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Far Eastern University NOVEMBER 2021

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts




1. The assessment 6 is a formative assessment in the assignment section of your canvas.

2. Answers and solutions must be submitted on or before November 6, 2021 at the assignment section of
your canvas and not on other accounts. The assignment section of your canvas is the repository and the
record section of all your assignments so all assignments only in this section will be checked and not on
other accounts. So don’t be late in submitting your assignment, always be on time. Submit your
assignment early so that you will have no problems in submitting it beating the deadline.
3. Final answer must be written on the tabulation provided at the start of the problem. The format of this
questionnaire must be submitted with your final answer in the tabulation. The tabulated final answers
must be enclosed by a table or tabulation. If you have no tabulated final answers then you will be zero in
this assessment. There must be an answer in no.1 question.
4. Questions requiring numerical computations and answers must be accompanied by fully illustrated
solutions in order to be credited. If you will submit your solution not on the spaces provided, see to it that
it is organized, orderly and written legibly in a white coupon bond and not on other colored or lined paper
based on the order of questions, to ensure proper assessment. Erasures in the solution must be
5. This assignment section is exclusively for this assessment only. The item you submitted in this section is
your final item submitted. If you submit assessment on other subject or other assessment in this subject
which is not for this section then your score will be automatically zero since there is only one attempt to
submit in this assessment. So be careful in submitting your assessment, always check what you will
submit. If you submit your assessment to other professor, then your score will be also zero. A confusing
assessment is not allowed.
6. Numerical answer must be rounded off to two decimal places only unless it is specified in the questions.
7. The coverage of this assessment is lecture readings 10 to 12.
8. Cheating in this assessment is prohibited. If you are proven cheating you will be zero in this assessment.
9. The following rules are implemented in checking:
a. correct final answer and correct solution is considered correct.
b. wrong final answer and wrong solution is considered wrong.
c. correct final answer but wrong solution is considered wrong.
d. wrong final answer but correct solution is considered wrong.
e. no solution but with correct final answer is considered wrong.
f. no final answer but with solution is wrong.
g. erasure in the final answer is considered wrong.

So, be careful in your answer and solution before you submit.


Far Eastern University NOVEMBER 2021
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts





QUESTION 1) Did you read and understand all the directions and instructions? If your answer is YES, write the number
143 in the tabulation (question 1) then you can proceed answering the succeeding questions but if your answer is
NO, write the number 666 in the tabulation (question 1) then the succeeding problems will be marked wrong. If you
have no answer or you write any word or number except 143 and 666, then you automatically scored zero on this entire

(NOS. 2-3) PROBLEM 1. Given are the loadings of the beam in the figure. Assuming all bearings are frictionless. Beam AB is
in equilibrium and it weighs 640 kN.

2) What is the weight W in kN?

Far Eastern University NOVEMBER 2021
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

3) What is the vertical reaction at A in KN?

(Nos. 4-5) PROBLEM 2. The beam is shown

4) What is the reaction R1 in KN?

5) What is the reaction R2 in KN?

Far Eastern University NOVEMBER 2021
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

(Nos. 6-7) PROBLEM 2. The beam is shown

6) What is the reaction at A in KN?

7) What is the vertical reaction at B in KN?

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