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FEMS Microbiology Letters 206 (2002) 69^74

Copper and cadmium increase laccase activity in Pleurotus ostreatus

Petr Baldrian *, Jir­¨| Gabriel
Laboratory of Biochemistry of the Wood-rotting Fungi, Institute of Microbiology, ASCR, V|¨den­skä 1083, 14220 Prague 4, Czech Republic

Received 14 August 2001 ; received in revised form 26 October 2001; accepted 31 October 2001

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First published online 28 November 2001


Addition of copper (0.5^5 mM) or cadmium (1^5 mM) to the white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated in liquid nitrogen-limited
medium for 12 days increased the activity of laccase. The addition of 2 mM Cd led to an 18.5-fold increase of activity, 1 mM Cu increased
the activity eight-fold. When added earlier than 12 days, the activation of laccase was delayed (Cu) or decreased (Cd). Ag, Hg, Pb, Zn, and
H2 O2 decreased laccase activity. To study the effect on native enzymes, purified laccase was incubated with Cd, Cu, and Hg. The addition of
Hg decreased the activity of laccase immediately and reduced the temporal stability of the enzyme, while the addition of Cu (0.05^50 mM)
increased both enzyme activity and stability. Laccase extracted at different stages of straw colonisation differed in its response to heavy
metals. ß 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords : Biotechnology ; Heavy metal; Laccase; Manganese peroxidase; Pleurotus ostreatus

1. Introduction ported [5^7]. There is a range of compounds that regulate

laccase activity including aromatic substrates of the en-
Laccase (benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC zyme. Heavy metals are also an important group of en- is one of the blue copper oxidases which catalyse zyme activity modulators, which are present in the envi-
the four-electron reduction of oxygen to water. Laccase ronment either naturally (Cu) or as a result of human
has a broad substrate speci¢city towards aromatic com- activities (Cd, Hg, Pb). Heavy metals may pose a serious
pounds containing hydroxyl and amine groups. As a problem for in situ biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic
component of the lignin-degrading complex of the white hydrocarbons (PAHs) or polychlorinated biphenyls, since
rot fungi, laccase participates in the degradation of the sites often contain high concentrations of heavy metals
wood components. In the presence of redox mediators, [8]. Currently, positive regulation of laccase by copper
laccase can also oxidise non-phenolic substrates [1] and has been reported [9,10]. In our previous studies we re-
thus it is proposed for applications in degradation of ported the negative e¡ect of heavy metals on the growth
xenobiotics. of several wood-rotting fungi including P. ostreatus
Pleurotus ostreatus is a white rot basidiomycete whose [11]. The presence of Cd inhibited the decolorisation of
ligninolytic system consists of laccase and manganese per- the dye Poly R-478 and decreased the activity of Mn-per-
oxidase. Its ability to grow in soil and to compete with oxidase and laccase in Stereum hirsutum and Phanero-
indigenous micro£ora, as well as its excellent performance chaete chrysosporium [12]. However, the biodegradation
in biodegradation tests, made this fungus a model for the of PAHs by P. ostreatus in non-sterile soil was not signi¢-
degradation of xenobiotics. P. ostreatus produces several cantly a¡ected by Cd, and elevated concentrations of
laccase isoenzymes, which have been puri¢ed [2^4]. laccase were found in the presence of low concentrations
The regulation of laccase gene expression and enzyme of Cd [13].
production in response to culture conditions has been re- The aim of this work was to study the e¡ect of heavy
metals on the production of laccase by P. ostreatus
cultures and on the activity of the enzyme. The work fo-
cused on cadmium as an important industrial pollutant
* Corresponding author. Tel. : +420 (2) 475 2315;
and copper, the biogenic heavy metal that can play a
Fax: +420 (2) 475 2396. role in the modulation of laccase activity under natural
E-mail address : (P. Baldrian). conditions.
0378-1097 / 02 / $22.00 ß 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 1 0 9 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 5 1 9 - 5

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2. Materials and methods applied to a MonoQ anion exchange column (Pharmacia

LKB, HR 5/5) equilibrated with 20 mM phosphate bu¡er,
2.1. Organism and culture conditions pH 7.0. Proteins were eluted with a gradient from 0 to 0.5
M NaCl in 20 min at a £ow rate of 1 ml min31 . The
The wood-rotting basidiomycete P. ostreatus CCBAS- laccase-containing fractions were pooled, concentrated us-
477 was from the Culture Collection of Basidiomycetes ing ultra¢ltration and applied to a Superdex 75 column
(CCBAS, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences (Pharmacia LKB, HR 10/30). Elution was performed with
of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic). The fun- 20 mM phosphate bu¡er, pH 7.0 containing 0.15 M NaCl
gus was maintained on GC agar slants (per litre : 20 g at a £ow rate of 0.5 ml min31 . The laccase fractions were
glucose, 7 g corn steep, 25 g agar pH 6.0). Static cultiva- pooled, desalted on Sephadex G-25 and chromatographed
tions in the liquid mineral medium were performed in 250- once more using a MonoQ column under conditions de-
ml conical £asks containing 40 ml of nitrogen-limited me- scribed above. Resulting laccase-containing fractions were
dium [14]. Flasks were inoculated with two 7-mm agar pooled and checked for homogeneity using SDS^PAGE.

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plugs from the edge of an actively growing colony, pre- The concentrated laccase fractions were transferred to cit-
cultivated on the same medium (25 g l31 agar) for 8 days rate-phosphate bu¡er (pH 5.0) and used for enzyme as-
at 28³C. The liquid stationary cultivation proceeded at says.
28³C in the dark. At de¢ned times, the £asks were sup- The puri¢ed laccase was incubated in Cd(NO3 )2 ,
plemented with Cd(NO3 )2 , CuSO4 , AgNO3 , HgCl2 , CuSO4 , or HgCl2 solutions in citrate-phosphate bu¡er at
Pb(NO3 )2 , ZnSO4 , or H2 O2 . Five replicates of each treat- ¢nal concentrations of 0.01^50 mM and 0 mM at 20³C.
ment were used. The cultivation of P. ostreatus on natural Samples for enzyme assays were taken immediately after
substrate proceeded in 100-ml conical £asks containing 5 g mixing and then at di¡erent time intervals. Two replicates
air-dried milled wheat straw (particle size 2^8 mm). The were used for each combination.
straw was moistened with 15 ml distilled water (¢nal water
content 75%), stopped with cotton plugs, autoclaved 2.4. Enzyme assays
(2U121³C for 30 min) and inoculated with two agar plugs
with mycelium. The cultures were incubated at 28³C in the Laccase activity was measured by monitoring the oxi-
dark. dation of 2,2P-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic
acid in citrate-phosphate (100 mM citrate, 200 mM phos-
2.2. Sampling procedure and treatment of extracts phate) bu¡er (pH 5.0) [15]. Activity of manganese peroxi-
dase (MnP) was assayed according to Ngo and Lenho¡
Each sampling day, 500-Wl samples were removed from [16] in succinate-lactate bu¡er (100 mM, pH 4.5). All mea-
liquid cultures, ¢ltered and used for enzyme assays. At the surements were done in 10-mm quartz cuvettes using a
end of cultivation, cultures were ¢ltered and dry mass of UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Lambda 11, Perkin-Elmer)
mycelia estimated after drying at 105³C until constant and evaluated using UV-Winlab software from the same
weight. The straw cultures of P. ostreatus were incubated manufacturer. One unit of enzyme activity was de¢ned as
for 8, 22, and 28 days and after incubation, £asks were the amount catalysing the production of one Wmol of col-
supplemented with 40 ml of acetate bu¡er (80 mM, pH oured product per ml per min.
5.0). The straw was mixed with the bu¡er for 3 h at 4³C
with mixing. Extracts from ¢ve £asks were pooled and
¢ltered through Whatman paper ¢lter. The ¢ltrate was 3. Results
supplemented with an equal amount of Cd(NO3 )2 , CuSO4 ,
or HgCl2 solutions in the bu¡er to give a ¢nal concentra- 3.1. Activity of laccase in the presence of cadmium
tion range of 0.01^50 mM, incubated for 18 h at 28³C in
the dark and then used for enzyme assays. Two replicates The cultures of P. ostreatus growing in nitrogen-limited
were used for each combination. medium were supplemented with Cd(NO3 )2 to ¢nal con-
centrations of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, and 5 mM on day 12.
2.3. Enzyme puri¢cation During the ¢rst week of cultivation, only negligible
amounts of laccase ( 6 3 U ml31 ) were produced by the
The culture liquid from a 10-day culture of P. ostreatus fungus in control £asks. The activity began to increase
grown on nitrogen-limited medium was ¢ltered and con- rapidly after 10 days of cultivation. At Cd concentrations
centrated by ultra¢ltration. The concentrate was loaded up to 0.2 mM, there was no signi¢cant e¡ect of the metal
onto a DEAE-Sepharose column (Pharmacia LKB, HR on laccase activity. At higher Cd concentrations laccase
10/10) equilibrated with 20 mM phosphate bu¡er, pH activity increased compared to the control (Fig. 1). The
7.0. Proteins were eluted with a gradient from 0 to 1 M highest increase was apparent at 2 mM, where laccase
NaCl in 20 min at a £ow rate of 1 ml min31 . The laccase activity was 18.5-fold higher than in the control on day
fractions were pooled, desalted on Sephadex G-25 and 14; the increase of enzyme activity at 5 mM Cd was slow-

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P. Baldrian, J. Gabriel / FEMS Microbiology Letters 206 (2002) 69^74 71

tration in the unsupplemented medium was 0.4 WM). The

addition of Cu led to an increase of laccase activity, how-
ever at Cu concentration 0.2 M, the increase was not sig-
ni¢cant. The maximum di¡erence between the control and
metal-supplemented £asks was detected later than with
Cd, on day 19 (Fig. 2). The highest increase was recorded
at 1 mM Cu, where the peak activity was eight times high-
er than in control £asks; at 0.5 and 5 mM, the increase
was 4.7- and 3.7-fold, respectively. The addition of copper
resulted in slower mycelial growth: at 9 days after metal
addition, the dry weight of control mycelia increased by
3.1 mg ml31 , whereas it was only 1.2^1.6 mg ml31 at 0.5^5
mM Cu.

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Fig. 1. Time course of laccase activity during the growth of P. ostreatus The addition of Cu led to an increase of laccase activity
in nitrogen-limited medium containing 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 mM cadmi- independent of the time of addition. However, when Cu
um (¢nal concentration). Cd was added to growing cultures on day 12. was added during the ¢rst days of growth, the increase of
Averages of ¢ve replicates and S.E.M. are shown.
laccase activity was not immediate ^ after Cu addition on
day 3, the activity began to increase around day 9, when
er. The di¡erences in laccase activities decreased with the growth of the cultures began to decelerate. Unlike
time ; however, they were still signi¢cant 9 days after metal cadmium, after Cu addition the elevated laccase activity
addition. The addition of Cd decreased the growth rate of lasted for the duration of cultivation (30 days).
the mycelium. At the end of the experiment, the dry mass
of mycelium in 1 mM Cd was only about 50% of the 3.3. Activity of laccase in the presence of other heavy
control value. metals and H2 O2
The e¡ect of metal addition was di¡erent, when cadmi-
um was added to cultures at di¡erent stages of fungal The increase of laccase activity after the addition of Cd
growth (¢nal concentration 2 mM). When added before and Cu led us to question the e¡ect of other heavy metals
inoculation, and on day 4 or 7, laccase activity in Cd- on the activity of this enzyme. Since the toxic e¡ect of
treated replicates was lower compared to the control, both Cd and Cu is connected with the induction of oxi-
although there was also a slow increase of enzyme activity dative stress, the e¡ect of hydrogen peroxide on laccase
after day 10. It has to be noted that the growth of the production was followed as well. The fungal cultures were
fungus ceased when cadmium was added during the ¢rst supplemented with AgNO3 , HgCl2 , Pb(NO3 )2 and ZnSO4
days of growth: after 30 days of cultivation, the dry on day 12 to a ¢nal concentration of 1 mM, H2 O2 was
weight of mycelia from such treatments was less than 0.6 added to a ¢nal concentration of 0.5 M. On the day of
mg ml31 , whereas in control £asks the dry weight was metal addition, the activity of laccase was 8 U ml31 . In all
higher than 5.1 mg ml31 . Later addition of Cd (on days combinations, the addition of these metals and H2 O2 led
11^25) led to an increase of the enzyme activity. to the decrease of laccase activity within 3 days (Table 1),
and the inhibition lasted until the end of cultivation (day
3.2. Activity of laccase in the presence of copper

The cultures of P. ostreatus growing on nitrogen-limited

medium were supplemented with CuSO4 to ¢nal concen-
trations of 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 5 mM on day 12 (Cu concen-

Table 1
Activity of P. ostreatus laccase in the presence of 1 mM AgNO3 , HgCl2 ,
Pb(NO3 )2 , ZnSO4 , or 0.5 mM H2 O2
Treatment Activity (U ml31 )
Control 8.37 þ 1.48
Ag 0.26 þ 0.24
Hg 0.05 þ 0.10
Pb 2.00 þ 0.45
Zn 4.96 þ 3.15
H2 O 2 5.31 þ 0.97
Fig. 2. Time course of laccase activity during the growth of P. ostreatus
The metal salts and hydrogen peroxide were added to the growing fun- in nitrogen-limited medium containing 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 mM copper
gal cultures on day 12 and the enzyme activities were estimated on day (¢nal concentration). Cu was added to growing cultures on day 12.
15. Averages of ¢ve replicates and S.E.M. are shown. Averages of ¢ve replicates and S.E.M. are shown.

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72 P. Baldrian, J. Gabriel / FEMS Microbiology Letters 206 (2002) 69^74

Table 2
Activity of puri¢ed P. ostreatus laccase incubated with Hg, Cd, and Cu
Treatment Activity (U ml31 ) Activity (%)
0 1h 1 day 7 days after 7 days
Control 18.4 þ 0.5 15.5 þ 1.2 8.9 þ 0.7 4.9 þ 1.0 27

Cd 0.05 mM 19.6 þ 0.7 16.3 þ 1.0 9.7 þ 0.0 5.6 þ 1.5 29

1.00 mM 20.3 þ 0.7 17.2 þ 0.7 9.7 þ 0.0 4.9 þ 1.5 24
50.00 mM 18.2 þ 1.7 16.0 þ 0.5 7.3 þ 1.5 4.3 þ 0.7 24

Cu 0.05 mM 20.5 þ 1.5 17.0 þ 0.5 10.6 þ 0.7 5.9 þ 2.0 29

1.00 mM 19.8 þ 1.5 16.7 þ 1.5 9.9 þ 0.3 6.3 þ 0.5 32
50.00 mM 21.7 þ 2.2 17.0 þ 1.5 12.5 þ 1.0 9.4 þ 0.0 43

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Hg 0.05 mM 15.5 þ 0.3 10.2 þ 0.3 3.0 þ 0.3 1.6 þ 0.3 10
1.00 mM 4.2 þ 0.0 3.1 þ 0.0 0.5 þ 0.3 0.0 þ 0.0 0
50.00 mM 0.0 þ 0.0 0.0 þ 0.0 0.0 þ 0.0 0.0 þ 0.0 0
Averages of two replicates and S.E.M. are shown

21). The addition of Ag and Hg almost led to the disap- duced to 50% and at 0.1^0.5 mM Hg, the extract showed
pearance of enzyme activity. These two metals also imme- only 10% laccase activity compared to the control. The
diately stopped the growth of the fungus. The addition of extract from 8-day-old culture was the most sensitive. In
Pb resulted in a substantial decrease of laccase activity, the case of cadmium, metal addition did not a¡ect the
whereas the growth of the fungus was una¡ected. The enzyme activity at concentrations up to 10 mM. After
addition of Zn and H2 O2 led to faster growth of the fun- incubation with copper the metal-supplemented extracts
gus, but the activity of laccase was decreased. exhibited in general higher laccase activity than the control
(Fig. 3). Signi¢cant di¡erences were found between the
3.4. E¡ect of Cd, Cu and Hg on produced extracellular extracts from cultures of di¡erent ages. In the extract
laccase from 8-day-old culture, elevated laccase activity was found
only with 0.5^10 mM Cu. Maximum activity was found at
Since the experiments with liquid cultures showed tem- 10 mM Cu where it was 40% higher than in the control. In
poral di¡erences in the response to metals, extracts from extracts from 22- and 28-day-old cultures, laccase activity
straw cultures at di¡erent growth stages were used: the was higher than the control at all Cu concentrations.
early stage of straw colonisation (day 8), the day of com- Highest activities were recorded in extracts containing
plete substrate colonisation (day 22), and the stage of the 1 mM Cu, where the activity after incubation was 3.2-
fastest straw degradation (day 28). Addition of mercury to fold (22 days) or 6.9-fold (28 days) compared to respective
the extracts led to a decrease in laccase activity even at low controls.
concentrations. At 0.05^0.1 mM Hg, the activity was re- To assess the e¡ect of metals on laccase produced by P.
ostreatus, the puri¢ed enzyme was incubated with di¡erent
concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Hg. The metals in£uenced
the activity of laccase immediately (Table 2). The addition
of mercury at more than 0.01 mM strongly decreased the
activity of laccase as well as its temporal stability. At more
than 0.1 mM Hg, no laccase activity was detected after 7
days of incubation. Both Cd and Cu moderately increased
the enzyme activity. The stability of laccase was increased
in the presence of 0.5^50.0 mM Cu. During 7 days, the
activity of laccase decreased by 55^68% in the presence of
copper, while the control lost 73% of its activity.

4. Discussion

Fig. 3. Activity of laccase in the extracts from P. ostreatus cultures

Di¡erent compounds in£uence the stability of lignino-
grown on wheat straw for 8, 22, and 28 days, after 18-h incubation in
the presence of 0.01^50 mM Cu. Laccase activity in controls : 158.44 U
lytic enzymes in the extracellular environment. Inactiva-
ml31 (day 8), 9.32 U ml31 (day 22), and 5.36 U ml31 (day 28). Aver- tion of MnP was observed due to the presence of hydro-
ages of two replicates are shown. gen peroxide in the culture liquid [17]. Also the metals

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present in the environment in£uence the stability of se- ation processes, also other e¡ects of heavy metals should
creted enzymes ^ a protective role of Mn2‡ was proposed be taken into consideration, including the inhibition of
[18], as well as the thermal stabilisation of MnP by Cd2‡ fungal growth [22] or substrate colonisation [13]. However,
and Ca2‡ [19]. The induction of laccase by copper has the activation and stabilisation of produced laccase by
already been documented in P. ostreatus [20]. The authors copper seems to be useful in biotechnological applications
cultivated the fungus in nutrient-rich medium supple- using immobilised enzyme or other laccase-based prepara-
mented with 150 WM CuSO4 at the time of inoculation. tions.
Here we report the induction of laccase by copper when
added to the fungus growing on nitrogen-limited medium,
which better re£ects the nutrient availability under natural Acknowledgements
conditions. This is the ¢rst report of induction of laccase
by cadmium, a non-essential heavy metal. The induction This study was supported by the Grant Agency of the
only occurs when cadmium is added during the later stages Czech Republic (204/99/1528) and by Institutional Re-

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