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Chapter I


A. Background
The holy Quran is the commandment of Allah SWT that was revealed in
Arabic language to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Its recitation is used in acts of
worship. The holy Quran is humans reference to be able perform their trusteeship,
to become organizer in the world and pray to Allah SWT. The purpose of human
being creation is to pray to Him.
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We have not created jinns and mankind except to worship Me.( The Noble
To Allah SWT belonged all that is In the heavens and on earth that was crated by
Allah SWT for humans life. Allah SWT made them with the rules of universe
which very correctly and perfectly, humans duty is to keep them. The human being
have to process the earth to be more useful, so it can become a medium to pray to
Allah SWT. The holy Quran can be defined as humans reference because the holy
Quran contains the regulation made by The Creator directly. So, if the human being
do not use the holy Quran and Sunnah as reference it is almost certain that the
world will be broken and their life in hereafter will be lost out.

Nowadays, a lot of human being begin to get busy in world life, they forget
about life in hereafter, they forget the laws of Allah SWT, and even the law used by
human being is not the holy Quran and Sunnah, but the law made by them selves.
Whereas Allah SWT has warned those that who use other rule beside Islamic rule
,so they are unbelievers, wrongdoers, and transgressors.
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Those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed, are indeed
(unbelievers).(The Noble Quran5:44)
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Those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed, they are the
wrongdoers.(The Noble Quran5:45)
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Those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed, they are the
transgressors.(The Noble Quran5:47)
The effects of a part of humans deed cause the social order in this world is
beginning break. So nowadays, many disaster was occurred in the world such as
forest breakage, mud blast in Sidoarjo, etc. Beside those, the humans moral is
begin broke too. The news about corruption appear almost everyday and it
occurred at almost all lines, and increasing criminal act. To hold back the negative
consequence caused by the rapid progress of technology, it is needed to establish
the education institution that not only teach the lesson to develop the intelligence,
but also to provide the students to remain consistent in the middle of challenge
period with spiritual intelligence that will develop sensitivity of environment and
their own caused by lord who has regulate all in the heaven and earth finely.
Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School is one of the institution that has
purpose to develop Islam. That is implied from a point of view and mission of
Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School. The point of view of Assalaam Islamic
Modern Boarding School is to produce human being that have balance of the
spiritual, intellectual, and moral, go to ulul albab generation that have high
commitment towards progress of society with based on the holy Quran and as-
The mission are as follows:
1. To perform Islamic education process that oriented to quality, high
competitive and based on spiritual behavior, intelligent and moral
2. To evolve work pattern of Islamic boarding school with based on
professional and Islamic management
3. To create condition of live order, safety, and peaceful, with full good
4. To increase positive image of Islamic boarding school as education
institute that has the conception of science, and information technology
with Islamic cultured
5. To perform cadres for developing of Islamic society toward in the
madani society.
Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School hope that the alumni and the big family
can respond the challenges of life as according to demand of period progress.
The Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School was established on 7 July
1982. H. Abdullah Marzuki was a person who had been working in the education
world for long time, so he really understood about the education. At that time,
religious education was very minimum, by this reason, he established the Assalaam
Islamic Modern Boarding School that adopted mixed curriculum between
curriculum of Islamic boarding school and curriculum of state education. The
Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School has several education units. They are,
MTs, TKs, MA, SMA, and SMK, and Kuliyatul Quran wal Hadith Program.
Kuliyatul Quran wal Hadith Program has purpose to provide holders of the
holy Quran. This program is dormitory based program, it mean the students who
life in Zaid bin Thabit dormitory are students of Kuliyatul Quran wal Hadith
Program. The curriculum used in this program is adopted from other Hifz Quran
School with little appropriated with the curriculum of Assalaam Islamic Modern
Boarding School. Memorizing the holy Quran needs various media and pramedia
such as teacher who has memorized entire the holy Quran, supported environment,
and support from entire sides. All students who want to memorize the holy Quran
need high motivation, diligent, review the memorization persistently, and patience.

B. Problem Formulation
By considering of the background written above be concluded and be
formulated problems as follows:
1. What is Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School?
2. How is the relation of the modern society with the holy Quran?
3. What can we do to hold back the negative consequence caused by
progress of period?
4. What is the function of the holy Quran for human being?
5. What kinds of education units are available in Assalaam Islamic
Modern Boarding School?
6. How to memorize the holy Quran?
7. Is there any rule for the candidates of the Holder of the holy Quran?
8. How to maintain the memorization of the holy Quran?
9. Is there any problem in memorizing the holy Quran?

C. Limitation
The discussion of this erudition paper will be limited as follow:
1. The Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School
2. Education units in the Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School
3. Functions of the holy Quran
4. Kuliyatul Quran wal Hadith Program
5. Ways to memorize the holy Quran
6. Problems while memorizing the holy Quran

D. The Purpose of Writing
1. To explain education process in Kuliyatul Quran wal Hadith
2. To finish the last task of study at Assalaam Islamic Modern
Boarding School

E. The Method of Writing Paper
In this erudition paper, the writer uses literature method and case
study. Case study is the writer observes Kuliyatul Quran wal Hadith
Program in Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School.

F. The Systematic of Writing
Marginally, writing of this erudition paper is separated to four
1. Chapter I
This chapter contains the background, problem formulation that will
discussed in this erudition, problem limitation, writing purpose,
research method, and writing systematic.
2. Chapter II
This chapter contains the overview of Assalaam Islamic Modern
Boarding School include, the history, alumnus profile, formal
education units, and special education.
3. Chapter III
This chapter contains the explanation about Kuliyatul Quran wal
Hadith Program include, background, the teachers, the students, the
curriculum, the holy Quran education, and obstacle that faced.
4. Chapter IV
This chapter contains the conclusion of chapter II and chapter III,
and suggestion to the related sides, so Kuliyatul Quran wal Hadith
Program grows like clockwork.

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