The Law and The Prophets-1

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The Law and the Prophets  Ezek.

7:26 – they shall seek a

vision from the prophet, the law
 The dragon was wroth with the women
shall perish from the priest.
and went to make war (Rev. 12:17)
 Zechariah. 7:10-13 – Lest they
 There is a deep significance to this text,
should hear the law … and the
especially these two characteristics, the
law and the prophets.
 Prov. 28:9 – he who turns his
 The two go hand in hand. This theme is
ear the law…
consistent throughout the scripture, and
 Lamentation. 2:8-9 – the law is
we are going to look at a few texts to
no more prophets find no vision.
establish this.
 Here’s the point – the law and the
 The law and the prophets go together.
prophets go together. Those who refused
 Psa. 78:5 God established a
to obey God’s law also refused to heed
testimony and a law
the voice of His prophets. Those who
 Act 24:14 Believing all things
rejected His prophets, also rejected His
written in the law and the
law (regardless their profession – Jer.
18:18). Because of their rebellion, God
 Isaiah. 30:9-10 won’t hear the
removed the law and the prophets from
law, tell prophets to “prophesy
his people. Yet the Lord did not leave
smooth things
His people alone. He promised that, if
 Prov. 29:18 – where there is no
obedient, He would restore the prophetic
vision… happy is he who keeps
gift to His church.
the law
 However, God’s people rebelled against Beware of false prophets
the law and the prophets.
 Tests of the prophetic gift:
 Neh. 9:26 – they cast the law
behind their backs and slew Jesus did not warn ‘beware of prophets’, but
[turn around] the prophets ‘beware of false prophets’ Matt. 7:15. How is
 Isa. 30:10 won’t hear laws, tell one to determine whether a prophet is true or
prophets to prophesy… false? The Bible warns the honest seeker after
 Jeremiah 18:18 – the law shall truth not to spurn prophetic visions and dreams
not perish – nor the word from but to ‘test’ them. Don’t despise all prophesying
the prophets. (1 Thes. 5: 19-21).
 God warned that their apostasy would
not go unpunished. If they continued to Don’t receive all prophecies (1 John 4:1). It is
reject his law, he would remove the interesting to note that Paul speaks in the
prophetic ministry from their midst and positive and John the negative, yet both making
leave them to the delusions they had the simple point that prophet are to be tested.
chosen. 1. Physical phenomena - Prophets are
 Jeremiah 26:4-6 - If you will not aware of supernatural communication.
listen to the law or the (Num. 24:2-4: Dan. 10:7-11, 15-18; 2
prophets… Cor. 12:2-4)

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Ellen White was once asked by her son, W.C.  An exception here would be
White whether she had ordinary dreams like conditional prophecies [Jer.
others do. When she replied that she did, he then 18:6-10].
asked how she knew the difference between her  Jonah [Jonah 3:4] – conditions
ordinary dreams and her prophetic drams. Her were given [v 9]
reply, ‘The same angel who stands by my side in  His knowledge of conditional
the vision of the day also stands by my side in prophecy led him to flee [4:2]
the prophetic dreams at night’. [White, Arthur I -Health – she said in 1905 that
messenger to the Remnant. P. 7] cancer is a germ/virus which
2. They have a sense of their medical science began to
endorse only in the 1950’s [Dr.
worthlessness - Daniel exclaimed “my
splendor was turned to corruption” Wendell Stanley, University of
California. Qualification that he
Daniel 10:8; Isa. 6:5
3. They often lose their strength at the believes viruses cause most of
all human cancer – Newsweek,
onset of the vision. Daniel 10: 9-15.
4. At times strength is renewed during June 1956.
-In 1864, she wrote ‘Tobacco is
vision. Daniel 10: 18-19
5. They often don’t breath, she does not a poison of the most deceitful
and malignant kind’ It wasn’t
breath (White, James, Life incidents
272-273) Daniel 10:17; 10:16 speaks until 1957 that the American
Heart Association concluded
without breath)
6. They often are oblivious to their that smoking was a causative
factor in lung cancer.
surroundings even though eyes are
open. 2 Cor. 12: 2-4 – Caught up to 6. Their message will always lead closer to
Christ. Deut. 13: 1-4.
third heaven)
7. Occasionally experience physical 7. They will plainly point out sin,
regarding faithfulness. Isa. 58: 1-2;
trauma following vision. Acts 9:7-9.
Lamentation. 2:14
Ten scriptural tests for the prophetic gift. 8. They have absolutely no association
with spiritualism. Deut. 18:10-12.
1. They must be associated with God’s true
9. They will live Holy lives. Matt. 7:20
church (1 Cor. 14:22)
10. They will not be popular. Luke 6:26
2. They do not claim to be verbally
(mechanically) inspired (1 Cor. 14: 32- Types of Prophets
3. They will not contradict revealed truth 1. Literary, canonical barreefamadhaafi
qinda'a kan ta'e.[write books of the
(Isa. 8:20). False prophets misinterpret
the Bible (Ezek. 22:28) Bible] – Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, etc.
4. They will acknowledge the divine
(Human nature of Christ) [1 John 4:2-3] 2. Literary, non-canonical
barreefamaadha garuu kan qindaa'e
5. Their prophecies must come true. Deut.
18:22; Jer. 28:9. miti– Iddo, Nathan, Ahijah [2 Chron.
9:29], Shemaiah [2 Chron. 12:5, 15]

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3. Non-literary, non-canonical mentioned anywhere else. Corinth was a
barreefamas miti qinda'as miti– Enoch sick church, so should we be turning to
[Jude 14], God [1 Sam. 22:5; 2 Sam. Paul’s words to them for advice? If
24:11], Elisha [2 Kings 6:12], Philips’ tongues were a major part of Paul’s
four daughters [Acts 21:9] teaching, wouldn’t we find this
4. Further, some prophets were women elsewhere? Because of building a
– Miriam [Exod. 15:20], Deborah healthy theology from a sickly church,
[Judges 4:4], Isaiah’s wife [Isaiah 8:3], 3) Jesus spoke of tongues only one time in
Philip’s four daughters [Acts 21:9] His ministry. Mark 16:17 [verses 9-20]
5. Some were contemporariesRaaji 4) Tongues clearly wasn’t major feature of
yeroo kan dubbatan – Moses, Miriam, Jesus’ theology or Paul’s and no one
Isaiah and Micah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and else mentions it in epistles.
Daniel, Haggai and Zechariah, Aarlias, 5) Jesus never spoke in tongues. There is
Paul, Silas, Judas, Philip’s four no evidence that Jesus ever did. A)
daughters and John. “Tongues” – in the Greek – Glossa
(language or literal, physical language,
Dubartittii dhiignishee dhaabate: and dialektos – (language). Both of
 Luke 8:43-44 shaashara wayyaa isaa these words always refer to language.
yoon tuqe nan fayya. Fiixen wayya isaa 6) In Acts 2, they received “Glossa” and
suun maal qaba the people said that they heard them
 deebi speak in their own “dialektos”. From
 Numb. 15: 37:40 these we can see that glossa and
 Exod. 15:26 dialoktos are used interchangeably. This
is the gift of languages for the purpose
Gift of Tongues… of evangelism since there were people
from many different places. (9-10). B)
1) There are three lists of Spiritual gifts: In Acts 10, the key is that peter says that
 Ephes. 4 if happened to these people just as if did
 1 Corin. 12 to them at Pentecost 10:47; 11:15).
 Roman 12 There were people who spoke different
The only gift that appears in all three is the gift languages; for example, Cornelius was
of prophecy. There is one gift that occurs in only an Italian, peter says that it happened in
one and if occurs last; that is the gift of tongues: the same way as first time, therefore,
1 Corin. 12: 4-10. these were intelligible languages, and it
was for the purpose of evangelism.
2) The church of Corinth was disturbed 7) Some think that tongues in some secret
ecclesiastically and morally. It was prayer language, however, if it were,
troubled church. Some of the things that when the disciples asked Jesus how to
he mentioned in Corinthians are pray, He would have said something
mentioned in no other epistles. They other than what He said in Matt. 6:9.
dealt with gross immorality, law suits, 8) The Corinthian church had substituted
head coverings, the use of the Lord’s the gifts of Spirit for the fruits of the
Supper, and baptism for the dead, the spirit. 1 Corin. 13 show love as the gift
resurrection, and tongues. These are not to be more greatly desired (12:30-31), 1

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Compiled by Yohannes Tesgera
Corin. 13:1, Paul contrasts the gifts vs
the fruits putting all the gifts below the
fruits throughout the chapter. Paul tells
them to quit acting like kids. (v.11). a)
Corinth elevated the gift over the fruits.
b) Pentecostals cling to 1 Corin. 14: 2,
14. In verse 2, the translators understood
that the context of the chapter is that
people were speaking in tongues without
anyone being able to understand them.
This is why they supplied the word
Reading the entire chapter helps to clarify things
according to verse 2, what is Paul’s problem
with tongues? No one is being edified. Contrast
with v.3 prophecy edifies the brethren.
1. When it says “Spirit” is translated breath
in some other places.
2. Everywhere we see this word “mystery”
it is in reference to the gospel. 1 Tim.
3:16, Colos. 1:27, Revel. 10:7.

Gifts (1Cori. 12) Fruits (Gal.5:22-3)

Prophecy Love
Apostleship Joy
Healing Peace
Wisdom Longsuffering
Faith Gentleness
Miracles Goodness
Tongues Faith
Interpretation Meekness
Teaching Temperance

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Compiled by Yohannes Tesgera

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