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Submitted by,
S. KARTHIKHA SRI (40130105)
S. KRISHNAVENI (40130120)
M. KANCHANA (40130097)
K.SAI SRUTHI (40130117)

Under the guidance of



Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC




This is to certify that this Project Report submitted for EPICS is the bonafide
work of Karthikha Sri. S (40130105), Krishnaveni. S (40130120), M. Kanchna
(40130097), Kosuri Sai Sruthi (40130117) who carried out the project title
“SMART IRRIGATION SYSTEM” under our supervision from June 2022 to
November 2022.

Internal Guide
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE

Head of the
Department Dr. T.
RAVI, M.E., Ph.D.

Submitted for Viva voce examination held on 26.09.2022

Internal Examiner External Examiner


We would like to express our deep gratitude to our project guide Mr.
Krishnamoorthy Assistant professor, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Sathyabama, for his/her guidance with
unsurpassed knowledge and immense encouragement. We are grateful to Head
of the Department, Electronics and Communication Engineering, for providing
us with the required facilities for the completion of the project-work.

We express our thanks to all teaching faculty of Department of ECE, whose

suggestions during reviews helped us in accomplishment of our project. We
would like to thank all nonteaching staff of the Department of ECE,
Sathyabama, for providing great assistance in accomplishment of our project.

We would like to thank our parents, friends, and classmates for their
encouragement throughout our project period. At last, but not the least, we
thank everyone for supporting us directly or indirectly in completing this project


S. KARTHIKHA SRI (40130105)

S. KRISHNAVENI (40130120)
M. KANCHANA (40130097)
K.SAI SRUTHI (40130117)

Chapter CHAPTER Page
No. No.
Abstract 6
1. Introduction 7
2. System Description 9
2.1 Problem Statement

2.2 Aim and objective

2.3 Solution

3. Literature Survey 11
3.1 Automatic Plant Irrigation System
3.2 Automated irrigation system
3.3 Intelligent Irrigation System
3.4 Smart Irrigation System
3.5 Smart irrigation system
4. Methodology 14

4.1 Description
4.2 Components Required
4.2.1 Hardware Components Arduino UNO Soil moisture sensor Relay Humidity Sensor Jumper wires

4 DC Motor LCD
4.2.2 Software Components
4.3 Block Diagram
4.4 Program Code
5. SWOT Analysis 26
5.1 Strengths
5.2 Weakness
5.3 Opportunities
5.4 Threats
6. Need for improvement 28
7. Future Applications 29
8. Conclusion 30

In the current situation we know that, Technology is an important part
that plays a major role in the field of agriculture. In this paper it will be
explained how to build an intelligent irrigation system using Arduino as the
major component. This system contains a precise method to determine water
balance of soils with an automatic response to the water content in the soil. It
will be a break-through in agriculture, as it will be helping in precise decision
for the plants which will be prevent its death either by overflowing water or of
insufficient water.

In the modern world Scarcity of food and water mainly occurs due to the
increase in population in order to avoid this there is a need to promote the
agriculture sector. There are a lot of wastage water and other resources in the
crop field. In order to avoid this problem, we are using an automated plant
monitoring system using Arduino. This system senses the moisture content of
the soil and provides adequate water according to the need. This system, also
includes the monitoring of crop growth and to detect the water level in the tank.
So, when the soil is dry the pump will automatically water the fields and when
the soil is wet the pump automatically stops, there by eradicate the need of
manpower and conserve the time.

Keywords: Arduino, Irrigation systems, Sensors, Automatic Monitoring, Water


Chapter: 1

1. Introduction:
The soil is an important feature that is required for the proper
nourishment and growth of plant. Irrigation, it is one of the most common way
of watering. It is mainly found or used up in dry areas and places where there is
less rainfall throughout the year. One of the greatest advantages of irrigation is
that it will suppress the growth of weeds in the agricultural fields.

The ancient types of irrigation include irrigation using buckets and

watering cans, by using sprinkler irrigation, localized irrigation, drip irrigation
etc. In ancient days all the irrigation works are done manually but by the current
technologies’ irrigation can be done in a unique way that is by using these
techniques we can provide water to plants according to their needs at different
intervals. If we are using the manual methods there are lot of wastage of water
this wastage can be avoided using the modern technologies.

That is the main reason why an automatic plant irrigation system is been
developed. It prevents the unnecessary wastage of water and other resources.
The automatic watering system works by sensing the moisture content of the
soil and operates the pump according to the need. Any water sources can be
used for this irrigation system. It even senses the crop growth and can detect the
water level in the nearby source. The main advantages are it is cost effective,
time saving and automatic.

The current reality is one in which everything can be controlled and

worked in a natural way. However, there are still a couple of vital segments in
our nation where computerization has not been received or has not been used

for unquestionable use and may be due to some of the reasons why one of these
reasons is being spent. One of these fields is agriculture.

Agriculture has been one of the essential occupations of men after just-in-
time development. In addition to this development, irrigation plays an important
role. The objective of this study is to design and implement an automatic
irrigation system with microcontroller to increase irrigation efficiency, saving
time and energy for farmers.

Chapter: 2

2. System Description:

2.1. Problem Statement:

Agriculture has been one of the essential occupations of men after

just-in-time development. In addition to this development, irrigation plays an
important role. The objective of this study is to design and implement an
automatic irrigation system with microcontroller to increase irrigation
efficiency, saving time and energy for farmers.

Irrigation is that the artificial manner of watering crops in fields. In

the present era, water inadequacy because of over exploitation have resulted the
urge of developing a brand-new technology that would save water from being
wasted and since, agriculture is that the most water intense occupation, thus
creating irrigation system sensible would be a better manner of checking water

2.2. Aim and objective:

The current reality is one in which everything can be controlled

and worked in a natural way. However, there are still a couple of vital segments
in our nation where computerization has not been received or has not been used
for unquestionable use and may be due to some of the reasons why one of these
reasons is being spent. One of these fields is agriculture.

Sensible irrigation system is economical and efficient way of

watering fields. It monitors weather, soil conditions, evaporation and plant
water use and mechanically adjusts watering schedule. Hence approaching

sensible irrigation system has become a primary concern to relinquish farmer a
wise tool which would support them in yielding quality crops.

2.3. Solution:

Since India is Associate in Nursing Agro primarily based country

and around sixty-one of the population. India occupies second rank in rice
export and as rice crop need vast quantity of water for irrigation purpose, hence
sensible irrigation project we tend to use differing kinds of detector to make a
farmer up to this point regarding the sector.

Sensors used are soil wetness detector , water flow detector and
temperature sensor(ds18b20) sort of a detector which might calculate the
quantity of water in the sector , a soil wetness detector that can calculate the
wetness profile of the sector so as to prevent crops from water work problems
and a temperature sensing detector so one will check the temperature of the
crops as a result of crops area unit temperature sensitive too and if the smart
system aware the farmer before then farmer will use sprinklers so as to cool
down temperature of the crops it would save each crop and farmer.

Chapter: 3

3. Literature Survey:

3.1. Automatic Plant Irrigation System using Arduino

Authors: S,Nandhini ,Humrish.k ,Prem.p ,Tony Antony Augustine ,Sigamsetty


Published in: International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research

Volume 9, Issue 10, (October-2018) ISSN 2229-5518

This system sensed the moisture content of the soil and provides adequate
water according to the need. This system also includes the monitoring of crop
growth and to detect the water level in the tank. So when the soil is dry the
pump will automatically water the fields and when the soil is wet the pump
automatically stops, there by eradicate the need of manpower and conserve the

3.2. Automated irrigation system

Authors: Kriti Taneja (2017)

This system was developed which is effective enough to optimise

utilization of water and other resources. This system helps in irrigation in areas
with low water level and leads to sustainability. This system is very volatile and
low maintenance and could be adjusted according to various types of crops
without much human efforts. Different modules in terms of utility of project
that is green house or open field can be developed and implemented using
similar techniques. In future this project can be extended to bigger level of
agriculture as this project is only limited to farming at home.

3.3. Intelligent Irrigation System Based on Arduino

Authors: C. Gilarranz, S. Altares, M. Loizu

From: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, Madrid

28040, España and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Castelldefels s/n,
Barcelona 08860, España

This paper explained us how to build an intelligent irrigation system

using Arduino (a micro-controller) and many devices (humidity, temperature,
pressure and water flow sensors). Our irrigation system combines a precise
method to determine water balance of soils with an automatic response to water
content oscillations. Thus, it is an example of how we can perform better
irrigation systems by increasing the precision of measurements but also by
automating decisions.

3.4. Designing of Smart Irrigation System Using Arduino

Authors: Abhay sharma1 Lovepreet Singh, Harpreet Kaur Channi, Department

of Electrical Engineering, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, India

Published in: IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research &

Development| Vol. 9, Issue 6, 2021 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

This paper presented a novel approach towards effective irrigation

system. Watering the plants and crops is the most important cultural practice
and one of the labour-intensive tasks in daily greenhouse operation. Watering
systems ease the burden of getting water to plants when they need it. Knowing
when and how much to water is two important aspects of watering process. This
project on "system of automatic irrigation "automated irrigation mechanism
which turns the pumping motor ON and OFF on detecting the moisture content
of the earth. In the domain of farming, utilization of appropriate means of
irrigation is significant. The benefit of employing these techniques is to
decrease human interference and still make certain appropriate irrigation. This
automated irrigation project brings into play an Arduino board micro-controller,
is programmed to collect the input signal of changeable moisture circumstances
of the earth via moisture detecting system.

3.5. Smart irrigation system using Arduino Uno

Authors: Kavya Monisha K, Aishwarya D, Krupaleni K

From: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Published in: International Journal Of Advance Research, Ideas And

Innovations In Technology, ISSN: 2454-132X Impact factor: 4.295 (Volume 4,
Issue 5)

The smart irrigation system is an automatic irrigation system which is

being widely used in the field of agriculture. Irrigation is practiced in farms
where there is a scarcity of water. This smart irrigation system is a farmer-
friendly irrigation system, which is completely automated. This system runs
without intervention of humans. This smart irrigation system, using Arduino-
Uno, checks the moisture level in the soil. If the moisture level in the soil is
low, it automatically sends an alert message and turns on the water motor to
flow water to the soil. If the moisture level in the soil is sufficient, it switches
off the motor. This system helps in agricultural crop growth and soil
maintenance. The smart irrigation system reduces the effect caused by
insufficient rainfall. This irrigation system prevents excess of water flowing into
the soil which causes a wastage of water, electricity and damage to the soil,

Chapter: 4

4. Methodology:
The soil moisture sensor checks the moisture level in the soil. If the
moisture level is present in soil then conduction occurs between the two probes
of Soil Moisture Sensor. Due to this conduction, the transistor Q2 remains in
triggered state and so Arduino Pin D7 remains Low. When Arduino pin reads
LOW signal at D7. The GSM module sends SMS to the user that Soil Moisture
is Normal and the motor is turned OFF.So water pump remains in Off state. In
case of low moisture in the soil the Transistor Q2 turns off and then the Pin D7
becomes High. Then the Arduino Uno reads the Pin D7 and triggers the water
motor. Using the gsm module message is sent to the user about “Low Soil
Moisture level detected and the Motor is turned ON”.The water Motor will
automatically turn off when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.

4.1. Description:
Working of this Automatic Plant Irrigation System is quite simple. First
of all, it is a Completely Automated System and there is no need of manpower
to control the system. Arduino is used for controlling the whole process and
GSM module is used for sending alert messages to user on his cell phone. If
moisture is present in soil, then there is conduction between the two probes of
Soil Moisture sensor and due to this conduction, transistor Q2 remains in
triggered/on state and Arduino Pin D7 remains Low. When Arduino reads LOW
signal at D7, then it sends SMS to user about “Soil Moisture is Normal. Motor
turned OFF” and water pump remains in off state. Now if there is no Moisture
in soil then Transistor Q2 becomes off and Pin D7 becomes high. Then Arduino
reads the Pin D7 and turns on the water motor and also sends message to user
about “Low Soil Moisture detected. Motor turned ON”. Motor will
automatically turn off when there is sufficient moisture in the soil. This method
is based on ultimately profit. , it is the standard with which all other methods are

4.2. Components Required:

The Components required to Construct the proposed system is broadly
classified into hardware and software components.

4.2.1. Hardware Components:

The components used are explained below:  Arduino Uno  GSM

module  Transistor BC547 (2)  Connecting wires  16x2 LCD (optional) 
Relay 12v  Water pump  Soil Moisture Sensor  Resistors (1k, 10k) 
Variable Resister (10k, 100k)  Terminal connector  Voltage Regulator IC
LM317  Power supply 12v 1A Arduino Uno

Figure 5.1

Arduino is an open-source platform used for building

electronics projects as shown in fig 1.1. Arduino consists of both a physical
programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller and a piece
of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on your
computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board. Soil sensor

Figure 5.2

Soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content

indirectly by using some other property of the soil, such as electrical resistance,
dielectric constant, or interaction with neutrons. Soil moisture sensors measure
checks the water level in the soil. Since the soil moisture requires removing,
drying, and weighting of a sample, soil moisture sensors measure the level of
water content indirectly by using some other property of the soil. Soil moisture
sensors are used in various research applications such as agriculture,
horticulture, climate research, environmental science. In this project, the process
of Soil Moisture Sensor is to check the moisture level in the soil and in case
moisture level is low then the Arduino which is connected to the sensor
switches on a water pump to provide water to the plant. Relay

Figure 5.3

A relay is an electrical main voltage switch which is used for

switching on and switching off the pump according to the water needs .. This
means that it can be turned on or off, letting the current flow or not. Controlling
a relay with Arduino is as simple as controlling an output like a motor
(Senpinar, 2018).

There are many types of modules, such as single channels,

double channels, four channels and eight channels (Souza et al., 2017). A type
of relay able to handle the high power required to directly control an electric
motor or other loads called contractors. Relays with calibrated operating
characteristics and sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect
electrical circuits from overloads or failures. In relation to the mains voltage, the
relays have 3 possible connections.

There is a common pin (COM), usually a pin (NO) and a

normally closed pin (NC). There is no contact between the common pin and the
normally open (NO) pin. We activate the relay to connect the COM pin and the
power supply is supplied to a load. There is a contact between the COM pin and
the NC pin. A connection between the COM and NC pins is always required,
even when the relay is switched off.
When we activate the relay, the circuit opens and there is no
power supply for a load (Reche et al., 2015). All the pins of the forwarding. The
connection between the relay module and the Arduino is really simple. The
GND of the relay goes to ground. IN1 relay port connected to the Arduino
digital pin. Check the first channel of the relay. Humidity Sensor

Figure 5.4

Humidity sensors work by detecting changes that alter

electrical currents or temperature in the air. There are three basic types of
humidity sensors: capacitive, resistive and thermal. All three types will monitor
minute changes in the atmosphere in order to calculate the humidity in the air. Jumper wires

Figure 5.5

A jump cable is used to connect the test plate, the prototype

or the internal circuit with other non-joined instruments. Jumper cables, also
known as booster cables or jump leads, are a pair of insulated wires of sufficient
capacity with alligator clips at each end to interconnect the disabled
equipment/vehicle with an auxiliary source, such as another vehicle or
equipment with the same system voltage or to another battery. DC Motor Water Pump

Figure 5.6

For this study a water pump is required, which must be DC,

12V. The DC motor is the commonly used motor and has DC power distribution

systems. Some rotors carry magnets and the stator grabs the conductors. The
supports are used to allow the rotor to rotate continuously towards its axis. A
12V DC motor is used which is fully controlled by the Arduino board. These
motors can be turned off and on according to the needs. LCD

Figure 5.7

LCD is used to display messages and status. LCD used in

4bit b mode and driven by Arduino library.

4.2.2. Software Components (Arduino UNO):

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a
cross-platform application (for Windows, MacOS, Linux) written in the Java
programming language. It is used to write in the java programming language. It
is used to write and load programs on the Arduino board. The source code for
the IDE is published under the GNU General Public License, version 2. The
Arduino IDE supports the C and C ++ language using special code structuring
rules (Souza et al., 2017). The Arduino IDE provides a software library of the
wiring project, which provides many input and output procedures (Reche et al.,

4.3. Block Diagram:

Figure 5.8

The required connection of the automatic irrigation system is,

(1) indicates the power supply,

(2) indicates the relay module,

(3) indicates microcontroller,

(4) indicates the soil moisture sensor,

(5) indicates the humidity probes of the soil,

(6) indicates the plant in the pot,

(7) indicates the water pump and

(8) indicates the water container or the water source.

In the first cable of 3 bridges connected to the soil moisture sensor, 3

jumper cables, one connected to GND, one connected to the VCC and the last
one connected to the A0 port. Therefore, another part of the jumper cables
connected to the Arduino board, i.e. the VCC of the bridge cable is connected to
the Arduino 5v, the GND connected to the GND and the ground moisture sensor
port A0 is connected to the analog port 0 of the Arduino board. These
connections are shared between the soil moisture sensor and the Arduino board.
Therefore, the connection between the relay module and the Arduino board has
been established. The GND port of the relay goes to ground. The first IN port is
connected to an Arduino digital pin and this connection controls the first relay
channel. When we connect the battery to the relay, a supply is supplied to a
load. There is always a connection between the COM pin and the NC pin even
when the relay is switched off. After connecting all the equipment, the main
operation begins. The measurement of soil moisture is carried out by the sensor
that sends the information and parameters relating to soil moisture to the
microcontroller that controls the pump. If the soil moisture levels fall below a
certain value, the microcontroller sends the signals to the relay module, which
then drives a pump and a certain amount of water is delivered to the system
(Chavan and Karande, 2014). Once the water has been delivered to the system,
the water pump is automatically shut down.

4.4. Program Code:

SoftwareSerial mySerial(9,10);

int M_Sensor = A0;

int W_led = 7;
int P_led = 13;

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

void setup()

lcd.begin(16, 2);

int Moist = analogRead(M_Sensor);

if (Moist> 700) // for dry soil

if (digitalRead(W_led)==1) //test the availability of water in storage
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
if (Moist>= 300 && Moist<=700) //for Moist Soil

if (Moist < 300) // For Soggy soil

Chapter: 5
5. SWOT Analysis:

Figure: 6.1

5.1. Strengths

 Fit and forget system.

 Smart irrigation system is of great use in terms of
productivity and reliability as well.
 This device is easy to design and can be assembled using
easily available electronic components.
 The system can be switched into manual mode whenever

5.2. Weakness

 Power must be supplied continuously, that is 24/7 for the

proper functioning of the system.
 In present, this proposed system is not possible to be
constructed for a large scale production.
5.3. Opportunities

 Increase in productivity.
 Reduces water consumption.
 Reduces man power.
 Much land will be irrigated.
 Highly sensitive.
 Works according to the soil condition.

5.4. Threats

 Cost of the circuit is much more when compared to manual

labour wages.
 Soil Moisture sensor must be replaced for each and every
particular period of time.
 It leads to unemployment for some people.

Chapter: 6

6. Need for improvement

This smart irrigation system extends watering time for plants, and
provides ideal growth condition. It saves time and timer delay as per the
environmental condition can be added for automatic watering. This smart
irrigation system can be adjusted and modified according to the changing

Chapter: 7

7. Future Applications
Irrigation becomes easy, accurate and practical with the same soil sample
impossible. Because of the idea above shared and can be implemented in
agricultural difficulties of accurately measuring dry soil and water fields in
future to promote agriculture to next level. The Volumes, volumetric water
contents are not usually output from moisture sensor and level system plays
major determined directly. Role in producing the output.

Chapter: 8
8. Conclusion:

We have successfully designed and implemented a smart irrigation

system using the concept of Arduino. This automated irrigation system is
controlled Automatically. It behaves as an intelligent switching system that
detects the soil moisture level and irrigates the plant if necessary.

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