081 - Principles of Flight - Questions

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Question N 1

For a given gust speed and aircraft TAS, what is the impact of the lift curve’s
slope on the gust load factor?

A The steeper the lift curve’s slope, the greater the gust load factor.

B The steeper the lift curve’s slope, the smaller the gust load factor.

C The lift curve’s slope has no impact on the gust load factor.

D The shallower the lift curve’s slope, the greater the gust load factor.

Question N 2
The speed V B in gust diagram...

A equals 50 ft/s.

B equals 66 ft/s.

C equals 55 ft/s.

D equals 25 ft/s.

Question N 3
An aerobatic aircraft has a V S0 (landing config) of 110 kt and a V S 1 (clean) of 123
What is the V A for this aircraft?

A 220 kt

B 258 kt

C 270 kt

D 301 kt
Question N 4
The Never Exceed Speed (V N E ) is set…

A never above VD.

B below VD.

C equal to VD.

D at 0.9 of VD.

Question N 5
The limiting load of a:

A Light aircraft will be reached at a lower value than that of a heavier aircraft.

B Light aircraft will be reached at a higher value than that of a heavier aircraft.

C Heavy aircraft will be reached at a higher value than that of a lighter aircraft.

D Heavy aircraft will be reached at a lower value than that of a lighter aircraft.

Question N 6
The negative manoeuvring limit load factor for a transport aeroplane in the clean
configuration at V D may not be less than:

A 0.

B -1.52.

C -1.
D -3.0.

Question N 7
The following is a correct design gust value factor applied in certification under

A 25 ft/sec at VD.

B 50 ft/sec at VD.

C 55 ft/sec at VB.

D 66 ft/sec at VC.

Question N 8
An aircraft certified under CS-23 has a VA of 181 kt at a mass of 5.7 t. The
value of VA at a mass of 4.1 t is:

A 130 kt

B 213 kt

C 154 kt

D 252 kt

Question N 9
The following is a correct design gust value factor applied in certification under

A 25 ft/sec at VB.
B 50 ft/sec at VD.

C 55 ft/sec at VD.

D 66 ft/sec at VB.

Question N 10
You are the pilot flying of an aircraft with normal speed, and the load factor
stable and constant. While climbing, you feel vibrations through the fuselage
and, in particular, the rudder pedals. In response, you apply a very small and
gentle pedal input, which stops the vibration. This vibration is a result of...

A Slack in the control linkages, which, combined with the current speed, causes the rudder to vibrate.

B Elasticity and vibration will reduce if the pilot increases the speed for a faster airflow.

C Elasticity, which is caused by the relative flexible construction of, in particular, the wings.

D Flutter and, if the speed is maintained, the unstable vibration will increase and the rudder will

Question N 11
For most jet transport aeroplanes, the maximum operating limit speed, V MO :

A is expressed as a true air speed.

B is replaced by MMO at higher altitudes.

C is equal to VD.

D is lower than VNE.

Question N 12
All gust lines in the gust load diagram originate from a point where the:

A speed = 0, load factor = +1.

B speed = VS, load factor = 0.

C speed = 0, load factor = 0.

D speed = VB, load factor = +1.

Question N 13
The never exceed speed (V N E ) is set so it never exceeds…



C (0.9) x VC

D (0.9) x VD

Question N 14
The speed V LE is the maximum speed to be flown:

A With the leading edge devices extended.

B During extension of the leading edge devices.

C During extension of the landing gear.

D With the landing gear extended.

Question N 15
When flutter damping of control surfaces is obtained by mass balancing, these
weights will be located with respect to the hinge of the control surface:

A in front of the hinge.

B behind the hinge.

C above the hinge.

D below the hinge.

Question N 16
An aeroplane maintains straight and level flight at a speed of 1.8 VS. A vertical
gust causes a load factor of 1.9. Determine the load factor n caused by the
same gust at a speed of 2VS:

A 1.80

B 2.00

C 3.24

D Not relevant. The gust at 1.8 VS would cause a stall.

Question N 17
Control surface flutter can be eliminated by:

A reducing structural stiffness of the control surface attachment structure.

B mass balancing of the control surface.

C increasing airspeed.

D aerodynamic balancing of the control surface.

Question N 18
An aircraft is flying in steady, straight and level flight with a Coefficient of Lift of
0.47. Calculate the final load factor if a vertical gust increases the angle of
attack by 3°.Consider that a change in 1° of Angle of Attack produces a change
in CL of 0.1.

A 1.64

B 1.77

C 1.47

D 0.61

Question N 19
A Cessna Skyhawk has a VA of 123 kts when its mass is 2 300 lbs. Determine
its Va at a mass of 1 900 lbs:

A 102 kt

B 112 kt

C 135 kt

D 149 kt

Question N 20
The lift coefficient (CL) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.35. An
increase in angle of attack of 1 degree would increase CL by 0.079. If a vertical
gust instantly changes the angle of attack by 2 degrees, the load factor will be:

A 0.45.

B 0.9.
C 1.9.

D 1.45.

Question N 21
The negative manoeuvring limit load factor for a transport aeroplane in the clean
configuration up to V C may not be less than:

A -1.

B -1.52.

C -3.0.

D -1.76.

Question N 22
For a given gust velocity, by how much would the gust load increase for an
aircraft flying at 40000 ft, compared to the same aircraft flying at sea level, if the
EAS remains the same? The gust load would increase by..

A zero, there will be no increase at all.

B twice as much.

C half as much.

D a quarter.

Question N 23
An aircraft with a 1 g stalling speed of 70 kt and limit load factor of 2.5 would
have a V A of..
A 111 kt.

B 175 kt.

C 44 kt.

D 105 kt.

Question N 24
The lift coefficient (CL) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.4. An
increase in angle of attack of 1 degree will increase CL by 0.09. A vertical up
gust instantly changes the angle of attack by 5 degrees. The load factor will be:

A 1.09

B 3.18

C 2.0

D 2.13

Question N 25
V LE is defined as the:

A maximum flap extended speed.

B maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended or retracted.

C maximum authorised speed.

D maximum landing gear extended speed.

Question N 26
The negative manoeuvring limit load factor for a light aeroplane in the normal
category in the clean configuration may not be less than:

A -1.

B -3.0.

C -1.52.

D -1.76.

Question N 27
Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are
correct or incorrect?
I. When the mass decreases, the gust load factor increases.
II. When the altitude decreases, the gust load factor increases.

A I is correct, II is correct.

B I is correct, II is incorrect.

C I is incorrect, II is incorrect.

D I is incorrect, II is correct.

Question N 28
To which category is MMO applicable?

A CS25

B Neither category

C CS23 & CS25

D CS23
Question N 29
V C is..

A a specially recommended penetration speed for severe turbulence.

B the maximum tested airspeed where the aircraft is free from any signs of dynamic pressure
overload, flutter, and/or control reversal.

C a speed selected by the designer and used to assess the strength requirements in cruise.

D the highest speed at which sudden, full elevator deflection (nose up) can be made without
exceeding the design limit load factor.

Question N 30
V LO is the speed at which it is safe to fly with the...

A landing gear extended.

B leading edge devices in transit.

C landing gear in transit.

D leading edge devices extended.

Question N 31
The positive manoeuvring limit load factor for an aeroplane with flaps extended

A 2.5.

B 3.75.

C 2.0.
D 1.5.

Question N 32
In order to prevent flight control surface flutter, the centre of mass of the flight
control should be…

A in the middle of the flight control surface.

B in front of the hinge line.

C at the hinge line.

D behind the hinge line.

Question N 33
You are flying at FL 380 and encounter a thunderstorm up ahead. You can’t fly
around it, what do you do?

A Fly at your VS1 speed

B Fly at your VRA speed

C Fly at your VNO speed

D Fly at your VA speed

Question N 34
The speed V C in gust diagram...

A equals 50 ft/s.

B equals 66 ft/s.
C equals 55 ft/s.

D equals 25 ft/s.

Question N 35
Which of these statements concerning flight in turbulence is correct?

A The load factor in turbulence may fluctuate above and below 1 and can even become negative.

B In severe turbulence, speed should be reduced to approximately 1.2 V S.

C When encountering turbulence during flight, the speed should be adjusted to the design speed for
maximum gust intensity VB.

D Above VB the aeroplane can never be overstressed by a gust.

Question N 36
What is V D ?

A The highest speed at which sudden, full elevator deflection (nose-up) can be made WITHOUT
exceeding the design limit load factor.

B The maximum tested airspeed where the aircraft is free from any signs of dynamic pressure
overload, flutter, and/or control reversal.

C A speed selected by the designer and used to assess the strength requirements in cruise.

D A specially recommended penetration speed for severe turbulence.

Question N 37
The stall speed line in the manoeuvring load diagram runs through a point where
A speed = 0, load factor = +1.

B speed = VB, load factor = gust load factor.

C speed = VA, load factor = limit load factor.

D speed = VS, load factor = 0.

Question N 38
Calculate the V A for an aerobatic aeroplane with a V S0 of 43 kt and a V S1 of 58 kt.

A 103 kt

B 117 kt

C 143 kt

D 120 kt

Question N 39
The positive manoeuvring limit load factor for a light aeroplane in the normal
category in the clean configuration may not be less than:

A 6.0.

B 4.4.

C 3.8.

D 2.5.

Question N 40
Aileron reversal can occur at..

A low speeds when wing with the up-going aileron exceeds that wing’s critical Angle Of Attack.

B low speeds when the wing with the down-going aileron twists, increasing that wing’s camber.

C high speeds when the wing with the down-going aileron twists, reducing that wing’s Lift

D high speeds when the wing with the up-going aileron causes sufficient drag, leading to adverse

Question N 41
All other parameters remaining constant, what happens to V A (Design
Manoeuvring Speed) if the weight of an aeroplane reduces by 20%?

A VA will decrease by approximately 10%.

B VA will decrease by approximately 20%.

C VA will increase by approximately 10%.

D VA will increase by approximately 20%.

Question N 42
The positive manoeuvring limit load factor for a light aeroplane in the aerobatic
category in the clean configuration may not be less than:

A 2.5.

B 6.0.

C 4.4.

D 3.8.
Question N 43
In addition to V L E , a V LO limit may be added if at (1) _____ the aerodynamic loads
would make operation of the (2) _____ unsafe.

A (1) VLE; (2) landing gear

B (1) VLO; (2) leading edge

C (1) VLO; (2) landing gear

D (1) VLE; (2) leading edge

Question N 44
For an aeroplane certified under CS-23, V N E is the maximum speed..

A an aeroplane can be flown at with flaps extended.

B at which the aeroplane may be flown in cruise.

C at which the aeroplane may be flown.

D which must not be exceeded in a dive.

Question N 45
Wing flutter may be prevented by:

A Locating mass in front of the torsion axis of the wing.

B Increasing the aspect ratio of the wing.

C Mounting the engines on the fuselage.

D Installing the fuel tanks in the fuselage.

Question N 46
Your aircraft weight is reduced from 70 000 kg to 30 000 kg, how will this affect
the gust load?

A Initially increases and then decreases.

B It remains the same.

C It increases.

D It decreases.

Question N 47
Which statement is true regarding positive limit load factor on CS25 and CS23?

A CS23 has a higher value

B CS25 has a higher value

C CS23 and CS25 have the same value

D CS25 does not have a limiting load factor

Question N 48
How does the V A change if the the aeroplane's mass decreases with 20%?

A Decreases by 10% approximately

B Decreases by 20% approximately

C Increases by 20% approximately

D Increases by 10% approximately

Question N 49
During flight an aircraft experiences severe turbulence and the speed increases
to its design dive speed (V D ). It is a design requirement that, in these conditions,
the aeroplane can withstand a vertical gust of _____ feet/second.

A 25

B 66

C 50

D 56

Question N 50
Regarding the speeds V N O , V MO and V N E , which of the following answers is

A VNO is the maximum normal operating airspeed for an aeroplane certified under CS-25. It can only
be exceeded in smooth air.

B VMO is the maximum operating speed permitted in normal conditions for an aeroplane certified
under CS-25. It may be exceeded by a maximum of 10% in an emergency descent.

C For an aeroplane certified under CS-25, VMO is the maximum speed that must not be deliberately
exceeded in any regime, unless a higher speed has been authorised for a particular flight.

D For an aeroplane certified under CS-23, VNE is the maximum speed to be flown with the flaps

Question N 51
The following is a correct design gust value factor applied in certification under
A 25 ft/sec at VB.

B 50 ft/sec at VC.

C 55 ft/sec at VC.

D 66 ft/sec at VD.

Question N 52
Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect?
I. If flutter occurs, IAS should be kept constant.
II. Resistance to flutter increases with reducing wing stiffness.

A I is incorrect, II is correct.

B I is correct, II is incorrect.

C I is incorrect, II is incorrect.

D I is correct, II is correct.

Question N 53
Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are
correct or incorrect?
I. When the slope of the lift versus angle of attack curve increases, the gust l oad
factor decreases.
II. When the wing loading increases, the gust load factor increases.

A I is correct, II is incorrect.

B I is correct, II is correct.

C I is incorrect, II is correct.

D I is incorrect, II is incorrect.
Question N 54
The lift coefficient (CL) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.42. An
increase in angle of attack of 1 degree increases CL by 0.1. A vertical up gust
instantly changes the angle of attack by 3 degrees. The load factor will be:

A 1.49

B 2.49

C 0.74

D 1.71

Question N 55
A crop duster utility aircraft has a V SO (landing config) of 55 kt and a V S1 (clean)
of 70 kt.
What is the V A for this aircraft?

A 107 kt

B 115 kt

C 136 kt

D 147 kt

Question N 56
Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are
correct or incorrect?
I. When the mass decreases, the gust load factor increases.
II. When the altitude increases, the gust load factor increases.

A I is correct, II is correct.
B I is incorrect, II is correct.

C I is incorrect, II is incorrect.

D I is correct, II is incorrect.

Question N 57
The stall speed line in the manoeuvring load diagram runs through a point where

A speed = VA, load factor = +1.

B speed = VS, load factor = +1.

C speed = VB, load factor = +1.

D speed = 0, load factor = +1.

Question N 58
An aeroplane certified under the CS-25 flying WITHOUT failures, malfunctions,
or adverse conditions remains within the flutter -free flight envelope if flown
below an established speed limit. This speed is expressed as a(n)…


B Mach number



Question N 59
What may happen if the "ultimate load factor" is exceeded?
A Elastic or temporary deformation only.

B No structural failure, only plastic or permanent deformation.

C Structural failure.

D Flutter.

Question N 60
An aircraft is taking off, its V A is 260 kt. If weight decreases by 20%, the new
V A will be…

A 234 kt

B 286 kt

C 208 kt

D 312 kt

Question N 61
What can happen to the aeroplane structure flying at a speed just exceeding V A ?

A It will collapse if a turn is made.

B It may suffer permanent deformation if the elevator is fully deflected upwards.

C It may suffer permanent deformation because the flight is performed at too large dynamic pressure.

D It may break if the elevator is fully deflected upwards.

Question N 62
The positive manoeuvring limit load factor for a light aeroplane in the utility
category in the clean configuration may not be less than:

A 6.0.

B 3.8.

C 2.5.

D 4.4.

Question N 63
During an emergency descent, the pilot of an aeroplane inadvertently exceeds
V N E . In these conditions, what type of hazard should the pilot be aware of?

A Structural damage if unexpected turbulence is encountered.

B Mach tuck.

C Uncontrollable yaw moment towards the failed engine in case of an engine failure.

D Structural damage.

Question N 64
The manouveuring speed (V A ) of a Cessna Skyhawk at 2550 lb is 102 kt. What is
the V A at mass of 1900 lb?

A 118

B 76

C 88

D 102
Question N 65
An aircraft has a V A speed of 100 kts, at 5.4 tonnes. Calculate the new V A speed
at a mass of 4.7 tonnes

A 93

B 107

C 115

D 87

Question N 66
A flight instructor is demonstrating stall and stall recovery during a lesson. As a
part of the exercise, the instructor demonstrates the use of excessive pitch -
down stick input during the initial portion of the recovery. Recovering from the
dive, the pilot applies excessive back force on the stick, which forces the
aeroplane to enter a secondary (accelerated) stall. Considering the aeroplane
limitations given below, what speed range should the aeroplane be operated in
order to safely carry out this demonstration?
V S : 45 kt
V A : 100 kt
V N O : 125 kt
V N E : 160 kt.

A 45 kt to 100 kt.

B 100 kt to 125 kt.

C 45 kt to 125 kt.

D 100 kt to 160 kt.

Question N 67
You are flying a crop duster in the utility category with a V s o of 45 kts and a
V s 1 of 58 kts. What is the Va speed?
A 66 kt

B 113 kt

C 122 kt

D 94 kt

Question N 68
Mass balancing of control surfaces is used to:

A ensure that the control surfaces are in the mid-position during taxiing.

B limit the stick forces.

C increase the stick force stability.

D prevent flutter of control surfaces.

Question N 69
Which of the following statements is correct?
I. A higher limit load factor allows the manufacturer to design for a lower
stick force per g.
II. The stick force per g is a limitation on aeroplane's operation, which
the pilot can determine from the Aeroplane Flight Manual.

A I. is correct, II. is incorrect.

B I. is correct, II. is correct.

C I. is incorrect, II. is incorrect.

D I. is incorrect, II. is correct.

Question N 70
VFE means the:

A Maximum speed with flaps extended.

B Speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail during take-off.

C Design flap speed for procedure flight conditions.

D Maximum flap extension or retraction speed.


Release date: 2022.12.18.

Question N° 71
Refer to figure.
Choose the correct statement:
A Aerofoil A corresponds to line 3.

B Aerofoil A corresponds to line 4.

C Aerofoil D corresponds to line 1.

D Aerofoil C corresponds to line 2.

Question N° 72
Choose the correct statement:

A When the phugoid is slightly unstable, an aeroplane becomes uncontrollable.

B A slightly unstable short period oscillation is no problem for an aeroplane.

C The short period oscillation should always be heavily damped.

D The phugoid should always be heavily damped.

Question N° 73
One important advantage a turbulent boundary layer has over a laminar layer is
that the turbulent boundary layer:

A is thinner.

B has less tendency to separate from the surface.

C has less energy.

D has a lower skin friction drag.

Question N° 74
What is the purpose of vortex generators?

A To increase the kinetic energy of the boundary layer.

B To increase high-speed buffet due to shock wave formation.

C To reduce the aerofoil’s critical Angle Of Attack.

D To promote an earlier separation of the boundary layer.

Question N° 75
A student pilot is flying a spinning exercise. Included in the recovery actions
from an incipient spin is:

A Rudder deflection in the opposite direction to the yaw, with reference to the turn needle.

B Aileron deflection in the opposite direction to the yaw, with reference to the turn needle.

C Rudder deflection in the opposite direction to the yaw, with reference to the slip ball.
D Aileron deflection in the opposite direction to the yaw, with reference to the slip ball.

Question N° 76
Which of the following is a cause of form drag on an object in high -speed

A The energy taken from the object to produce vortices at edges and corners.

B The pressure difference between the leading edge and trailing edge.

C The energy taken from the object surface by the boundary layer.

D The pressure change across a shock wave that forms on the surface.

Question N° 77
Which plane and situation experiences the most amount of lift reduction?

A High wing on take-off

B Low wing on take-off

C High wing on landing

D Low wing on landing

Question N° 78
What would warn of an imminent stall when flying close to V S ?

A Difficulty in maintaining altitude, loss of elevator effectiveness and/or low speed buffet.

B Sharp, uncommanded pitch-down.

C Loss of all control effectiveness.

D Loss of engine power.

Question N° 79
In order to reduce friction drag, some wings are designed so that, compared to a
conventional aerofoil...

A the transition point is further aft to have more area with laminar flow.

B the transition point is further forward to have more area with turbulent flow.

C the separation point is further forward, to keep the boundary layer off the wing.

D the separation point is further aft to keep the boundary layer attached to the wing.

Question N° 80
Blade angle decreases from the root to the tip. How does the thrust of a basic
propeller vary from root to tip?

A Thrust increases away from the root, where it is low, but reduces back to zero at the tip.

B Thrust is low at the blade root and high at the blade tip.

C Thrust decreases away from the root, where it is high, to the tip, where it is lowest.

D Thrust is highest at the blade root and tip.

Question N° 81
Which of the following affect the setting of the stabiliser trim for take -off?
1. Flap setting
2. CG position
3. Actual take-off mass
4. Outside air temperature

A 1 and 4 only

B 1, 2, and 3

C 2 and 3 only

D 1, 3, and 4

Question N° 82
Regarding deep stall characteristics, identify whether the following statements
are correct or incorrect:
I. The combination of a wing with sweepback and a T-tail make an aeroplane
prone to deep stall.
II. A stick shaker system is fitted to an aeroplane to resolve deep stall problems.

A I is correct, II is correct.

B I is incorrect, II is incorrect.

C I is incorrect, II is correct.

D I is correct, II is incorrect.

Question N° 83
Refer to Tromso chart 11-2 from Jeppesen GSPRM 2017.
During the missed approach for Tromso, Norway (ENTC) ILS Rwy 19, the initial
turn for an approach category C aeroplane must be performed at a speed not
exceeding 160 kt, as otherwise you might...
A exceed the maximum speed for the final missed approach segment for the aircraft approach

B NOT be able to complete the missed approach turn within 7.7 DME TR in tailwind conditions and
thus fly close to terrain.

C exceed the calculated radius of turn and thus fly outside the protected area of the procedure.

D NOT be able to comply with the missed approach minimum climb gradient requirements.

Question N° 84
(For this question use annex ECQB-FCL-081-00004).
Angle "Y" in the diagram corresponds to the:

A Blade angle of attack.

B Advance or helix angle.

C Slipstream angle.
D Pitch or blade angle.

Question N° 85
An aerobatic aircraft is in steady 60 degree descent. Its weight is 8000 N.
Determine the value of lift required:

A 706 N

B 4 000 N

C 6 928 N

D 13 856 N

Question N° 86
The load factor is less than 1 (one):

A in steady wings level horizontal flight.

B during a steady horizontal turn.

C during recovery after a wings level stall.

D when lift is less than weight.

Question N° 87
A large transport jet flying in a busy airspace is cleared to fly at close to its
maximum altitude for its current inflight mass. At that altitude the aircraft
encounters clear air turbulence, which increases the AOA for a short time with
NO change in airspeed or Mach number. What is the effect of the increase in
AOA on the low-speed buffet margin?

A It is NOT affected.
B It decreases.

C It is removed.

D It increases.

Question N° 88
The highest value of the CL/CD ratio of an aeroplane is obtained:

A in the configuration where both the leading and trailing edge flaps are fully extended.

B in the configuration where only the trailing edge flaps are fully extended.

C in the clean configuration.

D in the configuration where only the leading edge slats are fully extended.

Question N° 89
Refer to figure.
Consider a subsonic airflow moving steadily through the Venturi Tube with no
leaks, as represented in the image. "1, 2, 3, 4" identify areas of different
speeds. The sequence that represents an increasing magnitude of airflow speed
A 1, 4, 2, 3

B 1,2, 3, 4

C 3, 2, 4, 1

D 4, 3, 2, 1

Question N° 90
The stall speed line in the manoeuvring load diagram runs through a point where

A speed = 0, load factor = +1.

B speed = VB, load factor = gust load factor.

C speed = VA, load factor = limit load factor.

D speed = VS, load factor = 0.

Question N° 91
Which plane and situation experiences the least amount of lift reduction?

A High wing on take-off

B Low wing on take-off

C High wing on landing

D Low wing on landing

Question N° 92
When an aeroplane has zero static longitudinal stability, the pitching moment
coefficient Cm versus angle of attack line:

A has a negative slope.

B is horizontal.

C is vertical.

D has a positive slope.

Question N° 93
I. A higher limit load factor allows the manufacturer to design for a lower
stick force per g.
II. The stick force per g is a limitation on aeroplane's operation, which
the pilot can determine from the Aeroplane Flight Manual.

A I. is correct, II. is incorrect.

B I. is correct, II. is correct.

C I. is incorrect, II. is incorrect.

D I. is incorrect, II. is correct.

Question N° 94
Considering an aeroplane’s manoeuvrability in pitch, the further forward the
centre of gravity..

A the less the manoeuvrability due to the increased static longitudinal stability.

B the less the manoeuvrability due to the increased dynamic longitudinal stability.

C the greater the manoeuvrability due to the increased elevator forces that can be achieved.

D the greater the manoeuvrability due to a longer elevator to CG arm, which increases the pitching

Question N° 95
A shock wave that is perpendicular to the direction of the flow is..

A a normal shock wave.

B an oblique shock wave.

C a bow wave.

D an expansion wave.

Question N° 96
An aircraft equipped with trailing edge flaps and leading -edge slats is about to
take-off and extends the devices to the Take-Off Position due to a malfunction,
the slats on the right wing remain retracted.
If the malfunction goes undetected, the possible consequences are:

A The left wing could stall upon trailing edge flap retraction.

B The right wing could stall shortly after rotation.

C The left wing could stall shortly after rotation.

D The right wing could stall upon trailing edge flap retraction.

Question N° 97
An aeroplane leaving the ground effect after take -off will experience..

A an increase in induced drag.

B a reduction in wing-tip vortices.

C a nose-down pitching moment.

D an increase in form drag.

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