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Task 1 - English Level Test

Yanci Karine Betancourt Guevara

Tutor: Milly Andrea Muñoz

Group: 518011_8

English VI
Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia UNAD
20 February 2022
Table of contents
Link URL ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Screenshot Twitter ........................................................................................................................ 3
Screenshot Speech ..................................................................................................................... 3
paragraph Essay ............................................................................................................................ 4
References ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Link URL:

2. Screenshot of your Twitter sharing results:

3. Screenshot of your Speech Test (Results and color-coded sentences)

4. 5-paragraph Essay

My english experience

We see the possibility of learning a language and many times we look for different
ways to do it, my experience is not the exception, however in the attempts to learn a
second language we are involved in wanting to leave the country or perhaps look for
better job opportunities., rather a better future, but the mistake that many make is
wanting to learn the language without feeling love for what they do, in my case
deciding to learn it is thanks to the fact that I have always wanted to do it.

For me learning English has really been something I have always wanted, however I
have learned to have discipline and although I still do not speak the language, I am
in the process of doing so, for me it is a personal challenge to be able to learn not
only English but more languages In addition to being able to travel and be able to
have opportunities in other countries.

In my learning stage it has been difficult to be able to organize myself, since with
work, study and other activities I did not have much time to dedicate myself only to
studying English, but I have always been able to get ahead with my learning, today I
am totally dedicated to doing it and I feel that little by little I am evolving.

I am more and more sure that learning English is an opportunity that I really do not
want to miss, and that it helps me to try to have a better lifestyle, however there are
some things that have made it difficult for me but so far I have been able to get
Discovering this language and knowing that I can learn it is a motivation, I think
that my career is the best option, I also believe that when you really like something,
you try to do it better every day and that is what I feel that every day I must study
more and have more discipline to be able to learn much more.


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