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Independent Contractor Agreement for Construction Contractor

This Agreement is made between __________________ ("Client"), with a principal place

of business at ___________________, and __________________ ("Contractor"), with a
principal place of business at ___________________.

1. Services to Be Performed

Contractor shall furnish all labor and materials to construct and complete the project
shown on the contract documents contained or specified in Exhibit A, which is attached
to and made part of this Agreement.

2. Payment

[Choose Alternative A or B.]


Owner shall pay Contractor for all labor and materials the sum of $_____.


Owner shall pay Contractor $_____ for labor. Materials shall be paid for by Owner upon
delivery to the worksite or as follows: ___________________

3. Terms of Payment

[Choose Alternative A, B, or C.]


Upon completing Contractor's services under this Agreement, Contractor shall submit an
invoice. Owner shall pay Contractor within _______ days from the date of Contractor's


Contractor shall be paid $_____ upon signing this Agreement and the remaining amount
due when Contractor completes the services and submits an invoice. Owner shall pay
Contractor within _______ days from the date of Contractor's invoice.


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Contractor shall be paid according to the Schedule of Payments set forth in Exhibit ___,
attached to and made part of this agreement.

4. Time of Completion

The work to be performed under this Agreement shall commence on and be substantially
completed on or before __________________. Time is of the essence.

5. What Constitutes Completion

The work specified in Clause 1 shall be considered completed upon approval by Owner;
however, Owner's approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

6. Permits and Approvals

[Choose Alternative A or B.]


Owner shall be responsible for determining which state and local permits are necessary
for performing the specified work and for obtaining and paying for the permits.


Contractor shall be responsible for determining which state and local permits are
necessary for performing the specified work and for obtaining and paying for the permits.

7. Warranty

Contractor warrants that all work shall be completed in a good workmanlike manner and
in compliance with all building codes and other applicable laws. Contractor agrees to
correct any defective work at no cost to Owner. This warranty shall be in effect for one
year from the date of completion of the work.

8. Liens and Lien Waivers

Contractor represents and warrants that there will be no liens for labor or materials or
appliances against the work covered by this Agreement, and agrees to protect and hold
Owner free and harmless from and against any and all liens and claims for labor,
materials, services, or appliances furnished or used in connection with the work.

To protect Owner against liens being filed by Contractor, subcontractors, and materials

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providers, Contractor agrees that final payment to Contractor under Clause 3 shall be
withheld by Owner until Contractor presents Owner with lien waivers, lien releases, or
acknowledgment of full payment from each subcontractor and materials supplier.

9. Site Maintenance

Contractor agrees to be bound by the following conditions when performing the specified

• Contractor shall remove all debris and leave the premises in broom-clean

• Contractor shall perform the specified work during the following hours:

• Contractor agrees that disruptively loud activities shall be performed only at the
following times: _____________________.

• At the end of each day's work, Contractor's equipment shall be stored in the
following location: _________________________.

10. Subcontractors

Contractor may at its discretion engage subcontractors to perform services under this
Agreement, but Contractor shall remain responsible for proper completion of this

11. Independent Contractor Status

Contractor is an independent contractor, not Owner's employee. Contractor's employees

or subcontractors are not Owner's employees. Contractor and Owner agree to the
following rights consistent with an independent contractor relationship.

[Check all that apply.]

[ ] Contractor has the right to perform services for others during the term of this

[ ] Contractor has the sole right to control and direct the means, manner, and method by
which the services required by this Agreement will be performed.

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[ ] Contractor or Contractor's employees or subcontractors shall perform the services
required by this Agreement; Owner shall not hire, supervise or pay any assistants to help

[ ] Owner shall not require Contractor or Contractor's employees or subcontractors to

devote full time to performing the services required by this Agreement.

12. Business Permits, Certificates and Licenses

Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor has complied with all federal, state,
and local laws requiring business permits, certificates, and licenses required to carry out
the services to be performed under this Agreement.

Contractor's license or registration is for the following type of work and carries the
following number: __________________.

13. State and Federal Taxes

Client will not:

• withhold FICA (Social Security and Medicare taxes) from Contractor's payments
or make FICA payments on Contractor's behalf

• make state or federal unemployment compensation contributions on Contractor's

behalf, or

• withhold state or federal income tax from Contractor's payments.

Contractor shall pay all taxes incurred while performing services under this Agreement--
including all applicable income taxes and, if Contractor is not a corporation, self-
employment (Social Security) taxes. Upon demand, Contractor shall provide Client with
proof that such payments have been made.

14. Fringe Benefits

Contractor understands that neither Contractor nor Contractor's employees or contract

personnel are eligible to participate in any employee pension, health, vacation pay, sick
pay, or other fringe benefit plan of Client. If Contractor is subsequently classified by the
IRS as a common law employee, Contractor expressly waives his or her rights to any
benefits to which he or she was, or might have become, entitled.

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15. Workers' Compensation

Client shall not obtain workers' compensation insurance on behalf of Contractor or

Contractor's employees. If Contractor hires employees to perform any work under this
Agreement, Contractor will cover them with workers' compensation insurance to the
extent required by law and provide Client with a certificate of workers' compensation
insurance before the employees begin the work.

[Optional: Check if applicable.]

[ ] Contractor shall obtain workers' compensation insurance coverage for Contractor.

Contractor shall provide Client with proof that such coverage has been obtained before
starting work. [End option.]

16. Unemployment Compensation

Client shall make no state or federal unemployment compensation payments on behalf of

Contractor or Contractor's employees or contract personnel. Contractor will not be
entitled to these benefits in connection with work performed under this Agreement.

17. Insurance

Client shall not provide any insurance coverage of any kind for Contractor or Contractor's
employees or contract personnel. Contractor shall obtain and maintain a broad form
Commercial General Liability Insurance policy providing for coverage of at least $_____
for each occurrence. Before commencing any work, Contractor shall provide Client with
proof of this insurance and with proof that Client has been made an additional insured
under the policy.

Contractor shall indemnify and hold Client harmless from any loss or liability arising
from performing services under this Agreement.

18. Terminating the Agreement

[Choose Alternative A or B.]


With reasonable cause, either Client or Contractor may terminate this Agreement,
effective immediately upon giving written notice.

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Reasonable cause includes:

• a material violation of this Agreement, or

• any act exposing the other party to liability to others for personal injury or
property damage.


Either party may terminate this Agreement any time by giving _____ days' written notice
to the other party of the intent to terminate.

19. Exclusive Agreement

This is the entire Agreement between Contractor and Client.

[Optional Clause: Check box if applicable.]

[ ] 20. Modifying the Agreement

This Agreement may be modified only by a writing signed by both parties.

[End Optional Clause]

21. Resolving Disputes

[Choose Alternative A, B, or C and any desired optional clauses.]


If a dispute arises under this Agreement, any party may take the matter to court.

[Optional: Check if applicable.]

[ ] If any court action is necessary to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party shall
be entitled to reasonable attorney fees, costs, and expenses in addition to any other relief
to which the party may be entitled. [End Option.]


If a dispute arises under this Agreement, the parties agree to first try to resolve the
dispute with the help of a mutually agreed-upon mediator in ___[list city or county where
mediation will occur]___. Any costs and fees other than attorney fees associated with the
mediation shall be shared equally by the parties. If the dispute is not resolved within 30

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days after it is referred to the mediator, any party may take the matter to court.

[Optional: Check if applicable.]

[ ] If any court action is necessary to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party shall
be entitled to reasonable attorney fees, costs, and expenses in addition to any other relief
to which the party may be entitled.


If a dispute arises under this Agreement, the parties agree to first try to resolve the
dispute with the help of a mutually agreed-upon mediator in ___[list city or county where
mediation will occur]___. Any costs and fees other than attorney fees associated with the
mediation shall be shared equally by the parties. If it proves impossible to arrive at a
mutually satisfactory solution through mediation, the parties agree to submit the dispute
to a mutually agreed-upon arbitrator in ___[list city or county where arbitration will
occur]___. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any
court having jurisdiction to do so. Costs of arbitration, including attorney fees, will be
allocated by the arbitrator.

22. Applicable Law

This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of ________________.

23. Notices

All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in
writing and shall be considered given as follows:

• when delivered personally to the recipient's address as stated on this Agreement

• three days after being deposited in the United States mail, with postage prepaid to
the recipient's address as stated on this Agreement, or

• when sent by fax or electronic mail, such notice is effective upon receipt provided
that a duplicate copy of the notice is promptly given by first class mail, or the
recipient delivers a written confirmation of receipt.

24. No Partnership

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This Agreement does not create a partnership relationship. Neither party has authority to
enter into contracts on the other's behalf.


Owner: ___[Name of Owner]___

By: ____________________________________________

Typed or Printed Name: _______________________________

Title: _________________________

Date: ________________

Contractor: ___[Name of Contractor]___

By: ____________________________________________

Typed or Printed Name: _______________________________

Title: _________________________

Taxpayer ID Number: _________________

Date: ________________

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