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Katherine Dolan

Prof. Xu

ENGL 2210

22 September 2022

Project 1 Reflection


For Project One, I focused on teaching people how to make their resumes stand out. In

the video, I barely touched on the basic steps on how to make a resume because I didn’t want

this video to be about “How to Make a Resume” because that is overdone. So this video

specifically goes into depth about design factors that are important when curating a resume. I

chose to do this topic because in the future I want to be a High School English Teacher and this

will be a great lesson to teach to my students.

Project Planning

To make this project even possible, I had to figure out how I would tell someone how to

make a resume. Since I already had my own resume, I decided to pretend that I was telling my

friend how to make one without an example in front of them. This process helped a lot because

it allowed me to briefly, yet descriptively describe what goes into a resume and why it’s an

important document. Next, I put these ideas into a slideshow presentation. I made three slides

that go in-depth about the factors I thought were important for the resume design. I found

images for the font contrast and for the professional photo slides. It took me some time to find

the right images that I was thinking of, but I am very happy with how they turned out in the

slides. Finally, the hardest part about the planning was figuring out which screen record

software I was going to use. This was difficult because I need software that could record my

screen and record my face while I discussed the resume. I tried Kaltura first, but Zoom ended

up being the best option for me.

Project Analysis

Since I thought about how this video could be used for classroom instruction, I knew I

needed to think about students being my audience. You can see that I really had this age group

in mind by me adding the part about volunteer work as an alternative option to past work

experience. Also, I made sure to use easy language to understand so that all levels of English

speakers could follow along. Using photo examples of some of the topics I discuss also helps

people who are visual learners.

Visual Communication

Since my whole video is based on making something more visually appealing, I also

tried to demonstrate that in my slides. My slideshow is very well organized and has a nice flow,

just like a resume should inhabit as well. There is a good example of the color contrast in a font

in my slides as well. I choose my images to be relevant to whatever information is explained on

that slideshow. Finally, in my resume example, there are lots of colors and visual components

that should be used as an example for the viewers to follow. Notice the green, the fonts, the

spacing, the letter size, and the photo that is relevant to the jobs I would be applying for.


This project was fun to work on because I could pretend how I would teach this lesson to

my future students. This slideshow will definitely come in handy for that future class. My video

demonstrated a lot of the key components one would need to make their resume visually


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