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Here is My Bedroom

1. In My Bedroom

mirror blanket wardrobe

/ˈmɪrə(r)/ /ˈblæŋkɪt/ /ˈwɔːdrəʊb/

bed bed cover pillow

/bed/ /ˈbed kʌvə(r)/ /ˈpɪləʊ/

bolster desk lamp

/ˈbəʊlstə(r)/ /desk/ /læmp/

2. In My Bathroom

toothbrush bathub water tap

/ˈtuːθbrʌʃ/ /ˈbɑːθtʌb/ /ˈtæp wɔːtə(r)/

toothpaste soap water closet

/ˈtuːθpeɪst/ /səʊp/ /ˈwɔːtə klɒzɪt/

water scoop shampoo towel

/ˈwɔːtə(r) skuːp/ /ʃæmˈpuː/ /ˈtaʊəl/

Speak clearly.

Is this a bed? Is this a mirror?

Yes this is a bed. Yes this is a mirror.

Is this shampoo? Is this a toothbrush?

Yes this is shampoo. Yes this is a toothbrush.

Grab the Stars

Read aloud.

This is a bolster. This is a mirror. This is a bed.

That is shampoo. That is a towel. That is a pillow.

More to Know

This to indicate
something near
That to indicate
something far


Write as the example.

This is a mirror. _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

Useful Expressions

“This” is used to refer to a particular person, thing, or event that is close to you.
It always goes with singular nouns. Examples :

1. This is a bolster. 3. Is this a toothbrush?

2. This is a blanket. 4. Is this a water scoop?

Let Us Try

Ask what are your friend’s bedroom and bathroom.

What do you have in your bedroom?

Bed, pillow, blanket, table, computer, and table


What do you have in your bathroom?

Soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, and water


Around the World

You need 9 to 10 hours of sleep each night. When you get enough sleep you
can :

 pay attention better in school;

 be creative;
 stay healthy.

You also need to take a bath 2 – 3 times a day. You will stay clean, fresh, and
healthy after taking a bath.


bath : bak mandi shampoo : sampo

bathroom : kamar mandi soap : sabun
bed cover : seprai take a bath : mandi
bed : tempat tidur toothbrush : sikat gigi
blanket : selimut toothpaste : pasta gigi
bolster : guling towel : handuk
mirror : cermin wardrobe : lemari pakaian
need : membutuhkan water scoop : gayung air
pillow : bantal water tap : kran air

Chapter’s Review

I. Choose the correct option.

1. What is that?
a. This is a mirror.
b. This is two mirrors.
c. That is a mirror.

2. What … this?
a. are b. does c. is
3. What is in your bathroom?
a. bolster b. blanket c. towel
4. What is in your bedroom?
a. pan b. bolster c. knife
5. What is not in your bedroom?
a. pillow b. soap c. bed cover

II. Write them correctly.

1. t __ __ __ __ p __ __ __ __

2. t __ __ __ __ b __ __ __ __

3. b __ __ __ __ __ __

4. m __ __ __ __ __

5. w __ __ __ __ s __ __ __ __

Developing HOTS

Choose the correct answer.

Is this a towel?
a. Yes, this is a mirror. b. No, this is a bedcover. c. Yes, this is a towel.

Is this a pillow?
a. Yes, this is a pillow. b. No, this is not a pillow. c. No, this is a bed.

I have …
a. two water scoops b. two water closets c. two wardrobes
4. I put my clean shirt in the ….
a. wardrobe b. bathtub c. bed cover
5. I dry my body after taking a bath with a ….
a. blanket b. soap c. towel
6. Where are the towels?
The towels are on the ….
a. hanger b. wall c. floor
7. The …. is full of water.
a. tap b. bathtub c. shower

My Mother is a Nurse

soldier tailor driver

/ˈsəʊldʒə(r)/ /ˈteɪlə(r)/ /ˈdraɪvə(r)/

policeman pilot farmer

/pəˈliːsmən/ /ˈpaɪlət/ /ˈfɑːmə(r)/

teacher barber
/ˈtiːtʃə(r)/ /ˈbɑːbə(r)/

nurse doctor
/nɜːs/ /ˈdɒktə(r)/


Practice these dialogues.

X : What does your father do?
Y : My father is a tailor.

X : ____________________________________
Y : ____________________________________

X : ____________________________________
Y : ____________________________________

X : ____________________________________
Y : ____________________________________

X : ____________________________________
Y : ____________________________________

Useful Expressions

What does your uncle do? My uncle is a teacher.

What does your mother do? My mother is a nurse.

Let Us Try

Ask the jobs (professions) of your friends’ parents.

You : Doni, what does your father do?
Doni : My father is a teacher.
You : Doni, what does your mother do?
Doni : My mother is a doctor.
No Name Father’s Job Mother’s Job
1. Doni teacher doctor

Read aloud.

He is a tailor. She is a policewoman.

Mr. Joseph is a doctor. Mrs. Ratih is a farmer.


Mrs. Mia is a pilot. Mr. Allen is a barber.

Mr. Rifky is a driver. Mrs. Untari is a teacher.

More to Know

My father is a soldier.
He is a soldier.
He dia (laki-laki)

My aunty is a pilot.
She is a pilot.
She dia (perempuan)

Around the World

A chef is someone who cooks food in a restaurant

or a hotel.
Same famous chefs from Indonesia
 Rudi Chaerudin
 Farah Quinn

Complete the words.

barber d __ __ __ __ r

t __ __ __ __ __ r p __ __ o __

__ __ __ l __ r __ o __ __ __ r


Check the pictures and answer the question.

What does Mr. Amir do? What does your father do?
Mr. Amir is a tailor. ________________________________

What does your mother do? What does Ms. Melani do?
__________________________ ________________________________

What does Mr. Rinto do? What does Ms. Rina do?
__________________________ ________________________________


barber : tukang potong rambut job : pekerjaan

chef : koki mother : ibu
do : mengerjakan nurse : perawat
doctor : dokter pilot : pilot
driver : sopir policeman : polisi
farmer : petani she : dia (perempuan)
father : ayah ; bapak soldier : tentara
find : menemukan tailor : tukang jahit
he : dia (laki-laki) teacher : guru

Chapter’s Review
I. Choose one best answer.
1. My father is a ….
a. nurse
b. policeman
c. tailor

2. Mr. Erik is a ….

a. farmer
b. pilot
c. chef

3. Mr. Ali is a ….
a. tailor
b. teacher
c. driver

4. What does your father do?

a. He is a farmer.
b. He is a pilot.
c. She is a pilot.

5. What does Mrs. Dania do?

a. She is a tailor.
b. He is a tailor.
c. She is a teacher.

II. Complete the text.

Didi’s Family.

Didi has a big family.

His grandfather is a p __________ and his grandmother is a

n _________ . Didi’s father is a d ________ ,

and his mother is a t __________ .


His uncle is a s __________ , and his aunt is a

p _________ . Didi’s brother is a c _____

at a big restaurant. Didi is a st________. He goes to SD Putra Bangsa.

Developing HOTS

Choose the correct answer.

1. Butet : …………………
Rangga : He is a farmer.
a. What is your father?
b. What is your mother?
c. What is this?

2. What is your mother?

a. She is a nurse.
b. He is a doctor.
c. She is a teacher.
3. A … works in the ricefield.
a. tailor b. driver c. farmer
4. A doctor
a. bank b. hospital c. airport
5. A pilot’s job is ….
a. sewing clothes
b. growing rice
c. flying plane
6. Rearrange these words below to make a good sentence! *

is – a – She – dancer

a. She a is dancer c. Dancer a she is

b. She is a dancer d. A dancer she is

7. Translate into English! "Saya adalah seorang koki" *


a. I am a mechanic c. He is a barber

b. She is a chef d. I am a chef

8. Translate into Bahasa Indonesia! "We are students" 

a. Mereka adalah para siswa c. Mereka adalah para tentara

b. Kami adalah para siswa d. Kami adalah para guru

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