zip / .rar


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