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Week 3 Discussion

Creating an inclusive learning environment for students or learners implies designing a learning

community for a diverse student population that centers on inclusion, learning needs, and is free

from implicit bias and inequality. It is important to foster a learning environment in which

students feel safe , relaxed , and willing to take risks , especially for learners who may have had

negative experiences in some learning environment where there marginalization of minority

groups and inequality. Students often describe supportive learning environments as expanding

their sense of family and enhancing their self - esteem , which , when combined with increased

literacy skills , help students take more chances in pursuing their goals.

To create an inclusive learning environment that is safe for learning, allows for freedom of

thought and fosters communication and collaboration, I will establish and sustain a safety and

inclusivity in the learning environment by building a strong classroom community where every

leaner is motivated, use pair work , as well as small - group and whole - class activities to help

the learners get acquainted with each other, most importantly in the first day of class so they get

to know each other (Moriña, 2020).

In addition, I will provide the learners with equal opportunities to share information on their

background and culture without any form of bias, inequality or marginalization of minority

groups. Creating such environment of inclusivity is important in promoting equality and

diversity. Additional steps can be taken to connect the learners with the greater community
through field trips , events with keynote speakers and picnics which will help the students bond

with their peers and become effective team players.

A successful learning environment is one that advances or builds on the self - esteem and the

concept of self - efficacy of the learners (CohenMiller et al., 2018). The teacher must make sure

that the learners are led to experience success at their first meeting in order to leave a positive

first impression that will encourage the learners to work with the teacher. One way to achieve

this positive first impression is by presenting learning materials systematically sch that it flows

from the known where the learners refresh their memories on concepts they already know and

then proceed to the unknown.

While the educator is doing all of these, it is important to imbibe the virtue of patience. Patience

is important in the attributes of an educator because since different learner learn at different

teaching/learning styles and at different paces, the educator must be patient enough to discover

the learning styles and oaces of his/her students and ensure everyone is carried along in the

learning journey.

Th educator must learn to accept the learners just the way they are and work on making them

become better versions of themselves and not to be like another person. In order words, the

educator must respect the values, beliefs and traditions of the learners even when they differ and

also ensure there are no bias, inequality or marginalization of minority groups.


CohenMiller, A. S., Shamatov, D., & Merril, M. (2018). Effective teaching strategies: A brief

Moriña, A. (2020). Approaches to inclusive pedagogy: A systematic literature

review. Pedagogika, 140(4), 134-154.

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