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Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
Department of Architecture

Qualification: BBE: ARCHITECTURE

Qualification code: BBARC1
Module code: CNTA102

The importance of understanding building components, stages and process cannot be over-
emphasised in construction technology. This assignment will enable you to articulate the basics and
fundamentals of construction technology of buildings. Your task is to conduct research into
key building components/stages and how the construction process works. You are expected to
be reflective and show critical engagement with the assignment.


In alignment with South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) outcomes, at the
end of Construction Technology 1A, the learners will be able to demonstrate;

 Basic knowledge of construction materials and uses for materials related to simple low rise
building types
 Basic knowledge of the basic structural concepts pertaining to buildings


A RESEARCH REPORT with the following components:

a. Introduction
b. Site works
 Site preparation
 Definition of Setting-out/Methods of Setting-out
 Excavation of trenches
 Include all relevant information
c. Foundations
 Definition
 Purpose
 Related structural components of foundations
 Types of foundations
 Foundation Footings/Types
 Include all relevant information
d. Slabs
 Definition of slabs
 Thickness of slabs
 Application
 Components of slabs
 Installation of slabs
 Include all relevant information
e. Walls
 Definition of walls
 Types and sizes
 Relevant applications
 Bonding in walls
 Include all relevant information

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f. Windows/Doors
 Definitions of Doors/Windows
 Types of Doors/Windows
 Materials
 Frames and Panels
 Mullions
 Sizes
 Additional structural components
 Functions of doors/windows
 Include all relevant information
g. Lintels
 Definition of Lintels
 Types
 Sizes
 Composition (made of) and additional components
 Reason(s) for usage/application
 Include all relevant information
h. Ceilings
 Definition
 Functions
 Types and relevant information
 Include sizes (panels if relevant)
 Installation processes
 Materials
 Additional components and their sizes
 Include all relevant information
i. Roofs
 Definition of roofs
 Materials
 Various members – sizes
 Pitches
 Relevant usage and application
 Installation and waterproofing systems
 Include all relevant information
j. Conclusion
k. Lessons learnt from the research conducted
l. Recommendations to show you clearly understand the assignment (A meaningful
reflection in light of the research conducted)
m. References.

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% Overall Project Criteria

100 Project is fully resolved and realized
95 Project is exceptionally innovative with no visible flaws
90 Project is innovative and the design holistically considered
85 Project has outstanding design features and is exceptionally well delivered
80 Project demonstrates innovation and design fundamentally well considered
75 Projects demonstrates original thought and resolution
70 Project is original, but envelope not pushed far enough
65 Project is considered, but design not well applied
60 Project shows some well-considered aspects, but is not fully resolved
55 Project not well resolved
50 Project is unresolved and poorly executed
45 Project is below expectations
40 Project is unfinished and badly executed
30 Project is mostly incomplete
20 Project is substantially incomplete
10 Project is completely unresolved and incomplete
0 No work has been handed in


 Brief Issued - 17 March 2022
 Final Submission – 07 April 2022 by 16h00 (latest) to Moodle


1. ONLY submissions to Moodle will be taken into account, sending it to me via any other
channel will be deemed as a non-submission.
2. Use relevant images, pictures, sketches etc where necessary to demonstrate your
understanding of the assignment.
3. This report must be in an A4 size format.
4. There will be a penalty for incorrect referencing format – including IN TEXT referencing
and captions to images of 10%. This has no bearing on issues of plagiarism, which will
still be dealt with separately according to the DUT policy.
5. Please do submit timeously.
6. Declaration of Authorship of work should form part of your submission
The practicalities of this is that you work will have to be exceptional for you to attract a passing
mark if it is late or submitted incorrectly or you do not apply the referencing skills you have
already being taught.

Please use this link to access the moodle platform:

Please refer to the DUT library page for the latest Harvard referencing guide.

 A Research Report as outlined above

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 The assessment is broken down into different categories included in the marking rubric shown
below. Each component will be assessed for its clear, accurate, meaningful and relevant
information and portrayal thereof.

Marking weighting
10% - Overall presentation of research report
40% - Relevance and depth of research
40% - Detailed discussion of the key building components/stages as outlined in the brief
10% - Recommendations/Personal reflection.


The Department is guided by DUT’s General Rules for All Instructional Programmes. The rule G13 (3)
specifically refers. Practically, this is implemented in the following manner.

a) It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all assignments/projects are submitted timeously and
correctly and that they sit for all practicals, tests and exams.

b) Should students miss the deadline for assignments/projects, the following penalties will apply.
a. Penalty of 10% of the grade for work that is submitted after the deadline but within the day of
b. Penalty of 20% of the grade for work that is submitted one day after the deadline.
c. Penalty of 35% of the grade for work that is submitted two days after the deadline.
d. Penalty of 50% of the grade for work that is submitted three days after the deadline.
e. Penalty of 65% of the grade for work that is submitted four days after the deadline.
f. Penalty of 80% of the grade for work that is submitted five days after the deadline.
g. Work submitted six or more days after the deadline will not be assessed.


By uploading this work for assessment, I hereby declare that the following project that I am submitting is my
own original work. The project as a whole and everything that comprises the project was accompanied was
compiled or completed on my own. This applies to both the conception and execution of the work. All
precedents, images, plans et cetera and any borrowed ideas of any meaningful nature have been duly
acknowledged within the work.


 Departmental rules will apply to all aspects of the project

 Refer to the Module Study Guide for Guidelines governing the module hand-in, contact time,
 Note on plagiarism – Any student caught plagiarising or copying other people’s work (both
written or drawn) will be referred to the Academic Registrar.

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