Hard Rock and Metal Influence On Teenagers - Better Than You Think

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Hard Rock and Metal

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Influence on Teenagers -
Better Than You Think

David Andrés García Céspedes

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on

Teenagers - Better Than You Think

Authored by: David Andrés García Céspedes

Submitted to: Jessica Ruiz

Montessori School

Submission Date: June 3/2020

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Table of content


Research Body……………………………………………………………………………………4


Appendix 1 (Brainstorm)………………………………………………………………………….9

Appendix 2 (Outline)……………………………………………………………………………10

Appendix 3 (Sources reliability checklist) ………………………………………………………11

Appendix 4 (Sources Information Chart) ……………………………………………………….15

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think


Hard rock and metal music genres have been misjudged by society at large, they have been

considered to incite violence and rage among fans. This preconception has been the object of

many discussions and has caused controversy in the hard rock and metal community. Recent

researches have found that even though fans of these genres have shown signs of depression

and anxiety more often than non-fans, these symptoms aren’t generated due to the music, and

that actually hard rock and metal can produce positive thoughts in the fans and they can be

used for educational purposes, such as encouraging scientific thinking.

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Research Body

What do you think when you hear hard rock and metal music? What do you think when

someone else listens to rock and metal? And most importantly, what do you and other people

feel when listening to these genres of music? I can’t tell you that, but I can tell you that

teenagers that like this type of music, listen to them for a reason very important for them, they

listen to these genres, because they seek for something that understands how they feel, for

something to help them cope with all their problems, big or small.

Before we discuss the topic, it is necessary that you know a little part of the history and

characteristics of these two genres. Hard rock and metal developed as subgenres of rock, they

started in the 60’s and 70’s, mainly in the United States and Britain, and with time some other

subgenres were created based in hard rock and metal. Gradually, the difference between some

subgenres became clearer, as bands were searching for their sound, for example, bands like

“The Beach Boys” and “Chicago” played a softer and gentler Rock, while bands like “Black

Sabbath”, “ZZ Top” and, “Lynyrd Skynyrd” composed heavier and rougher songs. However, we

are going to focus on the heavier and rougher songs, and you also must keep in mind that there

has been a huge development within the subgenres and how they sound, but the inspiration for

all of them comes from the same place.

During the first years of hard rock and metal, a huge event was occurring in the world,

the Vietnam War, which gave a boost to genres. Let me explain, many people were against the

war, they were in disagreement, and from this disagreement or anger, call it what you want,
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

many songs in opposition to the war were composed, one of the most famous is “Fortunate

Son”, by Creedence Clear Revival. Why do I mention this? Because as I said earlier, the

inspiration comes from the same place, call it anger, call it rage, but it is basically discomfort

against what you think is wrong, and many weren’t able to express it by talking, but they found

a way in music. This hasn’t changed, bans still do these types of music because they wanted to

express the repressed feelings inside them, and teenagers listen to the music they do for the

same reason.

These has been a massive judgment a huge part of our society considered true, they

believe that hard rock and metal music makes teenagers irritable, angry, or even violent. I

admit that these types of behavior are more often seen in teenagers that like these genres, we

didn’t know what was causing this type of conduct in them, there is even a paper published by

the American Academy of Pediatrics, called Impact of Music, Music Lyrics, and Music Videos on Children

and Youth, in which they state:

“The preference for heavy metal music, rap, and associated genres among adolescents

must alert us to an increased vulnerability and tendency toward risky behaviors.

Adolescents at risk and with a feeling of alienation because of previous failures or

problems tend to prefer these types of music, which might reflect their pessimistic view

of life and the world. Correlational studies, however, have inherent limitations and

cannot identify cause-and-effect relationships, but the associations reflect the status of

the current research.” (2009)

So, there is a relation, but we still don’t know if it is the music that cause this kind of behavior,

or if it just that they use hard rock and metal to handle their negative thoughts.
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Actually, a paper named Extreme metal music and anger processing, published by Leah

Sharman and Genevieve A. Dingle, expressed the following:

“The findings indicate that extreme music did not make angry participants angrier;

rather, it appeared to match their physiological arousal and result in an increase in

positive emotions. Listening to extreme music may represent a healthy way of

processing anger for these listeners.” (2015)

Later on, they say that fans of hard rock, metal, and similar genres, presented a big increment

on symptoms related to anxiety and depression compared to non-fans; yet, both fans and non-

fans showed no difference when comparing their anger. Now we have evidence that these kinds

of music actually helps fans deal with their issues, instead of making furious, and for a long-

time society misjudged them, making them the problem and not the solution.

Sure, if you aren’t a fan these doesn’t apply to you, but not everybody has to like the

same, that’s why when non-fans listened to hard rock, metal, and similar genres of music, the

results weren’t positive, but it is because they simply don’t have the same taste in music. I am

not forcing you to listen to it, there is even a paper written by Nick Perham, titled Heavy metal’s

bad rep is unfair – it can actually have numerous health benefits for fans, in which he talks about

various researches done about the effects of heavy metal, and in one part he talks about how

people that don’t dig into metal, seem to receive a bad impact on their wellbeing when they
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

listen to it. On the other hand, if you don’t care about emotions, then there is a very interesting

essay authored by Rodney M. Schmaltz, named Bang Your Head: Using Heavy Metal Music to

Promote Scientific Thinking in the Classroom, in which he suggest ways of using heavy metal for

developing scientific thinking and discussions between students related to all that surrounds

the rock and metal world.

Why did I write about the influence of hard rock and metal on teenagers? Because I

want to aid fellow metalheads, I want to show them and everyone who criticize our taste in

music because they think we are becoming violent people, that we listen to it for a reason. We

listen to these genres because we feel understand, we need to express somehow and this is a

way we can, we just simply like the music; and it helps us with what we struggle, it makes us

better people, not worse. So before judging these types of music, think that teenagers can be

listening to it for a reason, they can have depression or anxiety, something that is eating them

from the inside, think that they may need you to listen, think that you can be the problem by

prohibiting hard rock and metal. Make yourself part of the solution.
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think


Perham, N. (2019, June 12). Heavy metal's bad rep is unfair – it can actually have numerous

health benefits for fans. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/heavy-metals-bad-rep-is-


The American Academy of Pediatrics. (2009, November 1). Impact of music, music lyrics, and

music videos on children and youth. Retrieved from


Sharman, L., & Dingle, G. A. (2015, May 27). Extreme metal music and anger processing.

Retrieved from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00272/full

Schmaltz, R. M. (2016, February 10). Bang your head: Using heavy metal music to promote

scientific thinking in the classroom. Retrieved from

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Appendix 1 (Brainstorm)
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Appendix 2 (Outline)

❖ Introduction:
➢ Hook: What is the first thing that comes to your mind with Hard Rock and
Punk? To a teenager who likes these genres, it is salvation.

➢ Thesis statement: Since the creation of Hard Rock and Punk, teenagers have
connected and have been able to express themselves with the lyrics and
instrumental power.

❖ Contextualization:
➢ Brief history of Hard Rock and Punk.
▪ What music genre before them influence in their creation.
▪ Social context.
▪ Famous bands.
➢ Explanation of characteristics of the two genres.
▪ How are the instrumentals? (power that each instrument creates)
▪ What do the lyrics talk about.
❖ Why do you hear to Hard Rock and/or Punk (personal experience)?
➢ It helps me liberate myself and in difficult times.
➢ It touches topics that must be expressed.
➢ I love the instrumentals.
❖ Do Hard Rock and Punk lead teenagers to vandalism, drugs, satanism, alcohol, and
other bad things?
➢ Many adults easily judge these genres before trying to give it a chance.
➢ Not because you listen to these genres you aren’t going to fall into those things.
➢ Personal experience (Pact with myself) Do I do this part?
➢ Foo Fighters front man Dave Grohl, a role model.
❖ So… conclusion yeah.
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Appendix 3 (Sources reliability checklist)



Use this checklist as a guideline to help you decide whether an online source is reliable. Each
table is for EACH source you have.

 7 or more points: This is probably a reliable source; consider using it.

 4-6 points: This might be a good source; try to find out more about it before using it.
 3 or less: This is probably not worth including in your sources.

URL/HTTP:// https://theconversation.com/heavy-metals-bad-rep-is-unfair-
Circle the number in the column that is the best answer Yes No/Not sure
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the 1 0
content on this site.
This site is maintained by a person or organization that I 1 0
know is credible outside of the Internet
This site has been updated in the past 3 to 6 months 1 0
This site has external links to other credible websites 1 0
I know of other credible websites that link to this website 1 0
This site has a .gov or .edu suffix 1 0
This site provides a phone number or mailing address that 1 0
I could use for contacting the person or organization for
more information
I have verified the information on this site using reliable 1 0
offline resources
The main purpose of this site is to provide facts (not 1 0
This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point -1 0
of view
This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links -1 0
The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service
-1 0
This site has no external links -1 0
Final total: 7
Would you use this as a credible source? Why or why not?
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think



URL/HTTP:// https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/124/5/1488
Circle the number in the column that is the best answer Yes No/Not sure
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the 1 0
content on this site.
This site is maintained by a person or organization that I 1 0
know is credible outside of the Internet
This site has been updated in the past 3 to 6 months 1 0
This site has external links to other credible websites 1 0
I know of other credible websites that link to this website 1 0
This site has a .gov or .edu suffix 1 0
This site provides a phone number or mailing address that 1 0
I could use for contacting the person or organization for
more information
I have verified the information on this site using reliable 1 0
offline resources
The main purpose of this site is to provide facts (not 1 0
This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point -1 0
of view
This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links -1 0
The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service
-1 0
This site has no external links -1 0
Final total: 8
Would you use this as a credible source? Why or why not?
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think



Circle the number in the column that is the best answer Yes No/Not sure
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the 1 0
content on this site.
This site is maintained by a person or organization that I 1 0
know is credible outside of the Internet
This site has been updated in the past 3 to 6 months 1 0
This site has external links to other credible websites 1 0
I know of other credible websites that link to this website 1 0
This site has a .gov or .edu suffix 1 0
This site provides a phone number or mailing address that 1 0
I could use for contacting the person or organization for
more information
I have verified the information on this site using reliable 1 0
offline resources
The main purpose of this site is to provide facts (not 1 0
This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point -1 0
of view
This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links -1 0
The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service
-1 0
This site has no external links -1 0
Final total: 8
Would you use this as a credible source? Why or why not?
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think



Circle the number in the column that is the best answer Yes No/Not sure
I can identify a group or individual responsible for the 1 0
content on this site.
This site is maintained by a person or organization that I 1 0
know is credible outside of the Internet
This site has been updated in the past 3 to 6 months 1 0
This site has external links to other credible websites 1 0
I know of other credible websites that link to this website 1 0
This site has a .gov or .edu suffix 1 0
This site provides a phone number or mailing address that 1 0
I could use for contacting the person or organization for
more information
I have verified the information on this site using reliable 1 0
offline resources
The main purpose of this site is to provide facts (not 1 0
This site is clearly biased toward a specific opinion or point -1 0
of view
This site contains many misspellings and/or broken links -1 0
The main purpose of this site is to sell a product or service
-1 0
This site has no external links -1 0
Final total: 8
Would you use this as a credible source? Why or why not?
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Appendix 4 (Sources information chart)

Source 1

Link https://theconversation.com/heavy-metals-bad-rep-is-unfair-it-

Date you found it August 7, 2019

How you run your search I have an app about rock and metal news, and a notification
showed me about the investigation taken.

Title Heavy metal’s bad rep is unfair – it can actually have

numerous health benefits for fans

Author(s) Nick Perham

Date of publication June 12, 2019

Summary of the There was an investigation where they found out that metal
information found. music is actually good for the fans’ mental health and
increases their positive thoughts.

Purpose Inform about what was found and to argue against past
What is the intended believes that said that metal music made people violent and
purpose (to inform, to promoted negative thoughts.
argue, to persuade, etc)?
How does it do it?

Audience Metalheads, psychology community

For whom is the source
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Is this a scholarly or a Popular source

popular source?

When was this made? Is
the content related to your
objective? How?

Authorship Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Cardiff Metropolitan University

What are the author’s
credentials or background
on this area?

Bias No

Is the information Fact

primarily fact or opinion?

Is the information Yes

supported by research?

Does the author provide Yes

multiple sides of issues?

Does the author use highly No

charged emotional

Is there a list of No, but a link that takes me to the study.

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Source 2

Link https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/124/5/1488

Date you found it May 19/2020

How you run your search I searched for “rock music influence in youth”

Title Impact of Music, Music Lyrics, and Music Videos on

Children and Youth


Date of publication November 2009

Summary of the information found. They are researching about the influence of various
genres of music in youth, they discovered some
relationships but can’t tell if the music is the one
producing it.

Purpose Argue, it is an area of research with a lot of work to be

What is the intended purpose (to done and many questions unanswered,
inform, to argue, to persuade, etc)?
How does it do it?

Audience Parents and Pediatrics

For whom is the source intended?
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Is this a scholarly or a popular Scholarly


Relevance Yes, because it shows how we didn’t know about the

When was this made? influence of music in youth and we were assuming the
Is the content related to your music was causing this behaviour
objective? How?


What are the author’s
credentials or
background on this

Bias No

Is the information Both

primarily fact or

Is the information Yes

supported by

Does the author Yes

provide multiple sides
of issues?

Does the author use No

highly charged
emotional language?

Is there a list of Yes

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Source 3

Link https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00272/full

Date you found it May 26/2020

How you run your search It was a link used in another source I am using

Title Extreme metal music and anger processing

Author(s) Leah Sharman & Genevieve A. Dingle

Date of publication May 21/2015

Summary of the Show how metal music affects fans in anger management
information found.

Purpose Argue, it has an investigation supporting their claim.

What is the intended
purpose (to inform, to
argue, to persuade, etc)?
How does it do it?

Audience Doctors and metalheads

For whom is the source
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Is this a scholarly or a Scholarly

popular source?

Relevance Yes, because it shows metal doesn’t make fans angrier, it show
When was this made? it helps them cope with their anger.
Is the content related to
your objective? How?

Authorship School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD,

What are the author’s
credentials or Australia
background on this
area? Centre for Youth Substance Abuse Research, University of

Queensland, Birsbane, QLD, Australia

Bias No

Is the information Fact

primarily fact or

Is the information Yes

supported by

Does the author Yes

provide multiple sides
of issues?

Does the author use No

highly charged
emotional language?

Is there a list of Yes

Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Source 4

Link https://frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00146/full

Date you found it May 27/2020

How you run your search It was a link used in another source I am using

Title Using heavy metal music to promote scientific thinking in the


Author(s) Rodney M. Schmaltz

Date of publication 2016, February 10

Summary of the Suggest ways of using metal for educational purposes

information found.

Purpose Persuade that metal has benefits

What is the intended
purpose (to inform, to
argue, to persuade, etc)?
How does it do it?

Audience Teachers and metalheads

For whom is the source

Is this a scholarly or a Scholarly

popular source?
Hard Rock and Metal Influence on Teenagers – Better Than You Think

Relevance Yes, because it shows metal can be used for good things
When was this made?
Is the content related to
your objective? How?

Authorship Department of Psychology, MacEwan University, Edmonton,

What are the author’s
credentials or AB, Canada
background on this

Bias A bit

Is the information Fact

primarily fact or

Is the information Yes

supported by

Does the author Yes

provide multiple sides
of issues?

Does the author use No

highly charged
emotional language?

Is there a list of Yes


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