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THE Lilac Treasure


On A cold July night 1995, on the abandon streets of Otago, A 19

year old young boy walks heavy steps leaving deep prints behind
on the cold snow. The boy’s dark green coat flowed in the air. He
had Brown hair covering his left blue eye. He had had a book
wrapped in light brown paper tucked inside his cloak’s pocket.
Suddenly he stopped, he heard footsteps approaching him. Then
the sound stopped instead a rough voice spoke,” You shouldn't be
here ROUNGER”. “Neither should you Macnair”, David spoke in a
calm voice, as he spoke he turned to see a tall man wearing
brown robes, He grinned so that there were lines at the tip of his
green eyes. Suddenly Macnair took a sword, but David wasn't
surprised. Macnair made a move but David dodged them
easily.”Is that all MACNAIR?”David asked lazily and there was a
flash of bright white light and David was gone. “You can’t get
away ROUNGER!” came Macnair’s rough voice. David who
appeared from behind a snack bar using his transporting ability,
just smiled and headed in the direction where mountains were. It
was midnight when he reached a large boulder. He kept his Palm
on it, just as he placed them a Large ‘F’ carving appeared and a
chunk which was blue in colour and a ‘D’ in center, shone.
Moments later the boulder moved and David entered to reveal a
brightly lit and a warm, large room laid with a blue carpet lined
with silver, torches hung from the pearly white walls. In the
corner of the room, there was a glass tank containing some gold
liquid and beside it was a large wooden trunk. In the middle of
the room was a table laid with silver cloth, 2 boys were asleep in
a couch and a girl was sitting at a table writing something on a
parchment, drinking the same gold liquid in a glass goblet which
was in the tank. She slowly rose her head to see who had come,
she had sparkly black hair and brown eyes, she wore a woolly red
sweater that covered half her neck. “Have you got the book?” The
girl asked David,” and what took you so long?” she added in a
sweet voice.
“Yes Ursa” he replied as he laid the brown package beside her
hand (that was covered with her woolly sweater)
“I met A Zach, It was Macnair, he attacked me-- I got away” he
added seeing the horrified face of her.
Relieved, Ursa threw a parchment ball, each to the two boys.
They squinted a little but when Ursa yelled them to wake up they
got straight up.
“David your back!”Said the boy who had blonde hair, pale skin,
and blue eyes shining brightly, was Billy Frank.
“Did you get the book?” said the other face filled with curiosity,
who had dark skin, Black eyes and teeth arranged neatly and was
pearly white opposite to his skin, was Ken Branson.
“Yes, our first part of the plan was successful but we have to find
where the pearl is before Marin does. A clue is here somewhere
in the book.”
Ursa meanwhile had tore open the brown package to reveal an
old Green book, she opened it and scanned the index with her
finger a and stopped at a point then rummaged the pages and
stopped. “Aha! Here is a passage about the Emerald Coronet!
The Emerald coronet is an ancient treasure that was created by Ronda Raves. It is quoth
that when the Coronet sits on one's head, thou hath endless Powers what be more than
like to the people towards the all of the earth whom hath magical abilities. Yet to get
hands on this coronet thou shall hast to get 3 things as nearly impossible to get, they
The lilac pearl
Saphire locket
Orange ruby ring
And when when've done gathering all the ancient treasures, u shall know what to do.
Ursa stopped, but she kept her eyes on the page. She was
thinking something.

“ What does ‘u shall know what to do’ mean? Cant they just tell
the proper steps like given in cake recipe websites?” Said Ken
frowning and he had his eyebrow so strained. Clearly he is
“This is Okay but where IS the first object : the pearl?” said Billy.
“There must be a clue in the book. It MUST be!” said David
“Don’t be some chickens guys, Wait! I think there is. It IS like the
cake recipe websites!” Ursa exclaimed suddenly finally getting her
eyes off the book she was nodding slowly. She got off the chair
and went to a corner where there was the wooden trunk. She
rummaged in it for a while finally taking a piece of parchment
that looked very old.
“Oh! Ursa you all this while you had a map to where we can find
the Emerald coronet!” said Ken sarcastically. “Yes I know right?
This took me a while to figure it out.” Replied Ursa. “WAIT That
paper really is the map? I was just teasing around!” Ken was
telling with a bright face. “Well, it is not really a map but a step
forward to find that Coronet I guess.” Ursa said while laying it
down on the table revealing a paper with symbols and letters.
Everyone stayed quite just watching Ursa work
with pencil and paper. “Aha! Found it! Found it!-”
Ursa sang and danced. David interrupted, “Ursa,
we all know you sing and dance very well, just
say what you cracked up.” “Yeah, I am sorry, you
see the moment I saw the little symbols down
here on the same page, I just knew that I saw
them somewhere then I remembered my
grandma gave me some paper with these same
symbols. She told me it was a thing which passed
on from her ancestors and she told me to keep it
safe. I didn’t know where to use it at first and I had given up hope
on this until today, we can use this to crack the symbols and voila I
did it and I got ‘The sewers’ that does make some meaning
“Hmm, sewers there are around thousands of them around how
we know to check the exact point?” said Billy.
“Whatever it is we need to act fast” said Ken.
“Wait, this is the first clue, which is, this is the place where the
Lilac pearl is hidden. All pearls are Carbonate mineral. Carbonate
minerals are found in deep water areas. So, we just have to find a
sewer which deep under water.” Said, as always smart David.
“Good lecture, but is there something like the deep water sewer?”
Asked Billy.
Ursa said pouting her lips, “Maybe there is and its hidden we need
to check the map.”
Ursa walked around the room stopped at a point, in front of the
marble walls. She kept her hands somewhere near it which was a
hidden hand sensor. The wall slided open. To reveal some kind of a
modern base, this was neatly filled with so many gadgets. At a
corner there were 4 costumes one had a D batch, one had a U
batch, One had a K batch, and the last one had a B batch. Ursa
followed by the other walked in the room. Ursa stopped around a
table typed something in the tablet beside it and BOOM a mini
hologram image of the Otago map came up. She focused to the
sewers. “There is no deep water sewers.” Said Ken. Ursa kept
sliding the hologram. Billy suddenly said “STOP! Here at this point.
There is a hatch I guess that opens to the deep waters”
“Oh that may be a possibility.” Said David.
“You’re welcome”, Said Billy.

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