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பவ பரமசவ 
பரமசவ உபதச
ஈஸவர ந
ஈஸவர ந தட
இரணடவ ர 
இரணடவ  ர கணட

(1)உதய மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  ம ஸன

  ,  , ர 
ர    வகனச. ஜக பத
 மரணமவளப .

(1) Moon is placed in Kumbha Lagna and in the 4 th house Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are placed, family
of mother will get destroyed. At the age of 35 of the native, mother will die.

உதய மகரக  வம ஏகன  லப ஸனமய

ளஜம தரயபய பகபட  ஐப வய
மரணமவளப .
(2) Moon is placed in Lagna and is aspected by Lagna and 12th lord Saturn placed in the 11 th house mother
will die when the native is of 50 years old.
உதய மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  ஸவர  ம
ஸனபதய தரயமதட ச வ
ச வ பகபட ஜஜ ந
ஜஜ ந
வய மரணமவளனப .

(3) Moon is placed in Lagna and the 4th lord Venus is placed in his own house and is aspected by the 2 nd
and 11th lord Jupiter from the 12th house, native will die at the age of four.

உதய மகரக வம
(4) மகரக  வம ஏகன  ய கமபய
ச  பதவ பகபட   பக  க வக  பக
ளப .
(4) Moon is placed in Lagna and is aspected by the 3rd  and 10th  lord Mars placed in the 6th  house in
debilitation, mother and father will be long lived.
உதய மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  மஸன  மய
உதபய மகத  ளஜம தரயபய நர  நகபட 
க. ளநலவ தவய ள ளசபவ பளப .

(5) Moon is placed in Lagna and in the 4 th house with the own house lord Venus, 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter
is also placed and aspected directly by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn, mother will be long lived. She will
be without character and will be practicing medical profession.

இரடட மகரக  அமரம கட   உச  வ
பகப த ரர.  வக ஆர ளப 
 , எலனச.  வய  மரணமவ ளப .

(6) Moon is placed in the 2 nd house along with Ketu and is aspected by the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed
in the 6th house in exaltation, father will have two wives; in the mother's family there will be two male
and three female siblings and all will perish. Mother will die at the age of 3 of the native.
இரடட மகரக  வம கட   அடம
தரயமட ளசவ ச இவக பகபட  வக
ஆர ளபளண , இப வதர  களமப .

(7) Moon is placed in the 2nd house along with Ketu and is aspected by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn
placed in the 12 th house and 3rd and 10th lord Mars placed in the 8 th house, mother will have two male and
one female sibling. Mother will be alive till the age of 20 of the native.

இரடட மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  எடம

பஞசம கண ளப ஜக  எப  வய
மரணமவளனப .
(8) Moon is placed in the 2 nd house and the 8 th lord Mercury goes to the 5th trikona, at the age of 73 of the
native mother will die.
இரடட மகரக  வம மகரகட   ச
ப பதவ ன லபப 
ன லபப ஏழ
ஏழ பதவ மன ஜக 
ப ந மரணமவளனப .

(9) Moon is placed in the 2nd house along with Ketu and is receiving the 7th aspect from the 2nd and 11th
lord Jupiter and the 10 th aspect from the Lagna and 12th lord Saturn, native will die in 10 days.

(10) இரடட மகரக  அமரம ஸவர  ன 

லபபட   அடம தரயமட ஜ  , ச வக
பகப பற   தச ந ஜக  வர
மரணமவளனப .
(10) Moon is placed in the 2 nd house along with the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter and is aspected by Saturn placed
in the 12th house and by the 3 rd and 10th lord Mars placed in the 8th house and if the dasa of Mercury placed
in the 10th house is running native will die in a week.
றட மகரக வம
(11) மகரக  வம ன லபபட 
ன  லபபட 
 ம
ஸன ம ஜக    மக
வசவனபளனப .

(11) Moon is placed in the 3rd house along with the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter and the 4th house has no planets,
native will be a trustworthy son for
f or his parents.

(12)றட மகரக  அமரம ன  லபபய நர 

பகப ம ஸன சமகரமய ளஜம தரயப 
பதவ மன ஜக மளம
ஜக மளம அடமவளனப .
(12) Moon is placed in the 3rd house and is directly aspected by the 2nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed in the 9th
house and the 4th house is aspected by the Lagna and 12 th lord Placed in the 10th house, native will die in a
றட மகரக  வம னலபபட   ம
ஸனத ளஜம தரயபய நர நகபட
நர நகபட மமனக . 
பன மரணமவ ளப .

(13) Moon is placed in the 3rd house along with the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter and the 4 th house is directly
aspected by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn placed in the 10 th house, one uncle will be there for the native
and his mother will die when he is of 16 years old.

றட மகரக  வம ஏகன  சம வ

பகப க கர ளபற ய கமபதய ப சய
நகப   பதன வதர களமப .
(14) Moon is placed in the 3rd house and is aspected by the 7 th house placed Jupiter and in the 4 th house of
comforts the 3 rd and 10th lord Mars is placed and is aspected by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn from the 2 nd
house, mother will be alive till the 15 th year of the native.
(15) றட மகரக வம
மகரக வம ஏகன  ம ஸனத
னமய ளஜம தரயபய கம மய சம ஸனபய
பகப  வக ஆர , ளபர. 
களமப .

(15) Moon is placed in the 3rd house and the 4th house is aspected by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn placed
in the 2nd house and by the 7th lord Sun placed in the 10 th house, mother's family will be with two male
and two female members. Mother will be long lived.

(16) நகட மகரக அமரம
மகரக அமரம ஏகன  ளசவ எட
பதவ ச ஏழ பதவ பகப ப ம 
மரணமவளப .

(16) Moon is placed in the 4th house and is receiving the 7th aspect of Saturn and 8 th aspect of Mars, mother
of the native will die beyond the age of 30 of the native.
(17)நகட மகரக  வம ஏகன  அ
நகடத லன  கர ளபற ர ,   ,  இவ  வர
நகபட  இபள வய மரணமவளப .

(17) Moon is placed in the 4 th house and the 4th place from this 4th house is aspected by Jupiter, Mercury
and Sun all placed in Lagna, mother will die at the age of 28 of the native.

நகட மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  அடம மய

ன  லபபய பகப ம ந ஜ ஜக 
ஏகன அதல உபய வன ளசவளனப .
(18) Moon is placed in the 4 th house and is aspected by the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed in the 8 th house
and in the 4th Place from Moon, Mars is placed, native will be alone and will be wandering and will be
living by earning through small jobs.
நகட மகரக  வம ஏகன  நர கம
மய ச , ஜவக பகபட  இப
மரணமவளப .

(19) Moon is placed in the 4th house and is aspected by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn placed in the 2 nd
house of eyes and by the 3 rd and 10th lord Mars placed in the 10 th house of karma, mother will die when the
native is of 27 years old.

(20)நகட மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  ஒவ

பரம ரக ஸனமய ம ஸனபட  ச 
இப 
இப  மரணமவளப .
(20) Moon is placed in the 4 th house alone without aspect from any planet and in the 6 th house of disease
along with the 4th lord Venus Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn is also placed, mother will die within 20 years of
age of the native.
ஐட மகரக அமரம
(21) மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  ம ஸனத
சம கரமய ளசவ ர சவ 
ர  சவ வர
வர பகபட ஜக 
ளஜனன 
ளஜனன   நல மதமளடப .

(21) Moon is placed in the 5th house and the 4th house is aspected by Saturn, Venus and Mars from the
th e 10th
house, from birth the native will progress.

(22) ஐட  மகரக அமரம

மகரக அமரம ஏகன  லபமய ய 
ளசவ வக பகப ய கமப தச ற
பர வய ஜக மரணமவளனப 
ஜக  மரணமவளனப .
(22) Moon is placed in the 5th house and is aspected by Mercury, Mars and Sun placed in the 1tth house,
and if born in the dasa of the 3 rd and 10th lord Mars, native will die at the age of 12.
ஐட மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  அடம ஸன
ளபற ளஜம தரயபய நகபட  வக க.
ஆர , ளபர ஜக இப
ஜக இப ந மரணமவளனப .

(23) Moon is placed in the 5th house and is aspected by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn placed in the 8th
house, mother's family will be long lived.
li ved. Two male and two female siblings will be there. Native will die
at the age of 24.

(24)ஐட மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  பய

லபமய ன  ய கம லபபக பகபட நப 
மரண  பக
 பக ஜக தடளமப .
(24) Moon is placed in the 5 th house and is aspected by the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed in the 9 th house
and by the 3rd and 10th lord Mars placed in the 11th house, at the age of 40 of the native mother will die. The
mother's share of property will come to the native.
ஐட மகரக  அமரம ய  ரட   அடம
மய ளஜம தரயபய பகப ம ஸன 
 ஜக ற
ஜக ற வர மரணமவளனப .

(25) Moon is placed in the 5th house and is conjoined with Sun and Rahu and aspected by the Lagna and
12th lord Saturn placed in the 8th house and in the house of mother Jupiter is placed, native will die in the
week in which he was born.

ஆறட மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  ம ஸனத
ன  லபபயன  வ பகப ளவ ம தசமன
ஜக உடன 
ஜக உடன மரணமவளனப 
மரணமவளனப .

(26) Moon is placed in the 6th house and the house of mother is aspected by the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter
placed in the 8th house and if the dasa of the minister of God is running, native will die immediately.
(27)ஆறட மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  ச  வ
பகப ம ஸன ளஜம தரயபய
இபர வய ஜக மரணமவளனப 
ஜக  மரணமவளனப .

(27) Moon is placed in the 6th house and is aspected by the debilitated Jupiter placed in the 12 th house, and
in the house of mother, Lagna and 12th lord Saturn is placed, at the age of 22, native will die.

ஆறட மகரக அமரம
(28) மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  ஒவ பரம
ம ஸனபயன  ர  உசன ச  ட   ப
ந  மரண.  வக ளபக  . ஆகளல 
மரணளமப .
(28) Moon is placed in the 6th house without the aspect of any planet, the 4 th house lord Venus is exalted
and joins debilitated Mercury in the 2nd house, native's mother will die in 10 days. In the family of mother,
female will progress. Male members will pass away.
ஆறட மகரக  வம ஏகன  ஸவர 
சய நர பகபட
நர பகபட யக க.  வக ட.
ஜக சம
ஜக சம யகன பளனப 
யகன பளனப .

(29) Moon is placed in the 6th house and is aspected by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn placed in own 12th
house, there will be separation in mother's family. Native will have normal fortunes.

ஆறட மகரக  அமரம ளஜம தரயபட  

ம ஸனத பயமய ய கமபய நகபட
ட  ஆர ளபக .  நப  வதர
களமப .
(30) Moon is placed in the 6 th house along with Lagna and 12th lord Saturn and the 4 th house of mother is
aspected by the 3 rd and 10th lord Mars placed in the 9th house, mother will have two
t wo brothers who will not
agree with the mother. Mother will be alive till the age of 43 of the native.
ஏழட மகரக  வம ஏகன  லன  கர
ளபற ன லபபய
ன லபபய பகபட  வக ஆர , ளப ஆ
ளப ஆ.
 இபர மரணமவளப .

(31) Moon is placed in the 7 th house and is aspected by the 2nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed in Lagna, mother's
family will be with two male and six female members. Mother will die when the native is of 22 years old.

ஏழட மகரக  அமரம ளஜம தரயபட 

  க. ஆறப  தச நல த 
வகனய மதமகளடப .
(32) Moon is placed in the 7th house and is joined by the Lagna and 12th lord Saturn, mother will be long
lived. In the dasa of the 6 th lord Moon, native will be bestowed with good education, name and fame and
will also get vehicle and will progress well.
ஏழட மகரக வம
(33) மகரக  வம ஏகன  தரயமதட உச 
ளசவய பகப ம ஸனத   , ச  நர 
பகப   இப வய மரணமவளப .

(33) Moon is placed in the 7th house and is aspected by the exalted Mars placed in the 12 th house and the
4th house of mother is directly aspected by Saturn and Mercury placed in the 10 th house, mother will die
when the native is of 27 years old.

ஏழட மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  அடம ஸன

ளபற ம ஸனபட  ர ,    ட  ஆர.
ளபர ஒவ ணப
ஒவ ணப , தலளயப .
(34) Moon is placed in the 7 th house and 4 th lord Venus is conjoined with Mercury and Sun in the 8 th
house, along with the mother there will be two male and two female siblings and of the two female one
will be of different character and will not progress.
ஏழட மகரக வம
(35) மகரக  வம ஏகன  ஸவர ம
ஸவர  ம
ஸனபதய ச  வ பகபட ஜக  ப வய
மரனமவளனப .

(35) Moon is placed in the 7th house and the own house placed 4 th lord Venus is aspected by the debilitated
 Jupiter from the 12th house, native will die at the age of 10.

எடட மகரக  வம ய கமபட  
ம ஸனத ளஜம தரயபய நகபட  வக
ஆர ளபளண.  
  ரதம ளயப .

(36) Moon is placed in the 8 th house and is joined with 3 rd and 10th lord Mars and the 4 th house is aspected
by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn mother's family will have two male and one female. Mother's father will
have five wives.

 Here the position of Saturn has not been given in the Tamil verse. It can be in the 2 nd house or the
8th house too.
எடட மகரக  அமரம பஙக  கவ  கச 
இவகட 
இவகட  ப வய 
வய  மரணமவளப .

(37) Moon is placed in the 8th house and is joined with Sun, Mercury and Jupiter within 10 years native's
mother will die.

எடட மகரக வம
(38) மகரக  வம ன லபபட 
ன  லபபட 
 ய
கமபய நர பகப
நர பகப ரகப தச ந உடன  
உடன  
மரணமவளனப .
(38) Moon is placed in the 8 th house along with the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter and is directly aspected by the
3rd and 10th lord Mars placed in the 2 nd house and if the 6th lord dasa is running, native's father will die
(39) எடடமகரக  அமரம ஏகன  ஒவ பரம
க பயபயன  ர  சம கர ளப ற ஙக
 மரண மமனக அவ எ
அவ எ வய அய ச மரணளமப .

(39) Moon is placed in the 8th house without the aspect of any planet and the 4 th and 9th lord Venus is
placed in the 10 th house, mother will die in the month of birth of the native. One uncle will be there. He
will die when the native is of 8 years old in a foreign country.

(40)எடட மகரக  வம கட   ம

ஸனமய பஞசம அடமபதய ன  லபபய நர 
பகபட மமனக.  இப மரணமவளப .
(40) Moon is placed in the 8th house along with Ketu and the 4th house placed 5 th and 8th lord Mercury is
aspected by the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed in the 10th house, one uncle will be there. Mother will die
when the native is of 26 years old.
(41)ஒபட மகரக  வம ஏகன  பஞசம
கணமய ன  லபபய பகபட  வக ஒப
 ர மறவகளல 
ர மறவகளல மரணளமப 
மரணளமப .

(41) Moon is placed in the 9 th house and is aspected by the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed in the 5 th trikona,
out of 9 siblings of the mother all but the mother of the native will die.

(42)ஒபட மகரக  அமரம ட  ,   ,  , க 

இநவட   ம ஸன ம ஐப வய 
மரணமவளப .
(42) Moon is placed in the 9th house along with Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Sun, and the 4 th house is
vacant, mother will die when the native is of 50 years old.
(43)ஒபட மகரக  அமரம ஏகன  ய
கமபயன  ச  ஜன பகபட இபள  மரண.
ஜக பர
ஜக பர மரணளமப .

(43) Moon is placed in the 9th house and is aspected by the 3 rd and 10th lord debilitated Mars from the 6th
house, mother will die when the native is of 28 years old. Native will die at the age of 32.

(44) ஒபட மகரக வம

மகரக வம ஏகன  ஒவ பரம
ம ஸன ம ஜக  ற அ 
ரகட வ. ஜக  ப வய ரக
மரணமவளனப .
(44) Moon is placed in the 9th house without the aspect of any planet and the 4 th house is also vacant,
mother will get disease on the day of birth of the native and will get cured. Native will die at the age of 13
due to disease.
ஒபட மகரக  அமரம ன  லபபட  
ஸவர  ளஜம தரயபய நகபட ப வய 
மரண. தய ளபறவ களமப 
ளபறவ களமப .

(45) Moon is placed in the 9 th house and is joined with 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter and is aspected by the Lagna
and 12th lord Saturn placed in the 12 th house, mother will die at the age of 10. Mother's mother will be long

(46)பட மகரக  வம ஏகன  ஒவ
பர யக.    ரர. ய ப
ட.  க. அய கல ஷ தடய மரணளமப .

(46) Moon is placed in the 10th house alone without any aspect, one mother. Mother's father will have two
wives. Due to mother there will be progress in the family. Mother will be long lived. In the last days
native will die due to poison.
பட மகரக  அமரம ளஜம தரயபட  
உச  வ சம கர ளபற மகன பகபட ஜக 
வரளம அடமவளனப .

(47) Moon is placed in the 10 th house along with the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn and is aspected by the 2 nd
and 11th lord Jupiter placed in the 6th house and by the 3 rd and 10th lord Mars placed in the 7 th house, native
will die in a week.

(48) பட மகரக அமரம

மகரக அமரம ன லபபட 
ன லபபட 
 ஒவ
பரம ம ஸனபயன  ர  கட  தரயம ளஜம
தரயபய நர பகப
நர பகப  வக க. ஆர.
 இப  மரணமவளப .
(48) Moon is placed in the 10th house along with the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter and the 4th lord Venus is with
Ketu in the 12th house and is aspected by the Lagna and 12 th lord Saturn placed in the 6th house mother's
family will be long lived. Two male siblings for the mother. Mother will die when the native is of 23 years
(49) பட மகரக  அமரம ஸவர  ய
கமபட   பஞசம அடமபயன    , லன  கர
ளப  அமஙகய கம வய மலன 
யகத யதடவளப .

(49) Moon is placed in the 10th house along with the 3 rd and 10th lord Mars and the 5th and 8th lord Mercury
is placed in Lagna Kendra, mother will be a widow and will live long and will be tactical and will attain
higher fortunes.

பட மகரக அமரம
(50) மகரக அமரம ன க
ன  க பய லபபகட 
 ஜக  அகர மதம மதடவ . நகவ
ஆ ஐ
ஆ ஐ வய மரணளமப .
(50) Moon is placed in the 10 th house along with the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter and 4th and 9th lord Venus
native will be with authority and will progress and attain higher
high er status. Fourth male will die at the age of
(51)பனரட மகரக  அமரம சமபட  
ஒவ பரம ம ஸன ம ட ஆ 
ட  ஆ 
 
களமப .

(51) Moon is placed in the 11th house along with the 7 th lord Sun and is
i s not aspected by any planet, and the
4  house is also vacant, along with the mother three male siblings. Mother will be long lived.

பனரட மகரக  வம ஏகன  ஸவர 

பஞசமபய பகபட  வக ந ,  ப மரண. 
மன கவதல தடயவ இபளப .
(52) Moon is placed in the 11 th house and is aspected by the own house placed 5 th and 8th lord Mercury,
there will be four siblings of the mother. Mother will die when the native is of 10 years old. Mother will
always be a worried woman.
பனரட மகரக  வம கட   பஞசம
கண ளபற ன  லபபய பகபட  க , ஜக 
இதம மரணளமப .

(53) Moon is placed in the 11th house along with Ketu and is aspected by the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed
in the 5th house mother will be long lived. Native will die at a young age.

(54) பனரட மகரக அமரம

மகரக  அமரம சமபட 
சமபட  ம
னத ளஜம லபபய ற பதவ பகபட
மமனக  பத வதர களமப .
(54) Moon is placed in the 11 th house along with the 7 th lord Sun and the 4 th house is aspected by the Lagna
and 12th lord Saturn, one uncle and the mother will be alive till the age of 35 of the native.
(55)பனரட மகரக  வம ஏகன  ம
ஸனத ய     பகபட பர வதர
களமப .

(55) Moon is placed in the 11th house and the 4th house is aspected by Sun and Mercury mother will be
alive till the age of 32 of the native.

பரடட மகரக  வம ஏகன  பஞசம
கண ளபற ய கமபய பகபட இ தச
கர லப
கர லப , ன லப
ன லப ,  லபளமளடப .

(56) Moon is placed in the 12 th house and is aspected by the 3 rd and 10th lord Mars placed in the 5 th house,
and in the dasa of Mars there will be marriage, financial gain and gain of land or property.
(57) பரடட மகரக வம
மகரக வம ரட 
ரட  ரக பய
ளபற   ஜவக பகபட  வக ஆர , ளப 
 , ளபக அபய
ளபக அபய ஆ மரணளமப .

(57) Moon is placed in the 12th house along with Rahu and is aspected by the 5 th and 8th lord Mercury placed
in the 6th house and by Mars from the 9 th house of Bhagya, mother will have two male and three female
siblings. Female siblings will not prosper and will die when the native is of 6 years old.

(58)பரடட மகரக  வம ஏகன  ம

ஸனத லன  கர ளபற யகமபய பகபட
 களமப .
(58) Moon is placed in the 12th house and the 4th house is aspected by the 3 rd and 10th lord Mars placed in
Lagna, mother will live long.
(59)பரடட மகரக  வம ஏகன  பஞசம
கண ளபற ம ஸனபட ர
ஸனபட ர ,  
  ன லபபய
ன லபபய
நர  பகபட மமனக . இபளப வதர 
களமப .

(59) Moon is placed in the 12th house the 4th house lord Venus placed in the 5th house along with Sun and
Mercury is aspected by the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed in the 11th house, one uncle. Mother will be living
till the age of 29 years of the native.

(60)பரடட மகரக  வம ஏகன  ரக

ஸனமய உச  வ நர  பகப ம ஸன
ம  க , ஜக  யகவன மதம
யதடவளனப .
(60) Moon is placed in the 12th house and is aspected by the 2 nd and 11th lord Jupiter placed in the 6th house
and the 4th house is vacant, mother will be long lived. Native will be fortunate and will attain greater
ஆக ல 11- 
 கர
ப ர 
ப  ர பல 
பல  
  .

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