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Name of Teacher: Antonette Lewis

Class: 9 MEC1

Date: September 21th, 2022

Duration: 75 minutes

Time of Class: 9:10 – 11:00

Subject: Mathematics

Strand: Rounding off number to curtain number of decimal place and significant figures

Lesson Title: Revision




Students’ Mathematical Practices (MP):

 MP1- Making sense of the problem and preserve in solving them

 MP4- Model with Mathematics

 MP 6 – Attend to Precision

Teaching Practices (TP) and Shifts:

 TP1-Extablish mathematics goals to focus on learning


By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

 Correctly define rounding of numbers after a class discussion

 Round a decimal number to 2,3 4 and 1 decimal place correctly after a class discussion.

 Round a number to 2,3,4,6 significant figures after a class discussion.

 Work with their peers to solve while being respectful to each other.


For this lesson, students should be able to/already know:

 How to use four mathematics operations

 What are decimal number

 What are significant figures


What is rounding off a number? Rounding off mean making a number simpler but still keeping it

value intact.

How to round off a number to a curtain number of decimal places?

When rounding off a number to curtain number of decimal places we count the number of

decimal places we are rounding to then look to the right of that number to see if the next number

is 5 or more. If the number to the right of a number that is to be rounded is 5 or more, we add 1

or round up, if the number to the right is 4 or less of them we do not round the number it remain

as is.

Eg. Round 13.86 to 1dp then the result would be 13.9

What is needed to round a number to a curtain number of significant figures?

When rounding off a number to a curtain number of significant figures we follow the same step

as in rounding off to decimals except we use the rules of significant figures to guide us.

Eg. Round 00.001035 to 3 s.f. then the result would be 00.00104


Technology: Laptop, Smart phones, Tables

Textbook: Tollsie (2008), Carlong (2014)

City & Guilds Mathematics book

Others: Pen, notebook.


Differentiating Instruction

Process: I will scaffold the students by drawing on their prior knowledge and give the needed

support for productive struggle. The use of real life scenario will be use to help them understand

the problem.




Estimated duration (5 minutes)

1. The teacher will ask the students flour and the cost of the flour is $99 how much could

you say that the flour cost?



Estimated duration - (15 minutes)

The teacher will give this student what if they are buying and sell Gold for a living and the

amount that the gold that you are buying weigh is 123.356 ounces, but the seller said to you just

pay me for 123 ounces what has the sell do to reach the amount that he wants you to pay for?

Possible answer: He rounded is off to 123.

The teacher will ask the student what type of number way the number before rounding?

Possible answer: It is a decimal number.



Estimated duration – (5 minutes)

The teacher will now ask the student what is rounding?

The student might say round is make a number exact.

The teacher will now explain to the student that when rounding off a number to curtain number

of decimal places we count the number of decimal places we are rounding to then look to the

right of that number to see if the next number is 5 or more. If the number to the right of a number

that is to be rounded is 5 or more, we add 1 or round up, if the number to the right is 4 or less of

them, we do not round the number it remains as is.

Eg. Round 13.86 to 1dp then the result would be 13.9

The teacher will further explain that a number can also be rounded to a curtain amount of

significant figures. When rounding off a number to a curtain number of significant figures we

follow the same step as in rounding off to decimals except we use the rules of significant figures

to guide us.

Eg. Round 00.001035 to 3 s.f. then the result would be 00.00104


Estimated duration – (5 minutes)

The teacher will now ask the students to try rounding off the following:

Round off the following number to two decimal places:

 1.769 = 1.77

 5.678

 451.786

Round the following to two significant figures.

 23452

 54241
 14.58


Estimated duration: Homework

1. the teacher asked the students to practice some of the questions in preparation for their

diagnostic tests. the teacher will advise the students to use your math textbook as a guide

for help.


Grade 10 MEC1&2 September 19th ,2022

1. Round 9.27 to 1 decimal place.

2. Round 17.0999 to 3 decimal places
3. Round 0.0135 to the nearest tenth

Write the following to 3 significant figures.

1. 37.126
2. 0.089993
3. 2.3162

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