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Target-Method-Match + Blueprint

Enter Unit
Outcome number
Example: SS8.1 Enter the High Achievement Unit Outcome below.
(Social Studies
8th Grade, 1st unit)
Students will determine a themes, symbols, and motifs of Animal Farm and analyze in detail their development over the course of the
text, including how they emerge and are shaped and refined by specific details.
Learning Targets for High Achievement Unit Target Type Summative Assessment Assessment Blueprint
Outcome (See Figure 4.3 in
K = Knowledge
R = Reasoning You can have more than one
(The Learning Targets should fulfill the High Achievement Unit Outcome S = Skill assessment method for each Sample Size Weight
and have a variety of verbs from all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.) P = Product Learning Target.
Target Learning Targets K R S P SR WR PA PC Test
Number Selected Written
Response Response
Communication Items
Points %
(Example: Project
Students will define theme, symbols, and motifs and SR 30
ELA10.1. locate them while reading the text SR 20 20 1 pt ea.
1 x SR WR WR 2 WR
2 5 pt ea.
30 total
ELA10.1. Students will interpret texts to support comprehension WR
2 and analysis through annotating x WR WR 2 2 5 pt ea. 10
10 total
ELA Students will collect and organize evidence from texts PA
10.1.3 to support analysis in writing x PA PA 1 1 7 pt. ea. 7
7 total
ELA10.1. Students will make up claims about texts using specific PA
4 textual evidence 1 10 pt. ea
PA 1 14
x x PA PC PC
PC 1
1 4 pt. ea
14 total
ELA10.1. Students will create paraphrases and integrate quotes PA
5 that support relevant evidence from the texts 1 10 pt ea.
PA 1
x x PA PC PC 14
PC 1
1 4 pt. ea.
14 total
ELA10.1. Students will examine and convey complex ideas and PA
6 write informative texts. x PA PA 1 1 25 pt. ea. 25
25 total
Selected Response
NAME: ___________________________________ ______/20 POINTS


ELA10.1 I will determine themes, symbols, and motifs of Animal Farm and
analyze in detail their development over the course of the text, including
how they emerge and are shaped and redefined by specific details.

ELA10.1.1 I can define theme, symbols, and motifs and locate them while
reading texts. Questions 1-20

MULTIPLE CHOICE Carefully read each question and chose the correct
answer. (1 POINT EACH)

______ 1. Which of the following does Sugarcandy Mountain seem to symbolize?

A. A different farm other than Animal Farm
B. A place of eternal punishment such as hell
C. A good place for all animals except for pigs
D. A place of afterlife such as heaven

______ 2. Why were the animals alarmed by seeing a pig walking on his hind legs?
A. Pigs might fall and hurt themselves if they walk on two legs.
B. Standing upright makes animals seem too tall and powerful.
C. Walking on two legs is a trait of evil human beings.
D. The animals thought it would be the sheep who would learn to walk on two legs
______ 3. Which character symbolizes Russia’s Tsar Nicholas II?
A. Napoleon
B. Old Major
C. Mrs. Jones
D. Mr. Jones

______ 4. Animal Farm contains many symbols that help to construct an allegory. What
does the allegory of Animal Farm represent?
A. Animal Farm itself
B. Mr. Jones
C. The windmill
D. The Soviet Union

______ 5. Which character symbolizes Joseph Stalin?

A. Napoleon
B. Squealer
C. Mr. Jones
D. Old Major

______ 6. “I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade
Napoleon has made in taking this extra labour upon himself. Do not imagine, comrades,
tat leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility.”
Which of the following is true of Napoleon’s pursuit of power?
A. Napoleon seeks power in order to provide the greatest benefit to all animals.
B. Napoleon finds the exercise of power very burdensome.
C. Napoleon ruthlessly pursues power, but wishes to portray himself as leading for
the common good. 
D. Napoleon feels forced to take the position of leader since no one else is capable. 
TRUE or FALSE Carefully read each question. Circle TRUE if the statement
is true and FALSE if it is false. (1 POINT EACH)

______ 7. Old Major's speech symbolizes corruption. Answer:

______ 8. The pigs teaching themselves to read prior to the Rebellion symbolizes
power. Answer: True

______ 9. The “Beasts of England” song is an example of a theme.

______ 10. The Rebellion symbolizes the Russian Revolution.

______ 11. Napoleon’s dogs symbolize the KGB.

MATCHING The items in the left column are representations of the symbols in
the right column. Correctly identify each symbol’s representation by placing the correct
letter on the line next to the representation. (1 POINT EACH)

12. ______ Religion A. Squealer

13. ______ Working Class B. The Pigs

14. ______ Propaganda C. Boxer

15. ______ Corruption D. Moses

16. ______ Industrialization E. Animalism

17. ______ Communism F. The Windmill

FILL IN THE BANK Use the word bank below to help you choose the
correct word that best represents the statement. (1 POINT EACH)

Word Bank

theme motif symbol

18. Propaganda in the form of songs and chants is an example of ___________.

19. The milk and apples the pigs claim for themselves shortly after the rebellion
represent riches and wealth, to which the pigs feel a special sense of entitlement.
The claim on these extra foodstuffs is the first of many special privileges the pigs will
claim at the other animals' expense. This is an example of a ____________.

20. As the pigs gain more wealth and power over time, they change the rules of
Animalism to suit their own desires and to maintain their control of the farm,
eventually turning it into a totalitarian society. This is corruption. Corruption is an
example of ________________.


Learning I can define theme, symbols, and motifs and locate them while
Target reading texts.

Questions 1—20

Score ______ / 20

1. D
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. A
6. C
10. TRUE
11. TRUE
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. B
16. F
17. E
Written Response
NAME: ___________________________________ ______/20 POINTS


ELA10.1 I will determine themes, symbols, and motifs of Animal Farm and
analyze in detail their development over the course of the text, including
how they emerge and are shaped and redefined by specific details.

ELA10.1.1 I can define theme, symbols, and motifs and locate them while
reading texts. Questions 1-2
ELA10.1.2 I can interpret texts to support comprehension and analysis
through annotating. Questions 3-4


Learning I can define I can interpret

Target theme, texts to support
symbols, and comprehension
motifs and and analysis
locate them through
while reading annotating

Questions 1—2 3—4

Score ______ / 10 ______ / 10

SHORT ANSWER Carefully read each question and answer in complete
sentences. (5 POINT EACH)

1. Identify if the song “Beasts of England” is a theme, symbol, or motif, and explain why
it is important to the animals. Write a commentary paragraph to explain your answer.
Remember that commentary paragraphs include 1 Topic Sentence, 1 Concrete Detail, 2
Commentaries, and 1 Concluding Sentence.

Scoring Information
Score Description
1. Response identifies the correct device.
5 2. Response explains why it is important to the animals.
3. Response is in commentary format.
3 Response is missing one of the above elements to make it a 5.
1 Response is missing more than one of the above elements to make it a 5.
0 Response is blank.
2. In Chapter 2, after the rebellion, what is the animals’ first act after their victory, and
what does this first act symbolize? Write a commentary paragraph to explain your
answer. Remember that commentary paragraphs include 1 Topic Sentence, 1 Concrete
Detail, 2 Commentaries, and 1 Concluding Sentence.

Scoring Information
Score Description
1. Response identifies the animals’ first act after their victory.
5 2. Response explains what this first act symbolizes.
3. Response is in commentary format.
3 Response is missing one of the above elements to make it a 5.
1 Response is missing more than one of the above elements to make it a 5.
0 Response is blank.
3. Interpret what Benjamin means in Chapter 3 when he says, “Donkeys live a long
time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey”? Give two reasons. Write a
commentary paragraph to explain your answer. Remember that commentary
paragraphs include 1 Topic Sentence, 1 Concrete Detail, 2 Commentaries, and 1
Concluding Sentence.

Scoring Information
Score Description
1. Response interprets what Benjamin’s quote means.
5 2. Response gives two reasons.
3. Response is in commentary format.
3 Response is missing one of the above elements to make it a 5.
1 Response is missing more than one of the above elements to make it a 5.
0 Response is blank.
4. How does blaming the windmill collapse on Snowball benefit Napoleon in Chapter 6?
Give at least two reasons. Write a commentary paragraph to explain your answer.
Remember that commentary paragraphs include 1 Topic Sentence, 1 Concrete Detail, 2
Commentaries, and 1 Concluding Sentence.

Scoring Information
Score Description
1. Response interprets Napoleon’s blaming Snowball for the collapse of the
5 windmill.
2. Response gives at least two reasons.
3. Response is in commentary format.
3 Response is missing one of the above elements to make it a 5.
1 Response is missing more than one of the above elements to make it a 5.
0 Response is blank.
1. Identify if the song “Beasts of England” is a theme, symbol, or motif, and explain why
it is important to the animals. Write a commentary paragraph to explain your answer.
Remember that commentary paragraphs include 1 Topic Sentence, 1 Concrete Detail, 2
Commentaries, and 1 Concluding Sentence.
Student answers will vary slightly and may have more detail than I put below.
"Beasts of England" is a motif that presents an idealized vision of a world without humans, in
which animals are free. The early verses of the song use descriptors that look forward to a "golden
future time" filled with "fruitful fields." In the world of the song there is no brutality toward the animals,
who no longer wear harnesses or nose rings used to lead them around and no longer face the whip
if they don't obey. In its later verses the song describes a world free of pollution, with sweeter
breezes and purer waters, which mildly paints humanity as a problem for the environment at large,
not just the animals. For Old Major this song is a memory from his own youth, recalling the
innocence of that simpler, happier time, an innocence he hopes all animals can share in the future.
The song also gives the animals a concrete vision for what their rebellion can and should
accomplish, something for them to work toward. Singing it together becomes their first small act of
rebellion, as they wake Mr. Jones from his sleep with the sound, and it continues to be a rallying
point of hope for the animals during and after their revolt.

2. In Chapter 2, after the rebellion, what is the animals’ first act after their victory, and
what does this first act symbolize? Write a commentary paragraph to explain your
answer. Remember that commentary paragraphs include 1 Topic Sentence, 1 Concrete
Detail, 2 Commentaries, and 1 Concluding Sentence.

Student answers will vary slightly and may have more detail than I put below.
After the humans have been expelled from the farm, the first thing the animals do is break
into the harness room and destroy all the tools they find there. They destroy the bits that have been
placed in their mouths and the rings that have been painfully inserted into their noses to lead them
around the farm and village. This action is highly symbolic because the animals lead themselves
now. They also destroy the tools used to castrate the pigs and the whips used to control all of them,
implements that have caused them pain in the past. They are now free of the physical abuses they
have suffered. Even seemingly innocuous items such as feed bags and hair ribbons are destroyed
on the grounds that they are degrading. By destroying all the items the farmers have used against
them for so long, the animals claim control over their own bodies and affirm their dignity, perhaps the
most important goal of the rebellion.
3. Interpret what Benjamin means in Chapter 3 when he says, “Donkeys live a long
time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey”? Give two reasons. Write a
commentary paragraph to explain your answer. Remember that commentary
paragraphs include 1 Topic Sentence, 1 Concrete Detail, 2 Commentaries, and 1
Concluding Sentence.

Student answers will vary slightly and may have more detail than I put below.
Benjamin delivers his observation about the life span of donkeys in his typically cryptic and
cynical fashion. He makes this statement to explain his minimal participation in the post-rebellion
structure of the farm. He does not actively resist the new leadership but continues to work as he
always has, unlike Mollie, who dodges her duties whenever possible. Because he points out his long
life, Benjamin implies that he has seen other promises of improvement to the animals' lives, perhaps
in the form of promises from past farmers, but has also seen how those promises came to nothing.
However, Benjamin is unclear about exactly how long he has lived or what kinds of changes he has
seen in the past, so it is impossible to know the details. He does not expect the changes promised
by the rebellion to have any lasting impact. His follow-up remark, that none of the animals has ever
seen a dead donkey, also implies that Benjamin will outlive this latest change in the farm's
leadership as well.

4. How does blaming the windmill collapse on Snowball benefit Napoleon in Chapter 6?
Give at least two reasons. Write a commentary paragraph to explain your answer.
Remember that commentary paragraphs include 1 Topic Sentence, 1 Concrete Detail, 2
Commentaries, and 1 Concluding Sentence.

Student answers will vary slightly and may have more detail than I put below
When the windmill collapses, Napoleon has a few options for placing blame. He
can blame the weather, which is the most likely cause of the collapse, but the animals
may be demoralized and reluctant to rebuild if they believe they are working against
forces of nature. He can blame the design or quality of construction—other likely factors
—but that would place himself and the pigs in line for criticism, which would undermine
their position of power. The animals know the humans wish the project to fail, but if
Napoleon blames the humans for sabotaging the windmill he kills the opportunity to
trade with them. Snowball makes an appealing scapegoat because making him into a
villain only solidifies Napoleon's own support, and Snowball's participation in the alleged
sabotage is impossible to disprove. Issuing the directive to bring Snowball to justice also
serves Napoleon's purposes because if Snowball is still in the area, this directive
provides a chance to eliminate him permanently. Lastly, using Snowball as a scapegoat
offers a propaganda opportunity. He can been presented as an external threat like Mr.
Jones that the pigs can unite the other animals against to preserve their own power.
Performance Summative Assessment
Writing Assignment
Unit Outcome: Students will determine themes, symbols, and motifs of Animal Farm and
analyze in detail their development over the course of the text, including how they emerge and
are shaped and redefined by specific details.
ELA10.1.4 -- Make up claims about texts using specific textual evidence.
ELA10.1.5 – Create paraphrases and integrate quotes that support relevant evidence from texts.
ELA10.1.6 – Examine and convey complex ideas and write informative texts.

In Animal Farm, George Orwell shows the motif of how both the leaders and the
followers in a society can act in ways that destroy freedom and equality. The leaders and
followers in the novel are symbols of the problems caused by the themes of loss of
freedom and equality on Animal Farm. Choose one leader and one follower from the
novel and explain how the behavior of each symbolic character contributes to the themes:
loss of freedom and equality.
Step 1
List the various leaders of Animal Farm. Look back through the novel and find several
examples of actions the leaders take that curtail the rights of the animals. Then decide
which symbolic leader you want to focus on in your paper and answer the following
questions about that leader.
A. What specific actions does the leader take that destroy freedom and weaken equality
on Animal Farm? List at least five examples from the novel.
B. How would you judge or characterize the behavior of the leader? For example, is it
selfishness? Fear? Grandiose? Manipulative?
C. How does that leader gain and keeps his power?
D. What does the goal or the aim of the leader seem to be? Does he achieve it?

Step 2
The followers of Animal Farm want freedom and equality, but the leaders do not.
However, the followers often act and think in ways that make it easy for the leaders to
take advantage of them. List several symbolic followers from the story whose behavior
Orwell satirizes. Then choose the character you would like to focus on in your paper and
answer the following questions.
A. How does the character act in specific situations to weaken equality and give up his or
her freedom? List at least three examples.
B. Does the character realize that the animals are losing their freedom and equality? Why or
why not?
C. Does the character influence the attitudes and behaviors of other followers on Animal
Farm? If so, how? If not, why not?
D. Is the behavior of the character typical of that of most other followers on Animal Farm?
Can you identify a type of behavior that puts the ideals of freedom and equality in

Step 3
In addition to your introductory and concluding paragraphs, plan two paragraphs for the
body of your essay. One for each character you have chosen to analyze. Each paragraph
should first explain the behavior of the symbolic character, giving examples from the
story. Then each should explain how the behavior contributes to the loss of freedom and
equality on Animal Farm.
Decide on the order in which you want to discuss the two characters. You may want to
emphasize the behavior that you think contributes most to the loss of freedom and
equality. The final point that is discussed in a paper usually receives the most emphasis,
but you can make either order work by using clear topic sentences and clear transitions
between the two body paragraphs. Also, think about the relationship between the two
symbolic characters. If the behavior of the follower is a response to the behavior of the
leader, for example, you may need to discuss the behavior of the leader first.

Step 4
Write a thesis statement for your paper that names the two characters you plan to discuss,
emphasizes a type of behavior, and states the consequences of their behavior. What
conclusion can you draw about your symbolic characters after examining the evidence
from the novel? Be sure your thesis statement names the characters in the order they will
be discussed in your paper.

1. In your introductory paragraph, give enough background information about the plot to
make your paper clear to someone who has not read the novel. Also, tell what your paper
will be about. If you wish, you can make a statement about Orwell’s use of satire or
motifs in the novel or you may mention the moral or the lesson to be learned. Be sure to
include the title and author. You might end your introduction with a statement of your
2. Give each body paragraph a topic sentence that names the symbolic character and tells
what the paragraph will show about the character’s behavior. The topic sentence of the
second body paragraph should include a clear transition. For example, you might use a
word such as because, although, or however. As you write, make your points clearly and
directly. Then support them with evidence from the novel. Use examples from your notes
for Prewriting Steps 1 and 2. Use a concluding sentence for each body paragraph.

3. In your concluding paragraph, reinforce the main idea of your paper. If you referred to
Orwell’s use of satire or motif in your introduction, you might mention satire or motif
again in your conclusion. You might also tell what warning you think Orwell is giving
readers or what you have learned about human behavior from the novel.

4. For your paper:

a. Write your essay in present tense. For example – Orwell shows…, Boxer works…
b. Type double-spaced on one side of the paper.
c. Do not use I or YOU or forms of those words.
d. Do not refer to the essay. Example – “In this essay…” , “In this paragraph…”
e. Use at 3 quotes in your paper.

5. Record the Due Date for each stage of your essay below
a. Prewrite
b. First Draft
c. Peer Evaluation
d. Final Draft

ANIMAL FARM Essay Rubric

Unit Outcome: Students will determine themes, symbols, and motifs of Animal Farm and
analyze in detail their development over the course of the text, including how they emerge and
are shaped and redefined by specific details.
Learning Targets:
ELA10.1.4 – Make up claims about texts using specific textual evidence.
ELA10.1.5 – Create paraphrases and integrate quotes that support relevant evidence from texts.
ELA10.1.6 – Examine and convey complex ideas and write informative texts.
8 4 Points: Thesis Statement

6 A. Names of symbolic characters

B. Emphasizes types of behavior
C. States consequences of behavior
3 Points: Plot Summary
1 1 Point: Title, Author
15 2 Points: Topic Sentence
A. Names character
B. Describes behavior
3 Points: Specific examples of behavior related to loss of freedom and equality
9 Points: Answers Questions A-D from Step 1
9 A. What specific actions does the leader take that destroy freedom and weaken equality on Animal
Farm? List at least five examples from the novel.
6 B. How would you judge or characterize the behavior of the leader? For example, is it selfish? Fearful?
Grandiose? Manipulative?
C. How does that leader gain and keep power?
D. What does the goal or the aim of the leader seem to be? Does he achieve it?
1 Point: Concluding Sentence


15 2 Points: Topic Sentence
A. Names character
B. Describes behavior
3 Points: Specific examples of behavior related to loss of freedom and equality
9 Points: Answers Questions A-D from Step 2
9 A. How does the character act in specific situations to weaken equality and give up his or her freedom?
List at least three examples.
6 B. Does the character realize that the animals are losing their freedom and equality? Why or why not?
C. Does the character influence the attitudes and behaviors of other followers on Animal Farm? If so,
how? If not, why not?
D. Is the behavior of the character typical of that of most other followers on Animal Farm? Can you
identify the type of behavior that puts the ideals of freedom and equality in danger?
0 1 Point: Concluding Sentence

4 Points: Echoes the main idea stated in the thesis
4 Points: Summaries main points
3 0.5 Points: Double Spaced

2 0.5 Points: No use of I or YOU

0.5 Points: No Reference to Essay
1.5 Points: Proofread
0.5 Points: Spelling, Fragments, Run-ons
Final Score Comments

Please complete the Assessment Critique for the Summative Unit Assessments you’ve created
to meet a High Achievement Unit Outcome. You should have at least three types of
assessments so you would be completing three of these Assessment Critiques.

Assessment Critique
1. What type of assessment is this? __x__Selected Response, ____Written Response,
___Performance, OR ____Personal Communication

2. Indicate any problems with the following:

a. Are there clear instructions about what students are to do? Yes
b. Has an answer key or rubric been provided for each and are they easy to use?
c. Are the criteria stated clearly and easy to apply? Yes

3. Is it an appropriate type of assessment for the Learning Target(s)? YES NO Explain:

The selected response assessment is an appropriate type of assessment for the learning
target: ELA10.1.1 because this type of assessment is just knowledge. There isn’t any call
for reasoning, skill, or product on this type of assessment.

Target: ELA10.1.1—Students will define theme, symbols, and motifs and locate it while
reading the text.

4. Does the assessment align with the outcome and components/learning targets?
a. Are there any items in the outcome or components/learning targets that are not
included in the assessment? If so, which ones? no

b. Are there any items in the assessment that are not in the outcome or
components/learning targets? If so, which ones? no

5. Is the vocabulary appropriate for the age of the student? YES NO

6. Are there any problems with the format? YES NO If yes, please explain.

7. Is there evidence of bias in the assessment? YES NO If yes, please explain:

8. Is the answer key/rubric satisfactory? YES NO If no, please explain:

9. Are the criteria for how well students must do easy to understand and apply?
YES NO if no, please explain:

Assessment Critique

1. What type of assessment is this? ____Selected Response, __x__Written Response,

___Performance, OR ____Personal Communication

2. Indicate any problems with the following:

a. Are there clear instructions about what students are to do? Yes
b. Has an answer key or rubric been provided for each and are they easy to use?
c. Are the criteria stated clearly and easy to apply? Yes

3. Is it an appropriate type of assessment for this Learning Target(s)? YES NO Explain:

The written response assessment is an appropriate type of assessment for the learning
targets: ELA10.1.1 I and ELA10.1.2 Students because this type of assessment is just
knowledge and reasoning. There isn’t any call for skill, or product.
Targets: ELA 10.1.1 Students will define theme, symbols, and motifs and locate them while
reading the text. ELA10.1.2 Students will interpret texts to support comprehension and
analysis through annotating

4. Does the assessment align with the outcome and components/learning targets?
a. Are there any items in the outcome or components/learning targets that are not
included in the assessment? If so, which ones? no

b. Are there any items in the assessment that are not in the outcome or
components/learning targets? If so, which ones? no

5. Is the vocabulary appropriate for the age of the student? YES NO

6. Are there any problems with the format? YES NO If yes, please explain.

7. Is there evidence of bias in the assessment? YES NO If yes, please explain:

8. Is the answer key/rubric satisfactory? YES NO If no, please explain:

9. Are the criteria for how well students must do easy to understand and apply?
YES NO if no, please explain:

Assessment Critique

1. What type of assessment is this? ____Selected Response, ____Written Response,

_x__Performance, OR ____Personal Communication

2. Indicate any problems with the following:

a. Are there clear instructions about what students are to do? yes
b. Has an answer key or rubric been provided for each and are they easy to use?
c. Are the criteria stated clearly and easy to apply? yes

3. Is it an appropriate type of assessment for this Learning Target(s)? YES NO Explain:

The Performance assessment is an appropriate type of assessment for the learning
targets: ELA10.1.4, ELA10.1.5, and ELA10.1.6 Students because this type of assessment
is just product. There isn’t any call for knowledge, skill, or reasoning.

Targets: ELA10.1.4 Students will make up claims about texts using specific textual
evidence; ELA10.1.5 Students will create paraphrases and integrate quotes that support
relevant evidence from the texts; ELA10.1.6 Students will examine and convey complex
ideas and write informative texts.

4. Does the assessment align with the outcome and components/learning targets?
a. Are there any items in the outcome or components/learning targets that are not
included in the assessment? If so, which ones? no

b. Are there any items in the assessment that are not in the outcome or
components/learning targets? If so, which ones? no

5. Is the vocabulary appropriate for the age of the student? YES NO

6. Are there any problems with the format? YES NO If yes, please explain.

7. Is there evidence of bias in the assessment? YES NO If yes, please explain:

8. Is the answer key/rubric satisfactory? YES NO If no, please explain:

9. Are the criteria for how well students must do easy to understand and apply?
YES NO if no, please explain:

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