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INSTRUCTOR: Aldrin Bianzon Manalo, MAEd



Read the ULS Philosophy of education, vision, mission and core values and explain each. Use the
provided answer sheet if you chose correspodence-based learning. (20 points)


 The vision of the ULS, Inc. is that it forms RECONCILERS “so that they may have life, and have it to the
full.” (John 10:10).The phrase "it forms reconcilers" refers to living a life of prayer, penance, and zeal that
constantly renews our connections with God, others, and the rest of creation. The line "so that they may
have life, and have it to the full" on the other hand suggests something more substantial than mere wealth
and success. It is about having a heavenly perspective, which leads to greater trust and knowledge of
God. In other words, ULS vision presents the idea that learners must learn to embrace the idea of
reconciliation and allow themselves to lead a life with God.


 The mission of the ULS is to provide accessible, quality, and transformative education for integral human
development particularly the poor.To put it another way, this means that students, regardless of their
social standing, can still access an education that gives all of its learners the skills they need to improve
personal well-being and empowers them to view the social world in a unique and ethical way, enabling
them to challenge and alter the status quo as agents of change.


 Students need to learn core values in schools since this is the time when they are taking their first steps in
life, and it is crucial that they do this correctly. Their attitudes, views, and thoughts are shaped by these
principles, which also enable them to become morally upright and unyielding persons. In this sense, the
concepts of faith, reconciliation, integrity, excellence, and solidarity (FRIES) are central to the ULS
fundamental principles. Faith, which is represented by the letter F, denotes complete surrender to God's
call to holiness and his will. R stands for reconciliation, which denotes a life of prayer, penance, and
zealousness that continuously renews our relationships with God, others, and the rest of creation.I stands
for integrity, and i believe that it is the courage and determination to live and to die for Salettinian ideals.
Excellence on the other hand is about upholding the highest standard of quality education and
professionalism in the areas of instruction, research and extension. And lastly, solidarity which is
symbolized by the letter s is the commitment to building a community anchored on mutual trust,
confidence, teamwork, unity and respect for the dignity of the human person and creation.


 The La Salette philosophy of education revolves around the idea that education is a transformative
process towards the fullness of being, inspired by the message of reconciliation, as lived and experienced
by the community through the integration of Filipino cultural and University core values rooted in Jesus
Christ. In other words, the school looks forward that the students become future Christian Leaders in the
society who are God loving and concerned citizens laden with Christian and La Salettian values centered
on the message of reconciliation. Ultimately, it aims to develop the self to the fullest and serve other with
Christian love in an excellent way.


Create your "Reaching my Ambition Plan." Do it in a short bond paper. Be as creative as possible.
Please check the given rubric below for your reference.

Your plan must include your Philosophy in life, your visions, your missions, and the values which will
help you attain your ambitions in life. (50 points)

My vision - I want to have a career/life that includes constant learning and improvement for myself, but that
also creates an atmosphere of pleasurable learning and improvement for others. I want to work with and
around people, and it is important to me that they like me; but it is even more important to me that they feel that
I have helped them in some way – not necessarily that I do a specific good deed, but more that some kindness
or thoughtfulness or wisdom of mine has touched them.

My mission - To live each moment to the fullest by having a positive attitude, a smile and a genuine enjoyment
for life, while giving everything I have to love the people and environment around me and make it a better

Core values - my values revolve around the idea of Humility, Compassion, Honesty, Kindness, Integrity,
Selflessness, Determination

Philosophy in life - My philosophy on life is that you should live while you are alive and you should give others
that same privilege. We shouldn’t judge people for the choices they make, because we all make bad decisions.
You should do what you want with your life, as long as it makes you happy and causes no harm to others.
Happiness is all we can hope for in this world and we have to strive to achieve it. We should help people when
we can and graciously accept failures when we have to.

Why is there a need to have an ambition in life guided by values? (10 points)

People like to set ambitions in life. Achieving them is far more challenging. When we believe we are at a
dead end or that we are not moving forward quickly enough, it can be challenging to keep working toward a
goal. When this occurs, we have a few options: 1) abandon the goal ("It wasn't that important to me anyway"),
2) blame ourselves for not being strong enough ("If only I had more willpower, I could lose weight or quit
smoking"), 3) blame others ("All the men in my age group only want to date younger women"), or 4) consider
taking a step back and reflecting on our values and what is important to us. Consider an alternate definition of
success: living in accordance with your beliefs, which you may accomplish at any time. We frequently define
success in terms of goals attained.

When we think about how we want to live our life, we are focusing on values. Values are like a compass that
keeps us headed in a desired direction and are distinct from goals. Goals are the specific ways you intend to
execute your values. A goal is something that we aim for and check off once we have accomplished it. Being
responsible is a value. Owning a home is a goal. You can engage in responsible behavior each day that may
lead to achieving your goal and continue to live that value even after you have achieved the goal.

Consider looking at your life through a camera lens; sometimes we might become too "zoomed in" on our
objectives and whether or not we are accomplishing them. This can frequently lead to feelings of guilt,
humiliation, overwhelm, hopelessness, or self-criticism. Understanding and connecting with your values is
similar to "zooming out" to understand the big picture-that we are more than our ambitions. We must be able to
zoom out and observe the entire landscape (act in accordance with our broad ideals on a daily basis) as well
as zoom in on the finer features of a single flower (continue to seek and analyze our goals)—there is beauty
and strength in both.



Interview 3 individuals, maybe persona! or online, of their views about the meaning of literature and its
importance, purpose, and function. For correspondence-based learning, use the provided answer


What is Literature? -literature for me is -My definition of -Literature is the
every text that can literature is any book written word that has
make me see that tells a story that a deep, lasting effect
pictures, hear voices, resonates emotion on those who read it.
smell scents and and a feel for the It is typically rich with
fragrances, and feel authors subject symbolism, themes,
emotions, not only matter and time. and high
from our world but artistic/aesthetic
even from an quality.
imaginary one.
What is the -Literature is one of -literature is a form of -Literature help
Importance of the bases of our art! And art is learners to use their
Literature? culture and something that we imagination, enhance
knowledge. use to express their empathy for
ourselves. others and lead them
to develop their own
What is the Purpose -literature stores -Literature, in my -Literature enables
of Literature? knowledge for future view, is about sharing people their
use experience. culture,beliefs and
customs including
other people’s culture
and appreciate them.


Compare and contrast the result of your interview from the given lecture about the meaning of
literature and its importance and purpose. Is there really a need for us to know all about these? Defend
your answer. For correspondence-based learning, use the provided answer sheet.

I've noticed that the interview's findings are relatively consistent with the literature lectures that were
presented. According to what I've been able to understand about the interview and the lecture, the subject
literature broadens our perspectives.

Literature is a priceless component of our cultural history that anybody can readily access and use to their
advantage to improve their life in a variety of ways. This also has the power to open our minds and expand our
limited perspectives on life, allowing us to experience and live the lives of other communities of people at
various times. In order to provide us with a thorough knowledge of our society, history, and an accurate
perspective of our own lives, it forces our brain to work both emotionally and intellectually. You can see things
that you haven't seen or were not present for in a very genuine way. Our lives are enriched by literature in
various ways.

In conclusion, there is a definite need to study literature since it gives people who do so a window through
which to view the outside world via the lenses of many literary genres. It helps you comprehend the
characteristics of every community and culture, together with their historical background. It functions as a
conduit for new and exciting experiences. Through reading, one may also build good interpersonal skills. The
advantages that this literature offers are sufficient in and of themselves to recognize its significance.


Poster Making: Recall a story told by your parents or grandparents that speak about Filipino Culture.
Write a summary of it and create a poster that illustrates the Filipino culture reflected in the story. For
correspondence based learning, use the provided answer sheet for you. See the rubrics below for your

In the past the Ifugao were feared head-hunters, just as other tribes in the mountainous regions of
northern Luzon. Their war-dance (the bangibang) is one of the cultural remnants of the time of tribal conflict.
This dance is traditionally held on the walls of the rice terraces by the men, equipped with spears, axes and
wooden shields and a headdress made of leaves.


Directions: For correspondence-based learning, use the provided answer sheet. React to this
statement: Literature and History are Inseparable.

Since the beginning, history and literature have been intertwined. To impart knowledge or lessons about
their history to the next generation, real-life occurrences were told/written as stories. Sometimes these stories
exaggerated the reality in an effort to amuse or provoke more thought in the audience. The primary distinction
between history and literature is that whereas literature seeks to imaginatively interpret historical or daily
occurrences, history seeks to record events as precisely as possible. History not only provides access to the
past, but it also offers clues about the present and the future. Every era has unique individuals, and distinct
stages in our ever-evolving civilization. On the other hand, through literature, one may travel through time and
learn about life on Earth from those who came before us. We may learn more about different cultures and
develop a deeper appreciation for them. We get knowledge via the methods used to record history, including
manuscripts and verbal communication. In conclusion, literature and history are inseparable because without
the timestamp that literature offers, we as a species would not be able to understand the history as it has



Summarize the Legends of Magat River, Maria Makiling, and Mayon Volcano using a story map. Use the
provided answer sheets. (40 points each story map).

TITLE: The Legend of Magat River

AUTHOR: Rene O. Villanueva

CHARACTERS: Magat (A tall, handsome and fast-hunter), Maiden (s short-lived wife of Magat)

PROBLEM: When Magat went to see his wife at noon even though he promised not to.

HOW THE CHARACTER TRIED TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM: Magat broke his promise, at noon he went to
see his wife but instead he saw a crocodile lying into his wife’s bed.

SOLUTION: Magat buried his dead wife in front of his yard, he was filled with so much despair that he drowned
himself in the river.

TITLE: The Legend of Maria Makiling

AUTHOR: Jose Rizal

CHARACTERS: Maria Makiling, Farmer’s son, Neighbor’s daughter, Mother and Father

PROBLEM: War, terrible war came within the land and every eligible male was called to arms. The farmer and
his wife would not allow their only son to perish in such a war. Plague by fear and desperation, the couple
made an irresponsible move.

HOW THE CHARACTER TRIED TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM: With the help of the local medicine man, they
made their son sleep with a neighbor’s daughter. The act was discovered, and by traditional law the two must
be wed in the soonest possible time.

SOLUTION: On the day of the wedding, before the sun had risen, the young man climbed the mountain and
went into Maria’s hut. There he found the beautiful nymph sleeping. Such sight crushed the young’s heart for
he knows that it would be the last. He woke up Maria from her slumber and he received a kissed from it. He
can see in her eyes the bliss of the moment but tears not of joy but of sadness flowed from his eyes. Maria,
confused about the matter and asked the boy. With a heavy heart, the boy told Maria everything that had
happened, silence then followed. The boy stood up and gave Maria a final kiss in her forehead and said that he
will always love her.

TITLE: The Legend of Mayon Volcano

AUTHOR: Bienvenido Santos,

CHARACTERS: Daragang Magayon, Panganoron, Pagtuga, Rajah Makusog, Linog

PROBLEM: Pagtuga was so determined to win Magayon to the point wherein he kidnapped her father to force
her into marriage. Their eventual war caused the lovers' death.

HOW THE CHARACTER TRIED TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM: The volcano, now called Mayon, would
sometimes have a misty tip, hiding Panganoron's kisses with Magayon. Sometimes water from rain would pour
down its sides, showing Panganoron crying for his lost love.

SOLUTION: Panganoron found out about the other upcoming wedding and hurried to rescue his bride. A battle
ensued, and the lovers were both killed.


For correspondence-based Learning: Choose one legend from above. Make a brochure that contains
pictures of the people, culture, traditions, and beliefs drawn from the legend. Use a short bond paper
and label all the images. Attach your output in the answer sheets. Check the Rubrics below for your
reference. (40 points)

Direction: Explain briefly but substantially. Use the answer sheet in "L3 Reflection Forum" for your
answer. For correspondence-based learning, use the provided answer sheet. (10 points)

Is legend an important part of our culture? Why?

The reason why we should maintain legends is primarily because they are a part of our history and culture
and must be kept in order for us to fully comprehend our past. However,legends are not only important when
understanding our past, they also play a part in our present. Legends establish a strong, personal connection
between ourselves and our ancestors that transcends time and location. We may see into the minds and
actions of our ancestors' daily lives by reading or listening to these legends. We can see that they shared
many of our current worries, desires, and demands. Stories of unrequited love, envious spouses, and women
setting off to find themselves show that we are not all that different from our ancestors. These stories help us
better grasp things and give history a more concrete form. Currently, humanity may have made significant
advancements in science, technology, and medicine, but at our heart, we are the same as we were before,
with all of the same human emotions and issues.



Elements of a short story

Fill in the crossword puzzle by identifying the word described in each sentence. Match the number
of the question to the boxes placed across or down the grid. Use the answer sheet. (20 points)



Answer the given questions. Limit your answers in one paragraph with 5 to 7 sentences only. Use
the provided answer sheet. (30 points)

1) Comment on the nature of the relationship between Awiyao and Lumnay as "temporary
couple." As member of the tribe, they must have a child to seal their marriage, otherwise, both of
them will go back to the "wedding dance" to find another mate. Is this sensible? How did Lumnay
and Awiyao accept their fate? (10 points)

The story has a two-pronged theme. On the one hand the expectations of a society that is firmly
rooted in cultural and traditional values, and on the other is the unshakable loving relationship between
Awiyao and Lumnay. Both Awiyao and Lumnay think the system is flawed but the way they approached
the struggle against the system was different, though. Awiyao yielded to the expectations of the culture he
lives in. Lumnay at least tried when she attempted to approach the wedding dance and confront the chief.
But she didn't do it; she'd rather be alone than be with any other man. For me, the unwritten rule on the
tribe is not sensible in the sense that the relationship between two suffers just because it struggles to
uphold the unwritten rules set forth by their tribe.

2) If you were the husband in the story of the Wedding Dance, would you do the same? Why? (10

No, because you shouldn't even consider leaving your wife if you truly loved her. Perhaps it's for the
best that she can't have children with you if your love for her is reliant on her ability to conceive. Everyone,
including you, is imperfect. Divorcing your spouse under circumstances they have no control over is
disgraceful. It would be the action of a selfish, self-centered man.

3) If you were the First wife in the story, would you fight for love and end the unwritten law?
Why? (10 points)

Maybe yes or no. Love takes effort and it takes two hands to clap. If there is a light at the end of the
tunnel, then I would fight for it no matter what. However, if you love someone, and it’s a one-sided affair, I’d
say you let them go. If you are not what’s going to make the other person happy, then it becomes selfish of
you to try to stand in the way of their happiness. Bottom line, I think if you love someone, you acknowledge
their right to pursue what they truly want, whether that’s you, another person, or the career of their dreams.

Create a 5-minute video presentation that focuses on "Being the True You". As to correspondence-
based, submit it in flash drive or CD. (40 points)


Write a letter to your parents or guardians expressing your love and gratitude. Use a short bond paper
for your letter. After writing, fold the paper to form a boat. Give the paper boat to your parents or
guardians. Video the unfolding and responding of your parents or guardians to your letter. (50 points)


Dear Mom and Dad,

I can't express how grateful I am to the two of you in words. I am genuinely grateful, even though I don't always
express it. Going away to college and being by myself has helped me understand how much you both mean to
me. You have both taught me so much.Thank you for your endless amounts of love, even when I probably
don't deserve it.

Thank you for all your support, no matter what.

Thank you for knocking some sense into me when I'm acting rash.

Thank you for the meals, the birthday parties, and everything in between.

Thank you for all the advice, even when I don't take it. You guys are always right.

Thank you for the calls and texts when you worry about my safety.

Thank you for making me so happy.

Thank you for working so, so, so hard to be able to send me to college. That means the absolute world to me,
and for that, I will never be able to repay you.

Thank you for giving me the life every child deserves, and being such wonderful parents. When I have children,
I want to be just like you.

Thank you for always being there for me. Without the two of you, I don't know where I would be. I realize I do
not thank you enough for everything. And for that, I apologize. If I have learned anything while being away from
you, it is that you are the most important people in my life, and I love you both more than anything.

So, mom and dad... Thank you. For everything. I promise I will work hard to make you proud.

Your loving son,



Explain the question briefly but substantially. (10 points) Do you love to read stories of the olden
times? Why or why not?

Human intellect and communication rely heavily on stories. We communicate with people via tales, and
storytelling is much more than simply reciting facts and happenings. We are naturally drawn to stories as
humans because we see ourselves mirrored in them. We inevitably improve our interpretations of tales and
ourselves. However, we now live in a fast-paced digital age in which information, thoughts, and ideas
constantly overwhelm us from all sides. Do people still likes to read about stories from the olden times
anymore? Personally, I still enjoy reading stories of the olden times because it transcend generations. They
create connections with others. It is through these stories that we experience rich emotions and feelings of joy,
sorrow, hardships, and failures. It also help us appreciate cultures of people and their viewpoints at a certain
time.In their most basic form, these stories from olden times teach us the difference between right and wrong,
how to behave properly among people in public and private, and the repercussions of behaving otherwise.



1. Identify the traditions or practices of Cordillerans reflected in the epic of Hud-Hud. (10 points)

The Ifugao people sing narrative chants known as the Hudhud as a component of their cultural heritage. It
is utilized at rituals, harvest, rice planting, and wakes for the deceased. Each of the 40 episodes that make up
the Hudhud's collection of more than 200 chants is assumed to have been written before the seventh century.
A comprehensive recitation may last for several days.

2. What aspects of life were revealed in the selection? (10 points)

Works of writing associated with the Philippines from prehistory through the colonial era and up to the
present are referred to as "Philippine literature." What can be regarded as pre-Hispanic Philippine literature are
epics that were initially transmitted orally. Richer families, especially in Mindanao, were able to save
transcriptions of these masterpieces as sentimental mementos. 


Deduce the moral values from the given epics. (30 points)


1. Learn to become forgiving

2. Be a loving person
3. Nationalism patriotism
4. Harmony
5. Being respectful


1. Listen to your parents advice.

2. Love your parents.
3. Love your God above all
4. Do not take yourself off the right road.
5. Do not succumb to the temptation, as that would lead to disaster and failure.


1. Being a good leader

2. Love your country
3. Courageous
4. Heroism
5. Determination


Now that you have seen the great qualities of the different heroes from the 3 given epics. Write a
descriptive essay that talks about a heroic character and decide what societal problem it will solve. (30

What distinguishes heroic deeds from ordinary people's lives? Acts of heroism can be performed by their
favorite athlete or performer. However, they may be family relations to some. Each heroic deed in society faces
significant hurdles, yet the hero never gives up. Furthermore, heroic deeds serve a variety of functions in our
society. Acts of heroism are a source of inspiration and reference for others, but they require particular
characteristics such as courage and selflessness.

Heroism represent society's greatest moral standards. Throughout history, heroes have embodied civilization's
moral values. Observers typically identify with the courage displayed by heroes. A hero is defined by his or her
reluctance to take the easy way out and the ability to act in the face of fear. In the middle of a crisis, everyone
aspires to behave in this manner. As shown in literature and in real life, humanity requires heroes to serve as
an inspirational role model, an escape from the commonplace, and a moral guidance. Heroes are essential in
today's culture because people look forward to them as inspirational role models. Firefighters, police officers,
and soldiers, for example, make daily sacrifices to safeguard residents and the country. Firefighters put their
lives in danger in order to rescue people from burning structures. Soldiers leave the safety of their homes
freely to safeguard our civilians and our country. These frequently unheralded individuals motivate ordinary
people to accomplish more and offer more of themselves to others.

Heroic deeds are never selfish or foolish, but rather bold and valiant. Heroes who do acts of heroism are never
frightened to die or confront whatever awaits them. These are not the folks that tower above others. Dr. Jose
Rizal, for example, did numerous things that most people would not have done. He persists despite the fact
that his actions might result in death. Rizal was unafraid to defend his ideas against the Spaniards. His deed
was never selfish; rather, it benefited a large number of people by sacrificing for his country.


Explain the question briefly but substantially. (10 points) Why are Front-liners (in all fields of work)
considered Heroes in this time of Pandemic?

What exactly does it mean to be a hero? What does it take to assist individuals in need, impoverished and
disadvantaged communities, and those who are most susceptible when a disaster strikes? Why should we see
the actions of people who continue to provide a helping hand on a daily basis as heroic?

In these unprecedented times, and despite the very real threat to themselves, Filipino front-line workers put
their own safety and well-being aside on a daily basis to give life-saving care and protection to those in most

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown a significant number of vulnerabilities as well as our shortcomings in
shock prevention. It has also demonstrated that the size of the crisis is beyond the capacity of any single
partner or government to respond. It is, in reality, one of the most striking demands for collaboration. The
success of our war will be heavily reliant on our ability to learn from past mistakes while remaining dedicated to
the greatest humanitarian principles. Our everyday heroes are already leading by example.

COVID-19 may be today's supervillain, but it doesn't stop our real-life heroes from performing their jobs and
working relentlessly to develop strategies to battle the threat and ultimately defeat the unseen enemy. We
grieve for the hundreds of people who have died as a result of the virus throughout the world, including my
colleague, about whom I have talked.

At the same time, we join Filipinos in continuing the tradition of honoring the finest of human compassion,
generosity, social justice, human rights, solidarity, and Bayanihan spirit in the face of severe tragedy. We
recognize what makes our first responders and humanitarians real-life heroes. We applaud them for
consistently placing their lives in danger, despite the hazards and uncertainty.

Their contributions should not be neglected or forgotten.



Answer the following questions carefully. (20 points)

1. We know that the persona in the poem is the father, who supposedly is the one working and
providing for his family. But in this poem, why is he the one taking care of the child instead of the
mother? What do you think are the reasons behind it?

In a poetry entitled, “ Meme na Bunso”, The father is taking care of the child because he is trying to convey
to his child why he must work at a location distant from his family in order to provide for their daily needs.

2. What do you think are the negative implications of this kind of family setup (parents are not
together, the father or the mother is abroad) mentioned in the poem to the family nowadays?

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) encounter family problems. The most troubling are the psychological
well-being of OFWs' children, OFWs' relationships with their partners, decision-making, and communication.
OFWs are a relatively new type of economic investment in the country. Much has been made about OFWs'
economic contributions, but it is also vital to consider the consequences of OFWs' extended absence from
home on their children. It is true that children of OFWs are provided with acceptable living conditions, but they
are also dissatisfied with what they have. Their children, in reality, require psychological treatment. As a result,
OFWs should be well informed of such a need. The most noticeable negative consequence is a sense of
abandonment, which cannot be compensated for by financial assistance. Furthermore, when faced with health
and academic challenges, the left-behind children feel powerless, lonely, pessimistic, deprivation, and


Interpret the message of the poem by creating a slogan. Use the answer sheet. (25 points)

Write a four-stanza poem in response to the poem. Use the answer sheet. (50 points)

Ako’y saludo sa ginawa ng ina

Katapangan sa pagsakripisyo’y kitang-kita
Lalo na’t siya’y isang babaeng nakikipagsapalaran;
Nagpapakaalipin sa lupang dayuhan.

Buhay sa ibang bansa’y sadya nang mahirap

Dumagdag pa ang asawang niyang palamuni’t pabigat
Kung ako,y nasa kanyang kalagayan
Ganitong tipo ng lalaki, aking iiwasan.

Buti na lang nanjan ang kanyang anak na tinatangi

Walang pagsubok sa kaya’y magpapatupi
Mabigyan lang ng maginhawang buhay
Ang kanyang anak na nagiipon ng kulay.

Tunay ngang nakakahanga

Ang nagagawa ng pagmamahal ng ina
Kaya naman sa mga patuloy na lumalaban
Kayo ang tunay na bayani ng ating bayan.

1. Literature tackles Significant Human Experience. (15 points)

Literature offers a unique perspective on the human experience. Writers express themselves using
language, literary methods, and images. This allows one to travel back in time and learn about significant
human experiences from those who have come before us. We can have a deeper grasp of cultures and
appreciate them more. We learn from the methods history is documented, such as manuscripts and oral

2. Literature aims inform, instruct, and entertain. (15 points)

To begin with, some writers merely write to entertain or amuse their audience. Texts intended to entertain
are frequently creative works such as novels, tales, or poetry. Of course, such writings may convey essential
insights about human nature and the ways of the world, but the entertainment component is paramount.
Second, authors frequently write in order to enlighten their audience. These writings contain information about
a topic that the writer feels is crucial for the reader to grasp. Informative writing is generally concise and well-
structured. Consider the textbooks you've used in class or the encyclopedia entries you've read. These are
some illustrations of informative texts. Lastly, writers who write to inform may also be writing to instruct. When
writers instruct their readers, they offer a series of steps to accomplish a specific task. Instruction manuals,
how-to books, and recipes are types of instructional writing.

3. How does Literature stimulate imagination and inspiration? (15 points)

Literature helps us overcome social and cultural boundaries by utilizing our imagination and empathy. It
goes beyond color, religion, sexuality, and politics to demonstrate that the individual sitting next to us on the
bus has had a lifetime of human experiences just like us. Reading is believed to increase your imaginative
skills. Specific book genres, such as novels, inspire you to conceive various plot possibilities. Fiction works
frequently challenge you to visualize the people and their surroundings. These exercises activate the areas of
your brain that are connected with imagination. For pupils, literature opens doors. It introduces them to new
concepts and experiences. It provides them with distinct views. It enables them to both learn and escape
reality. It prompts them to inquire.And, ultimately, literature sparks inspiration.

4. How does literature help you to understand your other subjects/courses? (15 points)

Students who study literature grow to understand the power of words. They go to other realms and times
through the writings they study. They are aware of their own culture as well as that of others. They learn to
identify with characters and feel their pleasures and sorrows and It helps individuals in determining the truth
and resolving difficulties. Students can gain critical thinking skills through literature. Readers must pay attention
to details, make relationships, and construct their own thoughts in order to completely comprehend what is
happening in the book.Literature both entertains and teaches us. It may teach us about the past, help us
comprehend the present, and provide us with the tools we need to shape the future. When read with this
perspective, Pride and Prejudice, like other great works of literature, provides us with all the information we
need to encourage individual achievement and human happiness.

5. Compare and contrast the two divisions of literature using the venn diagram.
Give 5 examples in each division.

- Poetry is written in verse SIMILARITY - Prose is written in
form, with the express paragraph form and is
intent to appeal to the - Both prose and poetry meant to reflect common,
reader’s emotion. It relies are forms of literature that everyday language. The
heavily on the use of present a point to an chief objectives of prose
metaphors and abstract audience, and both take are to inform or educate
language to encourage the some skill. Additionally, the reader, or instruct the
readers to use their both prose and poetry use reader to do something.
imagination. Examples of descriptive language like Examples of prose include
poetry include a ballad, an literary devices. However, a novel, essay, letter or
epic, a sonnet or a song. that’s typically where the biography.
similarities between these
Example: two forms of writing end. Example:
- song lyrics - novels
- elegy - short stories
- haiku - novellas
- theatrical dialogue - scripts
- poetry forms - fairy tails
6. Write an essay about the challenges encountered during the pandemic. (20 points)

The enormity of the problem and the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic have produced widespread dread,
uncertainty, and worry. Thousands of individuals have been impacted, and millions have been infected. We
can't play outside; school is closed; and we can't see relatives and friends. Many loved ones have been
grieved and missed as a result of the new Corona virus. When you combine social isolation, disturbed work
and family routines, cabin fever, and economic insecurity, it's easy to see why our mental health is suffering.
The COVID-19 scenario is extremely distressing since it is difficult to forecast how things will unfold and our
circumstances are fast changing. This leaves us feeling helpless, as if we no longer have control over our lives.
There are factors we can't control in this scenario, as there are in many facets of our life. These include other
people's behaviors and emotions; how long the situation will endure; and what could happen in the future.



In the town of Tondo, Manila, there lives a young man named Ian. The world was in the grip of a
pandemic at the time, and he spent the majority of his time playing online games. While he was playing online
games, he met another gamer. During the time they played together, Ian always asked the girl's name, but she
always refused. As time passed, they seemed to fall for each other. One day, Ian confessed his feelings to the
girl. The woman was very happy when she heard this, but the woman gave a condition before she accept his
love. The woman said that if she wants to know her name and if the man really loves her, he will go to her first
and ask her parents approval. Ian immediately agreed. He asked where she lives, and he was shocked when
he found out because she told him she lives in Canada. Ian was hesitant at first, because he is not from a rich
family, but because he wants to show how much he loves the girl, he agreed to the girl's conditions. Because
of this he employs himself and tried different jobs such as driving a jeepney, selling sundries in the market
such as lemons, magazines, tray of eggs, watches, electric fans, sunglasses, and so on. Soon, he was
able to save enough money to pay for his trip to Canada. Before he went, Ian thought of buying the girl a gift.
That's why he went to a mall near them. When he got off the escalator, he thought about what gift the girl
would like. He found gifts like stuffed toy monkey, yellow wig, jewelry, and other things. As time passed, Ian
found it more and more difficult to choose what to gift to the girl. There he turned to a clothing store. He saw
there a seemingly glowing red dress. His eyes were drawn to them, and he finally decided to buy them. He
has also decided to buy a face shield and a coat and tie to wear for his meeting with the girl. The days
passed quickly, and the appointed day of their meeting had arrived. Ian was very eager to get on the plane,
and while in the sky, Ian was thinking about what could happen when he meets the girl. He smiled, thinking
about his future this girl, he already thinks that they will get married in a beautiful church, have many children,
and live in a big house. When the plane landed, Ian was so exited to see the woman, so he hurried to find her.
He had been looking for some time, but he still couldn't find her. At the next moment, someone suddenly
hugged his back. But what Ian felt was unexpected because this person's arms were very muscular. Ian's
expectation of a soft complexion skin was replaced by a sultry rough complexion as this person said in a low
voice, "I'm glad to see you, Ian."


1. Overall, I enjoyed the speech presentation because it helped me boost my confidence and developed public
speaking skills.
2. However, I need to improve on pronouncing the words clearly, boost my self - confidence and inhibit my
nervous behavior
1. How does the speaker compare and contrast the urban life and the rural life?
Extract the images the speaker cited to justify the differences?

The comparison between urban and rural life was made using the speaker's personal knowledge and
experience of both. He may have prospects in town, but he remains on the farm because of his love of the
simple life. The first two stanzas imagine life in a city where one can have whatever they want, be truly happy,
and have enough money to live on. In the third stanza, the drawback of living in cities—the lack of a diversified
ecosystem—was discussed. So, in four stanzas, he also made the point that, despite the allure of the
abundance of riches, suffering is inevitable in the city, and in the next two stanzas, he continued to live on the

2. What enticed the rural people to migrate to the city even if they lack the necessary credentials to
survive in the rat-race society? What are the odd these people suffer when they reached the city? Cite
a credible example.

Most people are lured to urban areas because they think they are living in a nation with boundless
possibilities. For instance, in our country, people from all across are expressing a lot of interest in urban areas
like the NCR. There is no doubt that when compared to the compensation rate in the provinces, the wage rate
in the cities is higher and more attractive. When you consider a number of factors, such as money, a cultural
difference, manipulation, employment, etc., the risk that they will struggle is extremely high. Overall, because
of the higher income and chance of obtaining employment, individuals migrated to the cities despite the
likelihood that they would suffer.

3. What does the speaker want to imply in stanzas V AND VI?

In stanzas 5 and 6, the author discusses how simple agrarian life was. They find happiness in simplicity
despite their challenging circumstances and scarcity of resources. They learned how to appreciate life's
modest pleasures without aiming for excellence. He also stressed the value of sharing the gift of your presence
with others. He's basically telling the listener in the poem that, in contrast to the simple life on the farm,
pursuing one's dreams in the city would be completely different.

4. What can you say about this adage “Destiny is not to be waited, for it is to be achieved.” how do you
relate these words of wisdom to the thoughts of the speaker in the poem?

The adage advises us to actively pursue opportunities rather than wait for them to come to us. Our desire
must become reality. We must take action to get what we want if we want it. We are in charge of our own fate.
Our dreams and aims are not realized; rather, we make them come true. This is related to what the author
mentioned in verse II, "nothing in want they say, nothing is unattainable, whatsoever man may in town wish."
Create a story board based on the epic of Indarapatra and Sulayman. Use a short bond paper for
this activity. Attach your output on your modules. (50 points)

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