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Theor. Appl. Climatol.

79, 175–184 (2004)

DOI 10.1007/s00704-004-0069-0

Graduate School of Science & Engineering, Saitama University, Saitama, Japan
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan

Urban climate simulation by incorporating satellite-derived

vegetation cover distribution into a mesoscale
meteorological model
Y. Hirano1 , Y. Yasuoka2 , and T. Ichinose3

With 8 Figures

Received September 1, 2003; revised March 12, 2004; accepted May 7, 2004
Published online October 14, 2004 # Springer-Verlag 2004

Summary (Ojima, 1990=91). The occurrence of the urban

We simulated urban climate with surface boundary heat island in the Tokyo metropolitan area
conditions based on satellite remote sensing (RS) data. (TMA) has been reported for many years (e.g.
Most previous mesoscale meteorological modeling studies Kawamura, 1977; Fujibe and Asai, 1980;
use land-use data instead as the surface boundary condi- Yamashita, 1996). Recently, the Ministry of Envi-
tions. However, small patches of vegetation-cover, such as ronment and various local governments began
roadside trees and garden trees, are excluded from the land-
use data. Therefore, we made a fractional vegetation cover
measures to mitigate of the urban heat island.
(FVC) dataset with these small patches of vegetation-cover Thus, it is important to assess the urban thermal
from RS data, and then simulated the urban heat island in environment precisely.
Tokyo with FVC data as new surface boundary conditions. A lot of numerical studies have simulated the
In addition, we compared the above simulation results with urban climate in TMA (Kimura and Takahashi,
results from a simulation that used only land-use data. The 1991; Saitoh et al., 1996; Mochida et al., 1997;
comparison shows that the air temperature with the new
boundary condition is up to 1.5  C lower than that with the Ichinose et al., 1999; Urano et al., 1999; Kusaka
old boundary condition. Furthermore, the new boundary et al., 2000; Dhakal and Hanaki, 2002). These
condition led to predicted air temperatures closer to the previous studies used mesoscale meteorological
measured temperatures than those with the old boundary models with urban effects to simulate the urban
condition. Therefore, it is important for urban climate climate because the urban climate is influenced
simulations to include small vegetation cover.
by local circulations, such as the land- and sea-
breeze circulations and the mountain- and valley-
wind circulations. To represent the urban effects
1. Introduction
in a mesoscale model, physical characteristics
In Japan, the urban heat island in the summer is (e.g. albedo, specific heat, etc.) are assumed for
an important issue related to energy demands, the each land-cover type, and are inputted into the
livability in residential areas, and the peak elec- model according to land-use data. However,
tric power load due to the use of air-conditioning land-use data is not necessarily in agreement
176 Y. Hirano et al.

with actual land-cover conditions. That is, the cover classification is not to express the area
land-use data describes the use of the land, not ratios of each land-cover type but to distinguish
the ground surface materials. These discrepan- a dominant land-cover type in each pixel; thus, a
cies can introduce errors into the urban climate pixel that contains more than one land-cover
simulations. This can be a particularly large prob- component is problematic in such methods.
lem in TMA because the land-use in urban dis- Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish the small
tricts has a great deal of vegetation as roadside patches of vegetation-cover such as roadside
and garden trees. The land-use types of such trees in an urban area with moderate spatial reso-
vegetation are assigned to the traffic use and lution RS data that covers the whole TMA within
the building lot respectively, and are not distin- a single scene (e.g. Landsat TM, JERS-1=OPS,
guished by land-use data. Indeed, we estimate ASTER). Although methods have been proposed
that the fractional vegetation cover (FVC), which to estimate the area ratios of each land-cover
is the ratio of vegetation to horizontally project- type by RS (e.g. Settle and Drake, 1993), they
ed area, in TMA is about 15% (see Section 2.2), are not yet considered as sufficiently concise and
whereas, according to the statistics compiled by not ready for practical use.
the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (1998), for- For vegetation, however, estimating the area
ests, grasslands, farmlands and parks (includ- ratio (i.e. the FVC) is relatively easy because
ing amusement parks, sports grounds, swimming vegetation has distinct spectral characteristics at
pools, etc.) cover only 0.1%, 0.8%, 1.7% and visible and near-infrared bands. A lot of estima-
6.0% of the land, respectively. This suggests that tion methods for FVC have been proposed that
most of the vegetation in TMA is not included are sufficiently practical (e.g. Dymond et al.,
in land-use data. However, such small patches 1992; Purevdorj et al., 1998), although other
of vegetation should not be ignored because land-cover types in each grid are not distin-
they strongly influence the urban climate (e.g. guished. Using these techniques, one can esti-
Shasua-bar and Hoffman, 2000). mate the FVC including the small patches of
Sailor (1995), Avissar (1996), Taha (1996), and vegetation in urban areas that would be missed
Sailor (1998) used mesoscale models to simulate in land-use data.
how urban vegetation effects the atmospheric Therefore, the purpose of this study is to elab-
environment. In these studies, the influences from orate the surface boundary conditions of urban
vegetation were represented through a bulk-layer climate simulation by use of the RS data in a
parameterization (Avissar and Pielke, 1989) and mesoscale model. We use both RS data and
the vegetation density was parameterized by FVC. land-use data. The area ratios of vegetation are
Avissar (1996) evaluated the vegetation effects given by FVC derived from RS data, whereas the
on the urban thermal environment by setting land-cover types of the non-vegetation parts in
FVC to 0, 33, 67, and 100%. Sailor (1995) and each grid are assumed to be those described by
Taha (1996) evaluated the effects of urban green- land-use data. Through this process, we simulate
ing based on greening scenarios in the Los Angeles the urban climate in TMA with a realistic vegeta-
basin. Sailor (1998) also evaluated the potential tion distribution.
impacts of vegetation by increasing the FVC of
residential areas in hypothetical cities. However,
in these studies, FVCs were given as parameters 2. Parameterization of the ground
and were not necessarily in agreement with actual surface
vegetation density.
2.1 Model description
Satellite remote sensing (RS) has been devel-
oped recently to measure actual surface condi- The mesoscale model used in this study is the
tions. Ueno and Imura (1995) used land-cover Colorado State University Mesoscale Model
classification results from RS data instead of (CSUMM) developed by Pielke (1974) and
land-use data to simulate the urban climate. Their improved by Ulrickson and Mass (1990) and
approach should allow one to more realistically Kessler and Douglas (1992). This model assumes
parameterize the ground surface. However, the incompressible fluid, hydrostatic equilibrium, the
aim of these usual methods of categorical land- Boussinesq approximation, and uses a terrain-
Urban climate simulation 177

Fig. 1. Study area. (a) Computational domain with a variable interval grid. (b) The target area with an approximately 2-km
grid. Solid circles in (b) mark the observation points of the High-density Urban Climate Observation Network

following coordinate system. Further details are 2.2 Estimation of FVC using RS data
described in the article of Kessler and Douglas
The RS data used in this study is the visible and
(1992). We use the modified version of CSUMM
the near-infrared bands data acquired by JERS-1
prepared at the National Institute for Environ-
(Japanese Earth Resource Satellite-1) on 5 July
mental Studies, a version of which has been
1997. This RS data had already been prepro-
already used for urban climate simulations (e.g.
cessed for a radiometric correction and a system
Ichinose et al., 1999; Izumi et al., 1999; Urano
correction as a standard product (Level 2) by the
et al., 1999; Dhakal and Hanaki, 2002). For the
National Space Development Agency of Japan
precise representation of urban effects, the meth-
(NASDA). We converted digital numbers (DNs)
ods to input surface parameters and anthropo-
of the RS data to the surface reflectance and
genic heat have been improved (Ichinose et al.,
made the geometric correction for the horizontal
1999). This model employs a simple slab model
spatial georeferencing. We used the formulae in
for ground surface scheme, which assumes the
Shimada and Nakai (1993) to convert the data
ground surface to be a flat plate and represents
into the input radiance, and we used the MOD-
the land-use coverage with several parameters
TRAN radiative transfer code (Berk et al., 1998)
(see Section 2.3), and thus does not contain urban
for atmospheric correction. The geometric cor-
and vegetation canopy layers.
rection was done using nearest-neighbor resam-
The target area, which includes TMA, is divided
pling with 12 ground control points (GCPs) and
into 15 grids for the east–west direction, and 18
the RS data were resampled to a spatial resolu-
grids for the north–south direction with a mesh
tion of 40 m. The Normalized Difference Vegeta-
size of about 2 km  2 km (Fig. 1). To simulate
tion Index (NDVI), which is a well-known and
the local circulations developed around the target
commonly used vegetation index, was used to
area, the computational domain is set at 500 km 
estimate FVC. The NDVI is calculated using
500 km with a variable interval grid system; the
grid interval becomes larger in regions far from NIR  Vis
NDVI ¼ ; ð1Þ
the target area. For the vertical direction, the NIR þ Vis
model covers the atmosphere between the ground where Vis and NIR are the visible red band (band
and 4 km in 17 layers, and covers the ground 2) and the near-infrared band (band 3) data,
down to 0.5-m depth in 11 layers, both regions respectively. To investigate the relationship be-
having the variable interval grid system. The cal- tween NDVI and the FVC, a test area of
culation time step is 20 seconds. 2  1.4 km2 was selected near TMA, in the city
178 Y. Hirano et al.

of Inagi. The FVC data in the test area were and NDVI appears in Fig. 2; the correlation coef-
generated through a visual interpretation of an ficient is R ¼ 0.904. The FVCs were divided into
aerial photograph of the test area. This aerial pho- 11 classes (0–5, 5–15, 15–25, 25–35, . . . 85–95,
tograph was taken by the Geographical Survey 95–100) and then averaged the FVC values and the
Institute of Japan on 6 July 1997 (the day after NDVI values in each class. Using the averaged
the RS data acquisition). Figure 2 shows the values, we obtained the linear regression
scatter plot of NDVI calculated from Eq. (1)
FVCð%Þ ¼ 38:03 þ 162:80 NDVI: ð2Þ
versus the FVCs obtained from the aerial photo-
graph. The linear relationship between the FVC We used Eq. (2) on the RS data in the whole
region to make the FVC in Fig. 3. Typical FVC
values in the target area and in the whole region
of RS data (target area plus surroundings) were
about 15% and 30%, respectively. The average
error in the test area was found to be 8.64%;
the error seems to be somewhat large. Errors
may be caused by NDVI variations due to vege-
tation types and land-cover types. Other possible
error sources are misinterpretation and misregis-
tration of the aerial photograph. Although the
error seems large, use of the FVC data allowed
us to include small patches of vegetation that
would be ignored in the conventional method,
and thus the method provides a significant im-
provement over the previous methods.
Fig. 2. Scatter diagram of FVC versus NDVI in the test
area. FVC classes are divided by horizontal dotted lines.
The solid circles are the averaged values of NDVI in each
FVC class. The solid line is the linear fit to the solid circles
(Eq. (2))

Fig. 4. Parameterization of the ground surface in the con-

Fig. 3. Estimated FVC in the study region. The dashed- ventional method and in the present method that includes
square indicates the target area of this study (see Fig. 1) FVC data
Urban climate simulation 179

Table 1. Surface parameter values for each land-use type (DNLI)

Land-use types Roughness Evaporation Albedo Density Specific Heat diffusion Land-cover
of DNLI length (cm) efficiency (g cm3 ) heat coefficient elements
(J g1 K1 ) (cm2 s1 )

Rice paddy 10 0.50 0.17 1.8 1.17 0.0053 (Rice paddy)

Vegetable field 10 0.30 0.17 1.8 1.17 0.0053 (Vegetable field)
Orchard 50 0.30 0.16 1.8 1.17 0.0053
Lawn and park 50 0.30 0.16 1.8 1.17 0.0053
Forest 50 0.35 0.16 1.8 1.17 0.0053 Tree
Wasteland 15 0.20 0.14 1.8 1.17 0.0053 Soil
Built-up area 50 0.00 0.18 2.4 0.88 0.0072 Building
Traffic use 50 0.00 0.18 2.1 0.88 0.0038 Road
Other use 20 0.03 0.18 1.8 1.17 0.0035
River=Lake 0 1.00 0.08 1.0 4.19 0.0033
Seastrand 5 0.25 0.18 1.8 1.17 0.0053
Sea surface 0 1.00 0.08 1.0 4.19 0.0033 (Water)

2.3 Determinations of the surface Detailed Digital Information (DDI) because it

parameters has a spatial resolution of 10 m. We converted
the DDI into the mesh size of 40 m. Then, DDI
Figure 4 shows the parameterization method of
were divided into vegetation and non-vegetation
this study. The meteorological model used in this
land-cover elements as shown in Table 2, and
study assumes the ground surface to be a flat,
the area ratio of each element was given to each
horizontal plate. To represent the land-use cover-
grid of DDI by the FVC data. Surface parameters
age in this model, surface parameters, which
used in the model were determined by calculat-
represent physical characteristics such as the
ing the area-weighted averages of the parameter
albedo and specific heat of the land-cover types,
values (shown in Table 1) in each grid of the
are set for each grid point on the flat ground sur-
mesoscale model.
face. Because it is difficult to obtain the actual
For the agricultural land and the water area,
parameter distributions, the distributions are usu-
the FVC data was not used. Instead, the surface
ally derived by applying surface parameters of
parameters provided for the each land-use type
each land-use type to each grid of land-use data.
shown in Table 1 were applied in the same way
However, as mentioned previously, small vegeta-
as in previous studies. This was done because it
tion covers such as roadside trees and garden
was difficult to obtain the appropriate parameters
trees, which are excluded from land-use data,
and these areas are extremely small in TMA. In
cannot be represented through this method.
the outside area of the FVC data (Fig. 3), DNLI
Therefore, we used the FVC data in combination
with land-use data to set the surface parameters Table 2. Combinations of land-cover elements
through the following procedure.
Table 1 shows the dataset of the surface param- Land-use types Combination of land-cover
eters used in the previous studies (Ichinose et al., of DDI elements
(Vegetation þ non-Vegetation)
1999; Izumi et al., 1999; Urano et al., 1999;
Dhakal and Hanaki, 2002). We used these values Forest=Grassland Tree þ Soil
as parameters for the land-cover elements de- Developed land Tree þ Soil
fined in Table 1. Most previous studies used the Park=Green zone Tree þ Soil
Rice paddy (Rice paddy)
land-use data from the Digital National Land Vegetable field (Vegetable field)
Information (DNLI), which covers all of Japan Built-up area Tree þ Building
at the mesh size of about 100 m. However, the Other public area Tree þ Building
spatial resolution of DNLI is not sufficient to Any other areas Tree þ Building
incorporate it with the FVC data; the spatial Traffic use Tree þ Road
River=Lake (Water)
resolution of DNLI is 100 m compared to the
Sea (Water)
40-m resolution in the FVC. Therefore, we used
180 Y. Hirano et al.

was used to set the surface parameters in Table 1 high temperature area (of about 34  C) appears in
in the same way as previous studies. the northern part of the target area; this is likely
the urban heat island. In addition, the penetration
of the sea breeze front causes large horizontal
3. Simulation results temperature gradients around the coastal areas
of Tokyo Bay in the daytime.
3.1 Simulation under actual conditions
We simulated the urban climate under actual
3.2 Comparison to the conventional method
conditions with actual FVC estimated from RS
data (Case RS). To simulate typical summer To determine whether our method provides more
days, we selected 3–7 July 1998, a period with accurate simulation results than the conventional
clear-sky conditions in which Japan was covered method, we compared the RS case with Case
with a Pacific anticyclone. Initial conditions were noRS, a simulation based on the conventional
from observational data for this period, as ac- method. Case noRS was run using surface param-
quired by the Japanese Meteorological Agency eters that were derived from only land-use data;
and the Japan Oceanographic Data Center. By the RS data were not used and the surface param-
doing an ensemble average for the data of the eters were obtained by inputting the values
above five days, we made composite data to shown in Table 1 according to the land-use types
represent one day in the simulations. In this of DNLI. The initial conditions and the temporal
study, the initial values were horizontally uni- and spatial distributions of anthropogenic heat
form and the anthropogenic heating was assumed were the same for both cases. To evaluate the sim-
to be the diurnal variation of the energy con- ulation results, the calculated temperatures were
sumption with diurnal average of 30 W m2 for compared with those observed by the ground
built-up areas and traffic use areas (Izumi et al., monitoring system. The observational data used
1999). The simulation was started at 0:00 local here was obtained from 42 points of the High-
solar time (LST), and followed for 48 hours. The density Urban Climate Observation Network
calculation results of the second day were ana- (shown in Fig. 1b), which is supported by the
lyzed in this study. Japan Science and Technology Corporation. The
Figure 5 shows the horizontal distributions of measured data represent the temperature of
wind and temperature near the ground surface for the atmospheric boundary layer rather than the
Case RS at 9:00, 15:00, and 21:00 LST. This urban canopy layer, because these data were
figure shows that southerly winds dominate over acquired in instrument screens in playgrounds
the whole area. The southerly winds are acceler- of elementary schools, which were open spaces
ated by the sea breezes penetrating from Tokyo of sufficient extent. Thus, the measured tem-
Bay and the Pacific Ocean at 15:00 (Fig. 5b). The peratures will be compared to those calculated

Fig. 5. Simulation result for Case RS at (a) 9:00, (b) 15:00 and (c) 21:00 LST at 4.5-m above ground level
Urban climate simulation 181

Fig. 6. Scatter diagrams of calculated temperatures versus observed temperatures for Case RS (left) and Case noRS (right) at
(a) 6:00, (b) 9:00, (c) 12:00, (d) 15:00, (e) 18:00 and (f) 21:00 LST. Dark lines represent Y ¼ X

through our mesoscale model. The ensemble LST. We suggest that the temperature rise due
averages of data from 3–7 July 1998 were used to a heating of the ground surface during the day-
for the comparison. time is less than that predicted in Case noRS
Figure 6 has scatter diagrams of the calculated because the small vegetation, which is not in-
versus observed temperatures, the root mean cluded in the land-use data, decreases the air
square errors (RMSE), and the correlation coeffi- temperature. On the other hand, the above differ-
cients (R) for both cases. These figures reveal ence was not apparent from midnight to dawn
that the RMSE is smaller and the R is higher (not shown in Fig. 6).
for Case RS than for Case noRS at all times. This Figure 7 shows the horizontal distribution of
shows that the simulation results became more the temperature difference between Case RS and
accurate by use of the RS data. In particular, Case noRS near the ground at 15:00 LST. This
the RMSE and R differences between Case RS figure shows that the air temperature for Case
and Case noRS are large during the daytime; RS is 1.5  C lower than that for Case noRS in the
the maximum difference in RMSE is 0.806  C western region of the target area. This results from
at 12:00 LST, and that in R is 0.077 at 15:00 the fact that the land-use of this region mainly
182 Y. Hirano et al.

in the western region of the target area. This fig-

ure shows a large increase of latent heat flux
(230 W m2 at 13:00 LST) and a smaller yet sig-
nificant decrease of sensible heat flux (180 W m2 )
that arose due to our use of FVC.
The Bowen ratio, which is the ratio of sensible
to latent heat, in the daytime is 5.0 for the Case
noRS and 0.84 for the Case RS. Given the known
fluctuations in the Bowen ratio due to variations
in weather conditions and climatic conditions,
the RS value of 0.84 is consistent with the mea-
surements of 1–1.5 in built-up areas in TMA
in the summer (Kanda et al., 1997b; Moriwaki
and Kanda, 2003) and a measurement of 0.4 in a
large green space in TMA (Kanda et al., 1997a).
In contrast, the value of 5.0 for Case noRS is
Fig. 7. Temperature difference in  C between Case RS and obviously too large. It should be clear that the
Case noRS at 15:00 LST at 4.5-m above ground level. simulation for Case noRS provides an unrealistic
Negative values show cooler temperatures under Case RS. result because, as mentioned above, most of the
The dashed-square shows the calculation area of Fig. 8 vegetation in TMA is excluded from the land-use
consists of low-rise residential areas that would
include a lot of garden-trees, even though DNLI
assigns this area as building lot. In addition, 4. Conclusions
because this region is inland of the target area, The fractional vegetation cover (FVC) estimated
the sea breeze front arrives relatively late in the from satellite remote sensing (RS) data has been
day. It appears that the penetration of moist and incorporated into a mesoscale meteorological
cool air from Tokyo Bay weakens the effect of model to improve the surface boundary condi-
vegetation in the coastal area. On the other hand, tions. Then, the urban heat island in the Tokyo
in the eastern region, the air temperature for Case metropolitan area (TMA) on a typical summer
RS is only 0.5  C lower than that for Case noRS. day was simulated with the realistic vegetation
The reason for this difference is mainly that the distribution (Case RS). In addition, we com-
eastern region has high-density urban districts, pared the above simulation with that done by
dense residential areas, and reclaimed lands using the previous simulation method, which is
of Tokyo Bay, which makes the FVC relatively the use of only land-use data for the ground sur-
low in comparison with the surrounding areas. face (Case noRS). The result shows that the dif-
Figure 8 shows the diurnal variations of sensi- ference in air temperature between Case RS and
ble and latent heat fluxes from the ground surface Case noRS is up to 1.5  C in the daytime in low-
rise residential area. By comparing these simu-
lation results with observed data, we confirmed
that the simulation accuracy has been improved
by applying FVC data. This result suggests that
it is important for simulations to include the
small vegetation cover in urban areas. The meth-
od proposed here should make it possible to
assess the urban thermal environment more pre-
cisely and to present more realistic data to plan-
ners and architects.
Fig. 8. Average diurnal variations of sensible and latent Although the results from this method can
heat fluxes for Case RS and Case noRS in the dashed-square depend on the parameter values (Table 1), the
area of Fig. 7 approach is nevertheless simple and practical.
Urban climate simulation 183

In addition to this method, Hafner and Kidder Dymond JR, Stephens PR, Newsome PF, Wilde RH (1992)
(1999) also proposed using RS data to improve Percentage vegetation cover of a degrading rangeland
from SPOT. Int J Remote Sens 13: 1999–2007
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of using land-cover types, the physical character- system associated with the Tokyo heat island. J Meteor
istics were obtained directly from RS data by Soc Japan 58: 149–152
using Carlson et al.’s (1981) method. Their ap- Hafner J, Kidder SQ (1999) Urban heat island modeling
proach will make it possible to parameterize the in conjunction with satellite-derived surface=soil param-
eters. J Appl Meteor 38: 448–465
ground surface more rigorously, although it
Ichinose T, Shimodozono K, Hanaki K (1999) Impact of
requires the acquisition of two surface tempera- anthropogenic heat on urban climate in Tokyo. Atmos
ture data near the times of maximum and mini- Environ 33: 3897–3909
mum temperatures. Both of these approaches Izumi T, Okabe A, Sadahiro Y, Hanaki K, Ichinose T (1999)
have a high possibility of practical use for im- The effects of the relocation of Japanese capital on a
proving urban climate simulations. thermal environment. Environmental Systems Research
27: 171–178 (in Japanese)
Recent remarkable progress in RS technolo- Kanda M, Moriwaki R, Takayanagi Y, Yokoyama H,
gies can be expected to contribute to evaluation Hamada T (1997a) Environmental effect of Meiji shrine
of urban thermal environment in various ways. forest as a sink for atmospheric energy and pollutants (1)
The future direction of this study is to do more Field observation in summer 1996. Tenki 44: 713–722
realistic evaluations of specific mitigation mea- (in Japanese)
Kanda M, Takayanagi Y, Yokoyama H, Moriwaki R (1997b)
sures of the urban heat island by application of
Field observation of the heat balance in an urban area.
these technologies. J Japan Soc Hydrol & Water Resour 10: 329–336
(in Japanese)
Acknowledgments Kawamura T (1977) Distributions of urban climates. Kisho
Kenkyu Note (Meteorological research note) 133: 26–47
We thank Y. Ohashi (National Institute of Advanced Indus- (in Japanese)
trial Science and Technology) and T. Izumi (Tokyo Metro- Kessler RC, Douglas SG (1992) User’s guide to the Systems
politan University) for helpful discussions and comments. Applications International Mesoscale Model (Version
We also thank I. Uno (Kyushu University) for modifying 2.0). Systems Applications International, SYSAPP-92-
the CSUMM, and Y. Maruyama (Earth Remote Sensing Data 085, California
Analysis Center) and K. Okada (JGI, Inc.) for providing Kimura F, Takahashi S (1991) The effects of land-use and
technical support on the RS data processing. The land-use anthropogenic heating on the surface temperature in
data (DNLI and DDI) and the aerial photograph used in this the Tokyo Metropolitan area: A numerical experiment.
study were provided by the Geographical Survey Institute of Atmos Environ 25B: 155–164
Japan. This study was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scien- Kusaka H, Kimura F, Hirakuchi H, Mizutori M (2000)
tific Research (KAKENHI) from the Ministry of Education, The effects of land-use alteration on the sea breeze and
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. daytime heat island in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.
J Meteor Soc Japan 78: 405–420
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