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Integrity Clause: This assignment is my own work, except where I have acknowledged the

use of the works of other people.

Name: Rohan Ardiente Date: September 26, 2022

Course and Year: BSECE-2

Integrity Clause: This assignment is my own work, except where I have acknowledged the
use of the works of other people.

Greetings! I'm Rohan Ardiente, a current 2nd year Electronic Engineering student. I
don't have any nicknames so just call me Rohan or Ardiente. I'm from Cebu City.
Recently, I am playing and watching volleyball almost everyday since it is so much fun
for me even though it is very physically demanding. My other hobby is watching anime,
movies, and/or American series. My one childish goal is to invent even just one thing that
can change the lives of everyone for the better but now, my goal is to earn money, be
somewhat rich, retire early and find other things that I'm passionate about without any
financial worries.


My project is all about making a regulated power supply from scratch. I want to
build a power supply that transforms the 220 volt alternating current we use every day
into a 5 volt direct current with various applications in the field of electronics. By
working on this project, I will be able to enhance not only my soldering abilities, but
also other skills necessary for an electronic engineer, such as understanding a
schematic diagram and translating it into a PCB layout.

This project is significant to me because it will serve as a power source for devices
such as the mini drill and circuits I will design in the near future that require direct
current as an input. I can also use it to test various components, such as the light
emitting diode and dynamo, before soldering them into the circuit.
Integrity Clause: This assignment is my own work, except where I have acknowledged the
use of the works of other people.


I was also an electronic major in junior high school because our school provides
technical vocational education, but due to a scheduling problem, my classmates and I
were switched into plumbing instead. I heard that the final project for grade 10 pupils
before moving up was to build their own regulated power supply, which sparked my
interest, but I lacked the necessary supplies and tools. But then I enrolled in CIT-U's
electronic engineering program and obtained the skills required to create a DIY
regulated power supply.


1. Plan Phase

Working on the project, I meticulously planned it. The checklist I created for the
project covers the following items:
1. Create or obtain a schematic diagram of the regulated power supply.
2. To be safe, list all of the materials and components from the schematic diagram,
as well as any other materials that I believe I will require, and purchase them with at
least one substitute for each component.
3. Create a PCB layout that will act as my reference.
4. Connect the components with a soldering iron and soldering lead, then test for
5. Make a box to house all of the wire, the transformer, and the PCB.

I completed every item on my checklist, although not in the order listed since I
created a PCB layout straight after discovering the schematic diagram I required, then
went to different stores around Colon because not all of the components I needed
were available in a single store.

2. Preparation Phase

On September 26, 2022, early in the morning, I began working on my project. I

watched many YouTube videos to completely grasp all of the procedures needed in
producing a power supply and search for a schematic diagram in google. I can
complete this project at home since I have all of the necessary equipment. I can
accomplish everything on my checklist above on my own, but I need to double time,
so I asked my father, Ronald Pielago, to construct a plywood box for me. Preparing
for this project was exhausting since I had to visit many stores in the burning heat of
the sun to get all of the necessary components. It is also costly because the
transformer costs Php 300, but the whole cost of the project does not surpass Php
Integrity Clause: This assignment is my own work, except where I have acknowledged the
use of the works of other people.

3. Execution Phase

There will never be an output if there is no input. Because I don't have a complete
set up for my supposed-to-be workshop, creating the regulated power supply was
really difficult because I had to be inventive, such as using masking tape to keep the
components from moving as I soldered them. It's also frightening since one wrong
move might result in major burns from the soldering iron or electrocution while
checking the controlled power supply. I also had to separate the components from the
PCB in order to solder it more cleanly and securely. Overall, I enjoy being challenged,
so it was enjoyable. My father is experienced in woodworking, so he built the box
quickly with little effort. Because the box is actually built of scrapped wood, I had to
cover the outside with a plastic material at the end.


For me, life can be similar to the creation of this project in that I must study or gain
new skills in order to reach my objectives. If you spend your life without continually
thinking, it's like imitating the circuit/device of others without knowing the underlying
mechanism; you won't be able to handle the difficulties that may arise and will instead
rely on others. By working on this project, I learned:
1. to improve my soldering abilities In the past, I would quickly solder the
components to the PCB, resulting in a sloppy, brittle solder. I've learned to sand the
copper side of the PCB and the component wires first.
2. becoming more resourceful Because I don't have a complete set up that will
generally function as my additional pair of hands, I've learned to make do with what I
3. to be very cautious since working with 220 volts and a soldering iron is quite
risky. Both can result in serious injury, fire, or even death.
4. to think more critically as I attempted to comprehend the fundamental ideas on
how the power supply works and as a result, I am now confident that I can fix this
device on my own if it ever breaks down in the future.

I am confident that I will create this project again in the future, but instead of just
converting 220ACV to 5DCV, I will be able to adjust the output from the outside to a
range of 3DCV to 9DCV because power supplies are critical for electronics
engineering students.
Integrity Clause: This assignment is my own work, except where I have acknowledged the
use of the works of other people.


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