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What is an outline?
• Outlining is a method of organizing
the main idea, major supporting
details, and minor supporting details
into a list that allows you to see at a
quick glance the relationship
between general and specific ideas.
One-Paragraph Writing Outline Sample

I. Topic Sentence – States the main idea ( It breaks the topic into two/three specific

A. Major supporting sentence No. 1 –Take it from the TS.

1. Specific example developing Major SS No. 1
2. Specific example developing Major SS No. 1

B. Major SS No. 2 –Take it from the TS.

Specific example developing Major SS No. 2

C. Major SS No. 3 –Take it from the TS.

Specific example developing Major SS No. 3

II. Concluding Sentence – Restates the Topic Sentence in different words.


Write the
outline for this

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