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Fundamental safety
instructions 1

Introduction 2
Direct access to NC/PLC 3
Access MyData (AMD)
Access to tool information 4

Access to NC program data 5

Function Manual

Project information A

Valid for:
Control system
SINUMERIK 840D, SINUMERIK 840D sl / 840DE sl
SINUMERIK Integrate, version 4.1 SP8
Access MyData, version 1.0 SP6

A5E36812654B AD
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in
this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG A5E36812654B AD Copyright © Siemens AG 2015 - 2018.

Division Digital Factory Ⓟ 07/2018 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48

SINUMERIK documentation
The SINUMERIK documentation is organized into the following categories:
● General documentation/catalogs
● User documentation
● Manufacturer/service documentation

Additional information
You can find information on the following topics at the following address (https://
● Ordering documentation/overview of documentation
● Additional links to download documents
● Using documentation online (find and search in manuals/information)
If you have any questions regarding the technical documentation (e.g. suggestions,
corrections), please send an e-mail to the following address

At the following address (,
you can find information on how to create your own individual documentation based on
Siemens' content, and adapt it for your own machine documentation.

At the following address (, you can find information about
SITRAIN (Siemens training on products, systems and solutions for automation and drives).

You can find Frequently Asked Questions in the Service&Support pages under Product
Support (

You can find information about SINUMERIK at the following address (

Access MyData (AMD)

Function Manual, 07/2018, A5E36812654B AD 3

Target group
This publication is intended for:
● Project engineers
● Technologists (from machine manufacturers)
● System and machine commissioning engineers
● Programmers
● Software developers who develop their own product functions and want to exchange NC
or PLC data with the lower-level machine tools via the SI server.

The function manual describes the functions so that the target group knows them and can
select them. It provides the target group with the information required to implement the

Standard scope
This documentation only describes the functionality of the standard version. Additions or
revisions made by the machine manufacturer are documented by the machine manufacturer.
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This
does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when
For the sake of simplicity, this documentation does not contain all detailed information about
all types of the product and cannot cover every conceivable case of installation, operation, or

Note regarding the General Data Protection Regulation

Siemens respects the principles of data privacy, in particular the data minimization rules
(privacy by design). For SINUMERIK Integrate products this means:
The products process the following personal data: Name, first name, email address, telephone
number. It does not involve data from the personal or private sphere. The above mentioned
data is required for the access restriction function (login). The data saved is limited to the
absolute minimum as this is absolutely necessary to make a differentiation between access
rights and notification. The above-mentioned data cannot be saved with anonymity or with
pseudo-anonymity as the objective of differentiating access rights would not be possible. Our
products do not automatically delete the data mentioned above. If necessary, this data can be
deleted in the corresponding user administration. If you have any questions, then please
contact our customer support organization.

Technical Support
Country-specific telephone numbers for technical support are provided in the Internet at the
following address ( in the "Contact"

Access MyData (AMD)

4 Function Manual, 07/2018, A5E36812654B AD

Security information on the product

Misuse of data
It is essential to use secure data storage when saving your data - particularly your confidential
data. It is best to store this data encrypted locally or encrypted on the network. Make sure
that this data cannot be accessed by unauthorized personnel.
This applies to the following data:
● Archive files
● Image files
● Project files
● Trace files
● Safety-relevant files
Further information on secure data storage can be found at Industrial Security Configuration
Manual (

Danger due to insecure Internet connection
Before establishing a network connection, ensure your PC is connected to the Internet via a
secure connection. Pay attention to the security-relevant notes. Further information about
communications security can be found at Industrial Security Configuration Manual (https://

Security risk through administrator rights
If you operate a PC with permanent administrator rights, there is an increased security risk.
Therefore, ensure that there is a secure operating environment, and assign administrator
rights only temporarily and selectively.
Further information on the secure administration of user accounts and the assignment of
rights can be found at Industrial Security Configuration Manual (https://

EC Declaration of Conformity
The EC Declaration of Conformity for the EMC Directive can be found on the Internet at the
following address (

Access MyData (AMD)

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Access MyData (AMD)

6 Function Manual, 07/2018, A5E36812654B AD
Table of contents

1 Fundamental safety instructions.................................................................................................................11
1.1 General safety instructions.....................................................................................................11
1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples......................................................................12
1.3 Industrial security...................................................................................................................13
2 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................15
2.1 Requirement...........................................................................................................................17
3 Direct access to NC/PLC............................................................................................................................19
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................19
3.1.1 Direct access to NC/PLC.......................................................................................................19
3.2 Concept..................................................................................................................................20
3.2.1 Overview................................................................................................................................20
3.2.2 Activate interface....................................................................................................................20
3.2.3 Deactivate interface...............................................................................................................22
3.3 Service interfaces...................................................................................................................23
3.3.1 Machine Admin Service Interface..........................................................................................23
3.3.2 Basic Data Access Service Interface.....................................................................................23 Introduction............................................................................................................................23 Basic Data Access Service Interface.....................................................................................26 Basic Data Configuration Service Interface...........................................................................26 Direct Data Access Service Interface.....................................................................................28 Direct Data Access Callback Service.....................................................................................29
3.3.3 Machinestatus Service Interface............................................................................................29
3.3.4 ServerSideSynchronisation Service Interface........................................................................30
4 Access to tool information..........................................................................................................................31
4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................31
4.2 Basic information....................................................................................................................32
4.2.1 Web service interface.............................................................................................................32
4.2.2 Error messages......................................................................................................................32 Handling errors.......................................................................................................................32 Error message logs................................................................................................................33 Data is illogical or contains errors..........................................................................................33 Error codes.............................................................................................................................33
4.3 Certification............................................................................................................................35
4.4 Interface functions..................................................................................................................36
4.4.1 Protocol for reading/writing/changing data - MMT.................................................................36 Readout of the MMT configuration (Action 101)....................................................................36 Subscribe to tool transfer (Action 103)...................................................................................38 Read out tool container assignment "all parameters" (action 107)........................................40

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Table of contents Read out tool container assignment (Action 108)..................................................................44 Read out tool node (Action 109)............................................................................................47 Add/change external data (Action 114)..................................................................................49 Read out actual tool data via tool identifier/DuploNo. (Action 115)........................................50 Read out actual tool data via ExternalId (Action 116)............................................................55 Import tool dataset (Action 117).............................................................................................60 Delete tool (Action 119)..........................................................................................................62 Read out master data overview (Action 120) ........................................................................63 Read out master data set (Action 121)..................................................................................64 Delete master data set (Action 122).......................................................................................66 Create/change master data set (Action 123).........................................................................67 Set master data set (Action 124)............................................................................................70 Read out tool plan (Action 131)..............................................................................................71 Delete tool plan (Action 132)..................................................................................................72 Create/change tool plan (Action 133).....................................................................................73 Read out tool plan overview (Action 134)..............................................................................74 Read out setting list (Action 141)...........................................................................................75 Set reservation ID (Action 142)..............................................................................................76 Perform single handling (Action 162).....................................................................................78 Read out machining sequences (Action 170)........................................................................80 Create/change machining sequence (Action 171).................................................................81 Disable/enable machining sequences (Action 172)...............................................................82 Delete machining sequences (Action 173).............................................................................83 Move machining sequence (Action 174)................................................................................83
4.4.2 Protocols for reading/writing/changing data - SFI..................................................................84 Presetting list (GET)...............................................................................................................84 Presetting list (GET) {invNO}.................................................................................................85 Presetting data (PUT)............................................................................................................89 Measuring programs (GET)...................................................................................................91 Measuring programs (PUT)....................................................................................................93
4.5 Example sequence Action 108...............................................................................................95
4.6 Project information.................................................................................................................98
4.6.1 Description of SINUMERIK tool parameter............................................................................98
4.6.2 Description of Teamcenter tool parameters.........................................................................101
4.6.3 Description of the SFI tolerance values...............................................................................111 Tolerance values and calculation.........................................................................................111 Input.....................................................................................................................................112
4.6.4 Transforming catalog data into the SINUMERIK 840D format.............................................113 Adapting catalog data project-specifically............................................................................113 Tool parameters...................................................................................................................114 Cutting edge parameters......................................................................................................115 Cutting edge-related tool monitoring parameters.................................................................116 External user parameters.....................................................................................................116
5 Access to NC program data.....................................................................................................................119
5.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................119
5.2 Concept................................................................................................................................120
5.2.1 Requirement.........................................................................................................................120
5.2.2 Activate interface..................................................................................................................120
5.2.3 Deactivate interface.............................................................................................................120

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Table of contents

5.3 Description of the interfaces.................................................................................................121

5.4 The type of a machine..........................................................................................................123
5.5 Terms...................................................................................................................................131
5.6 Programs on the machine....................................................................................................135
5.7 The settings of the transfer..................................................................................................136
5.8 Information about the machines...........................................................................................137
5.9 The capabilities of a machine...............................................................................................138
5.10 Test program........................................................................................................................139
A Project information....................................................................................................................................149
A.1 List of abbreviations.............................................................................................................149

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Table of contents

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Fundamental safety instructions 1
1.1 General safety instructions

Danger to life if the safety instructions and residual risks are not observed
If the safety instructions and residual risks in the associated hardware documentation are not
observed, accidents involving severe injuries or death can occur.
● Observe the safety instructions given in the hardware documentation.
● Consider the residual risks for the risk evaluation.

Malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed parameter settings
As a result of incorrect or changed parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn
can lead to injuries or death.
● Protect the parameterization (parameter assignments) against unauthorized access.
● Handle possible malfunctions by taking suitable measures, e.g. emergency stop or
emergency off.

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Fundamental safety instructions
1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples

1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples

Application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding configuration,
equipment or any eventuality which may arise. Application examples do not represent specific
customer solutions, but are only intended to provide support for typical tasks.
As the user you yourself are responsible for ensuring that the products described are operated
correctly. Application examples do not relieve you of your responsibility for safe handling when
using, installing, operating and maintaining the equipment.

Access MyData (AMD)

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Fundamental safety instructions
1.3 Industrial security

1.3 Industrial security

Industrial security
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected
to an enterprise network or the Internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary
and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are
in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
Industrial security (
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available
and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer
supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed at:
Industrial security (

Further information is provided on the Internet:

Industrial Security Configuration Manual (

Access MyData (AMD)

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Fundamental safety instructions
1.3 Industrial security

Unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulations (e.g. viruses, trojans, malware or worms) can cause unsafe operating
states in your system that may lead to death, serious injury, and property damage.
● Keep the software up to date.
● Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept for the installation or machine.
● Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept.
● Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with
suitable protection measures, e.g. virus scanners.
● Protect the drive against unauthorized changes by activating the "know-how protection"
drive function.

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Introduction 2
SINUMERIK Integrate Access MyData is an open, flexible software interface and enables the
data exchange between SINUMERIK Integrate applications and higher-level software systems.
SINUMERIK Integrate Access MyData provides data and services for higher-level or
supplementary software systems for this specific purpose. The basis for this is standardized
web services, e.g. on the basis of Microsoft .NET Windows. Communication Foundation
(WCF). The software interface Access MyData is provided by the SINUMERIK Integrate server
and is divided into functional modules.

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The principle of Access MyData can be summarized as follows:

● Communications interface between higher-level or supplementary software systems and
a SINUMERIK Integrate server
● Defined, open communications interface in the form of standardized web services and
WSDL descriptions or XML via HTTP.
● Interface modules with selected functions for SINUMERIK Integrate applications:
– Access to tool information: Interface (requiring a license) to Manage MyTools (MMT)
– Access to NC program data: Interface (requiring a license) to Manage MyPrograms
– Direct access to NC/PLC: Interface to basic functions, including access to NC/PLC data
of the CNCs via the SINUMERIK Integrate server

Delivery form
The latest packages and further information on the applications are stored on PridaNet and
can be downloaded directly from there.

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Additional software
SINUMERIK Integrate also uses the following software:
Software that was developed for "OpenSSL" in order to use the "OpenSSL Toolkit" (http:// (
Software that was developed for "Openevidence" in order to use the "OpenEvidence Toolkit"
( (
Cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( (
Software written by Tim Hudson ( (
Software developed by Bodo Moeller.

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2.1 Requirement

2.1 Requirement
They must be installed and configured in order to user the Web service interfaces.
A further requirement is that the user is familiar with the Manage MyPrograms (MMP), Manage
MyTools (MMT) and Shop Floor Integrate (SFI) applications and has sufficient knowledge in
programming of Web service interfaces (HTTP/XML).
The "Access to tool information" interface is activated by the setup, see the documentation:
SINUMERIK Integrate MMP, MMT, AMC, AMP, AMM/E, AMD Installation Manual, Section:
AMD access to tool information.

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2.1 Requirement

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Direct access to NC/PLC 3
3.1 Introduction
This section describes an external interface of SINUMERIK Integrate (SI).
An introduction of the SI server and the underlying data structures (domain, organizations,
machines, control monitors, variable monitors, triggers, events, etc.) would exceed the scope
of this document, we therefore refer you to the documentation that is available on the SI server
installation CD. These documents contain important information and explanations, which are
required for understanding and using the web service interface.
The general manuals can be found under:
\Documentation\de for German documentation or
\Documentation\en for English documentation.

The interface for direct access to NC/PLC is being continually enhanced.

3.1.1 Direct access to NC/PLC

The infrastructure services provided by the SI server as a web service are part of the product
SINUMERIK Integrate Access MyData (AMD).
● The interface for direct access to NC/PLC identifies the web services that are published
free of charge. These are not explicitly indicated in the following chapters.

① Access to NC and PLC data

② Machine online detection, application state, system messages
③ Reading of the list of machines/nodes/GUID, no editing/creating/deleting

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Direct access to NC/PLC
3.2 Concept

3.2 Concept
The following chapters describe in an overview how the API interface functions and which
items are involved in the function and which must be configured, if applicable.

Interface also on SINUMERIK Integrate server (SI server)
The AMD interface "Direct access to PC/PLC" is only available locally on the SI server (IIS/
localhost). The customer application that uses the AMD interface must also be on the SI server.

3.2.1 Overview
All of the functions described here for using the new API interface are based on the Windows
Communication Foundation, or WCF for short.
The following basic packages are available. These are divided into task-specific sub-packages:
● Admin
Machine administration
● BasicServices
– BasicDataAccessService
New simplified data acquisition
– InfrastructureService
Machine status/synchronization
– BasicDataConfigurationServices
Configuration of basic data recordings
For licensing questions, please contact your Siemens sales representative.

3.2.2 Activate interface

The interface for direct access to NC/PLC is not active after installation. The corresponding
directories are not created as "Application" in the IIS during the installation. The WebServices
must first be activated in the IIS before the first use (default website / svc/ Api).

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Direct access to NC/PLC
3.2 Concept

Activate interface
To activate the AMD interfaces, you must convert the directory "Api" to an "Application" in the
1. To do this, select the "Api" directory and open the shortcut menu with a right-click.
2. Select the entry "Convert to Application" in the shortcut menu.

Activate services
Then activate the required services following the same procedure:


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Direct access to NC/PLC
3.2 Concept

3.2.3 Deactivate interface

To deactivate the AMD interfaces, the "application" must be deleted from the IIS.
1. To do this, select the directory "Api" and open the shortcut menu with a right-click.
2. Select the entry "Remove" in the shortcut menu.

The individual services under "Api" are deactivated according to the same principle.

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Direct access to NC/PLC
3.3 Service interfaces

3.3 Service interfaces

The individual interfaces of the services are listed below. The description of the call-up
parameters or return values has been omitted at this point to enhance the overview. This can
be found in exhaustive detail with example codes in the corresponding interface file.

3.3.1 Machine Admin Service Interface

Provides access to machine master data to receive information on the runtime of machines.
Namespace: Siemens.ISB.Interfaces.MachineAdmin
Interface: IMachineAdmin

Name Description
List<Machine> Contains the list of the machines which are
GetMachines(string domainName, available for the defined domain. The domain
MachineResultDesc machResult) must be provided in the parameter
Machine GetMachine (string Contains the master machine data of the ma‐
domainName, MachineIdentifier chine defined with machineId. The domain
machineId, MachineResultDesc must be provided in the parameter
machResult) domainName The machine must be available
for the domain that is defined in the parameter
Machine GetMachineByName (string Contains the master machine data of the ma‐
domainName, string chine defined with machineName. The domain
machineNameOEM, string must be provided in the parameter
organizationName, domainName The machine must be available
MachineResultDesc machResult) for the domain that is defined in the parameter

3.3.2 Basic Data Access Service Interface Introduction

This chapter contains an introductory description of how the SI server itself records the data
before making it available via the AMD interface.
Three types of data recording are available on the controller:
● Recording of data whenever there is a change
● Recording of data in a time cycle (every x seconds)
● Synchronized recording of data. The recording is initiated by setting a synchronization
value. After the recording, the system automatically resets the synchronization value.

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Direct access to NC/PLC
3.3 Service interfaces

No notification service (subscription, hotlink) is available to the end user in the AMD interface.
A monitoring function can be configured between the client and server via AMD for collecting
data. The end user must read the results via the AMD interface either cyclically or as needed.

The recorded values are forwarded within the client to a client channel. The configuration of
the corresponding client channel defines whether data will be buffered in the event the server
connection is lost and how large the buffer should be, if applicable.
The client channel ultimately ensures the transfer of data to the server. There, the data is
entered into a server channel, depending on the configuration of the corresponding data
recording. Data from different machines can be entered into one and the same server channel
if the configuration of the corresponding data recordings on different machines contains the
same server channel as the destination.
Via the server channel, the data can be called and, if applicable, marked as processed via an
application on the SI server interface.
The individual data recordings define the following:
● When a recording is to be made (when there is a change, cyclically, synchronized)
● What data is to be recorded (addresses in BTSS syntax)
● The client channel via which the data is to be transported to the server
● The server channel in which the data will be entered
In addition to recording the user data, the individual elements of the simplified data recording
provide system variables, which can be recorded in addition to user data. This system data
General machine-related data
● Machine was switched on/off
● Machine goes offline/online
● Machine was synchronized
● Machine configurations were changed – the machine is no longer synchronized
● Application and synchronization status of the machine (OK/Warning/Error respectively)

Client channel
Client channels are used to transfer recorded data to the server. Among other things, they
have buffer mechanisms, via which data can be temporarily saved when the connection to the
server is lost.

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Direct access to NC/PLC
3.3 Service interfaces

Server channel
Server channels are used for storing the recorded data until it is processed. A user can
configure how long the data is to be stored:
● Delete unprocessed data after ... (time period)
● Delete processed data after ... (time period)
● Maximum number of values in the server channel

Recording in the event of a change (OnChange Recording)

Via OnChange Recording, the values of individual variables of the controller can be recorded
when the corresponding value changes.
OnChange Recording provides the following functions:
● Recording each time a value is changed
● Recording if the value of the last recorded value differs by a minimum interval
● After a successful recording, there is a waiting period, within which no other values for the
same variable are recorded.
● Optimized recording (only one hotlink per address, even across domains)

Synchronized recording of data (Synchronized Recording)

The synchronized recording of values allows the recording of one or more values via a
synchronization variable.
The system waits until the synchronization variable assumes a configured value. Then the
system reads out the configured values and transfers them in a block to the configured client
channel. The system then resets the synchronization variable to a different configured value
so that the PLC, for example, can set new values.
The synchronized readout has a safety mechanism, which, if the hotlink does not detect the
configured start value for the reading process, ensures that the system still starts the readout
after 20 seconds at the latest, and then resets the synchronization variable. This is to prevent
the synchronized readout from "stopping" when there is a single failure of the hotlink.
Synchronized Recording provides the following functions:
● Configurable synchronization variable
● Start value for readout procedure can be configured
● Value set after the readout procedure has finished becomes configurable
● Transfer of all of the values read in a procedure for performance optimization
● Recording of values only if they differ from the last read value by at least a notable interval
● Automatic compilation of fragmented read-out values within a readout procedure for a bit

Cyclic recording of values (Cyclic Recording)

One or more values are cyclically recorded every n seconds.

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Direct access to NC/PLC
3.3 Service interfaces

Cyclic Recording provides the following functions:

● Transfer of all of the values read in a procedure for performance optimization
● Recording of values only if they differ from the last read value by at least a configurable
● Automatic compilation of fragmented read-out values within a readout procedure for a bit

Direct Data Access

In addition to the previously described functions for recording data in the background, the
simple data recording provides functions for the "online" reading and writing of variables in the
controller. Internally, the function uses the "Direct Communication" infrastructure.
Direct Data Access provides the following functions:
● Synchronous reading of variables (latency period for Direct Communication via semaphore)
● Asynchronous reading with notification via WCF web service interface when the read
procedure has completed
● Synchronous writing of variables (latency period for Direct Communication via semaphore)
● Asynchronous writing with notification via WCF web service interface when the write
procedure has completed
In order to be able to use all of the functions of the simple data recording, the SI server must
be configured accordingly. The configuration can be done with the aid of the Basic Data
Configuration Service Interface, which is displayed in the following section. Basic Data Access Service Interface

Use this interface to access saved data.
Namespace: Siemens.ISB.Interfaces.BasicServices.BasicDataAccess
Interface: IBasicDataAccess

Name Description
ChannelData ReadData (string Depicts the data of a specified server channel
domainName, string serverChannel, beginning at a defined start ID.
Int64 startId, int maxCount)
long GetLastId(string domain Name, Shows the ID of the last data entry in a server
string serverChannel) channel.
void SetProcessedLine(string Defines the data process line, so that the serv‐
domainName, string serverChannel, er can delete processed data of a server chan‐
Int64 lastProcessedId) nel. Basic Data Configuration Service Interface

Use this interface to configure basic data recordings.
Namespace: Siemens.ISB.Interfaces.BasicServices.BasicDataAccess

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Direct access to NC/PLC
3.3 Service interfaces

Interface: IBasicDataConfiguration

Name Description
void Defines the server channels for a specific do‐
DefineServerDataChannels(string main. Replaces the existing configuration with
domainName, a new one. Old configuration is deleted.
chan- nels)
List<ServerDataChannelConfig> Receipt of the server channel configuration for
GetServerDataChannels(string a domain.
domain- Name)
void DefineClientDataChannels Defining the client channel for a machine within
(string domainName, a domain.
MachineIdentifier machineId,
chan- nels)
List<ClientDataChannelConfig> Receipt of the configured client channel for a
GetClientDataChannels(string defined machine within a domain.
domainName, MachineIdentifier
void DefineDataRecordings(string Defining the configuration for data recordings
do- mainName, MachineIdentifier for a defined machine and domain. The exist‐
machineId, ing configuration is overwritten with the new
List<DataRecordingConfig> one.
recordings) Note:
No more than five recordings may be defined
for machines with HMI-Advanced.
List<DataRecordingConfig> GetData- Receipt of the data recording configuration for
Recordings a defined machine within a domain.
(string domainName,
MachineIdentifier machineId)
void Defines the configuration for recordings of sys‐
DefineSystemMachineVariableRe- tem machine variables in a specific domain for
cordings a specific machine. Here, a user can define the
(string domainName, server channel in which the system machine
MachineIdentifier machineId, variables are sent. The existing configuration
for the machine and domain is overwritten.
g> recordings)
List<SystemMachineVariableRecordin Receipt of the system machine variable config‐
g> uration for a defined machine within a domain.
(string domainName,
MachineIdentifier machineId)
void DefineClientJobNotifications Defines the configuration for recordings of sys‐
(string domainName, tem machine variables in a specific domain for
MachineIdentifier machineId, a specific machine. Here, a user can define the
List<ClientJobNotificationConfigur client channel in which the system machine
ation> configuration) variables are provided. The existing configura‐
tion for the machine and domain is overwritten.

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Direct access to NC/PLC
3.3 Service interfaces

Name Description
List<ClientJobNotificationConfigur Receipt of the system machine variable config‐
ation> GetClientJobNotifications uration for a defined machine within a domain.
(string domainName,
MachineIdentifier machineId)
BasicDataAccessMachineConfiguratio Receipt of the machine configuration for basic
n GetMachineConfiguration data access for a specific domain within a ma‐
(string domainName, chine.
MachineIdentifier machineId)
void DefineMachineConfiguration Defining the machine configuration for basic
(string domainName, data access for a specific domain within a ma‐
MachineIdentifier machine- chine.
tion configuration) Direct Data Access Service Interface

Via this interface, you can conduct activities for the direct variable access on a machine.
Namespace: Siemens.ISB.Interfaces.BasicServices.BasicDataAccess
Interface: IDirectDataAccess

Name Description
bool IsDirectDataAccessAvailable() Shows whether the SI server supports direct
variable access.
DirectDataAccessResult Synchronous writing of a variable on the ma‐
WriteToDevice (string domainName, chine.
MachineIdentifier machineId,
string address, RecordingDataType
dataType, string value, TimeSpan
Guid WriteToDeviceAsync (string Asynchronous writing of a variable on the ma‐
domainName, MachineIdentifier chine.
machineId,string address,
RecordingDataType dataType,
string value, string
callbackUrl,TimeSpan timeout)
DirectDataAccessResult Synchronous reading of a variable from the
ReadFromDevice (string domainName, machine.
achineIdentifier machineId,
string address, RecordingDataType
dataType, TimeSpan timeout)
Guid ReadFromDeviceAsync (string Asynchronous reading of a variable from the
domainName, MachineIdentifier machine.
machineId,string address,
RecordingDataType dataType,
string callbackUrl, TimeSpan

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3.3 Service interfaces

Reading or writing of bin blocks on HMI-Advanced
After a new installation of HMI-Advanced on Windows XP or an upgrade, the integrated
OPC server of the HMI-Advanced might no longer function correctly.
As a result, the methods "WriteToDevice" or "ReadFromDevice" no longer function in the
described interface. The user cannot write bin blocks anymore.
The OPC server of the HMI-Advanced must be set to an operational state again. Advanced
Windows expertise is required for these steps. Execute the following steps as administrator:
1. Check whether the file "MCVar.dll" exists in the directory "F:\mmc2". If the file is missing,
reinstall HMI-Advanced using the "Repair" functionality in the Windows program list.
2. Use the "Regedit" tool to check whether the OPC server is registered in the Windows
registry (name: "OPC.Sinumerik.Machineswitch"). If this entry is missing, execute the
following command in the Windows command line to register the OPC server:
"F:\mmc2\opc\dataaccess\SOPC_MachineSwitch /RegServer"
3. Restart the HMI-Advanced after the changes. Direct Data Access Callback Service

Via this interface, you are notified if a value for which you have set an asynchronous read
procedure has changed (direct variable access).
Namespace: Siemens.ISB.Interfaces.BasicServices.BasicDataAccess
Interface: IDirectDataAccessCallback

Name Description
DirectDataAccessCompleted This method is called after an asynchronous
(DirectDataAccessResult result ) "direct variable access" call has been ended.
Objects of the type "DirectDataAccessResult"
contain the result of the call.

3.3.3 Machinestatus Service Interface

Use this interface to call up status information about machines in a domain.
Namespace: Siemens.ISB.Interfaces.BasicServices.InfrastructureService

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3.3 Service interfaces

Interface: IMachineStatus

Name Description
List<MachineStatusInfo> Receipt of the status of all of the machines
GetMachineStatusAllMachines(string available in a domain.
MachineStatusDetail Receipt of the detailed status of a specific ma‐
GetMachineApplicationStatus(string chine from a domain.
domainName, MachineIdentifier (not yet available)

3.3.4 ServerSideSynchronisation Service Interface

An interface for initiating server-side synchronization
Namespace: Siemens.ISB.Interfaces.BasicServices.InfrastructureService
Interface: IServerSideSynchronization

Name Description
bool Initiating a sever-side synchronization.
tring domainName,
MachineIdentifier machineId)
SynchronizationInfo Receipt of the synchronization information of
GetSynchronizationInfo(string the previously defined machine.
domainName, MachineIdentifier

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Access to tool information 4
4.1 Introduction
This section describes an external interface of SINUMERIK Integrate (SI). The interface
described here provides external applications with access to functions and data from MMT,
e.g. for managing tool information. The interface is implemented as Web service.
The interface enables access to tool data and is part of the AMD (Access MyData) product.
The interface requires an operational SINUMERIK Integrate server and the operationally
installed Manage MyTools (MMT) or Shop Floor Integrate (SFI) application.
This Web service interface has several interfaces that allow clients access to the functionality
of this service; refer to "/amd/tools"; e.g. " ... /amd/tools/v1/PressettingList".
For further information, refer to the functions of MMT and SFI.

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4.2 Basic information

4.2 Basic information

4.2.1 Web service interface

The Web service interface uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol for connecting to and
transferring data between the SI server and an external application. The functions are made
available within SINUMERIK Integrate (SI) by the MMT server. Therefore, an operational
MMT server is required in addition to an operational SI server.

4.2.2 Error messages Handling errors

The AMD interface enables a type-based input value check for the backend and outputs the
following different error messages / actions. The following table contains an overview of the
actions and their causes, and provides recommendations for their remedy.


Action Message Causes and remedy

404 (Not found) Status code The function call is unknown under the URL used.
Error message Check the URL.
301 (Moved permanently) Status code If AMD tools are used with SFI RM installed, the Actions
Error message 117 and 141 are forwarded to another function call.
405 (Method not allowed) Status code The call of the method has not been enabled or is not
Error message permitted under the current configuration.
400 (Bad request) Status code The function call could not be executed.
Error message Check the parameters of the function call.
With each function call, the user is informed whether the execution Sends the request to the client:
was successful or if an error occurred. Status code and message, content type header, re‐
sponse body
504 (Gateway timeout) Status code The time for executing the function call has been ex‐
Error message ceeded.

502 (Bad gateway) Status code The required service cannot be accessed.
Error message The function cannot be executed.
500 (Internal server error) Status code An error occurred while executing the function.
Error message The detailed cause cannot be determined.

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4.2 Basic information Error message logs

The AMD interface signals its own errors. The error codes between 100 and 199 are directly
from the AMD interface.
If the AMD interface detects a problem with the URL request, the validation or backend
connection, and cannot send a response from the backend, an error is signaled.
The HTTP status of the error describes different error causes and is documented in the "Errors
of the AMD interface" area. Data is illogical or contains errors

Response protocol
All errors are displayed in this format:
<Error errorCode="<ErrorCode>" errorMessage="<ErrorText>"/>

errorCode error detection
If the clients use errorCode for the error detection, the error description is in English. This
message refers mainly to API users.
The error message must not contain any call tracking or exception details. UIs should use the
error code. Error codes

The following table provides an overview of the error codes of the AMD interface.

Error Description Causes and remedy

101 Protocol violation The target lacks the content in <Body>.
Complete the content.
102 Internal server error An internal problem occurred in the service while exe‐
cuting the function.
103 Unexpected error An error occurred while executing the function.
The detailed cause cannot be determined.
104 Timeout for request Define the timeout in the "web.config" file of the AMD
The target URL does not respond within the specified interface.
time. ● Default setting: 30 s
<add key="ConnectionTimeout"
105 Request failed The URL is incorrectly configured.
An error occurs when attempting to access the target Correct the URL.
106 Create request failed The URL is incorrectly configured.
The error occurs during the creation of the request. Correct the URL.

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4.2 Basic information

Error Description Causes and remedy

107 Invalid request Check and correct the content of the request.
108 Invalid request on account of excessive size The request was rejected because the size in "body"
was exceeded.
Specify the size of the request:
● Characters
Default value: 20000 (characters)
<add key=”MaxCharactersInDocument”
value= ”20000”/>
● Bytes
Default value: 104857600 (100 MB)
<add key=”MaxRequestBodySizeInBytes”
109 Invalid request, no SSL The request was rejected because requests are sent
only via an HTTPS method.
110 Invalid request certification The request was rejected because there is no valid X509
Format the certificates correspondingly.
111 Illegal HTTP method The response was rejected because the HTTP method
is not permitted.
Valid HTTP methods are: GET, POST or PUT

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Access to tool information
4.3 Certification

4.3 Certification
For secured communication (HTTPS) between the SI Server and the clients, you require a
digital certificate that confirms the identity of the server.
The connection is an SSL connection.
The following certificates are required for communication:
● SSL certificate: This certificate must be present on the server.
● Root certificate: This certificate must be present on the server and the clients.

The certificate has already been generated or updated.

Client authentication/connection problems
● The client authentication allows the user secure access to a server or remote computer by
exchanging a digital certificate.
● Editing is not possible in the event of connection problems. The function is only guaranteed
for an existing SSL connection.
In this case, the error code of the Web service interface changes to 108; see also: Error
codes (Page 33).

The procedure for generating and configuring the certificate is described in the following
Installation Manual: SINUMERIK Integrate MMP, MMT, AMC, AMP, AMM/E, AMD,
Section: Setting up an encrypted connection
Section: AMD access to tool information, generating/selecting the server certificate.

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Access to tool information
4.4 Interface functions

4.4 Interface functions

4.4.1 Protocol for reading/writing/changing data - MMT

The following sections describe the protocols for reading/writing/changing tool and/or planning
data in MMT.
There are two different methods to use this function on the one hand for POST requests and
on the other hand for GET requests. Readout of the MMT configuration (Action 101)

The "Read MMT configuration (Action 101)" operation is used to read out the currently loaded
and used shopfloor configuration in MMT. The shopfloor configuration contains all of the
information about the configured components (cabinets, units, groups, machines, magazines)
within the MMT.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:
<Action ID="101"/>

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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol
<Action ID="101">
<Configuration versionLabel="" crc32="86F2EEE" distributed="1" ...>
<Node nodeId="Server" nodeNo="1" globalId="FAFBD571-FD0F-4372-9BBE-8EB1C3FAFD9F"
host="<AMD-Tools server IP">
<Modules Plant="0" Overview="1" Handling="1" Statistic="1" Machine="1"
Planning="1" ...="">
<SinOpSupport name="TdiMcisInterfaces" param="localhost:8000"
assembly="TdiMcisInterface.dll" />
<OEM name="MMTWebInterface" assembly="MMTWebInterface.dll"
subscription_timeout="300000" />
<Container id="New magazine" ...="" />
<ContainerAssignment fromParent="0">
<ContainerToAssigne nodeId="Server" containerId="New magazine" asMoveDest="1"
asLoad="1" />
<Node nodeId="NCUsl" orgName="Org" globalId="21CD79E2-0B73-11E4-8000-001FF80DBF91"
nodeNo="3" ...="">
<TOA linkedToa="1" numOfChn="1">
<HolderAssignment chn="1" numOfToolHld="1" toolHolder="1" />
<Container id="Pick_Up" no="1" nodeNo="4"...>
<Container id="MAG-2" no="2" nodeNo="5"...>
<Container id="SONDERMAGAZIN" no="5" nodeNo="6"...>
<Container id="Belademagazin1" no="8" nodeNo="7"...>
<Node nodeId="NCU" nodeNo="13"...>
<Modules Overview="1" Handling="1" Statistic="1" Machine="1" Planning="1"
TPGeneration="1" ...=""/>
<Container id="Pick_Up" globalId="2D4BBEED-C0F1-48BF-9F43-6D0ACD5C7B3A"...>
<Container id="ZM87_2" globalId="34047B59-BDD0-405E-8219-D2FFAF638DD1"...>

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4.4 Interface functions

For a detailed description on the structure of the shopfloor configuration in MMT please refer
to the MMT documentation. Subscribe to tool transfer (Action 103)

The "Subscribe to tool change (Action 103)" operation allows a notification service for tool
transfers in MMT to be activated or deactivated. The value of the SUBSCRIBE parameter in
the request protocol activates (value "1") or deactivates (value "0") the notification service.
The timeout defines the period of time after which the GET Requests are answered if no user
data is available for retrieval on the WebInterface server. The timeout attribute is optional
and can be omitted. The default value is (10000 ms)

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:
Start the subscription:

<Action ID="103">
<SUBSCRIBE timeout="5000">1</SUBSCRIBE>

End the subscription:

<Action ID="103" guid="9375c90c-d64a-4def-87f6-109b2ae8db28">


Response protocol

The GUID returned upon activation must always be sent along with the HTTP GET requests
and when the notification server is deactivated.

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4.4 Interface functions

The following response is sent when the notification service is successfully activated:

<Action ID="103" guid="1e14fbaa-4965-4d43-af19-9884d50f5b76">


The following response is sent when the notification service is successfully deactivated:

<Action ID="103" guid="dcc2aedb-5dc5-4278-8f50-47f57d8b9e21">


After activation of the notification service, an HTTP-GET request must be sent cyclically to the
WebInterface server. This contains as parameters the Action ID and the GUID returned on
activation. The request is replied to immediately if user data is available for retrieval from the
WebInterface server.
GET request:
● Method:
● AMD tool URL:
https://<AMD-Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions?
If no user data from an asynchronous operation is available at the WebInterface server, the
server response is delayed until an asynchronous operation is available at the
WebInterface server. After the timeout period (user-defined or default of 10000 milliseconds),
the HTTP-GET call returns with no data. The client can recognize from the size of the answer
whether user data of the asynchronous operation is available.
For each new transfer of tools, the subscriber gets a response similar to the following example:

Response protocol
<Action ID="103" guid="dcc2aedb-5dc5-4278-8f50-47f57d8b9e21">
<ToolData State="Add|Deleted" NodeId="NCU2" ContainerId="PAT1"

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4.4 Interface functions

Possible states of the attribute <State> are Add and Deleted.

All tool data must be called by a further action if necessary. Read out tool container assignment "all parameters" (action 107)
The "Read out tool container assignment "all parameters" (action 107)" function allows tool
data (including all parameters) to be read out from one or more tool containers.
For every container to be read out, the ContainerId and its higher-level NodeId (this can
be determined from the MMT shopfloor configuration) must be specified.
The values that should be contained in the response can be defined by entering the optional
parameter Place in the request.
● All: Tools + empty locations
● ToolsOnly: Tools
● Empty: Empty locations

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="107" Places="All | ToolsOnly | Empty">

<MagList NodeId="NCUpl" ContainerId="Mag1"/>
<MagList NodeId="NCUsl" ContainerId="Pick_Up"/>

The response protocol differs for Powerline and Solutionline control systems.

The response protocol for Solutionline control systems contains additional elements in node
<TC_TP> in addition to the <TC_TPx> elements. The Powerline control systems do not contain
the additional elements.

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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol (Solutionline)

<Action ID="107">
<MagList NodeId="NCUsl">
<Mag Name="Pick_Up" ContainerState="SYNCHRON" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="2" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="3" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="4" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="5" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="6" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="7" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="8" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="9" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="10" />
<DataElem Index="1">

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4.4 Interface functions


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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol (Powerline)

<Action ID="107">
<MagList NodeId="NCUpl">
<Mag Name="Pick_Up" ContainerState="SYNCHRON" />
<DataElem Index="1">

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4.4 Interface functions


● Nodes and containers that do not contain any tool data are not listed for the response.
● The attribute <ContainerState> shows whether or not the tool container is connected.
Possible states are:
– ContainerState="SYNCHRON"
– ContainerState="IN_SYNC"
– ContainerState="OFFLINE" Read out tool container assignment (Action 108)

The "Read tool container assignment (Action 108)" function allows tool data to be read out
from one or more tool containers.
For every container to be read out, the ContainerID and its higher-level NodeId (this can
be determined from the MMT shopfloor configuration) must be specified.
The values that should be contained in the response can be defined by entering the optional
parameter Place in the request.
● All: Tools + empty locations
● ToolsOnly: Tools
● Empty: Empty locations

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Access to tool information
4.4 Interface functions

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="108" Places="All">

<MagList NodeId="NCUsl" ContainerId="Pick_Up"/>
<MagList NodeId="Server" ContainerId="Zoller"/>

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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol
<Action ID="108">
<MagList NodeId="NCUsl">
<Mag Name="Pick_Up" ContainerState="SYNCHRON" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="1" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="2" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="6" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="7" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="8" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="9" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="10" />
<DataElem Index="1">

● Nodes and containers that do not contain any tool data are not listed for the response.
● The attribute <ContainerState> shows whether or not the tool container is connected.
Possible states are:
– ContainerState="SYNCHRON"
– ContainerState="IN_SYNC"
– ContainerState="OFFLINE"

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Access to tool information
4.4 Interface functions Read out tool node (Action 109)

The "Read node tool (Action 109)" operation is used to read out one or more MMT nodes
(groups/units/machines). During this operation, all of the containers (magazines, cabinets, etc.)
below the specified node are read out.
The values that should be contained in the response can be defined by entering the optional
parameter Place in the request.
● All: Tools + empty locations
● ToolsOnly: Tools
● Empty: Empty locations

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="109" Places="All">

<MagList NodeId="NCUsl"/>

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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol
<Action ID="109">
<MagList NodeId="NCUsl">
<Mag Name="Pick_Up" ContainerState="SYNCHRON">
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="2" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="3" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="4" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="5" />
<DataElem Index="1">
<Mag Name="MAG-2" ContainerState="SYNCHRON">
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="7" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="8" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="9" />
<EmptyPlace PlaceNo="10" />
<DataElem Index="1">

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4.4 Interface functions


● Nodes and containers that do not contain any tool data are not listed for the response.
● The attribute <ContainerState> shows whether or not the tool container is connected.
Possible states are:
– ContainerState="SYNCHRON"
– ContainerState="IN_SYNC"
– ContainerState="OFFLINE" Add/change external data (Action 114)

The "Add/change external data (Action 114)" operation is used to add/change the external
data in a tool. To identify the tool, for the Request protocol, the associated node and container
(NodeId and ContainerId) can be determined from the MMT shopfloor configuration – see
protocol: Readout of the MMT configuration (Action 101) (Page 36), the location number (the
location number can be determined by means of the Action_108/109 – see protocol: Read out
tool container assignment (Action 108) (Page 44) or Read out tool node (Action 109)
(Page 47), the tool identifier and the duplo number are required.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

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Access to tool information
4.4 Interface functions

<Action ID="114">
<Tool NodeId="Server" ContainerId="Zoller" PlaceNo="1" TC_TP2="mill200A"

Response protocol
<Action ID="114">
<Tool NodeId="Server" ContainerId="Zoller" PlaceNo="1" TC_TP2="123456"
</Action> Read out actual tool data via tool identifier/DuploNo. (Action 115)
The "Read actual Tooldata by toolident/DuploNo. (Action 115)" operation enables an entire
tool dataset to be read out. To identify the tool, for the Request protocol, the associated node
(NodeId) can be determined from the MMT shopfloor configuration – see protocol: Readout
of the MMT configuration (Action 101) (Page 36), the tool identifier and the duplo number are

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="115">
<ToolData NodeId="NCUpl-Mark">

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4.4 Interface functions

The response protocol differs for Powerline and Solutionline control systems.

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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol (Solutionline)

<Action ID="115">
<ToolData NodeState="OFFLINE">
<DataElem Index="1">

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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol (Powerline)

<Action ID="115">
<ToolData NodeState="SYNCHRON">
<DataElem Index="1">

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4.4 Interface functions


● The attribute <NodeState> shows whether or not the node (machine, groups, etc.) is
● Possible states are:
– NodeState="SYNCHRON"
– NodeState="OFFLINE" Read out actual tool data via ExternalId (Action 116).
The "Read actual tool data (Action 116)" operation enables a complete tool data set to be read
out. To identify the tool, for the Request protocol, the associated node (NodeId) can be
determined from the MMT shopfloor configuration – see protocol: Readout of the MMT
configuration (Action 101) (Page 36) and an external ID (e.g. inventory or holder number) are

If the NodeId attribute is blank, then all nodes are searched.

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4.4 Interface functions

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="116">
<ToolData NodeId="Server">

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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol (Solutionline)

<Action ID="116">
<ToolData NodeState="SYNCHRON">
<DataElem Index="1">

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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol (Powerline)

<Action ID="116">
<ToolData NodeState="SYNCHRON">
<DataElem Index="1">

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4.4 Interface functions

</Action> Import tool dataset (Action 117)

The "Import tool data set (Action 117)" operation imports tool data sets into an MMT SQL
presetter. The operation enables tool data to be transferred from tool presetting stations.
For this operation, all tool data, the target container, and the associated node must be
transferred. NodeId and ContainerId can be determined from the MMT shopfloor configuration
– see protocol: Readout of the MMT configuration (Action 101) (Page 36).
Action 117 is not available when SFI is installed. In this case, access to action 117 via the
AMD interface is prevented. In this case, the setting container PUT is used ("…/amd/tools/v1/
PresettingList/{invNo}"). To prevent access to action 117, the AMD interface must read the
request and confirm that it is not a call of action 117.
If SFI is installed and a client still calls action 117, the AMD interface sends status code 301
(Moved Permanently) to the client. This is an indication to use a different URL address (…/

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

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<Action ID="117">
<ToolList NodeId="Server" ContainerId="Import">
<DataElem Index="1">

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Response protocol
<Action ID="117">
<ToolList NodeId="Server" ContainerId="Import">

When creating a tool using Action 117, the TDI_EXTERN_ID can be defined, among others.
The MMT server must be correspondingly configured (no automatic assignment of the
The following steps must be performed for this purpose:
1. Open the "Options" tab in the MMT configuration program (Manage MyTools configuration).
2. Click "Tool identification", and select "Global tool identification (e.g. holder number) defined
by ExternId".
3. Accept and save this setting.
4. Then restart the MMT server.
Otherwise the entered ExternId will be replaced by an automatically generated character string
if the automatic assignment of the ExternId has been configured in the MMT server. Delete tool (Action 119)

The operation "Delete tool (Action 119)" is used to delete tools from the disassembly container.
To identify a tool, either the NodeId, ContainerId and location number or the ExternId
must be specified.

The Response protocol specifies whether the deletion was successful for the respective tool.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

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<Action ID="119">
<Place nodeId="NCUsl" containerId="Pick_Up" no="1"/>
<Place nodeId="NCUsl" containerId="Pick_Up" no="3"/>
<Place externId="eine externe WZ-Identifikation"/>

Response protocol
<Action ID="119">
<Place nodeId="NCUsl" containerId="Pick_Up" no="1">Deleted</Place>
<Place nodeId="NCUsl" containerId="Pick_Up" no="3">Deleted</Place>
<Place externId="eine externe WZ-Identifikation">Deleted</Place>
</Action> Read out master data overview (Action 120)

The "Read master data overview (Action 120)" operation is used to read out all the master
data created in MMT. The result can be restricted by specifying the filter parameters TC_TP2,
TC_DP1 and/or TOOL_COMMENT in the protocol.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

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<Action ID="120">

Response protocol
<Action ID="120">
</Action> Read out master data set (Action 121)

The "Read master data (Action 121)" operation is used to read out a complete master data
set. In the protocol, the master data set is uniquely identified using parameter "TC_TP2".

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

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<Action ID="121">

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Response protocol
<Action ID="121">
<DataElem Index="1">
</Action> Delete master data set (Action 122)

The "Delete master data (Action 122)" operation is used to delete an existing data set in MMT.
The master data set can be uniquely identified in the protocol using parameter TC_TP2.

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Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="122">

Response protocol
<Action ID="122">
</Action> Create/change master data set (Action 123)

The "Create/change master data set (Action 123)" operation is used to create a new or change
an existing master data set in MMT.
Internal sequence:
When performing the operation, first of all the tool identifier (parameter TC_TP2) is used to
check whether the master data set already exists in the MMT. If the identifier already exists in
MMT, the associated master data set is overwritten with the new values from the request
protocol. If the tool identifier does not exist, then a new master data set is created in MMT.

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Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

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<Action ID="123">
<DataElem Index="1">

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Response protocol
If a master data set has been successfully created from new in MMT, then the following
response is sent:

<Action ID="123">

If an existing tool master data set is successfully changed in MMT, the following response is

<Action ID="123">
</Action> Set master data set (Action 124)

The "Set master data set (Action 124)" operation is used to create a tool based on a selected
master data set in a presetter. For the query for this operation, the master data set is uniquely
identified by parameter TC_TP2, the node and the container must be specified for the target
container (NodeId and ContainerId can be determined from the MMT shopfloor
configuration – see protocol: Readout of the MMT configuration (Action 101) (Page 36). The
parameter TC_TP1 (duplo number) has the value range from 0 to 32,000.

The target container for the tool must be of the "presetter" type.
The data (identifier and duplo number) is not checked for unambiguity. This allows tools with
the duplo number 0 to be set, even double tools can be set.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions

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● Header content type:

● Body:

<Action ID="124">
<ToolList NodeId="Server" ContainerId=" Presetter1">

Response protocol
<Action ID="124">
<ToolList NodeId="Server" ContainerId="Presetter1">
</Action> Read out tool plan (Action 131)

The "Read tool plan (Action 131)" operation is used to read out an assembly plan in MMT. In
the request protocol, the tool plan must be uniquely identified using the ToolPlanId
parameter and the assigned NodeId.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="131">
<ToolPlan NodeId="node_id" ToolPlanId="plan_id"/>

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Response protocol
<Action ID="131">
<ToolPlan id="plan_id" nodeId="node_id" version="1" prog="Prog" duration="25"
channel="1" lastChangeDate="2014-02-14T14:11:11" lastChangeName="User" reserve1=""
reserve2="" reserve3="">
<Tool toolId="tool_id1" objectid="object_id1" occtype="" spindelNo="1" edgeNo="1"
cutTime="3" cutCount="1" progPosition="" mon="1"/>
<Tool toolId="tool_id2" edgeNo ="1" cutTime="6" cutCount="1" progPosition =""
<Tool toolId="tool_id3" edgeNo ="1" cutTime="2" cutCount="1" progPosition =""
<Tool toolId="tool_id4" objectid="object_id4" occtype="" targetMagazineNodeNo="1"
edgeNo ="1"
cutTime="4" cutCount="1" progPosition ="" mon="1"/>
<Tool toolId="tool_id5" objectid="object_id5" occtype="" spindleNo="2"
edgeNo="1" cutCount="1" progPosition="" mon="1"/>
</Action> Delete tool plan (Action 132)

The "Delete toolplan (Action 132)" operation is used to delete an existing tool plan in MMT. In
the request protocol, the tool plan must be uniquely identified using the ToolPlanId
parameter and the assigned NodeId.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="132">
<ToolPlan NodeId="Server" ToolPlanId="Base plate"/>

Response protocol
<Action ID="132">
<ToolPlan NodeId="Server" ToolPlanId="Base plate">

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4.4 Interface functions Create/change tool plan (Action 133)

The "Create/change tool plan (Action 133)" operation is used to create a new or change an
existing tool plan in MMT. To assign the tool plan, the ToolPlanId and NodeId parameters
must be specified for the request protocol.

Internal sequence:
When performing this operation, in a first step it must be checked as to whether the tool plan
already exists in MMT. If the tool plan already exists, the tool plan is overwritten with the
transferred data of the request protocol.
If the tool plan ID does not exist, a new tool plan is created in MMT.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="133">
<ToolPlan id="plan_id" nodeId="node_id" version="1" prog="Progname" duration="25"
channel="1" lastChangeDate="2014-02-14T14:11:11" lastChangeName="User_id" reserve1=""
reserve2="" reserve3="">
<Tool toolId="tool_id1" objectid="object_id1" occtype="" targetMagazineNodeNo="2
cutTime="3" cutCount="1" progPosition="" mon="1"/>
<Tool toolId="tool_id2" edgeNo ="1" cutTime="6" cutCount="1" progPosition =""
<Tool toolId="tool_id3" edgeNo ="1" cutTime="2" cutCount="1" progPosition =""
<Tool toolId="toold_id4" objectid="object_id4" occtype="" spindelNo="1" edgeNo ="1"
cutTime="4" cutCount="1" progPosition ="" mon="1"/>
<Tool toolId="tool_id5" objectid="object_id5" occtype="" spindleNo="2" edgeNo="1"
cutTime="4" cutCount="1" progPosition ="" mon="1"/>

Response protocol
If a tool plan has been successfully created, the following response is sent:

<Action ID="133">
<ToolPlan nodeId="node_id1" id="plan_id">

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If an existing tool plan is changed in MMT due to this operation, the following response is sent:

<Action ID="133">
<ToolPlan nodeId="node_id" id="plan_id">
</Action> Read out tool plan overview (Action 134)

The "Read toolplan overview "recursive" (Action 134)" operation is used to read out an
overview of the tool plans which are assigned to a node.
Setting the Recursive attribute in the request protocol to true (value "1") or false (value
"0") allows the request to be output recursively or non-recursively.
The Recursive attribute is optional and can be omitted if the request is not output recursively.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="134">
<ToolPlanList NodeId="Server" Recursive="1"/>

Response protocol
<Action ID="134">
<ToolPlan NodeId="Masch1" ID="Base plate" Version="1" InUse="False"
<ToolPlan NodeId="Masch1" ID="Cylinder" Version="1" InUse="False"
<ToolPlan NodeId="Masch2" ID="corner" Version="1" InUse="True"
<ToolPlan NodeId="Masch3" ID="Rough cut" Version="4" InUse="True"
<ToolPlan NodeId="Masch3" ID="Rough cut" Version="1" InUse="False"

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4.4 Interface functions Read out setting list (Action 141)

The operation "Read out setting list (Action 141)" allows the setting list (a balancing result) to
be read out in MMT.
Action 141 is not available when SFI is installed. In this case, access to action 141 via the
AMD interface is prevented.
If SFI is installed and a client still calls action 141, the AMD interface sends status code 301
(Moved Permanently) to the client. This is an indication to use a different URL address (…/
Using the following request protocol, the balancing result of the entire shopfloor structure is
always supplied:

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="141"/>

Using the following optional extension of the request protocol, the readout of the balancing
result can be restricted to the specified node(s). MMT configuration nodes of the following
types are permitted (RootNode, Group and Machine):

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="141">
<NodeSelection NodeId="NCU 01"/>
<NodeSelection NodeId="Gruppe 2"/>

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Response protocol
The following example response is received if there is a need for tools:

<Action ID="141">
<Place NodeId="Fertigung" containerId="Zoller" no="10">
<Tool id="nxt_mill_1010_100_A" state="2" type="0" tool_ptype="9999" mon="1"
intern="-1" target-node="MAG_NBV_700_MT" target-time="2013-10-17T11:23:21"
target-work="WorkSeq1" target-part="1" target-count="1" toolPlanId="Plan_1"
<CutEdge rtime="" />
<Place NodeId="Fertigung" containerId="Zoller" no="12">
<Tool id="nxt_mill_1020_100_A" state="2" type="0" tool_ptype="9999" mon="1"
intern="-1" target-node="MAG_NBV_700_MT" target-time="2013-10-17T11:27:21"
target-work="WorkSeq1" target-part="1" target-count="1" toolPlanId="Plan_1"
<CutEdge rtime="" />

The following example response is received if no tools are available in the setting list:

<Action ID="141">
</Action> Set reservation ID (Action 142)

The "Set reservation ID" operation allows the reservation ID to be set or deleted for a real tool
in a magazine.
A reservation ID consists of the following 5 data items:
● TDI_TARGET_NODE: The destination machine for which this tool is reserved.
● TDI_TARGET_TIME: Provision time
● TDI_TARGET_WORK: Name of the machining sequence which triggered the need.
● TDI_TARGET_PART: Workpiece number
● TDI_TARGET_SPINDLENO: Spindle number

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Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

Example 1: Setting the reservation ID

<Action ID="142">
<Tool NodeId="Server" ContainerId="Zoller" PlaceNo="2" TC_TP2="toolk"

Example 2: Removing the reservation ID

<Action ID="142">
<Tool NodeId="Server" ContainerId="Zoller" PlaceNo="2" TC_TP2="toolk"

Response protocol
<Action ID="142">
<Tool NodeId="Server" ContainerId="Zoller" PlaceNo="2" TC_TP2="toolk"
TC_TP1="1">OK |

● The target machine <TDI_TARGET_NODE> for which the tool is reserved must actually exist
in the shopfloor configuration.
● The item <TDI_TARGET_TIME> must be available in ISO 8601 format.
● The location number can be determined using the Action_108/109 – see protocol: Read
out tool container assignment (Action 108) (Page 44) or Read out tool node (Action 109)
(Page 47).

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4.4 Interface functions Perform single handling (Action 162)

The operation "Perform single handling (Action 162)" permits defined tool handling to be also
performed directly via the interface. Handling can be started (value "1") or ended (value "0")
using the value of the Transfer parameter in the request protocol.
The timeout defines the period of time after which the GET requests are answered if no user
data is available for retrieval on the WebInterface server. The timeout attribute is optional
and can be omitted. The default value is 10000 ms.

Table 4-1 Description of the attributes of the request protocol:

Attribute Description
SrcNodeId Name of the source machine as in the MMT configuration
SrcMag Name of the source magazine as in the MMT configuration
SrcLoc Location of the source magazine
(SrcLoc can be determined using the Action_108/109 – see protocol: Read out
tool container assignment (Action 108) (Page 44) or Read out tool node (Action
109) (Page 47))
TC_TP2 Tool identifier same as in NC program
TC_TP1 Duplo number
SrcLoadingPoint Loading/unloading point of the source machine
(0 corresponds to the automatic use of the suitable loading point). If multiple
loading/unloading points are available on a machine, the relevant loading/un‐
loading point must be specified for the transfer.
Parameter is only effective for NCU machine magazines
DstNodeId Name of the destination machine as in the MMT configuration
DstMag Name of the destination magazine as in the MMT configuration
DstLoc Location of the destination magazine (0 corresponds to an automatic search for
an empty location)
DstLoadingPoint Loading/unloading point of the source machine
(0 corresponds to the automatic use of the suitable loading point). If multiple
loading/unloading points are available on a machine, the relevant loading/un‐
loading point must be specified for the transfer.
Parameter is only effective for NCU machine magazines

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

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Activate notification service

<Action ID="162">
<Transfer SrcNodeId="Server" SrcMag="Zoller" SrcLoc="0"
DstNodeId="Server" DstMag="Mag" DstLoc="0" TC_TP2="Bohrerxy" TC_TP1="17"
DstLoadingPoint="0" timeout="5000">1

Deactivate notification service

<Action ID="162" guid="1e14fbaa-4965-4d43-af19-9884d50f5b76">


The GUID returned for HTTP-POST Response must always be sent along with the returned
GET requests and when the notification server is deactivated.

Response protocol
The following response is sent if the single handling has been successfully started:

<Action ID="162" guid="1e14fbaa-4965-4d43-af19-9884d50f5b76">


The following response is sent if the single handling has been successfully terminated/stopped:

<Action ID="162" guid="1e14fbaa-4965-4d43-af19-9884d50f5b76">


After starting single handling, an HTTP-GET request to the WebInterface server must be
placed cyclically. This contains the ActionId and the GUID provided upon activation as
parameters. The request is replied to immediately if a new status is available for retrieval at
the WebInterface server.

GET request
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions?actionId=162&
If a new handling status of an asynchronous operation is not available at the
WebInterface server, the server response is delayed until an asynchronous operation is
available at the WebInterface server.

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After the timeout period (user-defined or default of 10 seconds), the HTTP-GET call returns
with the old status. The subscriber receives the following response for each change to the
handling status:

<Action ID="162" guid="1e14fbaa-4965-4d43-af19-9884d50f5b76">

<Transfer SrcNodeId="Server" SrcMag="Zoller" SrcLoc="0"
DstNodeId="Server" DstMag="Mag"
DstLoc="5" TC_TP2="Bohrerxy" TC_TP1="17">S_HANDLING_READY</Transfer>

The following states are possible during handling:

● Error Read out machining sequences (Action 170)

The "Read work sequences (Action 170)" operation is used to read out machining sequences
which are assigned to a node.

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Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="170">
<WorkSeqList NodeId="Server"/>

Response protocol
<Action ID="170">
<WorkSeqList >
<WorkSeq NodeId="Masch1" WorkId="Plan1" WorkPos="1" ToolPlanId="Plan_1" Enabled ="True"
PartCountDesired="200" PartCountBilance="100" PartCountReady="0"
PartsCountingActiv="False" OrderId="" OrderDate="2004-05-14T11:17:17" OrderStep ="" />
<WorkSeq NodeId="Masch1" WorkId="Plan2" WorkPos="2" ToolPlanId="Plan_2" Enabled ="True"
PartCountDesired="200" PartCountBilance="100" PartCountReady="0"
PartsCountingActiv="False" OrderId="" OrderDate="2004-05-14T11:17:17" OrderStep ="" />
<WorkSeq NodeId="Masch3" WorkId="Plan1" WorkPos="1" ToolPlanId="Plan_1" Enabled ="True"
PartCountDesired="200" PartCountBilance="100" PartCountReady="0"
PartsCountingActiv="False" OrderId="" OrderDate="2004-05-14T11:17:17" OrderStep ="" />
</WorkSeqList >
</Action> Create/change machining sequence (Action 171)

The "Create/change machining sequence (Action 171)" operation is used to create a new or
change an existing machining sequence in MMT. To assign the machining sequence, the
WorkId parameter must be specified for the request protocol.

Internal sequence:
When performing this operation, in a first step it must be checked as to whether the machining
sequence already exists in MMT. If the machining sequence already exists, the machining
sequence is overwritten with the transferred data of the request protocol. If the machining
sequence does not yet exist, a new one will be generated.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions

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● Header content type:

● Body:

<Action ID="171">
<WorkSeq NodeId="NCUsl" WorkId="Workseq10" ToolPlanId="Plan_1" Enabled ="true"
PartCountDesired="200" PartCountBilance="100" PartCountReady="0"
PartsCountingActiv="false" OrderId="" OrderDate="2014-11-12T11:10:00" OrderStep ="" />

Response protocol
If a machining sequence has been successfully created, the following response is sent:

<Action ID="171">
<WorkSeq NodeId="NCUsl" WorkId="Workseq10" WorkPos="3" ToolPlanId="Plan_1"
Enabled="true" PartCountDesired="200" PartCountBilance="100" PartCountReady="0"
PartsCountingActiv="false" OrderId="" OrderDate="2014-11-12T11:10:00" OrderStep="">

If an existing machining sequence is changed in MMT by this operation, the following response
is sent:

<Action ID="171">
<WorkSeq NodeId="NCUsl" WorkId="Workseq10" WorkPos="3" ToolPlanId="Plan_1"
Enabled="true" PartCountDesired="200" PartCountBilance="100" PartCountReady="0"
PartsCountingActiv="false" OrderId="" OrderDate="2014-11-12T11:10:00" OrderStep="">
</Action> Disable/enable machining sequences (Action 172)

The "Enable/disable work sequences (Action 172)" operation is used to disable or enable one
or more machining sequences for balancing in MMT. In the request protocol, the machining
sequence must be uniquely identified by the WorkId parameter. To disable a machining
sequence for the balancing, the attribute Enabled must be supplied with the value false.
To enable it, the value must be set to true.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

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<Action ID="172">
<WorkSeq WorkId="Workseq100" Enabled ="false" />
<WorkSeq WorkId="Workseq10" Enabled ="true" />

Response protocol
<Action ID="172">
<WorkSeq WorkId="Workseq100">OK</WorkSeq>
<WorkSeq WorkId="Workseq10">OK</WorkSeq>
</Action> Delete machining sequences (Action 173)

The "Delete work sequences (Action 173)" operation is used to delete one or more machining
sequences in MMT. In the request protocol, the machining sequence must be uniquely
identified by the WorkId parameter.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="173">
<WorkSeq WorkId="work2" />
<WorkSeq WorkId="work9" />

Response protocol
<Action ID="173">
<WorkSeq WorkId="work9">WORK SEQUENCE NOT FOUND</WorkSeq>
<WorkSeq WorkId="work2">DELETED</WorkSeq>
</Action> Move machining sequence (Action 174)

The "Move work sequences (Action 174)" operation is used to move an existing machining
sequence in MMT. By moving machining sequences, the execution sequence changes. In the
request protocol, the machining sequence must be uniquely identified by the WorkId

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To move a machining sequence up, the attribute Direction must be supplied with the value
up. To move it down, the value must be set to down.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/Actions
● Header content type:
● Body:

<Action ID="174">
<WorkSeq WorkId="work7" Direction ="down" />

Response protocol
<Action ID="174">
<WorkSeq WorkId="work7">OK</WorkSeq>

4.4.2 Protocols for reading/writing/changing data - SFI Presetting list (GET)

The "Presetting list (GET)" operation allows the settings list to be read from SFI.
The following request protocol always returns the settings list of the entire system structure.

"Presetting list (GET)" is only available when SFI RM is installed. Otherwise, access to this
operation via the AMD interface is prevented.
If SFI is not installed and a client still calls the "Presetting list (GET)" operation, the AMD
interface sends status code 503 (Service Unavailable) to the client. This is an indication to use
a different action "Action 141" and another URL address (…/amd/tools/v1/Actions).

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/PresettingList

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Response protocol

Example: Tools are required.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PresettingList xmlns= "">
<PresettingTool InventarNo="inventarNo" ObjectId="objectID"
PartNo="partNo" ToolId="toolId" ContainerId="containerId"
targetTime" WorkId="workId" />
<PresettingTool InventarNo="inventarNo2" ObjectId="objectID2"
PartNo="partNo2" ToolId="toolId2" ContainerId="containerId2"
targetTime2" WorkId="workId2" />

Example: There are no tools in the settings list

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
<PresettingList xmlns= "">

Further information
Information on the input and calculation of tolerance values in SFI can be found in Chapter:
Description of the SFI tolerance values (Page 111). Presetting list (GET) {invNO}

The "Presetting list (GET) {invNo}" operation allows the tool data of individual tools to be read
from the settings list in SFI.
For this operation, the parameters "Inventory number" and "Transformation" (optional) are
Depending on the format in which the tool master data is required (depends on the tool setting
stations), the "Transformation" parameter must be transferred. The parameter must
correspond to the file name of the xslt script in SF1.
The tool master data is transformed in SFI.

"Presetting list (GET) {invNo}" is only available when SFI is installed. Otherwise, access to this
operation via the AMD interface is prevented.
If SFI is not installed and a client still calls the "Presetting list (GET) {invNo}" operation, the
AMD interface sends status code 503 (Service Unavailable) to the client.
The "Presetting list (GET) {invNo}" operation then returns the data in a suitable format.

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4.4 Interface functions

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/PresettingList/<Inventory_number>?

Response protocol

Example: No "Transformation" parameter was transferred.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PresettingData >
<DataElem Index="1">
<DataElem Index="2">
<TDI_TOOLID_DESCRIPTION>D15.0 Zapfensenker/HSK63</

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4.4 Interface functions


Example: The "Transformation" parameter, e.g. Kelch, has been transferred.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PresettingData >
<DataElem Index="1">
<DataElem Index="2">
<TDI_TOOLID_DESCRIPTION>D15.0 Zapfensenker/HSK63</

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4.4 Interface functions

#SA MatNr._Halter.
Maschinenname aus der Konfiguration
Adapter (Aufnahme
Programmname, hier wird aber der Name der Bearbeitungsfolge
eingetragen (TDI_WORK)
Werkzeugbezeichner hier Baugruppennummer
#WZ Werkzeugbeschreibung (-45001 Tool Description)
#WT D15.0 Zapfensenker/HSK63
Werkzeugbezeichner wie im NC-Programm
#TN HSK-Drill-6-5-E-2
ObjectID aus Teamcenter (Referenz)
#VA nxt_drill_02_00038/A
Halternummer (Materialnummer des Werkzeughalters)
#VM default
#VN default
#VL 1
#VR 1
#VO 1
#VU 1
SCH1 = -191.000
SCH2 = -183.000
SCH3 =
SCH1 =
SCH2 =
SCH3 =
SCH1 =
SCH2 =
SCH3 =
SCH1 = 000.000
SCH2 = 000.000
SCH3 =
SCH1 =
SCH2 =
SCH3 =
SCH1 =
SCH2 =
SCH3 =
Messungsnummer (Schneiden)
#MP 1
#TA 231
Soll-Wert 1. Achse (Einstellmass_X) AP nicht definiert

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4.4 Interface functions

#G1 -191.000
Obere Toleranz 1. Achse
Untere Toleranz 1. Achse
Soll-Wert 2. Achse (Einstellmass_Z)
#G2 000.000
Obere Toleranz 2. Achse
Untere Toleranz 2. Achse
Messvorschrift Schneidentyp_1
Messungsnummer (Schneiden)
#MP 2
#TA 231
Messvorschrift Schneidentyp_1
</PresettingData> Presetting data (PUT)

The "Presetting data (PUT)" operation imports tool data sets into SFI.
The operation enables tool data to be transferred from tool setting stations.
For this operation, all tool data must be transferred.

The "Presetting data (PUT)" operation is only available when SFI is installed. Otherwise,
access to this operation via the AMD interface is prevented.
If SFI is not installed and a client still calls the "Presetting data (PUT)" operation, the AMD
interface sends status code 503 (Service Unavailable) to the client. This is an indication to use
a different action "Action 117" and another URL address (…/amd/tools/v1/Actions).

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/amd/tools/v1/PresettingList/InventarNo
● Body:
<ToolData xmlns= "">

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4.4 Interface functions

<DataElem Index="1">
<DataElem Index="2">

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4.4 Interface functions

<DataElem Index="3">

Response protocol
● Response code:
Empty body / 200 - ok Measuring programs (GET)

The "Measuring programs (GET)" operation allows the measuring programs of Teamcenter to
be read via SFI.

The "Measuring programs (GET)" operation is only available when SFI is installed. Otherwise,
access to this operation via the AMD interface is prevented.
If SFI is not installed and a client still calls the "Measuring programs (GET)" operation, the
AMD interface sends status code 503 (Service Unavailable) to the client.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/sfrm/svc/amd/MeasuringPrograms/Presetters/presetterId/
● Parameters:
presetterId (string(64))
objectId (string(64))

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4.4 Interface functions

Response protocol
Arbitrary XML content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone ="yes"?>

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4.4 Interface functions

<MsrProgram OwnerTypeFullName="" Number=""/>
</Data> Measuring programs (PUT)

The "Measuring programs (PUT)" operation allows measuring programs to be written in
Teamcenter via SFI.

The "Measuring programs (PUT)" operation is only available when SFI is installed. Otherwise,
access to this operation via the AMD interface is prevented.
If SFI is not installed and a client still calls the "Measuring programs (PUT)" operation, the AMD
interface sends status code 503 (Service Unavailable) to the client.

Request protocol
● Method:
● AMD tools URL:
https://<AMD–Tools server IP>/sfrm/svc/amd/MeasuringPrograms/Presetters/presetterId/
ObjectIDs/objectId ObjectIDs/objectId
● Parameters
presetterId (string(64))
objectId (string(64))
● Body
Arbitrary XML content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone ="yes"?>

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4.4 Interface functions

<MsrProgram OwnerTypeFullName="" Number=""/>

Response protocol
● Response code:
Empty body / 200 - ok

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Access to tool information
4.5 Example sequence Action 108

4.5 Example sequence Action 108

Using examples, this text describes the procedure for getting a list of the tools in a tool
magazine via the interface.

● The MMT server must be installed and ready for use on the SI server.
● The MMT WebInterface must be activated.
● Ensure that the following entry exists under the Modules node in the MMT configuration
file "tdi_cfg.xml":
<OEM name="MMTWebInterface" assembly="MMTWebInterface.dll"
subscription_timeout="60000" response_validation="0" />

To ensure that the tool container assignment of a machine can be read with the aid of Action
108, the name of the machine nodeId and of the magazine containerId must be known.
This must first be determined with the aid of Action 101 from the MMT shopfloor configuration
(unless this data is known).
1. Sending Action 101 in order to get the shopfloor configuration as a response. For this
purpose, the following XML-encoded string must be sent to the MMT server:
<Action ID="101"/>
2. After receipt has been confirmed, the server sends an XML-encoded response.

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4.5 Example sequence Action 108

3. The name of the machine nodeId and of the magazine containerId must be determined
from the response. The response returns the complete shopfloor tree, which the user sees
as a tree topology on the left in the basic "Overview" screen of the MMT user interface:

Figure 4-1 Procedure example

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4.5 Example sequence Action 108

4. Sending the Action 108 with the desired nodeId and containerId. For this purpose, the
following XML-encoded string must be sent to the MMT server:
<Action ID="108" Places="TOOlsOnly>
<MagList NodeId="nodeId" ContainerId="containerID"/>
5. The MMT server sends a response, which contains the tool container assignment.

Figure 4-2 Result example

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4.6 Project information

4.6 Project information

4.6.1 Description of SINUMERIK tool parameter

The following table lists the parameters used by MMT for the WebInterface protocols, and
provides a short description of the individual parameters.

Parameter Description Example

EXT_ID Inventory number / external identification number
TC_TP1 Duplo number (number of the sister tool) "1"
TC_TP2 Tool identifier "DRILL012"
TC_TP3 Size to left in half locations "1"
TC_TP4 Size to right in half locations "1"
TC_TP5 Size upwards in half locations "1"
TC_TP6 Size downwards in half locations "1"
TC_TP7 Magazine location type of the tool "1" Default "9999"
TC_TP8 Tool status Transferred with "10" (re‐
0: Not released leased and measured).
1: Active tool (A)
2: Released (F)
4: blocked (G)
8: Measured (M)
16: Prewarning limit reached (P)
32: Tool is being changed (W)
64: Fixed-location-coded (P)
128: Tool has been used (E)
TC_TP9 Tool monitoring method
0: No tool monitoring
1: Tool life monitoring
2: Workpiece count monitoring
4: Monitoring cutting edge wear parameters using the wear limit
8: Monitoring the additive offset parameters using the wear limit
TC_TP10 Tool search type for replacement tools "0"
0: No strategy
1: Next duplo No.
2: Shortest way
TC_TPG1 Spindle number to which the monitoring data and the "Constant grinding
wheel peripheral speed" function (GWPS) refers.

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Parameter Description Example

TC_TPG2 Chaining rule. Using this parameter, which is defined bit-by-bit, it is defined
as to which tool parameters from cutting edge 2 and cutting edge 1 are
chained with one another. If the value of one of the chained parameters is
changed, then this is automatically accepted for the other chained param‐
If the following bits are set, the corresponding parameters from D1 and D2
are chained:
Bit0: Tool type
Bit2: Geometry length1
Bit3: Geometry length2
Bit4: Geometry length3
Bit11: Wear length1
Bit12: Wear length2
Bit13: Wear length3
Bit20: Basic dimension / adapter dimension length1
Bit21: Basic dimension / adapter dimension length2
Bit22: Basic dimension / adapter dimension length3
TC_TPG3 Minimum wheel diameter
TC_TPG4 Minimum grinding wheel width
TC_TPG5 Actual width of grinding wheel
TC_TPG6 Maximum grinding wheel speed
TC_TPG7 Maximum grinding wheel peripheral speed
TC_TPG8 Inclination angle of inclined wheel in the current plane
TC_TPG9 Correction parameter for the "Constant grinding wheel peripheral speed"
function (GWPS). This specifies which correction value is used for GWPS,
tool monitoring and for centerless grinding. The value always refers to cut‐
ting edge D1.
3: Länge 1
4: Länge 2
5: Länge 3
6: Radius
TC_TPC1 User-defined tool parameter1
TC_TPC2 User-defined tool parameter2
TC_TPC3 User-defined tool parameter3
TC_TPC4 User-defined tool parameter4
TC_TPC5 User-defined tool parameter5
TC_TPC6 User-defined tool parameter6
TC_TPC7 User-defined tool parameter7
TC_TPC8 User-defined tool parameter8
TC_TPC9 User-defined tool parameter9 "0"
TC_TPC10 User-defined tool parameter10 "0"
TC_DP1 Geometry - tool type
TC_DP2 Geometry - cutting edge position "1"
TC_DP3 Geometry – length 1 "120"
TC_DP4 Geometry – length 2 "0"

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4.6 Project information

Parameter Description Example

TC_DP5 Geometry – length 3 "0"
TC_DP6 Geometry – radius "0"
TC_DP7 Geometry – corner radius (tool type 700; slotting saw) "0"
TC_DP8 Geometry – length 4 (tool type 700; slotting saw) "0"
TC_DP9 Geometry – length 5 "0"
TC_DP10 Geometry – Angle 1
TC_DP11 Geometry – angle 2 for tapered milling tools
TC_DP12 Wear – Length 1 "0"
TC_DP13 Wear – Length 2 "0"
TC_DP14 Wear – Length 3 "0"
TC_DP15 Wear – Radius "0"
TC_DP16 Wear – Groove width b / rounding radius "0"
TC_DP17 Wear – Projection k "0"
TC_DP18 Wear – Length 5 "0"
TC_DP19 Wear – Angle 1 "0"
TC_DP20 Wear – Angle 2 for tapered milling tools "0"
TC_DP21 Adapter – length 1 "0"
TC_DP22 Adapter – length 2 "0"
TC_DP23 Adapter – length 3 "0"
TC_DP24 Undercut angle "0"
TC_MOP Start of the cutting edge monitoring data "0"
TC_MOP1 Prewarning limit for tool life in minutes
TC_MOP2 Remaining tool life in minutes
TC_MOP3 Prewarning limit for workpiece count "0"
TC_MOP4 Remaining workpiece count "0"
TC_MOP11 Planned tool life "0"
TC_MOP13 Target unit quantity "0"
TC_MOP5 Prewarning limit for wear (prewarning limit) "0"
TC_MOP6 Remaining wear (actual value) "0"
TC_MOP15 Setpoint for wear "0"
TC_DPC1 User-defined tool cutting edge parameter 1 "0"
TC_DPC2 User-defined tool cutting edge parameter 2 "0"
TC_DPC3 User-defined tool cutting edge parameter 3 "0"
TC_DPC4 User-defined tool cutting edge parameter 4 "0"
TC_DPC5 User-defined tool cutting edge parameter 5 "0"
TC_DPC6 User-defined tool cutting edge parameter 6 "0"
TC_DPC7 User-defined tool cutting edge parameter 7 "0"
TC_DPC8 User-defined tool cutting edge parameter 8 "0"
TC_DPC9 User-defined tool cutting edge parameter 9 "0"
TC_DPC10 User-defined tool edge parameter 10 "0"
TC_MOPC1 Monitoring user data 1 "0"
TC_MOPC2 Monitoring user data 2 "0"
TC_MOPC3 Monitoring user data 3 "0"

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4.6 Project information

Parameter Description Example

TC_MOPC4 Monitoring user data 4 "0"
TC_MOPC5 Monitoring user data 5 "0"
TC_MOPC6 Monitoring user data 6 "0"
TC_MOPC7 Monitoring user data 7 "0"
TC_MOPC8 Monitoring user data 8 "0"
TC_MOPC9 Monitoring user data 9 "0"
TC_MOPC10 Monitoring user data 10 "0"

4.6.2 Description of Teamcenter tool parameters

The following table lists all attributes of the Tooling Library (TLCUA).

Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-500000 Main Edge Clear‐ Hauptschn.-Frei‐ °° Alpha A ALPHA
ance Angle winkel
-500001 Edge-Clearance Nebenschn.-Frei‐ °° Alpha 2 A ALPHA2
Angle winkel
-500002 Incline Angle Nom/ Neigungswinkel °° Delta n A APPRO
Max. Nom/Max
-500003 Cutting Edge An‐ Schneideckenfa‐ °° KF A CHAMF
gle senwinkel
-500004 Taper Angle Kegelwinkel °° Alpha C A CONE
-500005 Rake Angle Spanwinkel °° Gamma A GAMMA
-500006 Helix Angle Drallwinkel °° Lambda A HELIX
-500007 Setting Angle Einstellwinkel °° Kappa A KAPPA
-500008 Setting Angle Left Einstellwinkel °° Kappa L A KAPPAL
-500009 Setting Angle Right Einstellwinkel °° Kappa R A KAPPAR
-500010 Immersion Angle Eintauchwinkel Al‐ °° Alpha 3 A PLUNGE
Alpha pha
-500011 Tip Angle Spitzenwinkel °° Sigma A SIGMA
-500012 Step Angle 1 Stufenwinkel 1 °° Phi 1 A STEP
-500013 Step Angle 2 Stufenwinkel 2 °° Phi 2 A STEP2
-500014 Step Angle 3 Stufenwinkel 3 °° Phi 3 A STEP3
-500015 Step Angle 4 Stufenwinkel 4 °° Phi 4 A STEP4
-500016 Step Angle 5 Stufenwinkel 5 °° Phi 5 A STEP5
-500017 Step Angle 6 Stufenwinkel 6 °° Phi 6 A STEP6
-500018 Step Angle 7 Stufenwinkel 7 °° Phi 7 A STEP7
-500019 Step Angle 8 Stufenwinkel 8 °° Phi 8 A STEP8
-500020 Step Angle 9 Stufenwinkel 9 °° Phi 9 A STEP9
-500021 Incline Angle Min. Neigungswinkel °° Delta m A2APPRO

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4.6 Project information

Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-500022 Setting Angle 2 Einstellwinkel2 °° Kappa2L A2KAPPAL
Left Links
-500023 Setting Angle 2 Einstellwinkel2 °° Kappa2R A2KAPPAR
Right Rechts
-500024 Cutting Depth Max. Schnitttiefe Max. mm inch ap max CUTDEPTH
-500025 Tool Holder Diam‐ Aufnahmendurch‐ mm inch DA D
eter messer
-500026 Internal Circle Eingeschriebener mm inch D CIRCLE
-500027 Diameter Rough Vorbohrdurch‐ mm inch D Drill D CORE
Drilling messer
-500028 Front-Face Inner Stirnflächeninnen‐ mm inch Df D CORE
Diameter durchmesser
-500029 Body Diameter Anschlussdurch‐ mm inch DHB D HUB
-500030 Minor Diameter Innendurchmesser mm inch Di D INSIDE
-500031 Max. Diameter Max. Durchmesser mm inch Dmax D MAX
-500032 Min. Diameter Min. Durchmesser mm inch Dmin D MIN
-500033 Min. Insert Diame‐ Min. Einsatzdurch‐ mm inch Dminax D MIN AX
ter Axial messer Axial
-500034 Min. Insert Diame‐ Min. Einsatzdurch‐ mm inch Dminrad D MIN RA
ter Radial messer Radial
-500035 Pin Diameter Zapfendurchmess‐ mm inch DP D PIN
-500036 Shank Diameter Schaftdurchmess‐ mm inch DS D SHANK
-500037 Diameter Profile Profilkreisdurch‐ mm inch d D SHAPE
Circle messer
-500038 Thread Diameter Gewindedurch‐ mm inch DT max D TMAX
Max messer Max.
-500039 Thread Diameter Gewindedurch‐ mm inch DT min D TMIN
Min. messer Min.
-500040 Major Diameter Außendurchmess‐ mm inch D1 D1
Step 1 er Stufe1
-500041 External Diameter Außendurchmess‐ mm inch D2 D2
Step 2 er Stufe2
-500042 External Diameter Außendurchmess‐ mm inch D3 D3
Step 3 er Stufe3
-500043 Shoulder Diameter Bunddurchmesser mm inch DSH DA
-500044 Cutting Depth Min. Schnitttiefe Min. mm inch ap min DCUT MIN
-500045 Profile Name Profilname CED DESIGN
-500046 Diameter Refer‐ Durchmesser mm inch DRC1 DT1
ence Circle 1 Teilkreis 1
-500047 Diameter Refer‐ Durchmesser mm inch DRC2 DT2
ence Circle 2 Teilkreis 2

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Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-500048 Chamfer Cutting Schneideckenfase mm inch F FACET
-500049 Flat End Planschneiden‐ mm inch F2 FACET W
-500050 Finishing? Schlichten? FIN FINISH
-500051 Shank Height Schafthöhe mm inch H H
-500052 Height Of Milling Fräserhöhe mm inch Lh H
-500053 Height Höhe mm inch H HEIGHT
-500054 Twist Direction Drallrichtung Helix HELIX
-500055 Internal Coolant Kühlung IC ICOOLANT
-500056 Tip Length Spitzenlänge mm inch a L AMASS
-500057 Displace Length Versatzlänge mm inch a L AMASS
-500058 Front-Face Depth Stirnflächentiefe mm inch Lf L CORE
-500059 Square Length Vierkant Länge mm inch LSQ L SQUARE
-500060 Total Length Com‐ Gesamtlänge mm inch ltot L TOTAL
ponent Komponente
-500061 Length Step 1 Länge Stufe1 mm inch L1 L1
-500062 Cutting Edge Schneidkanten‐ mm inch CEL1 L1 EDGE
Length 1 länge 1
-500063 Length Step 2 Länge Stufe2 mm inch L2 L2
-500064 Cutting Edge Schneidkanten‐ mm inch CEL2 L2 EDGE
Length 2 länge 2
-500065 Length Step 3 Länge Stufe3 mm inch L3 L3
-500066 Max. Machining Max. Arbeitstiefe mm inch L4 L4
-500067 Cutting Edge Schneidenlänge mm inch Ls LC
-500068 Restricted Edge Begrenzte Schnei‐ mm inch RCEL LC EDGE
Length denlänge
-500069 Max. Drilling Max. Bohrtiefe mm inch max BDH LH DRILL
Depth Horizontal Horizontal
-500070 Max. Drilling Max. Bohrtiefe mm inch max BDV LV DRILL
Depth Vertical Vertikal
-500071 Hub Length Nabenlänge mm inch HBL NB
-500072 Setup Overhead? Einspannung OVH OVERHEAD
-500073 Pitch Nom/Max. Gewindesteigung mm inch p max PITCH T
-500074 Pitch Min. Gewindesteigung mm inch pitch m PITCHMIN
-500075 Cutting Edge Radi‐ Schneideckenra‐ mm inch RE1 R CORNER
us 1 dius1
-500076 Form Radius 1 Formradius1 mm inch R1 R FORM
-500077 Form Radius 2 Formradius2 mm inch R2 R KONKAV

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4.6 Project information

Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-500078 Cutting Edge Radi‐ Schneideckenra‐ mm inch RE2 R2CORNER
us 2 dius2
-500079 Insert Seat Size Plattensitzgröße mm inch ISS SIZE
-500080 Cutting Direction Drehrichtung CDL SPIN
-500081 Key Width Schlüsselweite mm inch KW SW
-500082 Main Edge Clear‐ Hauptschn.-Frei‐ Alpha 1 T ALPHA
ance Angle (Iso winkel Iso-Code
-500083 Machining Tech‐ Zerspanungstech‐ BA T METHOD
nology nologie
-500084 Insert Tolerance Plattentoleranz T T TOL
Iso-Code Iso-Code
-500086 Size Indexable In‐ Wendeplatten‐ T TYP
sert größe
-500087 Cutting Edges Schneidkante‐ CET TCUTEDGE
-500088 Chamfer Form Anschnitt-Form CF TECHAM
-500089 Pitch Thread/Inch Steigung Gang/ Gear/In TEETH
-500090 Theorethical Point Theoretischer mm inch TPX THEO X
X Punkt X
-500091 Theoretical Point Z Theoretischer mm inch TPZ THEO Z
Punkt Z
-500092 Thickness Of Cut‐ Schneidplatten‐ mm inch S THICKN
ting Insert dicke
-500093 Type Of Thread Gewindeart THS THRDFORM
-500094 Tool Tolerance Toleranz Werk‐ TT TOLERANC
-500095 Construction Code Konstruktion‐ CC TRAIT
-500096 Grooving Width Stechbreite mm inch wp W CUT
-500097 Width Of True Breite Spanflä‐ mm inch TRF-W W FACET
Rake Flat chenfase
-500098 Max. Tool Width Max. Werkzeug‐ mm inch W W MAX
-500099 Width/Diameter Of Schaftbreite/ mm inch SW/D1 W SHANK
Shank Schaftdurchmess‐
-500100 Sitting Width Max. Schnittbreite Max. mm inch ae max WCUT MAX
-500101 Sitting Width Min. Schnittbreite Min. mm inch ae min WCUT MIN
-500102 Weight Gewicht kg kg WEIGHT
-500103 Coil Length Bundlänge mm inch LC WIDTH
-500104 Gauge Length Auskraglänge mm inch xs XS
Component Komponente
-500105 Gauge Length Min. Auskraglänge Min. mm inch Xsmin XS MIN

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4.6 Project information

Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-500106 Cutting Edge Schneidenlänge 2 mm inch Ls2 XS2
Length 2
-500107 Gauge Length 2 Auskraglänge 2 mm inch Xs2 XS2
-500108 Cutting Edge Schneidenlänge 3 mm inch Ls3 XS3
Length 3
-500109 Gauge Length 3 Auskraglänge 3 mm inch Xs3 XS3
-500110 Cutting Edge Schneidenlänge 4 mm inch Ls4 XS4
Length 4
-500111 Gauge Length 4 Auskraglänge 4 mm inch Xs4 XS4
-500112 Cutting Edge Schneidenlänge 5 mm inch Ls5 XS5
Length 5
-500113 Cutting Edge Schneidenlänge 6 mm inch Ls6 XS6
Length 6
-500114 Cutting Edge Schneidenlänge 7 mm inch Ls7 XS7
Length 7
-500115 Cutting Edge Schneidenlänge 8 mm inch Ls8 XS8
Length 8
-500116 Cutting Edge Schneidenlänge 9 mm inch Ls9 XS9
Length 9
-500117 Wheel Diameter Scheibendurch‐ mm inch Dc YS
-500118 Cutting Diameter Schneidendurch‐ mm inch Dc YS
-500119 Movement Tool Wkz-Schneiden‐ mm inch Ys YS
Edges verschiebung
-500120 Wheel Diameter Scheibendurchm. mm inch Dcmax YS MAX
Max. Max.
-500121 Wheel Diameter Scheibendurchm. mm inch Dcmin YS MIN
Min. Min.
-500122 Ys100 Powered Ys100 Angetrie‐ mm inch YS100 YS100
-500123 Cutting Diameter 2 Schneidendurch‐ mm inch Dc2 YS2
messer 2
-500124 Movement Tool Wkz-Schneiden‐ mm inch Ys2 YS2
Edges 2 verschiebung 2
-500125 Cutting Diameter 3 Schneidendurch‐ mm inch Dc3 YS3
messer 3
-500126 Movement Tool Wkz-Schneiden‐ mm inch Ys3 YS3
Edges 3 verschiebung 3
-500127 Cutting Diameter 4 Schneidendurch‐ mm inch Dc4 YS4
messer 4
-500128 Movement Tool Wkz-Schneiden‐ mm inch Ys4 YS4
Edges 4 verschiebung 4
-500129 Cutting Diameter 5 Schneidendurch‐ mm inch Dc5 YS5
messer 5
-500130 Cutting Diameter 6 Schneidendurch‐ mm inch Dc6 YS6
messer 6

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Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-500131 Cutting Diameter 7 Schneidendurch‐ mm inch Dc7 YS7
messer 7
-500132 Cutting Diameter 8 Schneidendurch‐ mm inch Dc8 YS8
messer 8
-500133 Cutting Diameter 9 Schneidendurch‐ mm inch Dc9 YS9
messer 9
-500134 Corner Angle Schneidenecken‐ °° Sigma AISIGMA
-501000 Tool Holder Aufnahme ADAPTERID
-501001 Insert Geometry 1 Plattengeometrie 1 IT1
-501002 Insert Geometry 2 Plattengeometrie 2 IT2
-501003 Insert Geometry 3 Plattengeometrie 3 IT3
-501004 Insert Geometry 4 Plattengeometrie 4 IT4
-501005 Number Insert Ge‐ Anzahl Plattengeo‐ COUNTWSP1
ometry 1 metrie 1
-501006 Number Insert Ge‐ Anzahl Plattengeo‐ COUNTWSP2
ometry 2 metrie 2
-501007 Number Insert Ge‐ Anzahl Plattengeo‐ COUNTWSP3
ometry 3 metrie 3
-501008 Number Insert Ge‐ Anzahl Plattengeo‐ COUNTWSP4
ometry 4 metrie 4
-501009 Cartridge Seat 1 Kassettensitz 1 CARTRIDGE1
-501010 Cartridge Seat 2 Kassettensitz 2 CARTRIDGE2
-501011 No. Teeth Anzahl Schneiden Z
-501012 Cutter Material Schneidstoff CUTGRADEID
-501013 Supplier Lieferant SHORTNAME
-501014 Interface To Work‐ Trennstelle Werk‐ CONNECTORI‐
piece stückseitig DIN
-501015 Interface To Ma‐ Trennstelle Ma‐ CONNECTORID‐
chine schinenseitig OUT
-501016 Size Interface To Größe Trennstelle sizein
Workpiece Werkstückseitig
-501017 Size Interface To Größe Trennstelle sizeout
Machine Maschinenseitig
-501018 Description Bezeichnung NAME
-501019 Macro Name Makroname TEMPLATE
-501020 Model Name Modellname MODEL
-501021 No. Steps Anzahl Stufen COUNTSTAGE
-501022 Order Number Bestellnummer ORDERNUMBER
-501023 Interface To Work‐ Trennstelle Werk‐ COLLETNAME
piece Graphical stückseitig Grafik
-501024 Master Insert Meisterplatte INS MASTER
-501026 Tool Number Toolnummer TOOLNUMBER
-501029 Length 1 Länge 1 mm inch TCLGTH1
-501030 Diameter 1 Durchmesser 1 mm inch TCDIA1

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Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-501031 Length 2 Länge 2 mm inch TCLGTH2
-501032 Diameter 2 Durchmesser 2 mm inch TCDIA2
-501033 Length 3 Länge 3 mm inch TCLGTH3
-501034 Diameter 3 Durchmesser 3 mm inch TCDIA3
-501035 Length 4 Länge 4 mm inch TCLGTH4
-501036 Diameter 4 Durchmesser 4 mm inch TCDIA4
-501037 Length 5 Länge 5 mm inch TCLGTH5
-501038 Diameter 5 Durchmesser 5 mm inch TCDIA5
-501039 List Of Insert Passende Wende‐ INSERTID1
Types 1 plattentypen 1
-501040 List Of Insert Passende Wende‐ INSERTID2
Types 2 plattentypen 2
-501041 List Of Insert Passende Wende‐ INSERTID3
Types 3 plattentypen 3
-501042 List Of Insert Passende Wende‐ INSERTID4
Types 4 plattentypen 4
-501043 Total Length Gesamtlänge mm inch Ltot LTOTTOT
-501044 Gauge Length Auskraglänge mm inch Xs XSTOT
-501045 Interface To Ma‐ Trennstelle Ma‐ ADAPTERNAME
chine Graphical schinenseitig Gra‐
-501046 Setup X-Value Einstellmaß X mm inch
-501047 Setup Y-Value Einstellmaß Y mm inch
-501058 Tracking Point Schneidenlage TRP
-501061 Cutter Material Schneidstoff Norm CUTGRADE‐
-501062 Catalog Object Id Katalog Object Id
-501063 Catalog Refer‐ Katalog Referenz‐
ence Date datum
-501064 Diameter 6 Durchmesser 6 mm inch TCDIA6
-501065 Diameter 7 Durchmesser 7 mm inch TCDIA7
-501066 Diameter 8 Durchmesser 8 mm inch TCDIA8
-501067 Diameter 9 Durchmesser 9 mm inch TCDIA9
-501068 Diameter 10 Durchmesser 10 mm inch TCDIA10
-501069 Diameter 11 Durchmesser 11 mm inch TCDIA11
-501070 Diameter 12 Durchmesser 12 mm inch TCDIA12
-501071 Diameter 13 Durchmesser 13 mm inch TCDIA13
-501072 Diameter 14 Durchmesser 14 mm inch TCDIA14
-501073 Diameter 15 Durchmesser 15 mm inch TCDIA15
-501074 Diameter 16 Durchmesser 16 mm inch TCDIA16
-501075 Diameter 17 Durchmesser 17 mm inch TCDIA17
-501076 Diameter 18 Durchmesser 18 mm inch TCDIA18
-501077 Diameter 19 Durchmesser 19 mm inch TCDIA19
-501078 Diameter 20 Durchmesser 20 mm inch TCDIA20

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Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-501079 Length 6 Länge 6 mm inch TCLGTH6
-501080 Length 7 Länge 7 mm inch TCLGTH7
-501081 Length 8 Länge 8 mm inch TCLGTH8
-501082 Length 9 Länge 9 mm inch TCLGTH9
-501083 Length 10 Länge 10 mm inch TCLGTH10
-501084 Length 11 Länge 11 mm inch TCLGTH11
-501085 Length 12 Länge 12 mm inch TCLGTH12
-501086 Length 13 Länge 13 mm inch TCLGTH13
-501087 Length 14 Länge 14 mm inch TCLGTH14
-501088 Length 15 Länge 15 mm inch TCLGTH15
-501089 Length 16 Länge 16 mm inch TCLGTH16
-501090 Length 17 Länge 17 mm inch TCLGTH17
-501091 Length 18 Länge 18 mm inch TCLGTH18
-501092 Length 19 Länge 19 mm inch TCLGTH19
-501093 Length 20 Länge 20 mm inch TCLGTH20
-501094 Taper Angle 1 Kegelwinkel 1 °°
-501095 Taper Angle 2 Kegelwinkel 2 °° TCTA2
-501096 Taper Angle 3 Kegelwinkel 3 °° TCTA3
-501097 Taper Angle 4 Kegelwinkel 4 °° TCTA4
-501098 Taper Angle 5 Kegelwinkel 5 °° TCTA5
-501099 Taper Angle 6 Kegelwinkel 6 °° TCTA6
-501100 Taper Angle 7 Kegelwinkel 7 °° TCTA7
-501101 Taper Angle 8 Kegelwinkel 8 °° TCTA8
-501102 Taper Angle 9 Kegelwinkel 9 °° TCTA9
-501103 Taper Angle 10 Kegelwinkel 10 °° TCTA10
-501104 Taper Angle 11 Kegelwinkel 11 °° TCTA11
-501105 Taper Angle 12 Kegelwinkel 12 °° TCTA12
-501106 Taper Angle 13 Kegelwinkel 13 °° TCTA13
-501107 Taper Angle 14 Kegelwinkel 14 °° TCTA14
-501108 Taper Angle 15 Kegelwinkel 15 °° TCTA15
-501109 Taper Angle 16 Kegelwinkel 16 °° TCTA16
-501110 Taper Angle 17 Kegelwinkel 17 °° TCTA17
-501111 Taper Angle 18 Kegelwinkel 18 °° TCTA18
-501112 Taper Angle 19 Kegelwinkel 19 °° TCTA19
-501113 Taper Angle 20 Kegelwinkel 20 °° TCTA20
-501114 Corner Radius 1 Eckenradius 1 mm inch TCCR1
-501115 Corner Radius 2 Eckenradius 2 mm inch TCCR2
-501116 Corner Radius 3 Eckenradius 3 mm inch TCCR3
-501117 Corner Radius 4 Eckenradius 4 mm inch TCCR4
-501118 Corner Radius 5 Eckenradius 5 mm inch TCCR5
-501119 Corner Radius 6 Eckenradius 6 mm inch TCCR6
-501120 Corner Radius 7 Eckenradius 7 mm inch TCCR7

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Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-501121 Corner Radius 8 Eckenradius 8 mm inch TCCR8
-501122 Corner Radius 9 Eckenradius 9 mm inch TCCR9
-501123 Corner Radius 10 Eckenradius 10 mm inch TCCR10
-501124 Corner Radius 11 Eckenradius 11 mm inch TCCR11
-501125 Corner Radius 12 Eckenradius 12 mm inch TCCR12
-501126 Corner Radius 13 Eckenradius 13 mm inch TCCR13
-501127 Corner Radius 14 Eckenradius 14 mm inch TCCR14
-501128 Corner Radius 15 Eckenradius 15 mm inch TCCR15
-501129 Corner Radius 16 Eckenradius 16 mm inch TCCR16
-501130 Corner Radius 17 Eckenradius 17 mm inch TCCR17
-501131 Corner Radius 18 Eckenradius 18 mm inch TCCR18
-501132 Corner Radius 19 Eckenradius 19 mm inch TCCR19
-501133 Corner Radius 20 Eckenradius 20 mm inch TCCR20
-501134 NX Tool Type NX Werkzeugtyp
-501135 Taper Angle 20 Kegelwinkel 20 °° TSTA20
-501136 Length 20 Länge 20 mm inch TSLGTH20
-501137 Diameter 20 Durchmesser 20 mm inch TSDIA20
-501138 Taper Angle 19 Kegelwinkel 19 °° TSTA19
-501139 Length 19 Länge 19 mm inch TSLGTH19
-501140 Diameter 19 Durchmesser 19 mm inch TSDIA19
-501141 Taper Angle 18 Kegelwinkel 18 °° TSTA18
-501142 Length 18 Länge 18 mm inch TSLGTH18
-501143 Diameter 18 Durchmesser 18 mm inch TSDIA18
-501144 Taper Angle 17 Kegelwinkel 17 °° TSTA17
-501145 Length 17 Länge 17 mm inch TSLGTH17
-501146 Diameter 17 Durchmesser 17 mm inch TSDIA17
-501147 Taper Angle 16 Kegelwinkel 16 °° TSTA16
-501148 Length 16 Länge 16 mm inch TSLGTH16
-501149 Diameter 16 Durchmesser 16 mm inch TSDIA16
-501150 Taper Angle 15 Kegelwinkel 15 °° TSTA15
-501151 Length 15 Länge 15 mm inch TSLGTH15
-501152 Diameter 15 Durchmesser 15 mm inch TSDIA15
-501153 Taper Angle 14 Kegelwinkel 14 °° TSTA14
-501154 Length 14 Länge 14 mm inch TSLGTH14
-501155 Diameter 14 Durchmesser 14 mm inch TSDIA14
-501156 Taper Angle 13 Kegelwinkel 13 °° TSTA13
-501157 Length 13 Länge 13 mm inch TSLGTH13
-501158 Diameter 13 Durchmesser 13 mm inch TSDIA13
-501159 Taper Angle 12 Kegelwinkel 12 °° TSTA12
-501160 Length 12 Länge 12 mm inch TSLGTH12
-501161 Diameter 12 Durchmesser 12 mm inch TSDIA12
-501162 Taper Angle 11 Kegelwinkel 11 °° TSTA11

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Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-501163 Length 11 Länge 11 mm inch TSLGTH11
-501164 Diameter 11 Durchmesser 11 mm inch TSDIA11
-501165 Taper Angle 10 Kegelwinkel 10 °° TSTA10
-501166 Length 10 Länge 10 mm inch TSLGTH10
-501167 Diameter 10 Durchmesser 10 mm inch TSDIA10
-501168 Taper Angle 9 Kegelwinkel 9 °° TSTA9
-501169 Length 9 Länge 9 mm inch TSLGTH9
-501170 Diameter 9 Durchmesser 9 mm inch TSDIA9
-501171 Taper Angle 8 Kegelwinkel 8 °° TSTA8
-501172 Length 8 Länge 8 mm inch TSLGTH8
-501173 Diameter 8 Durchmesser 8 mm inch TSDIA8
-501174 Taper Angle 7 Kegelwinkel 7 °° TSTA7
-501175 Length 7 Länge 7 mm inch TSLGTH7
-501176 Diameter 7 Durchmesser 7 mm inch TSDIA7
-501177 Taper Angle 6 Kegelwinkel 6 °° TSTA6
-501178 Length 6 Länge 6 mm inch TSLGTH6
-501179 Diameter 6 Durchmesser 6 mm inch TSDIA6
-501180 Taper Angle 5 Kegelwinkel 5 °° TSTA5
-501181 Length 5 Länge 5 mm inch TSLGTH5
-501182 Diameter 5 Durchmesser 5 mm inch TSDIA5
-501183 Taper Angle 4 Kegelwinkel 4 °° TSTA4
-501184 Length 4 Länge 4 mm inch TSLGTH4
-501185 Diameter 4 Durchmesser 4 mm inch TSDIA4
-501186 Taper Angle 3 Kegelwinkel 3 °° TSTA3
-501187 Length 3 Länge 3 mm inch TSLGTH3
-501188 Diameter 3 Durchmesser 3 mm inch TSDIA3
-501189 Taper Angle 2 Kegelwinkel 2 °° TSTA2
-501190 Length 2 Länge 2 mm inch TSLGTH2
-501191 Diameter 2 Durchmesser 2 mm inch TSDIA2
-501192 Taper Angle 1 Kegelwinkel 1 °° TSTA1
-501193 Length 1 Länge 1 mm inch TSLGTH1
-501194 Diameter 1 Durchmesser 1 mm inch TSDIA1
-501195 Adapter Axis Adapterachse ADAX
-501196 Rotation Axis Rotationsachse ROAX
-501200 Rad Id Rad Id
-501201 Adjust Register Adjust Register
-501202 Cutcom Register Cutcom Register
-501203 Form Of Indexable Wendeplattenform T SIGMA
-501294 Side Angle Seitenwinkel °° a2 A A2

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Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Name Units Annotation

English German
-501295 Orientation Angle Orientierungswin‐ °° A KAPPAO
-501296 Insert Shape Stechplattenform INSHAP

4.6.3 Description of the SFI tolerance values Tolerance values and calculation

Tolerance values are defined in order to be able to intercept unrealistic actual values that could
cause damage to the machine or the tool setting station.
These tolerance values can be optionally stored by the user for all geometry data in the
Teamcenter catalog (MRL: Manufacturer resource Library).

Cutting edge parameters

SINUMERIK attribute TC attribute Attribute ID Description

TC_DP3 Nominal setup X value -45002 Geometry length X
Attribute "upperTolerance" of Upper tolerance for X value -43004 Upper tolerance limit for the X axis
TC_DP3 Is attached to the "TC_DP3" XML tag as
attribute, if available.
Attribute "lowerTolerance" of Lower tolerance for X value -43005 Lower tolerance limit for the X axis
TC_DP3 Is attached to the "TC_DP3" XML tag as
attribute, if available.
TC_DP4 Nominal setup Y value -45003 Geometry length Y
Attribute "upperTolerance" of Upper tolerance for Y value -43006 Upper tolerance limit for the Y axis
TC_DP4 Is attached to the "TC_DP4" XML tag as
attribute, if available.
Attribute "lowerTolerance" of Lower tolerance for Y value -43007 Lower tolerance limit for the Y axis
TC_DP4 Is attached to the "TC_DP4" XML tag as
attribute, if available.
TC_DP5 Nominal setup Z value -45004 Geometry length Z
Attribute "upperTolerance" of Upper tolerance for Z value -43008 Upper tolerance limit for the Z axis
TC_DP5 Is attached to the "TC_DP5" XML tag as
attribute, if available.
Attribute "lowerTolerance" of Lower tolerance for Z value -43009 Lower tolerance limit for the Z axis
TC_DP5 Is attached to the "TC_DP5" XML tag as
attribute, if available.

Specification of nominal and tolerance values

The nominal values (setup X, setup Y and setup Z) are always specified as specific
coordinates. Each value mirrors the position in 3D space.

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In contrast, tolerance values always describe the "difference". They are always incremental
The upper tolerance is a positive value and the lower tolerance is a negative value. The "valid
range" is calculated through the addition of the nominal values with the tolerance values.

"Valid range" sample calculation

The valid range for a setup X tracking point is:

From: <Setup X> + <X_LT>

To: <Setup X> + <X_UT>

X= -123
X_UT (upper tolerance) = 0.4
X_LT (lower tolerance) = -0.3

Calculation and result

From: -123 + -0.3 =-123.3

To: -123 + 0.4 = -122.6 Input
The input of the tolerance values is optional. If no tolerance values are stored in the
Teamcenter, then there is no check with regard to compliance with the tolerance values. It is
possible to only store the upper or only the lower tolerance value in the Teamcenter.
In SFI, the catalog data from Teamcenter is transformed on the basis of a transformation to
the SINUMERIK NCU840D format, and treated internally as an XML document. Whereby, TC
attributes are converted to the SINUMERIK tool parameters.

Example of transformed data:

Example: The TC attribute -45002 "Nominal Setup X value" is transformed to the TC_DP2
–"length 1".


Example of the extension of the transformation by tolerance values:

The transformation must be extended by the tolerance values defined by the user in

<TC_DP3 upperTolerance="0.500" lowerTolerance="-0.5000">10</TC_DP3>

<TC_DP4 lowerTolerance"-1.200">20<TC_DP4>

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In this section, error means that the tolerances have not been complied with.
In this case, the interface is acknowledged negatively with an error code. If the tolerance values
are not defined in the Teamcenter, there is no tolerance check.

<TC_DP3 upperTolerance="000.100"lowerTolerance="-000.200">-005.000</TC_DP3>
<TC_DP4 upperTolerance="000.300"lowerTolerance="-000.400">-001.000</TC_DP4>
<TC_DP5 upperTolerance="000.500"lowerTolerance="-000.600">-101.320</TC_DP5>

In order to inform the tool presetting station of the tolerance values, they are provided in the
NCU840D format (with additional attributes) via the transformation file at „.../amd/tools/v1/
PresettingList/{inventarNo}“ (GET). The tolerance values are then visualized on the tool
presetting station for the user.
Action 117 is extended by the check of the actual values with regard to compliance with the
tolerances. The check is only performed when the tool master data is used. In case of an error,
action 117 is acknowledged negatively with an error code. If the tolerance values are not
defined in the tool master data, there is no check.

Example: Reference value = -5

<TC_DP3 upperTolerance="000.100"lowerTolerance="-000.200">-004.000</TC_DP3>
<TC_DP4 upperTolerance="000.300"lowerTolerance="-000.400">-001.000</TC_DP4>
<TC_DP5 upperTolerance="000.500"lowerTolerance="-000.600">-101.320</TC_DP5>

In this case, the following message appears:

Status: 400 Bad Request - actual value is too high

4.6.4 Transforming catalog data into the SINUMERIK 840D format Adapting catalog data project-specifically

In order to set tools in Manage MyTools, the catalog data from Teamcenter must be
transformed into the format of SINUMERIK 840D.
The transformation is performed via a script, the transformation script. The script is an XML

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Since the attributes in Teamcenter are freely assigned, you must adapt the script project-
specifically according to the attribute IDs. Which attribute from the catalog corresponds to
which XML tag in the template is specified in the script, see also the following Section:
● Tool parameters (Page 114)
● Cutting edge parameters (Page 115)
● Cutting edge-related tool monitoring parameters (Page 116)
● External user parameters (Page 116)
Since the script is overwritten with the transformation script from the current software delivery
at every new installation, store the project-specific script with the same name, "NCU840D.xml",
in a different directory.

Name of the transformation script
The standard file name is "NCU840D". Note that with a project-specific adaptation, the name
of the template must match the name of the transformation script. When using the functions
to access tool information, transfer the file name subsequently as "transformation" parameter,
otherwise the standard transformation script "NCU840D.xslt" is used.

1. Open the ...\Siemens\SINUMERIK_Integrate\webapp\Scripts directory.
2. Open the "NCU840D.xml" XML file.
3. Adapt the parameters, see Section: Presetting data (PUT) (Page 89).
4. Save the file with the same name in the following directory: ...\Siemens
\SINUMERIK_Integrate\Database\webapp\Scripts. Tool parameters

The following parameters are available for the tool data:

SINUMERIK pa‐ TC attribute Attribute ID Description

TC_TP1 Duplo number
Enter the duplo number.
Enter the value "0" if you want to assign
the duplo numbers automatically.
TC_TP2 Tool identifier
Enter the identifier.
TC_TP3 Size to the left
Default value = 1

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SINUMERIK pa‐ TC attribute Attribute ID Description

TC_TP4 Size to the right
Default value = 1
TC_TP5 Size upward
Default value = 1
TC_TP6 Size downward
Default value = 1
TC_TP7 Magazine location type
TC_TP8 Status
TC_TP9 Lifetime condition -40925 Tool monitoring method

Further information on tool parameters can be found in Section: Description of SINUMERIK

tool parameter (Page 98) Cutting edge parameters

The following parameters are available for the cutting edge data:

SINUMERIK pa‐ TC attribute Attribute ID Description

TC_DP1 Class ID -611 Tool type
Is determined via the Class ID.
TC_DP2 Tracking point -45015 Cutting edge position
Only for turning tools (tool types
TC_DP3 Nomin. setup X -45002 Geometry length X
"upperTolerance" Upper tolerance -43004 Upper tolerance limit for the X axis.
attribute of for X value Is attached to the "TC_DP3" XML tag as
TC_DP3 attribute, if available.
"lowerTolerance" Lower tolerance -43005 Lower tolerance limit for the X axis.
attribute of for X value Is attached to the "TC_DP3" XML tag as
TC_DP3 attribute, if available.
TC_DP4 Nomin. setup Y -45003 Geometry length Y
"upperTolerance" Upper tolerance -43006 Upper tolerance limit for the Y axis.
attribute of for Y value Is attached to the "TC_DP4" XML tag as
TC_DP4 attribute, if available.
"lowerTolerance" Lower tolerance -43007 Lower tolerance limit for the Y axis
attribute of for Y value Is attached to the "TC_DP4" XML tag as
TC_DP4 attribute, if available.
TC_DP5 Nomin. setup Z -45004 Geometry length Z

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SINUMERIK pa‐ TC attribute Attribute ID Description

"upperTolerance" Upper tolerance -43008 Upper tolerance limit for the Z axis
attribute of for Z value Is attached to the "TC_DP5" XML tag as
TC_DP5 attribute, if available.
"lowerTolerance" Lower tolerance -43009 Lower tolerance limit for the Z axis
attribute of for Z value Is attached to the "TC_DP5" XML tag as
TC_DP5 attribute, if available.
TC_DP6 Circle radius -40091 (not for Geometry radius
tool type 520)
"upperTolerance" Upper tolerance -43010 Upper tolerance limit for the radius
attribute of for corner radius Is attached to the "TC_DP6" XML tag as
TC_DP6 attribute, if available.
"lowerTolerance" Lower tolerance -43011 Lower tolerance limit for the radius
attribute of for corner radius Is attached to the "TC_DP6" XML tag as
TC_DP6 attribute, if available. Cutting edge-related tool monitoring parameters

The following parameters are available for the cutting edge-related tool monitoring data:

SINUMERIK pa‐ TC attribute Attribute ID Description

TC_MOP1 Warning time -40926 Prewarning limit
TC_MOP2 Default tool life -40925 Residual tool life corresponds to the be‐
ginning of the planned tool life
TC_MOP11 Default tool life -40925 Planned tool life External user parameters

The following parameters are available for the external user data:

SINUMERIK pa‐ TC attribute Attribute ID Description

TDI_CLASS_ID Class ID -611 Class ID
This TC attribute is also used to deter‐
mine the tool type.
TDI_OBJECT_ID Object ID -599 Catalog ID
TDI_TOOLID_DE‐ Description -45001 Description
TDI_TOOL_COM‐ Comment -41210 Comment

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SINUMERIK pa‐ TC attribute Attribute ID Description

TDI_TOOL_NUM‐ Tool number -45235 Tool number
TDI_EXTERN_ID Inventory number
The inventory number is used for the
clear identification of the tool.
This attribute is determined via SFI.
TDI_TAR‐ Specifies the scheduled supply date.
GET_TIME This attribute is determined via the res‐
ervation in SFI.
TDI_TAR‐ Specifies the target machine for which
GET_NODE the tool is reserved.
This attribute is determined via the res‐
ervation in SFI.
TDI_TAR‐ Specifies the target magazine for which
GET_MAGAZINE the tool is reserved.
This attribute is determined via the res‐
ervation in SFI.
TDI_TAR‐ Specifies the machining sequence for
GET_WORK which the tool is reserved.
This attribute is determined via the res‐
ervation in SFI.
TDI_TAR‐ Specifies the number for which work‐
GET_PART piece in the machining sequence the
tool is reserved.
This attribute is determined via the res‐
ervation in SFI.

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Access to NC program data 5
5.1 Introduction
This section describes an external interface of SINUMERIK Integrate (SI). The interface
described here provides external applications with access to functions and data of MMP, e.g.
for managing NC programs. The interface is implemented as Web service and is based
on .NET and WCF technology.
The interface enables access to NC program data and is part of the product AMD (Access
The interface requires an operational SINUMERIK Integrate server and the operationally
installed Manage MyPrograms (MMP) application.
The interface is divided into the parts: Plant layout (PlantLayout), managed NC data in the
MMP server (DncContent) and NC data directly in the file system of the machine
(MachineDncFunctions). In the same way, the plant structure is displayed in the left area in
the MMP user interface, the managed data on the server on the right, and the data in the file
system of the machine in the transfer-back dialog.

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5.2 Concept

5.2 Concept

5.2.1 Requirement
The use of the interface requires a previously installed and correctly configured SI server with
version 4.1 or higher. Version 4.0 or higher of .NET Framework is also required.
A further requirement is that the user of the interface is familiar with the product MMP (Manage
MyPrograms) and has sufficient knowledge in programming for web service interfaces.
It is only possible to use identifiers.
The interfaces (implement the DNC functions for NC programs) are not active after the
installation. To activate the interface, you must edit the file "....\DNC\AMD-DNC\web.config" in
the installation directory of the MMP server.

5.2.2 Activate interface

To activate the server interface, you must edit the "....\DNC\AMD-DNC\web.config" file in the
installation directory of the MMP server. For the entry httpRuntime, you must change the
attribute enable to true.


<!-- to enable the AMD-DNC 128ssociate setenable="true" -->

<httpRuntime enable="true" maxRequestLength="2147483647"


5.2.3 Deactivate interface

To deactivate the server interface, you must edit the "....\DNC\AMD-DNC\web.config" file in
the installation directory of the MMP server. For the entry httpRuntime, you must change
the attribute enable to false.


<!-- to enablethe AMD-DNC 128ssociate setenable="true" -->

<httpRuntime enable="false" maxRequestLength="2147483647"


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5.3 Description of the interfaces

5.3 Description of the interfaces

Overview of the web service interface

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5.3 Description of the interfaces

Interface for the plant structure

NodeIdentifiers are needed to access the levels of the MMP administrative structure and
to address the machines. Going from this level, the subordinate items (e.g. folders and files)
are referenced in the MMP administrative structure and in the file system of the machine.

° Name Description
List<PlantLayoutNode> Lists the nodes that belong to the plant struc‐
ListNodes( NodeIdentifier parent, ture.
PlantLayoutFilter filter ) The function only lists one level.
List<PlantLayoutNode> Lists the nodes that belong to the plant struc‐
ListNodesWithChildren( NodeIdentif ture.
ier parent, PlantLayoutFilter The function lists all of the levels under the pa‐
filter ) rent node.

To receive all of the nodes from the topmost level of the plant structure on, use the constant
null as Id for the parameter parent. With the parameter filter, you can restrict the result
by node names and node types of the plant structure. To get exactly one node in the plant
structure, it is sufficient to filter by the node name (nodes with the same name cannot have
the same predecessor (parent)). For ListNodesWithChildren(), it is possible that
several nodes with the same name will be found on different levels of the plant structure. The
filter for the name of the node is case sensitive.

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5.4 The type of a machine

5.4 The type of a machine

A type is assigned to each machine in the MMP system. The type is defined when a machine
is created in MMP. Depending on this setting, various operations are possible in the file system
of the machine.
The returned identifiers can be changed while the MMP server is operating by deleting and
adding groups and machines in the plant hierarchy, and should not be saved outside the MMP

Interface for NC data on the MMP server

This interface provides access to the workpieces, NC packages, NC files, file attachments,
and the assigned metadata that is managed by the MMP server.

Name Description
void Remove nodes from the MMP server.
DeleteNodes( List<NodeIdentifier> Deletes nodes of the type ContentNode.
identifiers )
Delete a list of nodes with specified ID
StreamingTicket Export attachment from the MMP server.
ExportAttachment( NodeIdentifier With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
id, out AttachmentNodeInfo info ) terface (DownloadFile) must then be used to
access the contents of the file.
The AttachmentNodeInfo object contains
metadata for the file attachment
ExportPackageInfo Export package from the MMP server.
ExportPackage( NodeIdentifier id ) The return value contains information about
the contents of the package and the associated
StreamingTickets for the file contents. With the
StreamingTicket, the file contents must then be
read out on the FileTransfer interface (Down‐
StreamingTicket Export NC file from the MMP server.
ExportPartProgram( NodeIdentifier With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
id, out PartProgramNodeInfo terface (DownloadFile) must then be used to
partProgramInfo ) access the contents of the file. The object
PartProgramNodeInfo contains the meta‐
data from MMP.
ContentNode Complete upload.
FinalizeUpload( StreamingTicket Completes the upload of an imported item. On‐
ticket ) ly in this way is the data in the MMP adminis‐
tration saved.

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5.4 The type of a machine

Name Description
StreamingTicket Import attachment into the MMP server.
ImportAttachment( NodeIdentifier Imports an attachment under an NC file or an
parent, AttachmentNodeInfo info ) NC package.
With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
terface (UploadFile) must then be used to
transfer the contents of the file.
The import procedure must be completed with
a FinalizeUpload
ContentNode Create package in the MMP server.
ImportPackage( NodeIdentifier Regardless of the type attribute, this creates
parent, PackageNodeInfo info ) an NC package or a workpiece folder under a
machine group or machine node. Only the
name and the type attributes need to be set in
the PackageNodeInfo parameter for a work‐
piece folder. Then the assigned NC files can
be imported with the returned ContentNode.
StreamingTicket Import NC file into the MMP server.
ImportPartProgram( NodeIdentifier Imports an NC file under a machine group
parent, PartProgramNodeInfo node, machine node, workpiece node, or NC
partProgramInfo, string package node.
versionToOverwrite )
With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
terface (UploadFile) must then be used to send
the contents of the file to the server.
If versionToOverwrite is not equal to "0",
the part program is imported with the specified
version and any existing version of the NC file
is overwritten.
The import procedure must be completed with
a FinalizeUpload
List<ContentNode> List nodes in the MMP server.
ListNodes( NodeIdentifier parent, Lists the nodes of the type ContentNode lying
Filter filter ) directly under the parent node with a specified
List<ContentNode> List nodes in the MMP server.
ListNodesWithChildren( NodeIdentif Lists all the nodes of the type ContentNode un‐
ier parent, Filter filter ) der the parent node and all the subnodes with
a specified filter.

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5.4 The type of a machine

Name Description
void Sets the trial cut ID or the
SetAvailableForTrialCutFlag( NodeI AvailableForTrialCut flag.
dentifier id, string Without trial cut ID or release ID, an NC file
versionToSetFlag, bool value ) cannot be transferred to the machine.
This function is used to set the trial cut ID for a
node with the specified version.
void Sets the Released flag.
SetReleasedFlag( NodeIdentifier Without trial cut ID or release ID, an NC file
id, bool value, bool cannot be transferred to the machine.
resetAvailableForTrialCutFlag )
Sets the release ID of a node
The trial cut ID can be reset at the same time.
If the release ID for a part program is set, the
release ID of the previously released version
of the NC file is automatically reset.

The parent NodeIdentifiers reference nodes of the PlantLayout interface (e.g. to reference
the machine level in the plant tree as the target of an operation) or of the DNCContent interface
(e.g. to reference a workpiece folder of a machine as a target of an operation). The id
NodeIdentifiers reference items as they are returned by the system as lists via the
ListNodes() or ListNodesWithChildren().
The returned identifiers can be changed while the MMP server is operating by deleting and
adding files and folders, and should not be saved outside the MMP system.
A ContentFilter can be transferred to restrict the result list of the methods ListNodes() and

Interface for access to the file system of the machine

The functions of this interface are for direct access to the machines and the data in the file
system of the machine. Not all of the methods are supported by all machine types. Therefore,
before calling a method using GetCapabilities(), a check should be made as to whether
the machine can process the desired operation. Operations in the file system of the machine
can only be successful if the machine is online. Therefore, before calling a method using

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5.4 The type of a machine

GetMachineStatus(), a check should be made as to whether the machine can process the

Name Description
void Deletes a list of items on a machine.
DeleteOnMachine( NodeIdentifier
machine, List<MachineDncItem>
itemsToDelete )
List<DncMachineCapabilities> Provides the capabilities of a machine. De‐
GetCapabilities( NodeIdentifier pending on the machine technology and the
machine ) type of connection to MMP, only a part of the
scope of functions of the interface can be used.
MachineDncStatus Returns the status of a machine ("online", "off‐
GetMachineStatus( NodeIdentifier line", "unknown").
machine )
List<MachineDncItem> Lists the items on a machine.
ListItemsOnMachine( NodeIdentifier
machine )
void Transfers a list of items from the file system of
TransferFromMachine( NodeIdentifie a machine to a level in the administrative struc‐
r machine, NodeIdentifier parent, ture on the MMP server.
itemsToTransfer )
void Transfers a list of items to a destination speci‐
TransferToMachine( NodeIdentifier fied with the TransferOptions object in the file
machine, List<NodeIdentifier> system of the machine.
itemsToTransfer, TransferOptions
transferOptions )
void SelectItem(NodeIdentifier Selects an item for a channel.
machine, MachineDncItemIdentifier
item, uint channel )
void DeselectItem(NodeIdentifier Deselects the selected NC program in a chan‐
machine, uint channel ) nel.
StreamingTicket Imports an NC file directly into the file system
ImportToMachine( NodeIdentifier of the machine
machine, MachineDncItem The program is not registered in the MMP sys‐
machineDncItem ) tem but only stored in temporary memory.
With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
terface (UploadFile) must then be used to
transfer the contents of the file to the server.

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5.4 The type of a machine

Name Description
ExportMachineDncItem Exports an NC file directly from the file system
ExportFromMachine( NodeIdentifier of the machine.
machine, MachineDncItemIdentifier The program is not registered in the MMP sys‐
item ) tem but only stored in temporary memory.
The returned ExportMachineDncItem object
contains the file information and a streaming
With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
terface (DownloadFile) must then be used to
read the contents of the file from the server.
MachineDncItem Complete upload.
FinalizeUpload( StreamingTicket Completes the upload of an imported item. On‐
ticket ) ly in this way is the data saved on the machine.

The machine NodeIdentifiers reference machines in the plant structure of the MMP server
and thus indirectly the machine itself. These identifiers are received from the PlantLayout
interface. The parent NodeIdentifiers reference nodes of the PlantLayout interface (e.g. to
reference the machine level in the plant tree as the target of an operation) or of the DNCContent
interface (e.g. to reference a workpiece folder of a machine as a target of an operation). The
id NodeIdentifiers reference items as they are returned by the DncContent interface as lists
via the ListNodes() or ListNodesWithChildren().
The item NodeIdentifiers reference items in the file system of the machine. These are formed
by the method ListItemsOnMachine() from the file system of the machine. The returned
identifiers can be changed while the MMP server is operating by deleting and adding files and
folders in the machine, and should not be saved outside the MMP system.
If a StreamingTicket is created by the methods, then it is possible to use this ticket to make a
one-time access to the contents of the file with the "FileTransfer" interface. StreamingTickets
become invalid when the MMP software is restarted on the server.

Interface for transferring the contents of files

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5.4 The type of a machine

The interface provides access to the file contents, which were initiated by a previous call of
the DncContent or DncMachineFunctions interface.

Name Description
Stream Receipt of the file contents from the MMP serv‐
DownloadFile(StreamingTicket er, identified by a DownloadTicket
StreamingTicket UploadFile(String Sending a file to the MMP server, identified by
CheckSum, String FileName, an upload ticket.
StreamingTicket streamingTicket, The checksum is currently not evaluated and
Stream FileByteStream) can remain blank. The file name must be iden‐
tical to the file name when the ticket is initiated

For the transfer of larger file contents, the parameters for the maximum file size must be
adapted to the client application if necessary (MaxReceivedMessageSize and
maxBufferSize (e.g. 8388608 = 8 Mbyte)).

Interface for change notifications

The interface for change notifications is not available in SINUMERIK Integrate.

The external applications can subscribe to notifications for specific nodes. The notification is
then done via the INotificationCallback Interface, which of course must then also be
implemented in the external application

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5.4 The type of a machine

Name Description
List<NotificationConfiguration> Returns the configuration of a notification.
GetNotificationConfiguration( Noti
ficationTarget target )
void Subscribing to a notification.
RegisterForNotification( Notificat
ionTarget target,
notificationConfiguration )
void Unsubscribing a notification.
UnregisterForNotification( Notific
ationTarget target )

Clients must implement this interface for the notification.

Name Description
void Callback for the OnEvent.
OnEvent( List<DncNotificationEvent
> events )

If a call on the interface fails, exceptions with error information are initiated.


Name Description
String Details The details of the error.
String Issue The issue of the error.

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5.4 The type of a machine






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5.5 Terms

5.5 Terms

Node, NodeInfo, ContentNode, PlantLayoutNode

A higher-level item is defined via the ParentNodeIdentifier attribute for each item. The
following table illustrates the possible relations. Only the topmost item Root, which itself has
no higher-level item, takes up a special position.

PlantLayoutNode ContentNode
Child Root Group Machine NC Work‐ NC file Attach‐
package piece ment
Group ✓ ✓ --- --- --- --- ---
Machine ✓ ✓ --- --- --- --- ---
NC package --- ✓ ✓ --- --- --- ---
Workpiece --- ✓ ✓ --- --- --- ---
NC file --- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ --- ---
Attachment --- --- --- ✓ --- ✓ ---

--- = not permitted ✓ = permitted

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5.5 Terms

Attachments can only be assigned to NC files and NC packages. NC files can be assigned to
groups, machines, NC packages, and workpieces. Workpieces and NC packages can be
assigned to groups and machines.

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5.5 Terms

The nodes can be reached either with the ID of the MMP system or via the path supplemented
with the version.

Only NodeByIdentifier is supported in SINUMERIK Integrate.

In the external interface, a distinction is made between workpieces and NC packages by the
type attribute.

After an ExportPackage task, the client receives an ExportPackageInfo, which contains the
StreamingTickets for the export of the content of the package, the StreamingTickets for the
export of the attachments of the package, and the PackageNodeInfo.

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5.5 Terms

After an import job, the client receives a StreamingTicket. With the aid of this ticket, the contents
can be imported.

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5.6 Programs on the machine

5.6 Programs on the machine

The MachineDncItem class provides information on the NC files on a machine. The Repository
shows exactly where the item will be saved in the file system of the machine.

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5.7 The settings of the transfer

5.7 The settings of the transfer

It is possible to enter the destination during the transfer. The Repository shows exactly where
the item will be saved in the file system of the machine.

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5.8 Information about the machines

5.8 Information about the machines

A distinction is made between three statuses for each machine: Online, Offline, Unknown.

The states Online and Offline are only reported for machines which have "MachineStatus"

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5.9 The capabilities of a machine

5.9 The capabilities of a machine

It is possible to request the capabilities of any machine.

Ability Description
DeleteItem It is possible to delete files in the file system of the machine.
TransferItem It is possible to transfer files from the MMP management to the machine and vice
DirectTransferI‐ It is possible to transfer files past the MMP management to and from the machine.
tem The data is not saved in the administrative structure of the MMP server during this.
ListItems It is possible to obtain the contents of the file system of the machine as a list. The
respective MMP client software on the machine determines the contents of the list.
SelectItem It is possible to select NC programs for processing in a channel. This option is
currently only offered by machines with the SINUMERIK Powerline and Solutionline
MachineStatus The user can see on the interface whether the MMP software client (MMP IFC for
SINUMERIK, MMP for Operate, MMP interface client for third-party controllers) is
active. Machine types that require interactive operation (serial connection, ma‐
chines of the Filesystem type) do not provide an "online" signal.

The technological capabilities of the machine determine which operations are possible in the
file system of the machine.

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5.10 Test program

5.10 Test program

Relevant functions are used in examples in the test program.
The functions of the test program are described in the following sections. The test program is
divided into 3 areas:


① Area 1 provides functions for displaying and filtering the plant structure and encompasses the top left area and the
project tree under it.
② Area 2 provides functions for displaying and filtering the file management and encompasses the top center area
and the file tree under it.
③ Area 3 provides functions for importing, exporting, transferring and querying settings.

Range 1: Plant structure

Checkbox Description
Powerline Shows all Powerline controllers configured in MMP
Solutionline Shows all Solutionline controllers configured in MMP
Third-party controller Shows all of the third-party controllers configured in MMP
File system Shows all of the file systems configured in MMP
Serial interface Shows all of the controllers with a serial interface configured in MMP
All levels per call Shows all of the levels in the plant structure

In the top left area, filter properties can be set for the plant structure with the aid of the
checkboxes. Click the "Refresh" button to update the underlying plant tree with the following
If the "All levels per call" checkbox is enabled:

Name Description
List<PlantLayoutNode> Lists the nodes that belong to the plant struc‐
ListNodesWithChildren( NodeIdentif ture.
ier parent, PlantLayoutFilter The function lists all the levels below the "pa‐
filter ) rent" node.

If the "All levels per call" checkbox is not enabled:

Name Description
List<PlantLayoutNode> Lists the nodes that belong to the plant struc‐
ListNodes( NodeIdentifier parent, ture.
PlantLayoutFilter filter ) The function only lists one level.

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5.10 Test program

Range 2: File Management

Checkbox Description
Programs Shows NC programs which are saved on the server for the selected machine
Packages Shows NC packages, which are saved on the server for the selected machine
Attachments Shows attachments which are saved on the server for the selected machine
All levels per call Shows all of the levels in the file management

In the top central area, filter properties can be set for the file management with the aid of the
checkboxes. Click the "Refresh" button to update the underlying plant tree with the following
If the "All levels per call" checkbox is enabled:

Name Description
List<ContentNode> List nodes in the MMP server.
ListNodesWithChildren( NodeIdentif Lists all the nodes of the type ContentNode
ier parent, Filter filter ) under the "parent" node and all the subnodes
with a specified filter.

If the "All levels per call" checkbox is not enabled:

Name Description
List<ContentNode> List nodes in the MMP server.
ListNodes( NodeIdentifier parent, Lists the nodes of the type ContentNode lying
Filter filter ) directly under the parent node with a specified

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5.10 Test program

Range 3: Functions

Button Description
Machine Opens a dialog in which data is displayed for the machine selected in the plant tree.
Additional buttons are displayed which can be used to initiate the MMP functions.
Properties Opens a dialog in which the trial cut ID and release flag are set.
Delete Deletes selected items from the MMP server.
Transfer Opens a dialog with which an item is transferred to the machine.
Imp. package Opens a dialog with which an NC package is created on the server.
Imp. partprog. Opens a dialog with which an NC program is imported into the server.
Imp. attach‐ Opens a dialog with which the attachments are imported into the server.
Machine status Queries the status of the selected controller.
M Capabilities Returns the capabilities of the selected controller which are supported or not suppor‐
Exp. package Opens a dialog with which NC packages are exported from the server.
Exp. partprog. Opens a dialog with which NC programs are exported from the server.
Exp. attach‐ Opens a dialog with which the attachments are exported from the server.

The "Machine" button opens a dialog in which data is displayed for the machine selected in
the plant tree. Additional buttons are displayed which can be used to initiate the MMP functions.
The following function is used for this purpose:

Name Description
List<MachineDncItem> Lists the items on a machine
ListItemsOnMachine( NodeIdentifier
machine )

There are buttons for additional functions on the right side of the dialog.

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5.10 Test program

Transfer back

Name Description
void Transfers a list of items from the file system of
TransferFromMachine( NodeIdentifie a machine to a level in the administrative struc‐
r machine, NodeIdentifier parent, ture on the MMP server.
itemsToTransfer )


Name Description
void Deletes a list of items on a machine
DeleteOnMachine( NodeIdentifier
machine, List<MachineDncItem>
itemsToDelete )


Name Description
void SelectItem(NodeIdentifier Selects an item for a channel
machine, MachineDncItemIdentifier
item, uint channel )


Name Description
void DeselectItem(NodeIdentifier Deselects the selected NC program in a chan‐
machine, uint channel ) nel

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5.10 Test program

Imp. to machine
First, the following function is carried out:

Name Description
StreamingTicket Imports an NC file directly into the file system
ImportToMachine( NodeIdentifier of the machine
machine, MachineDncItem The program is not registered in the MMP sys‐
machineDncItem ) tem but only stored in temporary memory.
With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
terface (UploadFile) must then be used to
transfer the contents of the file to the server.

The following function is then executed with the "StreamingTicket":

Name Description
StreamingTicket UploadFile(String Sending a file to the MMP server, identified by
CheckSum, String FileName, an upload ticket. The checksum is currently not
StreamingTicket streamingTicket, evaluated and can remain blank. The file name
Stream FileByteStream) must be identical to the file name when the
ticket is initiated

Finally the following function must be executed:

Name Description
MachineDncItem Complete upload.
FinalizeUpload( StreamingTicket Completes the upload of an imported item. On‐
ticket ) ly in this way is the data saved on the machine.

Exp. from machine

First, the following function is carried out:

Name Description
ExportMachineDncItem Exports an NC file directly from the file system
ExportFromMachine( NodeIdentifier of the machine.
machine, MachineDncItemIdentifier The program is not registered in the MMP sys‐
item ) tem but only stored in temporary memory.
The returned ExportMachineDncItem object
contains the file information and a streaming
With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
terface (DownloadFile) must then be used to
read the contents of the file from the server.

The following function is then executed:

Name Description
Stream Receipt of the file contents from the MMP serv‐
DownloadFile(StreamingTicket er, identified by a DownloadTicket

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5.10 Test program

This dialog shows the current status of the trial cut ID and of the release ID. Pressing the "OK"
button sets the IDs and flags to the respective status of the checkboxes.

The following functions are used:

Name Description
void Sets the trial cut ID or the
SetAvailableForTrialCutFlag( NodeI AvailableForTrialCutFlag
dentifier id, string Without trial cut ID or release ID, an NC file
versionToSetFlag, bool value ) cannot be transferred to the machine.
This function is used to set the trial cut ID for a
node with the specified version.
void Sets the SetReleasedFlag
SetReleasedFlag( NodeIdentifier Without trial cut ID or release ID, an NC file
id, bool value, bool cannot be transferred to the machine.
resetAvailableForTrialCutFlag )
Sets the release ID of a node
The trial cut ID can be reset at the same time.
If the release ID for a part program is set, the
release ID of the previously released version
of the NC file is automatically reset.

This button deletes selected items on the server.
The following function is used:

Name Description
void Remove nodes from the MMP server.
DeleteNodes( List<NodeIdentifier> Deletes nodes of the type ContentNode.
identifiers )
Delete a list of nodes with specified ID

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5.10 Test program

This dialog transfers selected items into the specified path to the controller.

Name Description
void Transfers a list of items to a destination speci‐
TransferToMachine( NodeIdentifier fied with the TransferOptions object in the
machine, List<NodeIdentifier> file system of the machine.
itemsToTransfer, TransferOptions
transferOptions )

The following function is used:

Imp. package
The button opens a dialog in which a new NC package with the selected properties is created
on the server.
The following function is used for creating:

Name Description
ContentNode Create package in the MMP server.
ImportPackage( NodeIdentifier Regardless of the type attribute, this creates
parent, PackageNodeInfo info ) an NC package or a workpiece folder under a
machine group or machine node. Only the
name and the type attributes need to be set in
the PackageNodeInfo parameter for a work‐
piece folder. The assigned NC files can then
be imported with the returned ContentNode.

Imp. partprog.
The button opens a dialog in which the NC program is selected for import.

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5.10 Test program

The following function is used for this:

Name Description
StreamingTicket Import NC file into the MMP server.
ImportPartProgram( NodeIdentifier Imports an NC file under a machine group
parent, PartProgramNodeInfo node, machine node, workpiece node, or NC
partProgramInfo, string package node.
versionToOverwrite )
With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
terface (UploadFile) must then be used to
transfer the contents of the file to the server.
If versionToOverwrite is not equal to "0",
the part program is imported with the specified
version and any existing version of the NC file
is overwritten.
The import procedure must be completed with
a FinalizeUpload.

Imp. attachment
The button opens a dialog in which an attachment is selected for import.
The following function is used for this:

Name Description
StreamingTicket Import attachment into the MMP server.
ImportAttachment( NodeIdentifier Imports an attachment under an NC file or an
parent, AttachmentNodeInfo info ) NC package.
With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
terface (.UploadFile) must then be used to
transfer the contents of the file.
The import procedure must be completed with
a FinalizeUpload

Machine status
The button opens a dialog in which the current status of the controller is displayed.
The following function is used for this:

Name Description
MachineDncStatus Returns the status of a machine ("online", "off‐
GetMachineStatus( NodeIdentifier line", "unknown").
machine )

M Capabilities
The button opens a dialog in which the supported functions are displayed.

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5.10 Test program

The following function is used for this:

Name Description
List<DncMachineCapabilities> Provides the capabilities of a machine.
GetCapabilities( NodeIdentifier Depending on the machine technology and the
machine ) type of connection to MMP, only a part of the
scope of functions of the interface can be used.

Exp. package
The button opens a dialog in which the save location is selected.
The following function is used for this:

Name Description
ExportPackageInfo Export package from the MMP server.
ExportPackage( NodeIdentifier id ) The return value contains information about
the contents of the package and the associated
StreamingTickets for the file contents.
With the StreamingTicket, the file contents
must then be read out on the FileTransfer in‐
terface (DownloadFile).

The following function is then executed:

Name Description
Stream Receipt of the file contents from the MMP serv‐
DownloadFile(StreamingTicket er, identified by a DownloadTicket

Exp. partprog.
The button opens a dialog in which the save location is selected.
The following function is used for this:

Name Description
StreamingTicket Export NC file from the MMP server.
ExportPartProgram( NodeIdentifier With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
id, out PartProgramNodeInfo terface (DownloadFile) must then be used to
partProgramInfo ) access the contents of the file.
The object PartProgramNodeInfo contains
the metadata from MMP.

The following function is then executed:

Name Description
Stream Receipt of the file contents from the MMP serv‐
DownloadFile(StreamingTicket er, identified by a DownloadTicket

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5.10 Test program

Exp. attachment
The button opens a dialog in which the save location is selected.
The following function is used for this:

Name Description
StreamingTicket Export attachment from the MMP server.
ExportAttachment( NodeIdentifier With the StreamingTicket, the FileTransfer in‐
id, out AttachmentNodeInfo info ) terface (DownloadFile) must then be used to
access the contents of the file.
The AttachmentNodeInfo object contains
metadata for the file attachment

The following function is then executed:

Name Description
Stream Receipt of the file contents from the MMP serv‐
DownloadFile(StreamingTicket er, identified by a DownloadTicket

Access MyData (AMD)

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Project information A
A.1 List of abbreviations

Admin Administrator (user role)

AMC Analyze MyCondition
AMD Access MyData
AMM/E Access MyMachine/Ethernet
AMP Analyze MyPerformance
AMT Access MyTool ID
API Application programming interface: interface to the application programming
ASC Access MyMachine/Ethernet Service Client
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BA Operating Instructions
CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing
CF card CompactFlash Card: Memory card
CNC Computerized Numerical Control:
CoL Certificate of License
COM Communication
COM Component Object Protocol (programming model of Microsoft®)
CU Control Unit
CP Communication Processor
CPU Central Processing Unit:
DB Data Block (PLC)
DBB Data Block Byte (PLC)
DBW Data Block Word (PLC)
DCOM Distributed Component Object Model
Dbxy Data Block (e.g. B 59)
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: Dynamic assignment of an IP address and other
configuration parameters on a computer in a network
DNC Direct Numeric Control
DIR Directory:
DW Data Word
FCC File Client Cache
ET Equability axis test
h Hour
HMI Human Machine Interface: SINUMERIK user interface
HD Hard Disk: Hard disk
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure,
HW Hardware

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Project information
A.1 List of abbreviations

IAC InterActive Client

IB Commissioning engineer (user role)
IE Internet Explorer
IFC Interface Client
IH Maintenance
IIS Microsoft Internet Information Service
CT Circularity Test
MB Megabyte
MCIS Motion Control Information System
MCIS MDA MCIS Machine Data Aquisition: Machine data management
MCP Machine Control Panel:
MD Machine Data
MHComm Machine Handler Communication
MCS Machine Coordinate System
MLFB Machine-Readable Product Code
MMP Manage MyPrograms
MMP IFC Manage MyPrograms InterFace Client
MMT Manage MyTools
MO Machine Operator: Machine operator (user role)
MPI Multi Port Interface: Multiport Interface
MRL Manufacturing Resource Library
MS Microsoft
MSDE Database software Microsoft Data Engine or Microsoft Desktop Engine
MSI Microsoft Software Installation
MSP MindSphere platform
MSTT Machine control panel
NC Numerical Control: Numerical control
NCK Numerical Control Kernel: Numeric kernel with block preparation
NCU Numerical Control Unit: NCK hardware unit
NFS Network File System
NTLM NT LAN Manager: Authentication procedure for computer networks
OB Organization block in the PLC
ODBC Open Database Connectivity
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OLE Object Linking & Embedding
OP Operation Panel: Operating equipment
OPI Operation Panel Interface: Interface for connection to the operator panel
OPC OLE for Process Control
PC Personal Computer
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (memory card standardi‐
PCU PC Unit: Computer unit
PG Programming device
PDA Production Data Acquisition: Production data acquisition

Access MyData (AMD)

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Project information
A.1 List of abbreviations

PLC Programmable Logic Control: PLC

PMT Parts Monitoring & Tracking: Parts tracking
ProToolPro Configuration tool
PWS Personal Web Server
RFC Requests for Comments
ROM Read Only Memory
SC Service Client
SE Service Engineer
SEC Service Engineer Client
SEG Tool presetter
SFI or SFI RM Shop Floor Integrate or Shop Floor Integrate Resource Management
SK Softkey
SSL Secure Socket Layer
SW Software
TDI Tool Data Information
TC Teamcenter
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TLCA Tool Library CA: Tool catalog data
TLCU Tool Library Customer: Customer tool catalog data
TLCUA Tool Library Customer Assemblies: Complete tools
UAT Universal Axis Test
UNC Uniform naming convention
VB Visual Basic
VC Visual C
VNCK Virtual numerical control core
WCS Workpiece Coordinate System
T Tool
TLC Tool Length Compensation
WOP Workshop-Oriented Programming
WPD Work Piece Directory: Workpiece directory
TRC Tool Radius Compensation
WSDL Web Services Description Language
T Tool
TO Tool Offset
MT Machine Tool
TM Tool Management
TC Tool Change
XML Extensible Markup Language

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Project information
A.1 List of abbreviations

Access MyData (AMD)

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