B310 Term Paper Outline Example 1-2

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Term Paper Outline – Crisis Communication Plan for Comcast

Submitted by: Spencer Hall

Course: Business 310
Word Count: 672

What I Intend to Write About: My topic is on the large company Comcast. For my term paper, I will assume
the role of the Chief Communications Officer (CCO). First, I will do research on Comcast to see how the
company was organized, operated, and managed up until today. I will investigate any problems or crises that
Comcast may have had or that are ongoing. I will research what crisis communication plans are; how they are
organized, handled, and operated. Second, I will put together my own crisis communication plan based off my
own research. I will identify how crisis plans are handled, organized, and covered. It is important that I
understand different aspects of the plan and what goes into them as a CCO. As this course continues and so
does my research, my communication plan term paper may follow this outline or be adjusted as needed.

Structure: I intend to use the below organization for my paper.

Section # Section Proposed Contents

Title Comcast: Plan for Crisis Communications

1 Executive This plan will cover different areas and aspects of a key plan that is orchestrated
Summary when a crisis arises. From planning, employee training, public relations, to social
media aspects my plan will cover the areas where Comcast is vulnerable to crisis
2 Table of My paper will include a table of Contents to make referencing easier for the
Contents reader. It will also include a table of figures for better navigation for the
information provided.
3 Introduction I will start by introducing what crisis communication planning is and how it is
important for Comcast. Also, what and why communication planning is used and
how Comcast has had to formulate plans in the past for issues related to crisis
4 Protecting a Protecting the brand image of Comcast is the most important thing to continue to
Brand Image gain new customers as well as retaining current ones. I will discuss why it is so
important for Comcast’s brand image to do the right thing and how crisis planning
is the key to that success. If Comcast does not handle a situation well, it could be
in hot water with consumers.
5 Communication Communications training is a very important function within the company. In this
Training section, I will show my ideas about Comcast employee training. It will be a
comprehensive plan that will start with key managerial roles, that extends to all
employees alike in relation to crisis communication and planning. For example,
how managers will relay messages to others in the company. Also, it will include
examples of how social media responses will be handled.
6 Crafting a Social As CCO of Comcast, shareholders and the Board of Directors will hold me
Media Response responsible to make sure that Comcast is responding in the best interest of the
company. In this section I will describe how the situation will be handled. I will
cover who will be representing Comcast on social media platforms and it will be
orchestrated and why.
7 Conclusion In my conclusion I will explain why communication planning is so important for
crisis situations that are important to all companies, businesses, and programs.
8 References All sources will be cited and referenced here in MLA format.
Research Plan: In my research I will first do some background research in the company Comcast to see if any
current or related crisis have been exposed and how they evolved over time. I will research how Comcast
handled them and what was the most appropriate way they were resolved. I investigate articles as well as
Comcast’s website and social media to see if there were any responses made regarding crisis situations. I will
then research what good crisis communication plans have been formulated in the past and how they relate to my
paper. Finally, I will use the FLC library and the resources available to me to conclude my research.

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