Tarea 2 Ingles

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Homework 2

Student: María de los Ángeles

Barraza Rodríguez

First, classify each verb by using the regular and irregular table. Use the past tense.


1 Bring / Brought
2 Choose / Chose
3 Drink / Drank
4 Drive / Drove
5 Fly / Flew
6 Hit
7 Know / Knew
8 Make / Made
9 Speak / Spoke
10 Ride / Rode
11 Run / Ran
12 Write / Wrote


1 Arrive / Arrived
2 Ask /Asked
3 Carry /Carried
4 Copy / Copied
5 Cry / Cried
6 Enjoy / Enjoyed
7 Finish / Finished
8 Marry / Married
9 Need / Needed
10 Open / Opened
11 Play / Played
12 Receive / Received
13 Retire / Retired
14 Start / Started
15 Stop / Stoped
16 Talk / Talked
7 Try / Tried
18 Kick / Kicked
19 Want / Wanted
20 Watch / Watched

On Saturday, I saw a Tv show with my girlfriend. I really  enjoyed   the movie, but I

cried  a little at the end. After the movie, we ate dinner and.

I had a nice week last week. On Friday, I went shopping with my friend Daniel after
school. We got a lot of things, so we spend a lot of money.

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