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Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2020) 13: 314


Seismic identification of geothermal prospecting in Harrat Rahat,

Northern Arabian Shield
Abdullah M. Al-Amri 1 & Kamal Abdelrahman 1,4 & Robert Mellors 2 & David Harris 3

Received: 3 November 2019 / Accepted: 29 March 2020 / Published online: 13 April 2020
# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2020

Harrat Rahat volcanic field lies along the Makkah-Madinah-Nafud active volcanic line. It has extensive linear weak zones of
wrench faults that could provide ideal conduits for upwelling magma and hydrothermal fluids as well. Passive seismic data
recorded by seismic stations installed within and around Harrat Rahat has been processed for the detection of microseismic
events. Moreover, ambient noise was also gathered and analyzed to construct a subsurface velocity model. This model indicates
low velocity zone in Harrat Rahat, and two areas with coincident basement faults and possibly with enhanced subsurface
temperatures were identified. It is concluded that Harrat Rahat has high geothermal potential and promising for geothermal
renewable power.

Keywords Passive seismic data . Harrat Rahat . Geothermal renewable energy, Saudi Arabia

Introduction the Makkah-Madina-Nafud active volcanic line, MMN, has

been defined (Fig. 1) by a north-trending series of en eche-
Several investigations were conducted along the western lon vent systems forming the central axes of Harrats Rahat,
Arabian Shield (Al-Dayel, 1988; Roobol et al., 2007; Khaybar, and Ithnayn (Camp and Roobol, 1992). Harrat
Rehman and Shash, 2005; Rehman, 2010; Lashin and Al Rahat covers almost 20,000 km3 and extends over 300 km
Arifi, 2014; Lashin et al., 2015) and suggested major poten- along the MMN volcanic line. Two eruptions are known
tial areas for geothermal production in Saudi Arabia: hot from historical records; most notably one in 1256 AD that
springs in the southwestern region (Jizan and Al-Lith), vol- erupted about 0.5 km3 from a vent located approximately
canic areas (harrats), and granites in the northwest may be 22 km from the city of Madinah. The Precambrian basement
potentially productive as a site for Enhanced Geothermal beneath northern Harrat Rahat is distinguished by contain-
Systems and deep aquifers in eastern Saudi Arabia (Lashin ing large left-lateral wrench faults associated with the
et al., 2015). Recently, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has northwest-trending Najd fault system. These extensive
given more attention for the potential of renewable energy wrench faults are linear weak zones that could provide ideal
sources such as geothermal power. In the Arabian Shield, conduits for rising magma and/or ascending hydrothermal
Through this research work, a low-cost exploration strategy
Responsible Editor: Amjad Kallel was conducted which relies on available seismic data to con-
duct a first-order reconnaissance survey to identify geothermal
* Kamal Abdelrahman prospects within Harrat. The exploration will combine passive
seismic data with regional and local geologic maps to detect
and characterize anomalous zones in the shallow upper crust.
Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, College of Science, King Saud The seismic data will be used to infer regional heat flow by
University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia defining areas of high attenuation and brittle-ductile transition
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA zones. Furthermore, local seismicity occurs in high-strain re-
Deschutes Signal processing, Oregon, USA gions and may be a proxy for permeability. The combination
Seismology Department, National Research Institute of Astronomy of geologic and seismic data will provide a high-resolution
and Geophysics, Cairo, Egypt model for resource evaluation.
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Fig. 1 Regional map of tectonic, lithostratigraphic, and magmatic upwelling beneath the harrats is the 600-km-long Makkah-Madinah-
features of western Saudi Arabia. Several tectonic and structural trends Nafud (MMN) volcanic line marking the main eruption sites for Harrats
underlie the Cenozoic Harrat lava fields. The main zone of mantle Rahat, Khaybar, and Ithnayn

Materials and methods Virgenes volcanic area, which, as mentioned previously, is a

volcanic area that is similar in setting to the harrats in Saudi
Passive seismic data Arabia, which now has a 10 MW geothermal plant. More
studies that are recent use novel techniques such as ambient
The passive seismic data includes those events collected by noise tomography to map the Lake Toba magma chamber in
local and regional seismic networks. In literature, passive seis- Indonesia (Stankiewicz et al., 2010) and Muksin et al. (2013),
mic data has been used to identify geothermal resources also in Indonesia, identified variations in Vp/Vs using local
(Foulger, 1982). Several geothermal areas have been identi- earthquakes associated with a geothermal field. Similar inves-
fied using this method. Wilson et al. (2003) and Wilson and tigations (Koulakov et al., 2015; Hansen et al., 2013) in Saudi
Jones (2004) used passive seismic data to detect magma Arabia have identified anomalies associated with possible
chambers under the Coso geothermal field in California, magma chambers at Harrat Lunnayir, although not for the
USA. Zucca et al. (1994) used attenuation to examine the purpose of finding geothermal energy.
Geysers field, also in California. Wong et al. (2001) and More seismological data was acquired from the Saudi
Wong and Munguia, (2006) also used attenuation at the Tres Geological Survey network surrounding the Harrat Rahat in
Arab J Geosci (2020) 13: 314 Page 3 of 7 314

the form of microseismicity. In addition, thirteen seismic sta- operates by maintaining a dynamic list of detectors, which
tions were installed within and around Harrat Rahat for a year. process network stream data in consecutive, contiguous
Depending on the microseismicity associated with a volcanic blocks. For each block, each detector in the list calculates a
field is possibly driven by fluid flow within a relatively static detection statistic, which is scanned for excursions above a
system of conduits, it is assumed that it will be repetitive. pre-set threshold. Upon initiation of a run, the detector list is
Consequently, an autonomous correlation detection frame- populated by a single or by several power detectors. As the
work (Harris and Dodge, 2011; Dodge and Harris, 2015) de- system processes the data, the power detectors trigger on
signed to discover the occurrence of repetitive transients in a waveforms, which are screened by a set of measurements
continuous data stream from a network of stations. and rules, intended to cast out triggers on noise bursts, drop-
The primary phase of 1 year of data (July 2013–July 2014) outs, and spikes. Waveforms, which pass these tests, are used
was initiated at the four central stations of the network as templates for correlation detectors. The correlation detec-
(RHT14, RHT01, RHT15, RHT04). Later, the stations in- tors are created and added to the detector list, then immediate-
creased to thirteen stations (Fig. 2) with a fairly low frequency ly begin detection operations along with the power detectors.
band (2–10 Hz), for detecting the larger events over the whole When several detectors trigger simultaneously on the same
study region. This step recorded the number (around 20) of signal, as often happens, a set of rules determines which trig-
groups of related events in the study region. The explosions, ger will be considered the system-wide detection. The rules
which are common in this region, have been eliminated from are simple: correlation detector triggers always take prece-
the recorded events to focus on natural seismicity only. For dence over power detector triggers, and for triggers on two
those event groups that appear to arise from natural sources, or more detectors of the same type, the detector with the larg-
the second correlation detection step was performed, process- est detection statistic takes precedence over the other detec-
ing the data at the best observing station in a higher frequency tors. Detections are logged to an archive, retaining informa-
band (4–20 Hz). tion on the originating detector, the value of the detection
A simplified diagram of the autonomous correlation system statistic, the detection time, and measurements of waveform
is shown in Fig. 3. Since this system includes both power characteristics. The system naturally sorts events into groups
detectors and empirical detectors, it largely obviates the dis- determined by a common correlation detector. It is for this
advantage of systems that use only empirical detectors, i.e., it reason that the autonomous detection framework is ideally
can discover signals representative of new waveform patterns suited to search for repetitive events in swarms associated with
associated with sources not previously observed. The system volcanic sources.

Fig. 2 Map of seismic stations

(yellow triangles), earthquakes
from the period 2004–2005 (red
circles), and the city of Medina
314 Page 4 of 7 Arab J Geosci (2020) 13: 314

Fig. 3 Simplified block diagram

of the autonomous correlation
detection framework used to
process the RHT data

Data analysis and results on visual inspection of the event waveforms. As we are pri-
marily concerned with Harrat Rahat, only stations in Harrat
Event detection processing Rahat were used.

As mentioned in the “Materials and methods” section, the Ambient noise analysis
advanced detection algorithms have been used in an attempt
to detect and identify small earthquakes that were not detected In parallel, ambient noise cross-correlation has been used to
by the processing used to construct the standard catalog re- determine the crustal velocity structure of Harrat Rahat
leased by network operators. These new locations may help in (Fig. 4). This method uses background seismic noise to infer
identifying faults and areas of high strain associated with pos- the crustal velocity structure. Ambient noise correlation is
sible areas of high permeability, which are needed for an eco- widely used to create surface wave tomography maps in nu-
nomically viable geothermal area. The idea is motivated by an merous regions. Recently, this technique has been applied to
analogy with the seismicity recorded at the Tres Virgines field geothermal areas and other regions of high heat flow and has
prior to geothermal exploitation. Here we summarize the re- successfully identified seismic velocity anomalies
sults of the detection processing. The processing takes two (Stankiewicz et al. 2010). This approach has been applied in
steps: identification of anomalous events (detectors) and then the area around Harrat Rahat (Fig. 4).
the application of these detectors as matched filters to identify The correlation of long time periods of seismic noise re-
repeating events (multiple detectors), and finally, the identifi- corded at a pair of stations will yield the Green’s function
cation of local events. Table 1 illustrates the number of detec- response of the path between the two stations. Once Green’s
tors created by the autonomous system for each of the four functions have been calculated for each station pair, the next
stations, the number of detectors that had multiple detections, step is to convert them into representations of the velocity
and the number of detectors identified on local events based structure. Typically, the velocities are obtained by inverting

Table 1 Framework detectors

Station Number of detectors created Number of multiple detectors Number of local event detectors

RHT01 370 45 13
RHT04 2290 40 9
RHT14 486 9 3
RHT15 572 22 5
Arab J Geosci (2020) 13: 314 Page 5 of 7 314

Fig. 4 Raypaths covered by the

ambient noise correlation
showing seismic stations and the
outline of northern Harrat Rahat.
The blue area denotes the area of
likely high subsurface heat flow
based on the young volcanics, as
mapped based on surface
geology. Velocity models have
been generated for each path

the dispersion curves for 1D structure along the path. We Following the observations made at the proposed analog field,
expect that the area directly under Harrat Rahat will show the relationship between seismicity and known faults has been
anomalous velocity structure due to high temperatures and
zones of magma when compared with the surrounding crust.
The available data is from 14 stations that comprise a local
network in the region around the Harrat Rahat. Eighteen
months of continuous data is available from August 2013 to
September 2014. In general, it is best to use a year or more of
data as the technique is sensitive to seismic noise, which varies
in amplitude seasonally. The data was converted to seismic
analysis format (SAC), the instrument response was removed,
and then divided up into day-long files, one for each station (Z
component) and decimated to a 5 Hz sample rate.
The Green’s function was then used to convert the velocity
versus depth for each pair. A simulated annealing algorithm
was used and matched to a 1D synthetic with the envelope of
the observed Green’s function (Hilbert transform). The average
volcanic velocities were compared with the average shield ve-
locities for the upper 4 km, as this is the depth of most interest.
Figure 5 shows the results. A clear distinction is obvious up to a
depth of approximately 3 km. A velocity profile, derived from a
refraction conducted on the shield, is added for comparison, and
the velocities at depth match moderately well.
Moreover, the subsurface permeability is the most difficult Fig. 5 Comparison of velocities for shield (black) and volcanic (red) for P
parameter to estimate, especially from the available data. (left) and S velocities (right)
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Fig. 6 The relationship between seismicity, faults, and possible areas for further investigation (in yellow)

examined (Fig. 6). The seismicity trends roughly along the events near the northern edge of Harrat Rahat. Besides, ambient
orientation of the northerly basement faults (set B in Fig. 6), noise tomography designates that the entire Harrat Rahat is an
as noted previously. The two areas where these faults are overlay area of low velocity and, possibly, an above-average
dense would be a priority for investigation (set E in Fig. 6). geothermal gradient. This region may extend north of the high-
No obvious differences were observed. ly volcanic region.
In summary, the apparent upwelling of mantle underneath
the MMN volcanic line is a site of abundant magmatic activity
with geothermal potential. A preliminary investigation based on
Discussion and conclusions available seismic data from Harrat Rahat showed that advanced
detection algorithms could increase the number of detected
The main zone of mantle upwelling beneath the Harrat Rahat events, although the increase was not sufficient to improve geo-
appears to be reflected in the Makkah-Madinah-Nafud volca- thermal exploration. Ambient noise tomography is effective tool
nic line, a linear system of vents that extends in a northerly for assessing crustal velocities on a regional scale, but it was not
direction over a distance of ~ 600 km (Camp and Roobol, possible to evaluate attenuation due to sparse data. A high-
1992). This volcanic line marks the main eruption sites for density deployment of seismometers on in Harrat Rahat would
Harrat Rahat, Khaybar, and Ithnayn. Petrologic data suggest be useful to improve the evaluation of potential resources.
that this feature delineates the axis of mantle upwelling with
lavas along its length generated by higher degrees of partial Acknowledgments The authors thank Mr. Yousef Al-Amri for his con-
melting when compared with the harrat lavas lying farther to tribution during field data collection.
the west and east (Camp and Roobol, 1992). This main axis of
Funding information This project was funded by the National Plan for
upwelling is consistent with seismic tomography that has re-
Science, Technology and Innovation (MAARIFAH), King Abdul-Aziz
solved a large north-south prong of hot mantle with an axis City for Science and Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, award num-
coincident to the Makkah-Madinah-Nafud volcanic line. ber (11 – SPA 2208 - 02).
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