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By Beshoy Yaakoup

Jamestown was the first permanent colony established by

England mainly for economic reasons. In the beginning Jamestown
was struggling, most of its men have died, winter was approaching,
not enough food, not enough/right people,no valid connection with
indians, there was a lot of water droughts, diseases killed most men
and caused the colony to suffer, and the water wasn't clean. They
drank water from the same river they pooped in, they thought it was
clean, but high tides was bringing their feces back to the same spot
they drank from. They didnt have crops and it got to a point where
they were forcing indians to give them corn, But the indians became
mad and wanted revenge so they attacked Jamestown until eventually
killing their captainin the end they killed a lot of men causing the
deaths of around 180. They had "gentlemen"(people who just came
along because they had money and wanted to invest/make more) just
walking around until eventually they were motivated after the John
smith said "He who shall not work, shall not eat," After many failures
and many years later, They started to thrive and complete what they
were established for (making more money for England) by planting
tobacco in their good soil that was by the river. Soon, they were able
to thrive. Later they established Virginia house of burgess", it was the
first democracy example, It had the residents of Jamestown vote and
elect their leaders, of which George washington and Tomas Jefferson
were elected leaders/representatives, which lead them to create our
beloved nation, The United States of America. But unfortunately
England controlled this colony so after raising its taxes people were
supposed to pay but they knew that england was an entire ocean
away so they ending up not losing so in the end the left and became
the USA where george washington was elected as the first president.

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