What Is An Organization

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What is an organization?

An organization is a group of people that together have a social arrangement to dispense tasks for a goal they all want to achieve. What is an administration?
Administration, as a legal concept, is a procedure under the insolvency laws of a number of common law jurisdictions. It functions as a rescue mechanism for insolvent companies and allows them to carry on running their business. The process an alternative to liquidation is often known as going into administration. A company in administration is operated by the Administrator (as interim Chief Executive) on behalf of the creditors as a going concern while options are sought short of liquidation. These options include recapitalising the business, selling the business to new owners, or demerging it into elements that can be sold and closing the remainder What is police administration? The Police Administration Division directs the overall activities of the
Police Department to accomplish the mission and goals of the Department, ensuring that Department resources are used in the most efficient and effective manner. The Administration Division is responsible for coordinating Police Department efforts with other City Departments, with other criminal justice agencies, and with the community.

What is police organization? The passage into law on December 13, 1990 of Republic Act No. 6975
entitled An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police under a reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government and Other Purposes ended the existence of the Philippine Constabulary and the Integrated National Police and gave way to the creation of the Philippine National Police, now known as the country's police force that is national in scope and civilian in character. It is administered and controlled by the National Police Commission. With the effectivity of Republic Act No. 8551, otherwise known as the Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998, the PNP was envisioned to be a community and service oriented Agency. As mandated by law, the PNP activated/created the Internal Affairs Service (IAS) on a national scope on June 1, 1999. It is an organization within the structure of the PNP and one of its tasks is to help the Chief, PNP institute reforms to improve the image of the police force through assessment, analysis and evaluation of the character and behavior of the PNP Personnel it is headed by the Inspector General.

Because of the quasi-military nature of every police department, the only method of organization is by formation of rank. The following figure depicts the most commonly found rank structure. At the top are the administrators, which include Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, and Majors who are called "Command Level" Personnel. Captains, Lieutenants, and often Sergeants are called "Middle Level" Management. Officers are referred to as "Line" Personnel.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) (Filipino: Pambansang Pulisya ng Pilipinas) is the national police force of the Republic of the Philippines. It is both a national and a local police force in that it provides all law enforcement services throughout the Philippines. The Philippine National Police, which was a result of a merger of the Philippine Constabulary and the Integrated National Police, was activated on January 29, 1991. Its national headquarters are based at Camp Crame, Quezon City, in the National Capital Region. On September 22, 2010, President Benigno S. Aquino III appointed then, Deputy Director General Raul Bacalzo, former Deputy, Chief for Operations, replacing Director Jesus Ame Verzosa, who retired on September 27 of that year.
[2] [1]

According to a 2011 article published in D+C magazine, the PNP has had a host of problems, namely corruption and oppression, since its beginning, but it is hoped that the problems will be fixed with the new administration coming into power.[3] What is the goal of police organization? What is penology? Penology is that part of the science of criminology that studies the principles of punishment and the management of prisons, reformatories, and other confinement units. Francis Lieber, the political philosopher and writer on prison reform, is given credit for first using the term.

Penology-The study, theory, and practice of prison management and criminal rehabilitation.
Theories of punishment

Five principal theories of punishment have been advocated: (1) retribution or retaliation, (2) expiation, (3) deterrence, (4) reformation, and (5) the protection of society. There is obvious overlapping among these theories. Each of them, for example, may be regarded as a way of protecting society. However, these are the most significant attitudes that society, through the centuries, has expressed toward punishment.


What is correction? a. corrections The

treatment of offenders through a system of penal incarceration, rehabilitation, probation, and parole, or the administrative system by which these are effectuated. b. Punishment intended to rehabilitate or improve. What is punishment? Punishment is the authoritative imposition of something negative or unpleasant on a person or animal in response to behavior deemed wrong by an individual [1][2][3][4][5] The authority may be either a group or a single person, and punishment or group. may be carried out formally under a system of law or informally in other kinds of social settings such as within a family.[2] Negative consequences that are not authorized or that are administered without a breach of rules are not considered to be punishment as defined [4] here.

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