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Clinical Epidemiological of
Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic
Renal Disease
Claudio Rigatto

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Clinical Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease

in Chronic Renal Disease
Robert N. Foley, MB, Patrick S. Parfrey, MD, and Mark J. Sarnak, MD

INDEX WORDS: Epidemiology; kidney failure; myocardial ischemia; heart hypertrophy; heart failure.

CLINICAL RECOMMENDATIONS ● The excess risk of CVD in CRD is caused,

● The risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in in part, by a higher prevalence in these patients
patients with chronic renal disease (CRD) ap- of conditions that are recognized as risk factors
pears to be far greater than in the general popula- for CVD in the general population. The predomi-
tion. For example, among patients treated by nant factors include older age, hypertension, hy-
hemodialysis (HD) or peritoneal dialysis (PD), perlipidemia, diabetes, and physical inactivity.
the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) ● In addition, the excess risk may also be due,
is approximately 40% and the prevalence of left in part, to hemodynamic and metabolic factors
ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is approximately characteristic of CRD, including proteinuria, in-
75%. Among HD and PD patients, total deaths creased ECF volume, electrolyte imbalance, ane-
caused by CVD in 1995 were approximately mia, and higher levels of thrombogenic factors
16,000. CVD mortality in HD and PD patients and homocysteine than in the general population.
has been estimated to be approximately 9% per Whether other factors unique to CRD also con-
year. Even after stratification by age, gender, tribute to the excess risk is unknown.
race, and presence of diabetes, CVD mortality in TARGET POPULATION: CHRONIC
HD and PD patients is 10 to 20 times higher than RENAL INSUFFICIENCY
in the general population.
● Patients with CRD should be considered in Prevalence
the highest risk group for subsequent CVD events. The epidemiology of CVD in patients with
Treatment recommendations based on CVD risk chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) has received
stratification should take into account this ‘‘high- scant attention to date. This is a major gap in our
est risk’’ status of patients with CRD. knowledge. The lack of basic information partly
● Congestive heart failure (CHF) is more com- reflects the fact patients are not ‘‘captive’’ in their
mon in CRD than in the general population and is treatment setting as are their HD, PD, and renal
an independent predictor of death in CRD. Among transplant recipient (RTR) counterparts. The clini-
HD and PD patients, the prevalence of CHF is cal impression is that the burden of CVD is very
approximately 40%. Both CAD and LVH are risk large. We know that patients at the far end of the
factors for the development of CHF. CRI spectrum, those starting renal replacement
● In practice, it is difficult to determine therapy, have a very high prevalence of CVD. If
whether CHF reflects left ventricular (LV) dys- CVD and CRI are a lethal combination, it is quite
function or extracellular fluid (ECF) volume over- possible that many CRI patients die before ever
load. Patients who develop clinical manifesta- reaching ESRD. One could easily speculate that
tions of CHF should be evaluated for CVD. the burden of CVD in CRI actually exceeds that
seen among patients starting renal replacement
therapy. Extrapolating from the large burden of
From the Divisions of Nephrology and Clinical Epidemi-
ology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, disease at onset of ESRD, and its strong associa-
Newfoundland, Canada, and the Division of Nephrology, tion with subsequent morbidity and mortality, it
New England Medical Center, Boston, MA. seems reasonable to assume that the overall
Address reprint requests to Robert Foley, MB, The Patient prevalence of CAD and CHF is similar to that in
Research Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland, ESRD, still increasing and approaching approxi-
300 Prince Philip Dr, St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada A1B
3V6. E-mail: r n_foley@hotmail.com mately 40% for each condition (Table 1).1 If one
娀 1998 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. assumes that CRI is a risk factor for CVD and
0272-6386/98/3205-0308$3.00/0 vice versa, it seems reasonable to suggest that:

S112 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 32, No 5, Suppl 3 (November), 1998: pp S112-S119

Table 1. Approximate Prevalence (%) underwent echocardiography. The prevalence of

of CVD by Target Population LVH was 26.7% in patients with creatinine clear-
CAD CHF ance greater than 50 mL/min, 30.8% in those
(Clinical) LVH (Echo) (Clinical) with clearances between 25 and 49 mL/min, and
45.2% in those with clearance less than 25 mL/
GP 5-12* 20† 5‡ min (P ⫽ 0.05). A similar association between
CRI NA 25-50 (varies with NA
renal function)§
increasing LV mass index and falling renal func-
HD 40㛳 75¶ 40㛳 tion has been shown in the prospective arm of the
PD 40㛳 75¶ 40㛳 study.5
RTR 15# 50** NA
CVD Outcomes
Abbreviation: NA, not available.
*Lower value, age 45-64; higher value, age ⬎65. Data Little is known about CVD morbidity in CRI.
from NHLBI Morbidity and Mortality Chartbook 1996. Hospitalization for CVD is probably higher than
†Data from Levy.39 in the general population. In the Modification of
‡Age 60. Data from NHLBI Morbidity and Mortality Chart- Diet in Renal Disease Study of nondiabetic CRI
book 1996.40
§Data from Levin.4
patients,6 25% of first hospitalizations, about 3
㛳Data from USRDS Case-Mix Adequacy Study.17 per 100 patient years, were due to CVD. In the
¶Data from Foley.11 study by Maschio and coworkers,7 patients with
#Data from Kasiske.31 serum creatinine between 1.5 and 4.0 mg/dL
**Data from Parfrey.32 were randomly assigned to receive either pla-
cebo or the angiotensin-converting enzyme
(1) the burden of CVD varies inversely with the (ACE)-inhibitor, benazepril. Overall, the com-
level of renal function, and (2) our approach to bined end-point of sudden death, fatal and nonfa-
risk factors like hypertension, lipids, and smok- tal myocardial infarction occurred at a rate of
ing should be guided by the principle that CRI approximately 1% per year. Similar findings were
patients are at high risk for CVD. If we accept observed in nondiabetic patients with proteinuria
that these patients are in the ‘‘highest risk group’’ levels greater than 3 g/d in the Ramipril Efficacy
for CVD, it is reasonable to suggest that our in Nephropathy Study.8
thresholds for risk factor intervention should be
lower than in the general population. Relationship of CAD and LVH
More is known about the prevalence of LVH to CVD Outcomes
in CRI (Table 1). Greaves and coworkers2 did The extent, severity, and distribution of coro-
echocardiograms in 38 undialyzed patients with nary artery lesions in CRI are unknown. As in the
CRI (serum creatinine ⬎ 3.4 mg/dL), 54 patients general population, two major patterns of in-
receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialy- creased LV mass are seen in CRI: concentric
sis (CAPD), 30 patients receiving HD, and 59 LVH (in which excessive wall thickening leads
healthy age- and sex-matched volunteers. LV to LVH) and LV dilatation plus hypertrophy,
mass index was 78.7 g/m2 in controls, 120.5 g/m2 more commonly known by the confusing term
in CRI patients, and 136 g/m2 in dialysis patients ‘‘eccentric hypertrophy’’ (LV dilatation is the
(P ⬍ 0.0001). Echocardiography was normal in primary abnormality; wall thickening is a second-
only 37% of CRI patients and 29% of dialysis order adaptation that minimizes the increased
patients, with LVH being the major discriminat- wall tension caused by LV dilatation). Concen-
ing feature of CRI patients. Tucker and cowork- tric hypertrophy is associated with pressure over-
ers3 studied 118 nondiabetic CRI patients and load, as in aortic stenosis or hypertension. LV
found LVH in 16% of patients with creatinine dilatation plus hypertrophy is associated with
clearance greater than 30 mL/min, and 38% of volume overload, as in aortic regurgitation or
patients with creatinine clearance less than 30 severe anemia. Both patterns are more common
mL/min. A similar inverse relationship between in CRI than in the general population.3-5 The
the level of renal function and prevalence of relationships of CAD and LVH to subsequent
LVH was reported by Levin et al.4 As part of a CVD outcomes have yet to be systematically
prospective study, 175 consecutive CRI patients evaluated in CRI. There is little reason to believe

that they are different than those seen in the suggest progress is being made in the manage-
general population. ment of CVD in ESRD. The improvements in
death rates have been most marked within the
CRD Outcomes first year of ESRD; likewise, the year-to-year
The relationship of CAD and LVH to CRD trends have not been as encouraging in prevalent
outcomes is not known in this target population. patients. Thus, it is not yet clear whether better
patient management in CRI prior to ESRD is
responsible for the improved mortality rates.9
After stratification for age, race, and gender,
Prevalence of CVD current CVD mortality rates are approximately
The prevalence of CVD is much higher in HD 10 to 20 times those of the general population
than in the general population. The USRDS (Table 2 and Fig 1). Figure 2 shows a comparsion
Dialysis Morbidity and Mortality Study (Wave between diabetic and nondiabetic HD and PD
2) is studying patients starting HD and began patients. Diabetes has a dramatic impact on CVD
collecting data in 1996. The average age of HD mortality rates. However, nondiabetic dialysis
patients was 61 years, and 50% had a history of patients also have higher rates than the general
diabetes mellitus. Forty-two percent of patients population. This observation, that CVD mortal-
had a history of myocardial infarction or coro- ity rates are an order of magnitude higher in
nary artery revascularization procedure, while dialysis patients, suggests that HD patients should
40% had a previous episode of cardiac failure.9 be considered in the ‘‘highest risk group’’ when
The prevalence of LVH, using echocardiogra- considering CVD risk factor intervention.
phy, is approximately 75%.10-13 In our study, 433 CHF has been consistently shown to be a very
patients had echocardiograms at initiation of strong, independent mortality risk factor in hemo-
renal replacement therapy. Only 20% had normal dialysis patients.16-18 One of the earliest studies
cardiac function and dimensions. Fifteen percent to demonstrate this was a retrospective cohort
had systolic dysfunction, 30% had LV dilatation study by Huthchinson and coworkers. In this
with preserved systolic function, and 40% had
concentric LVH.11,14 Table 2. Cardiovascular Mortality by Gender, Race,
and Target Population (Annual Mortality, %)*
CVD Outcomes
All Men Women White Black Diabetic Nondiabetic
Reporting on cause of death is very often a
subjective affair and has inherent limitations. GP 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.29 0.23 0.80 0.26
Interobserver agreement in assigning cause of HD 9.12 9.38 8.83 11.18 6.68 11.09 7.78
PD 9.24 10.27 8.14 10.76 6.07 13.22 7.09
death in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has RTR 0.54 0.59 0.43 0.53 0.56 1.11 0.39
been reported to be very low.15
In the USRDS study, the mean age of incident NOTE. Data from Sarnak MJ, Levey AS: J Am Soc
ESRD appeared to plateau at approximately 59.6 Nephrol 9:160A, 1998. CVD mortality is defined as death
from arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, MI, ath-
years from 1992 to 1994. The proportion of
erosclerotic heart disease, and pulmonary edema.
diabetic patients appears to be rising, from 30.1% *Data from the National Center for Health Statistics
in 1987 to 37.3 in 1994. Death rates, adjusted for (NCHS) 1993 Multiple Cause of Mortality data files, ICD 9
race, age, sex, and diabetes, have declined pro- codes 402, 404, 410-414, and 425-429. Diabetes mellitus
gressively for patients who started renal replace- in the general population was calculated using multiple
cause of mortality data files, population statistics files and
ment therapy in the years 1983 through 1994.
national health interview surveys, all from NCHS in 1993.
The adjusted death rates have fallen by 25% CVD mortality is underestimated in individuals with diabe-
from 30 per 100 patient years at risk for the 1987 tes and overestimated in those without diabetes because
cohort, to 24 per 100 for the 1994 cohort. The fall of the incomplete listing of diabetes on death certificates.
in death rates has been seen in HD and PD †Data from USRDS 1994-1996 (special data request).
HCFA form 2746 no. 23, 26-29, and 31. Death rates per
patients as well as RTR. The proportion of deaths
1000 patient-years at risk were converted to annual per-
attributed to CVD has remained relatively con- cent mortality. CVD mortality is underestimated in RTR
stant. If practices on death reporting have not because of the incomplete ascertainment of the cause of
changed over time, these very promising trends death.

—䉬—, GP male; —䊏—, GP female; —䉱—, GP black; —䊉—,

Morbidity due to CVD in HD patients also
GP white; —䉫—, dialysis male; —䊐—, dialysis female; —䉭—, appears to be very high. In the most recent
dialysis black; —䊊—, dialysis white.
USRDS report, using data from 1995, a typical
dialysis patient was hospitalized 1.3 times per
annum.9 The precise reason for hospitalization is
not given in this report. However, preliminary
and as yet unpublished data from the Hemodialy-
sis (HEMO) study suggest that about one third of
first hospitalizations are for CVD. Rocco and
coworkers24 examined a cohort of 1,572 patients
starting dialysis in 1989 and showed that isch-
emic heart disease and CHF were both indepen-
dent predictors of future hospitalization. Hospi-
talization is likely to be an inaccurate surrogate
for counting CV events and can be strongly
influenced by ‘‘nonmedical’’ factors. In addition,
Age (years)
these data cannot determine whether a CVD
Fig 1. CVD mortality defined by death due to ar-
hospitalization was a result of a new CV event or
rhythmias, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, myocar- a recurrence in a patient with pre-existent CVD.
dial infarction, atherosclerotic heart disease, and pul- In our prospective study, we found that the inci-
monary edema in the general population (GP) (Data
from NCHS multiple cause of morality data files ICD 9
dence of new onset CHF was 7% per year,18
codes 402, 404, 410-414, and 425-429, 1993) compared whereas the incidence of new onset clinically
to ESRD treated by dialysis (Data from USRDS special defined ischemic heart disease was lower, at 3%
data request HCFA form 2746, #s 23, 26-29, and 31,
1994-1996). Data is stratified by age, race, and gender.
per year.19 These incidence rates are high, but
consistent with those seen in the prospective
study, age, diabetes and CHF, by a factor of 2, Canadian Hemodialysis Morbidity Study.25 It is
were the only independent predictors of mortal- likely, though unproven, that these incidence
ity.16 Clinical ischemic heart disease has not been rates are higher than in the general population
shown to consistently predict mortality indepen-
—䉬—, male DM; —䉫—, male no DM; —䊏—, female DM;
dently of CHF. The USRDS found that both —䊐—, female no DM; —䊉—, white DM; —䊊—, white no DM;
CAD (relative risk [RR] ⫽ 1.22) and CHF (RR ⫽ —䉱—, black DM; —䉭—, black no DM.
1.26) independently predicted mortality in an
inception cohort study of 3,399 patients starting
hemodialysis therapy.16 A large-scale study, by
Silberberg and coworkers, showed an indepen-
dent association between LVH and mortality in
HD patients.10 In our study, a long-duration,
prospective inception cohort study, CHF at incep-
tion of dialysis therapy was associated with very
poor survival rates.18 Both CAD19 and LVH20
were associated with higher mortality rates. Most
of their adverse effects, however, seemed to
occur via the development of CHF.
In addition to LVH and CAD, other factors,
such as anemia,21 hypertension,22 and perhaps Fig 2. Cardiovascular mortality defined by death
chronic fluid overload23 contribute to CHF. Also, due to arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest,
myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic heart disease,
the clinical manifestations of CHF may be differ- and pulmonary edema in ESRD patients treated with
ent in dialysis patients. For example, ultrafiltra- dialysis (Data from USRDS special data request HCFA
tion may prevent fluid overload, and intradialytic form #s 23, 26-29, and 31, 1994-96). Data is stratified by
age, race, gender, and the presence of diabetes (DM).
hypotension may be the only manifestation of Shaded points describe diabetic individuals, whereas
LV dysfunction in some patients. nonshaded points describe nondiabetic individuals.

when adjusted for comparative age, gender, race, about 9% per annum, similar to that of HD
and diabetes. patients (Table 2). Thus, age-controlled CVD
mortality rates are about 10 to 20 times those in
Relationship of CAD to CVD Outcomes the general population (Table 2, Fig 1). As in
The distribution of coronary artery lesions has HD, death rates tend to be higher in patients who
not been systematically studied in HD but is are older, diabetic, and white.9 As in HD, CHF
likely to be similar to that of the general popula- appears to be a major predictor of mortality in
tion. In diabetic patients, the lesions appear to be PD patients.18,28
more extensive and diffuse than in nondiabetic The comparative mortality of PD versus HD is
HD patients. For example, in the study of Man- a matter of considerable interest. The USRDS
ske and coworkers,26 52 of 110 consecutive insu- has reported a higher death rate from CAD and
lin-dependent diabetic transplant candidates had other cardiac causes.29 On the other hand, the
CAD on coronary arteriography. CAD preva- Canadian Organ Replacement Registry, compar-
lence increased significantly with age, with CAD ing at patients starting treatment between 1990
present in 13 of 16 patients older than 45 years. and 1994, reported lower mortality rates, at least
Many dialysis patients, perhaps 30% or more of within the first 2 years of therapy.30 Very little
HD patients, with clinical episodes typical of has been written on the comparative cardiovascu-
myocardial ischemia have normal coronary arte- lar morbidity of HD and PD. In our study, we
riograms.27 Myocardial ischemia in these pa- found similar rates of de novo ischemic heart
tients has been postulated to be caused by several disease and de novo CHF in HD and PD pa-
factors, such as small vessel disease, vascular tients.28
calcification, and LVH. As in the general popula-
tion, CAD is associated with subsequent CVD Relationship of CAD and LVH
outcomes, including CHF and death.17,19 to CVD Outcomes
Relationship of LVH to CVD Outcomes The distribution of coronary artery lesions in
unknown. The prevalence of LVH is similar to
LVH with normal cavity volume (concentric that in HD patients, but the prevalence of LV
LVH) and LVH secondary to LV dilatation (ec- dilatation may be lower.28 As in HD, the presence
centric LVH) are very common in HD pa- of CAD and LVH is associated with CVD out-
tients.10-13 The relationship of these abnormali- comes.28
ties to CVD outcomes is similar to that seen in
the general population.10,20 In our study, LV ab- TARGET POPULATION: RENAL
normalities were independently associated with TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS
de novo ischemic heart disease, de novo cardiac
failure, and mortality in dialysis patients. For Prevalence of CVD
each of these three outcomes, there was a graded The prevalence of CVD in RTR is higher than
response as follows: normal LV ⬍ concentric in the general population. CAD prevalence has
LVH ⬍ LV dilatation with normal systolic func- been estimated at 15%.31 The prevalence of LVH
tion ⬍ systolic dysfunction.11,14,18-20 is high, between 50% and 70%.32-36
CVD Outcomes
BY PERITONEAL DIALYSIS In the most recent USRDS report, the annual
death rate from CVD was approximately 0.54%.9
Prevalence of CVD While this is considerably better than for HD and
The prevalence of CAD, LVH, and CHF ap- PD, it still approximately twice that of the gen-
pears to be similar in PD patients as in HD eral population (Table 2). Overall, the proportion
patients (Table 1). of deaths due to CVD seems to be considerably
lower than in dialysis patients (17% v 40%-
CVD Outcomes 50%).9 The CVD death rate of RTR is higher
As in HD, CVD accounts for approximately than that of the general population, even after
40% of deaths in PD patients. CVD mortality is stratifying for age, gender, and race. Figure 3

—䉬—, GP (all); —䊏—, RTR

found a high prevalence of CAD, often diffuse.
The risk of vascular events, including myocar-
dial infarction was 4 times higher in those with
CAD compared to those without CAD. The types
of echocardiographic abnormalities are similar
to those seen in the general population. It is not
known whether these echocardiographic abnor-
malities are associated with increased CVD risk.

CRD Outcomes
The relationship of CAD and LVH to CRD
outcomes is not known in this target population.

Observational Studies
Fig 3. Cardiovascular mortality defined by death
due to arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, ● Determine the prevalence, incidence, and
myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic heart disease, time-course of CVD in all CRD target popula-
and pulmonary edema in ESRD patients treated with
transplantation (RTR) (Data from USRDS special data tions and subgroups.
request HCFA form #s 23, 26-29, and 31, 1994-96) ● Determine the relationship CVD risk fac-
compared with the general population (GP) (Data from tors in the general population to CVD outcomes
NCHS multiple cause of morality data files ICD 9 codes
402, 404, 410-414, and 425-429, 1993). Data is stratified in CRD.
by age. Cardiovascular mortality is underestimated in ● Compare CVD prevalence, incidence, time-
RTRs due to incomplete ascertainment of cause of course, and risk factors among different coun-
death in these patients.
● Determine the prevalence of CVD and CVD
shows the CVD mortality of RTR stratified by risk factors in children and adolescents.
age and compared with members of the general ● Identify risk factors unique to CRD, if any.
population. Overall, CVD mortality is much ● Establish specimen banks for evaluation of
higher in RTR. However, CVD mortality appears genetic and biochemical risk factors.
similar to the general population in RTRs aged ● Validate the cause of death as listed in
65 years or older. This last statistic may reflect Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
the fact that older potential transplants are inten- death notification form, especially deaths due to
sively screened to exclude those with CVD. In cardiac arrest and arrhythmia.
addition, CVD mortality may be underestimated ● Determine the causes of death and hospital-
due to incomplete ascertainment of cause of izations in non-Medicare beneficiaries.
death. All these observations suggest that is rea- ● Validate the cause of death as listed in
sonable to treat RTR as being in the ‘‘highest risk United Network for Organ Sharing reporting
group’’ for CVD. forms.
The incidence of CVD morbidity in RTR has ● Validate cause of hospitalizations as listed
not been reported by many centers. The available in HCFA claims forms (in Medicare beneficia-
data suggest that incidence of myocardial infarc- ries)
tion is at least 3 to 5 times that of the general ● Improve coding related to CRD and CVD
population.31,37 in International Classification of Diseases (ICD).
● Define diagnostic criteria for causes of
Relationship of CAD and LVH ESRD on HCFA 2728 Form.
to CVD Outcomes ● Validate comorbid conditions as listed on
The distribution of coronary artery lesions in HCFA 2728 form.
RTRs has not been well described. Type I dia- ● Develop one or more CRI registries to deter-
betic transplant candidates have been exten- mine population-based estimates of prevalence
sively studied by Manske and coworkers.38 They and incidence of CRI, risk factors, and complica-

tions including CVD. Consider expanding the 12. Covic A, Goldsmith DJ, Georgescu G, Venning MC,
scope of the USRDS to accomplish this task. Ackrill P: Echocardiographic findings in long-term, long-
hour hemodialysis patients. Clin Nephrol 45:104-110, 1996
● Determine if CVD is a risk factor of CRD 13. Dahan M, Siohan P, Viron B, Michel C, Paillole C,
outcomes in CRI and RTR target populations. Gourgon R, Mignon F: Relationship between LVH, myocar-
● In HD and PD patients, compare CVD dial contractility, and load conditions in hemodialysis pa-
prevalence, incidence, and risk factors in patients tients: An echocardiographic study. Am J Kidney Dis 30:780-
awaiting transplantation versus patients not on 785, 1997
14. Foley RN, Parfrey PS, Harnett JD, Kent GM, Murray
the transplant waiting list.
DC, Barre PE: The prognostic importance of left ventricular
● Compare CVD prevalence, incidence and geometry in uremic cardiomyopathy. J Am Soc Nephrol
risk factors in RTR versus nontransplanted pa- 5:2024-2031, 1995
tients on the waiting list. 15. Perneger TV, Klag MJ, Whelton PK: Cause of death
● In HD patients, determine the relationships in patients with end-stage renal disease: Death certificates vs
of abnormal cardiac structure and rhythms to registry reports. Am J Public Health 83:1735-1738, 1993
16. Hutchinson TA, Thomas DC, MacGibbon B: Predict-
underlying CAD, and to the fluid and electrolyte ing survival in adults with end-stage renal disease: An age
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