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Nombre: Victoria Zurita Fecha: 18/10/21

Código: 00321715

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Chapters 16-20

1) After working at Hogwarts for a while and having a discussion with the
Minister, Educational Decree Number Twenty-three was passed, giving
Umbridge greater power by being appointed as the first "Grand Inquisitor of
Hogwarts". She used this power to evaluate, harass, and fire Hogwarts teachers
who were deemed unsatisfactory by her or the Ministry. To fight the fact that
Umbridge did not want to teach defensive magic and only teach theory, Harry
formed a group to teach practical defense against the Dark Arts. However,
Umbridge began to suspect that something was happening and abolished all
student groups of three or more members, that is, students were not allowed
to be seen together in a greater number of three because they could be
punished. This also included Quidditch teams. She allowed the activities if and
only if they asked her permission, which meant that Dumbledore's Army
became an illegal organization. I think Howgart's teachers felt a kind of hatred
and helplessness, since Umbridge was a "dictator" because everything had to
be done as she said and the teachers could do nothing to prevent it.
2) There has always been a great enmity between the different houses, but the
biggest rivalry is between the Slytherin house and Griffindor, we can notice this
between Harry and Draco since they always want to be better than the other,
we can see it in Quidditch. games, but since there are different examples, in
these chapters we see that Dumbledore's army is formed, we can see that
there are students from different houses, but we do not see any of Slytherin,
perhaps they were not invited because they are considered people who are not
trusted, but the Slytherins begin to investigate what they are doing to betray
them with Umbridge and punish them to defeat Harry.

3) Dumbledore's Army was a secret organisation that was founded by Harry

Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley to teach students proper Defence
Against the Dark Arts. Harry had the responsibility of teaching its members.
This organisation was established because of the refusal of Dolores Umbridge
to teach anything in her classes other than textbook theory. They meet at the
Room of Requirement, that was a secret room that only appears when a person
is in great need of it. I think Harry felt happy to be able to teach the other
students, but also afraid of being discovered since by doing this he was
challenging Dolores Umbridge, but it was all for a good cause, to be prepared
for when Lord Voldemort arrives. During the first session, Cho Chang created
the name Defence Association, but Ginny Weasley suggested to make the
letters DA stand for Dumbledore's Army, to frighten the Ministry officials, since
they were frightened that Dumbledore was creating an army to take over the

4) When Albus Dumbledore learned of Lord Voldemort's return, he sent Hagrid

and Madame Maxime to the giants colony, to convince them to join them in
fighting Lord Voldemort. Hagrid and Olympe deliver two gifts to the Gurg, the
boss of the Giants, but then another giant kills the Gurg and takes his place.
Hagrid and Olympe discover that the Death Eaters are giving the new Gurg gifts
to team up with Voldemort. Later Hagrid found other giants who did not like
the new Gurg and left them Dumbledore's message, but none claimed that
they would go fight Voldemort. So, we could not say that he was successful in
that mission since none of the giants told them that they would fight with
them, but since they did not like the new Gurg it would be possible that in the
end they decided to fight with them to get rid of the new Gurg.

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