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University of Bahrain

College of Science
Department of Mathematics
First Semester 2014/2015
Maths 205-Final Exam

Date: January 11, 2015

Time: 2 hour (11.30-13.30) Max. Marks: 40

Student’s Name:
Serial No:

Student’s Number: Section:

Please check that this Exam consists of 4 questions and 9 pages including
the cover page.
Show your work clearly.

Questions Max. Marks Marks obtained

1 10
2 10
3 12
4 8
Total 40

Question 1.
(a) Find an integrating factor and then solve the differential equation

(2 y 2  2 y  4 x 2 )dx  (2 xy  x)dy  0 [5]

(b) Use Variation of parameters to solve the differential equation.

y  2 y  y  [5]
x 1

Question 2.
Find the general solution for the following differential equations.

(a) D3 ( D 2  4) ( D 2  2D  6) ( D  2) y  0 [5]

(b) x3 y  x 2 y  xy  0 (x ˃ 0) [5]

Question 3.
(a) Use Laplace transform to solve the following initial value problem

y  2 y  y  2tet , y(0)  1, y(0)  2 [6]

(b) Solve the system of the differential equations using Laplace transform
x  x  y  0 x(0)  x(0)  0
y   x  0 y (0)  1

Question 4.
(a) Use Abel’s identity to find the Wronskian of a fundamental system of
solutions of the differential equation. [4]

4 xy  ( x 2 y)  y  y  0 (x 0)

(b) Consider the third-order differential equation.

y  6 y  11 y  6 y  0 with one solution y1  e x and

yi  ui ( x)e x (i  2, 3) , find ui ( x) (i  1, 2) and then find the general

solution. [4]


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