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1.1 VOCABULARY  Describe houses

1 Choose the odd one out in each group of four words.

1 bungalow cottage flat village
2 brick mud spacious stone
3 traditional suburbs city centre village
4 porch carpet patio shed
5 cosy open-plan terraced spacious
Home sweet 6 kitchen living room plant bedroom

7 chair bathroom study hall
8 bookcase cooker cupboard pond

2 Match the words from the box to pictures A–L.

Describing houses | Things inside and bungalow ​ concrete ​
cottage ​glass ​
housing estate ​
outside houses | make and do | semi‑detached house ​stone ​suburbs ​terraced house 
Phrasal verbs | Accommodation ​the countryside ​wood ​village

GRAMMAR Material Houses Location

Present Perfect with ever, never, for,
since, yet, just and already |
Future forms and First Conditional


Listening: Monologues about travel concrete  
experiences | Reading: An extract
from a play | Speaking: Make and B F J
respond to suggestions | Writing:
A blog entry about a trip

Before listening 1 | Multiple choice





3 Complete the information on the website. The first and last letters are given.

HouseProperties Home Search Hot Contact

This week’s Hot Homes See our list of the top five houses/flats for sale

22 Greenways Road – This is a lovely 1 semi- detached Oak House, Long Lane – A large and very
house, with neighbours on the south side only. Greenways 10 s s home (8 big rooms!) in a
Road is in the quiet 2 s s of the city, and good small, friendly 11 v e only 30 miles
transport links get you to the historic centre in only 15 from London. This 12 d d house has
minutes. More ➜ large gardens all round. Built in the 1800s, this
is a very 13 t l English home.
78 Darrington Avenue – This small 3 t d house More ➜
(quiet neighbours on both sides) is made of red
4b k and has a private garden at the back and
a real fire in the living room – very 5 c y on cold 128/14 Ivy Close – These new 14 f s
winter nights! (seven in each building) are very
More ➜ 15 m n and have hi-tech kitchens
and bathrooms. The kitchen, living room and
8 Denholme Street – This 300-year-old stone dining room are 16 o n plan, so
6 c e is very near the 7 s a and has there’s one very big living space. Ivy Close is
wonderful views across the water. It also comes with a few right in the city 17 c e, close to
nice surprises: there’s a study downstairs in the shops and offices, so it’s perfect for young
8 b t and a small guest bedroom on the second professionals.
9 f r. More ➜ More ➜

4 Match the numbers in the picture to the words in 5 Choose make or do to complete the sentences.
the box. 1 Gordon’s food is delicious, but he always does /
7  bedside table  ​  bookcase  ​ carpet  ​ makes a mess in the kitchen when he does /
 chest of drawers   cupboard  ​  desk  ​ makes the cooking.
 front door  ​  ladder  ​  radiator  ​  shelves ​ 2 When Mum and Dad do / make the housework,
 stairs  ​  wardrobe  ​  wooden floor they do / make a lot of noise, and I can’t
concentrate on my homework.
3 Helen never does / makes the shopping
on Saturdays. She prefers to do / make the
gardening if the weather is nice.
6 4 I would like to do / make a complaint about this
3 5 meal. My burger is cold and my cola is warm.
7 2 5 Katy, I want you to do / make your bed while I
do / make dinner.
4 6 Which would you prefer – doing / making the
ironing or doing / making the washing-up?
8 7 Right! I’ve done / made a decision. I’m going to
9 12 do / make my homework now and then clean my
8 Do you do / make your own washing? My mum
10 11 still washes all of my clothes.


Unit 1 9
1.2 GRAMMAR  Identify different uses of the Present Perfect

1 Decide if the underlined part of each sentence 3 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect
describes a point in time or period of time. form of the verbs in brackets and for or since.
1 I was born in 1997. point /period 1 Kevin’s in his room, but he hasn’t made (not/make)
2 The film was two hours long. point /period a noise since one o’clock. Do you think he’s OK?
3 I like living in the city, so a week 2 We (have) this pizza in our fridge
in the country is long enough. point / period two weeks.
4 Sasha moved into her flat in 2017. point /period 3 Harry (write) lots of miserable
5 It took us 3 days to paint the walls poems he stopped seeing Ellen.
in my bedroom. point /period 4 Chloe (not/make) her bed
6 Zara finished her homework three days.
at 6:00 p.m. point /period 5 Lewis and Oliver (play) for the
7 The village is 375 years old. point /period school football team two years.
8 My parents bought the house 6 last month, there
when they got married. point /period (be) a market in the city centre.

2 Choose the correct option. 4 Use the words in brackets to complete the
questions and answers in the Present Perfect.
1 Luke has lived in this cottage for / since he was Add for or since.
three years old.
1 Q: How long have you lived (you/live) in London?
2 I haven’t done the washing for / since two weeks.
I have no clean clothes. A: We’ve lived in London for 5 years.
3 We have wanted to live in a village near the sea 2 Q: How long 
for / since so many years! (Olivia/want) to be an architect?
4 Annie has been in bed for / since yesterday A: Oh, Olivia  she
morning. She’s really sick. visited Barcelona.
5 People have built houses in this area for / since 3 Q: How long  (your
thousands of years. parents/be) married?
6 My brother hasn’t had a bath for / since at least A: I don’t really know, but they
six months. He prefers the shower.  a long time.
7 They’ve had a wood-burner for / since about 4 Q: How long 
three years but now they want to change it (Alice/know) Samuel?
because it’s not good for their health. A: She  they
8 The pasta has been in the cupboard for / since started school together.
we moved into this flat four years ago. 5 Q: How long  (your
9 Grandad lived in the same cottage for / since his sister/have) long hair?
whole life. A: She  at least six
10 Dad hasn’t cut the grass for / since he lost the key months.
to the shed.
5 Use the information in brackets to write Present
Perfect sentences. Use for or since if necessary.
1 I’ve been passionate about poetry for
(be/passionate about poetry) three years.
2 I 
(not/be/to school) two weeks.
3 Molly 
(not/read/a good book) last year.
4 How long 
(Polly/be busy) in the kitchen?
5 The World Wide Web 
(exist) 1989.
6 Lauren 
(not/see/Oliver) four days.

10 Unit 1
1.3 LISTENING and VOCABULARY   Identify detail in monologues about travel experiences

1   0.00  Listen to four people talking about unusual nights away from home. Number photos A–D in the
order you hear about them.



2   BEFORE LISTENING 1    Underline the key words 4   PHRASAL VERBS    Choose the correct option.
in the questions in Exercise 3. 1 When we got to Venice, I couldn’t wait to get /
come away from my small room on the train.
3   0.00  Listen again. Choose the correct 2 I put my backpack in front of the tent entrance
option (A, B or C).
because I didn’t want to get / let anyone in.
1 What does speaker 1 say about his experience 3 Sometimes, I feel like I don’t know my own city
on a train? very well, because I let / stay in a lot.
A It wasn’t possible for him to get to his bed. 4 When I meet friends, I go to their homes, or they
B There wasn’t enough room. come / stay round to mine.
C The food that he ate was very bad. 5 All the museum doors were closed and locked,
2 What stopped speaker 2 completely enjoying the to keep/ get people out.
A The ship was too old. 5 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs
from Exercise 4.
B It felt too much like a basic hotel.
C There was a problem with noise. 1 That’s your father outside. Can you open the
door to             him             , please?
3 What does speaker 3 say about his night in
2 The boy on the bus was listening to loud music,
a tent?
so I moved to another seat to              him.
A The weather was good for camping.
3 Instead of going to the cinema, shall we
B Some animals got inside his tent.
               and watch something on TV?
C He enjoyed being surrounded by wildlife.
4 My grandparents want to                
4 Why didn’t speaker 4 get much sleep? tomorrow and give me a birthday present.
A She was too frightened. 5 We’ve got something to cover our windows to
B She was having too much fun.                insects                .
C She lost something and had to find it.

Unit 1 11
1.4 READING and VOCABULARY    Understand an extract from a play

(The living room of MR BERN’s flat. He is renting the flat to GUY, a young man who is standing next to him. GUY is holding a
piece of paper in his hand. MR BERN has just come into the flat. There are packed suitcases on the floor.)

GUY (Smiling) Hello Mr Bern! How are you? It’s time MR BERN Well, you’ve stayed here for exactly 364 days.
for me to say goodbye! Sadly, that isn’t one year.
MR BERN (Without smiling) Yes, yes. Time for you to go. GUY (Trying to smile) OK. It’s a day less than one
So, are you ready to leave? year. But I’ve paid you 12 months’ rent.
GUY Yes, I’ve packed all my bags. I can’t believe I’ve MR BERN OK, but actually, you’re breaking your contract
stayed here for a year. by not staying for one year. However, I’m a
MR BERN That’s right. Almost one year. Well, thank nice landlord. (Smiling unpleasantly) So, I won’t
you for everything. I hope I get another punish you for your mistake. Give me the keys
tenant as responsible and as clean as you! I’m now, please.
sure I don’t need to check that anything is GUY You mean you’re not going to give me back my
broken. (Coldly) Please give me the keys to the two months’ deposit? That’s a lot of money! I
apartment now. need it for the next flat I’m going. Furniture
GUY (Checking the piece of paper.) There’s just one isn’t included – it’s completely unfurnished. I’m
thing. I paid two months’ deposit when I supposed to be moving in at the weekend.
started to rent this flat. MR BERN You haven’t stayed for one year, and for
MR BERN Yes, that’s right. Every tenant does the same. that reason, you can’t get your money back.
GUY And it says in my contract that I get that back I’m sorry, I can’t break the rules for every
when I leave if I don’t break anything. individual tenant. You signed the contract. It’s
MR BERN (Pointing at his contract) The contract says you all very clear.
get your deposit back if you stay for one year. GUY (Very worried) But please! I need that money!
You signed a one-year tenancy agreement. MR BERN (Darkly) Give me my keys.
GUY Yes, that’s right.

1 Read the extract from a play. Choose the 3 Match the highlighted words in the extract with
correct option. these definitions.
1 Guy is the antagonist / protagonist in this story. 1 someone who lives in a flat or house and pays
2 The conflict comes from Guy / Mr Bern wanting to the person who owns it 
get some money back. 
3 The climax comes when Mr Bern agrees / refuses 2 to regularly pay money for using a building 
to do what Guy wants. 
3 a man who has a house or flat that other people
Read the extract again. can pay to live in 
Choose the correct option (A, B or C). 
1 How does Guy change during the extract? 4 a part of the cost of something you are buying
A He learns to understand how Mr Bern feels. that you pay before you pay the rest of it 

B He is happy at the start, but upset at the end.
5 something that is part of a larger group or
C He realises that he has made a mistake.
amount you have just mentioned 
2 Why doesn’t Mr Bern want to give back Guy’s 
money? 6 a house or room with no furniture in it 
A He says Guy broke something in the flat. 
B He says Guy broke some of the rules of the flat. 7 only one person, rather than a group of people
C He says Guy broke the agreement he had signed. 
3 What does Guy need the money for? 8 an agreement between two people, saying what
A He needs to buy things like a bed, chairs, etc. each person must do 
B He wants to travel somewhere. 
C He wants to buy a new flat.

12 Unit 1
1.5 GRAMMAR  Express the future in a variety of ways

1 Complete the sentences with the Present 4 Complete the messages with the most suitable
Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. future form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Charles! Hurry up! We’re leaving (leave) in five
A: Hi Lily. Got any plans for today?
2 I                  (not/doing) anything this B: Hi Alex. I1 ’m meeting (meet) Fran at
evening. Do you want to meet? 4 p.m. We 2 (see) the new
3                  (you/come) for dinner this James Bond movie if there are any seats
evening? I need to how much food to buy. left. Wanna come?
4 Lisa can’t come to the swimming pool tomorrow.
She                  (run) in a marathon. A: Love to :) Do you need a lift to town?
5 Ian and Emma                  (not/going) to I 3 (pick) you up, if you want.
the beach this weekend. They’ve got to study for
an exam. B: Cool. Katie’s here now – we
4 (do) some homework after
6                  (Mum and Dad/have) a party
lunch (at least that’s the plan!). I think we
to celebrate their wedding anniversary? 5 (be) free by 3 p.m. though.

2 Choose the correct option. A: OK. By the way, Pete 6 (have)

  CONVERSATION 1   Adrian and Bradley a party tonight. We can all go after the film.
A: I hear your parents have just bought a new
house. When 1 are you moving / will you move in? B: Fantastic. Fran loves parties.
B: Oh, we 2 won’t move / aren’t moving in until next
month. The 28th I think it is. 5 Choose the correct option (A, B or C).
  CONVERSATION 2    Alice, Ben and Caroline 1 There’s someone at the front door. it?
A: Are you coming to class? It’s almost 9.00. A Are you going to get
B: Yes. 3 I’m seeing / I’ll see you later Caroline, OK? B Will you get
C: OK, bye. C Are you getting
  CONVERSATION 3    Anna and Brian 2 Jasmine and William house tomorrow.
A: Oh no! That man has just stolen my bag! A are going to move
B: 4 I’m calling / I’ll call the police. B will move
C are moving
Amanda and Mum
A: Mum, what 5 will we have / are we having for 3 I think I a ham and mushroom pizza … no,
dinner today? actually ... salami and pepper.
M: Oh, I don’t know. 6 We’ll see / We’re seeing what’s A ’m going to have
in the fridge. B ’ll have
C ’m having
3 Complete each pair of sentences with be going 4 Becky a bookcase when she has time.
to + verb or the Present Continuous. A ’s going to buy
1 a We’re going to eat (eat) in a restaurant, but B ’ll buy
we haven’t decided which one. C ’s buying
b  We (eat) in
5 We on Saturday night anymore. The airline
a restaurant tonight. The table is booked.
moved the flight to Sunday morning.
2 a Nathan (visit) his
A aren’t going to fly
friend in the UK next week. He reserved a
B won’t fly
seat yesterday.
C aren’t flying
b  Nathan (visit) his
friend in the UK if he can find a cheap flight. 6 I’m afraid your sister . She called to say
3 a Penny and Jill (play) she’s sick.
tennis if it stops raining. A isn’t going to come
b Penny and Jill (play) B won’t come
tennis at 4.30 at the sports centre. C isn’t coming

Unit 1 13
1.6 SPEAKING  Make and respond to suggestions

1 Choose the correct responses. 3 Complete the suggestions with the infinitive or
1 I think we should stop for a break. We’ve already -ing form of the verbs in brackets. Then match
the suggestions with replies a–f.
walked for hours.
I’d rather keep going. / That sounds good. My feet 1 Why don’t we go (go) out for dinner tonight? g
hurt and I’m thirsty. 2 Let’s (fly) to Spain and have a few
2 Let’s go ice skating. I haven’t done it for years. days in the sun. There are cheap flights
Why not! / I’m sorry, I’m not keen on ice skating. at the moment.
Can we get the bus there? 3 How about (sit) down for ten minutes?
3 What about visiting Grandma this weekend? I need a rest.
I’m not sure about that. / Good idea! I’ve got lots 4 We could (do) our homework
of homework to do and I’m going to a party. together. You could help me.
4 Do you fancy having a BBQ in the garden? 5 I think we should (camp).
It’s cheaper than staying in a hotel.
Let’s get a Chinese takeaway instead. / Sounds
great. Have we got any sausages? 6 Do you fancy (cook) fish tonight?
We should have something healthy.
5 Why don’t we invite Naomi to the party?
7 What about (buy) Dan a book
I don’t really like Naomi. / That’s a great idea!
for his birthday?
She’s so arrogant.
6 How about going to the school disco with me? a To be honest, I’d rather have steak.
Great idea! / I’d rather go on my own. Sorry. b That’s a good idea. I am better at Maths than
2 Put the sentences in the conversation in the c Why not! Has he read the new J.K. Rowling novel?
correct order. d That sounds great. There are some seats over
there. Do you want a coffee?
e I’m sorry, I’m not keen on sleeping outside.
We could look for a cheap hostel.
f We went there last year. Let’s go to Croatia
g I’m not sure about that. We’ve already eaten out
twice this week.

4 Complete the dialogue. The first letters are given.

Lydia: I can’t believe I didn’t win the swimming,
Sophie. All that training and I was only fifth!
Sophie: Don’t worry, Lydia. There’ll be other races.
Mark: What are you doing on Saturday, Kyle? Chris 1 Why don’t we do something fun to cheer
and I are thinking of going snowboarding
you up? 2 W a going for
for the day. Do you fancy coming with us? 1
ice cream?
Kyle: Three hours? Wow! I’m not sure about that.
Lydia: 3 I don’t r like ice cream.
Perhaps I’ll ask dad if I can borrow his car.
I’d 4 r go shopping.
We could drive there quicker ourselves.
Sophie: 5 T a good i . I need
Kyle: That’s a great idea! Where do you want
something new to wear for the party on
to go?
Kyle: OK. I’ll make us some sandwiches.
Lydia: 6 D you f going to the new
Mark: Well, I think we should go to Pas de la shopping centre? There are sales at the
Casa in the Pyrenees. There’s a bus. moment, I think.
It takes about three hours.
Sophie: 7 W n ! – and then we
Mark: Good idea. Don’t forget that Chris is 8c go for a pizza or something.
Lydia: 9 T s great!
Mark: Sounds good. Why don’t we take some Thanks, Sophie.
food from home? It’s expensive to eat
Sophie: My pleasure. Really! Let’s get going then.
at the ski resort.

14 Unit 1
1.7 USE OF ENGLISH   Form adverbs and qualify them

1 Complete the sentences with the correct words in 3 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
capitals. the words in brackets.
1 COMPLETE / COMPLETELY 1 Amy writes more clearly (more/clear) than
a The heavy rain ruined the picnic completely . Richard and I prefer her style too.
b The meal I cooked was a disaster. 2 Arthur does the ironing
(pretty/bad). I usually have to do it again.
3 I’m (slight/worry) about
a It wasn’t to move those heavy
moving from the city to the countryside.
cupboards upstairs.
4 Tabby makes her bed
b We can make bookshelves with
(really/careful). What’s the point when you are
some bricks and pieces of wood.
only going to make it messy again?
3 HEALTHY / HEALTHILY 5 Mike’s dad drives (quite/
a I really need to start eating more . quick). I don’t feel safe in his car.
b Sofia is in the kitchen cooking us all 6 Sarah was (little/
a meal. embarrassed) when she realised she was still
4 REAL / REALLY wearing her pyjamas.
a Is that a Picasso on your wall? 7 David works (much/hard)
b That painting is beautiful. than me but we get the same results.
8 Joanna looked (bit/sad)
when I saw her this morning. Do you know what’s
a Jonathan has decided not to travel
alone to Jordan.
b Amanda made the decision to buy
4   MULTIPLE CHOICE    Complete the second
a flat in the city centre.
sentence with option A, B or C, so that it has a
6 BEAUTIFUL / BEAUTIFULLY similar meaning to the first.
a You live in a part of the country, 1 It’s amazing that James is a really quick learner
Patrick. of everything.
b Stan has painted the room . It’s amazing that James learns everything    
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of A extreme B extremely C  a little
the words in bold.
2 Marta speaks quite good French, don’t you think?
1 Jack is always careful. He does his homework Marta speaks French     well, don’t you think?
carefully . A pretty B better C slightly
2 Mandy is always fast. She rides her bike
3 I really don’t like the fact that Jennifer is slightly lazy.
I really don’t like the fact that Jennifer does
3 Dean is always early. He arrived at my house
everything     lazily.
A slight B little C  a little
4 My brother Luke is always slow. He walks
. 4 It’s great news that Jake’s house isn’t very far away.
5 Margaret is good at everything. She sings It’s great news that Jake lives ___ nearby.
. A very B completely C quite
6 Alan is always late. He gets to school 5 Everybody in school knows that Stephen is a very
. fast runner.
Everybody in school knows that Stephen runs    
A quite B  really C pretty
6 Actually, I am a little better at gardening than
Actually, Paul is     worse at gardening than me.
A a bit B really C absolutely

Unit 1 15
1.8 WRITING  Write a blog entry about a trip

1 Read the blog about Manchester and choose the 2 Put the words in order to make phrases. Then
correct option for a–e. match them with the underlined phrases 1–5 in
the blog entry in Exercise 1.


seem / people / to ... / Most
Most people seem to …  3
2 visitors, / For / must / tour / is / the / a
1 Lastmonth, I spent a day in Manchester with 
my friend, Emily. Today, I’m blogging about it. 3 was / Lunch / fantastic!
Manchester 2 is the UK’s third largest city and 
is a very popular a speciality / destination, 4 Last / went / month, / to ... / I
especially for fans of fashion and music. 
5 very / a / … is / city / big
I met Emily on Saturday morning and we went

shopping. The city has a wide b attraction /
selection of shops, and 3 most people tend to
3 Match the sentence halves.
visit one of the large shopping centres. But
1 The Cartoon Art Museum is f
if you are looking for experimental fashions,
then go to Affleck’s Palace. It’s c a historic site 2 It’s one of
/ a must – a building in the centre with lots of 3 Most tourists tend
really cool shops. 4 I would definitely
5 One of the local
After shopping, we were hungry, so we went
6 Paris is a popular tourist
to Chinatown. For Asian food, Chinatown is
a destination for all people in love.
a d must / local speciality. 4 We had a delicious
b recommend seeing the city centre by night.
lunch there.
c the busiest capital cities in Europe.
Old Trafford football ground is one of the most d to stay in smaller, cheaper hotels.
popular e attractions / specialities in the city, e specialities of Iceland is shark meat.
but we went on a musical tour. Oasis and The f a must for all comic lovers.
Stone Roses come from Manchester, and
if you like 90s music, 5 I would recommend 4 Imagine you visited York recently. Give your
doing the tour. impressions in a blog entry. Use the information
from the advert below and go online to find out
Manchester is a great city. Visit it if you have
more. Include and develop these points:
the chance!
• Introduce the place and say when you visited.
• Write about what you did and saw.
• Give your opinion of the town and make some

The beautiful
city of
✔ In the north of England – 2 hours from
London by train.
✔ Popular tourist destination – famous for
its historic sights, architecture, shops and
✔ Visitor attractions – York Minster (cathedral),
York river cruise, National Railway Museum,
JORVIK Viking Centre.
✔ Local speciality – York Ham.

Find out more at

16 Unit 1
C heck time
VOCABULARY Glossary Page 107 5 Nina / live / in a flat / ten years

6 I / not feel well last weekend
1 Choose the correct option. 
1 We live in a terraced house / detached house /
tree house, so we don’t have any problems with 4 Choose the correct option (A, B or C).
neighbours. 1 What shall we have for dinner? Perhaps I
2 Poor Susan burned her hand on the ladder / pizza. Does that sound OK?
cupboard / cooker yesterday evening. A  ’m making B  going to make
3 The fridge / wardrobe / chest of drawers is empty. C  ’ll make
We need to go shopping for food. 2 Hannah and I to a concert on Friday night.
4 The patio / porch / pond is full of plants, so we Hannah’s uncle bought us tickets.
can’t see the fish in the water! A  are going B  going to go
5 Our village / stone wall / eco-house has solar C  will go
panels, a wood burner and a compost toilet. 3 Oliver has a plan for next weekend. He to the
6 Anastasia loves reading. The shelves / campsite near the sea.
bookcase / cupboard in her bedroom is full. A  ’s cycling B  ’s going to cycle
C  ’ll cycle
2 Complete the sentences with these words. There 4 Your temperature is very high and you look
are two extra words.
cosy ​
countryside ​ drawers ​
island ​ I think I the doctor.
mud ​patio ​river ​single A  ’m calling B  ’m going to call
C  ’ll call
1 Ben and Theo often go fishing in the
in the forest on Sundays. 5 Ryan dinner tonight because he’s broken his
2 My mum loves old furniture. She’s just bought
an antique chest of for her A  isn’t making B  is going to make
bedroom. C  will make
3 The air in the is much cleaner than 6 We to visit Auntie Joan on Thursday and
in the city. Granddad on Friday.
4 We skied all morning, then stopped for lunch in a A  ’re planning B  ’re going to plan
warm and little restaurant at the C  ’ll plan
top of the mountain.
5 In some parts of the world people make their
houses out of .
6 When I was a little girl, my grandma shared
a bed with two of her sisters.
How confident do you feel about the
GRAMMAR Grammar Time Page 98 statements below? Write 1-5 (1 = not very
confident; 5 = very confident).
3 Write sentences from the prompts. Use the
1.1 I can describe houses.
Present Perfect and for or since.
1.2 I can identify different uses of the Present
1 Rick / work as a builder / 2010 Perfect.

1.3 I can identify specific details in short
2 The statue of the King / be / in the square / 1754 monologues.

1.4 I can understand how a play is organised.
3 The river / not have / fish in it / two years
1.5 I can express the future in a variety of ways.

1.6 I can make and respond to suggestions.
4 We / know about / the problem / this morning
1.7 I can form adverbs and qualify them.

1.8 I can write a blog entry about a trip.

Check Time Answer Key Page 120 Unit 1 17

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