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Republic of the Philippines


University Town, Catarman N. Samar

Midterm Examination, 1st Semester, SY 2020-2021


Course/Section: 11 ABM-A

“My Emo-Talk”

Direction: Encircle any of the following people with whom you feel comfortable disclosing and
discussing your challenges and stresses.
Cousin/s Best friend
Father Siblings
Church Leader Mother School Counselor Teacher
Grandparent/s Coach Uncle Aunt

Others/ Please Specify:

Write the reason why you selected them below. (20pts.)

The reason why I selected my Cousin/s and Best Friend is because I feel comfortable
talking with them with my personal life, my challenges, and stresses. I chose my Cousin/s
because ever since when we were young, we always have each others back. We are very close
we are like real siblings, sometimes we fight but it resolves quickly. We help each other when
we have problems in life, problems in school, and sometimes problems with our family. I chose
my Best Friend because ever since when we were in elementary school we are always together,
hanging and playing around, have the same hobbies for example we are a fan of Kpop.
Whenever I have struggles in school she listen to me and given me advice. Whenever I have
issues and problems with my family I always address it to her. I remember one time I texted my
Best Friend Michelle when my older brother and I fought, which is not my fault actually that we
fought. I told her my problems, I was trying to hold back my tears while typing. She listens to me
always and I listen to her too when she have problems.

Direction: Read the story and answer the following question. (20pts.)


by Bo Sanchez
There are three kinds of people in this world:
The first is the Moviegoer. This person watches the movie of their lives, admires some
parts and criticizes others. Aside from that, they do nothing else. All she says the whole day is, “I
like this thing and but, I don’t like that thing.” The Moviegoer feels she has absolutely no control

of their lives except to comment about it. Moviegoer are the most pathetic, miserable people in
the world.
The second is the Actor. This person does not only watch the movie of her life. She
actually realizes she’s the actor – and can control a big part of her life. She can actually make or
break the movie by how well she delivers her lines and how she portrays her character. Actors
are a happy bunch, realizing they’re the start of would end in another way – but realize that they
have no say in such things.
The third is the scriptwriter. This person does not only watch, and she doesn’t only act,
but she actually creates the entire movie from her mind. She determines what she will say what
she will do, and how the movie will end. She realizes she has enormous control over her life, and
sees to it that the movie of her life will turn out beautiful.

Who are you among these three people? Why?

Among those three people, I think I am a scriptwriter. Because I always think first when
I'm saying something important and decide when I'm doing something. I always think first before
I act.

The Journey of the Shoes of Others

(Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Character Building)

Instruction: Put yourself to the situation of others by reading their stories below and answer the
guide questions that follows.

I grew up a middle child between two high achieving siblings. My Father and Mother had
very high standards of success and strict rules to counter my rebellious nature. During high
school, I remember feeling isolated and depressed, while sometimes feeling impulsive and
hyperactive, I felt like a pendulum, consistently swinging from one extreme to the other—a
feeling I had no control over.
When I was eighteen, I experienced losing touch with reality for the first time. The
medical term for this is a psychotic break. I began to think that my whole life was being filmed
as a reality TV show that everyone could watch, except for me. I believed this was true. In many
real ways, I was out of control, and within two days, I managed to spend 5,000 dollars, give
away all of my possessions, and drop out of college. My friends became very concerned about
my behavior and state of mind and convinced me to check into a psychiatric facility where I
remained for the next three months.
For some time, I continued to go back and forth between my belief that I was part of this
"scripted reality", and what was real. At times I was so out of control that my doctors needed to
help stabilize my behavior with medication and also, I needed to be physically retrained — all to
keep me safe. I was told that I had a manic episode complicated with a psychotic break. I look

back on this now, knowing I made the right decision to enter the hospital. I continue to explore
how and why I experienced such a severe manic episode.
While mental illness is often hard to diagnose, so is finding the right balance of
medication and receiving the correct treatment plan. I've learned that a hospital stay can be an
important part of finding that balance. Yet, medication is only part of solving the challenge of
mental illness. Prevention and early intervention, which is recognizing the warning signs and
symptoms of someone who is struggling and seeking help before the problem gets out of control
are also important.
A huge part of my recovery and journey to wellness was in my decision to become an
advocate — to speak out on behalf of those who experience mental illness. I remember telling
myself, "I am only as strong as the history that creates me, and instead of being ashamed of my
history; I decided to share it with others with the hope that it may help someone else.” The
illness that almost killed me is now the strength behind my motives.
If I have learned anything, it is that a mental condition is a gift that allows the mind to
experience the world on a different level. This gift shouldn't be abused, nor taken for granted, but
embraced and used in a manageable way to maximize individual growth.

Questions to Ponder
1. What does the main character going through? (10pts.)
 The main character is experiencing and suffering a serious mental illness.

2. What does the story would like to imply? (10pts)

 The story is implying that mental illness is a serious matter. The story might want to
suggest that in each various difficulties we face, there's consistently an answer.
You/we must be strong.

3. How does this story relates to you? (10pts)

 Sometimes I compare myself to others. Asking myself why are you not good at
anything. Why are you not good at this and that. One time I cried alone at night. But
as time passes by I realized that comparing yourself to others is not a good thing, you
just have to be content in what you have.

“Life has two rules: 1.) Never quit. 2.) Always remember Rule # 1. “

Good Luck!

Prepared by:



Noted by:


Chair, Cooperative Department Instruction Coordinator

Approved by:


OIC, Dean, College of Business Administration
Approval Date:_____________________

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