(ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task - Quiz - Weekly Quiz (PA) - INGLES IV (9764)

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10/7/22, 9:45 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES IV (9764)

(ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz

Fecha de entrega
3 de jul en 23:59
28 de jun en 0:00 - 3 de jul en 23:59
Límite de tiempo
20 minutos


Congratulations for having reviewed the information for the week and having practiced with the
different exercises proposed. The time has come for you to challenge yourself and take the next quiz,
remember that you have only one attempt. Review the questions carefully and evaluate your answers
before submitting the quiz.

Good luck!

Este examen fue bloqueado en 3 de jul en 23:59.

Historial de intentos
Intento Hora Puntaje
6 minutos 20 de 20

Puntaje para este examen:

20 de 20
Entregado el 2 de jul en 10:03
Este intento tuvo una duración de 6 minutos.

Pregunta 1 2
/ 2 pts

I ______ it because it is too sweet.​

going to drink

am not going to drinking

am not drink

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10/7/22, 9:45 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES IV (9764)

am not going to drink​

Pregunta 2 2
/ 2 pts

Juana is ______ take a nice vacation in Machu Picchu next month.​

goes to​


go to​

going to​

Pregunta 3 2
/ 2 pts

I ______ it because it is too sweet.​

going to drink

am not drink

am not going to drink​

am not going to drinking

Pregunta 4 2
/ 2 pts

Look out! You ____________ break that glass!

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10/7/22, 9:45 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES IV (9764)



are going to

will going to

Pregunta 5 2
/ 2 pts

She ______ how to dance next week.

is going to learn

going to learned​

is going learn

is going to learnt​

Pregunta 6 2
/ 2 pts

______ going to ______ eating healthy food?

What you / starting​

Are you / started

Are you / start

Do you / start

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10/7/22, 9:45 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES IV (9764)

Pregunta 7 2
/ 2 pts

Rebecca is __________ have a baby next month.


goes to

go to

going to

Pregunta 8 2
/ 2 pts

______ you going to cook supper?





Pregunta 9 2
/ 2 pts

He has decided it. He ______ quit smoking.​

is go

is going to


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10/7/22, 9:45 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES IV (9764)

going to

Pregunta 10 2
/ 2 pts

A.- ______ you going to have a barbecue tomorrow?​ 

B.- No, I'm not . I ______work. 

Do / am going to

Are / don't

Will / will​

Are / am going to

Puntaje del examen:

20 de 20

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