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Grammaticalization of temporal expressions in Amele: a diachronic account

Masahiko, NOSE Reitaku University, Japan

20th International Historical Linguistics Conference (Osaka) 25-30, Jul. 2011

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Previous studies This study Data sources Amele language Data Discussion Conclusion

Overview of this talk

20110725 Nose Osaka

Haspelmath 1997, Hagege 2010, etc.

Typology of Temporal Adverbials Locative to Temporal (inessive, pre-/postessive, perlative)

Svorou 1991, Heine et al. 1991, Lakoff & Johnson 1980

Space and Time can be considered together. 1: Previous studies: Time, temporal in grammar
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Descriptions of Temporal expressions in Amele, such as 5 years ago, until tomorrow, in June
In terms of Grammaticalization Semantic extension from [Space] to [Time]

Borrowed temporal,
such as Mande, wan kilok, wan aua Contact-induced language change

2: This study
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Data from my fieldwork

Since 2006, every year Sein village, Madang Province, PNG

Descriptive grammars Parallel-text research

New Testament

3: Data sources
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Trans-New Guinea language, spoken in Madang Province

SOV, no case marking, postpositional, Noun-Adj, Noun-Demonstrative Ca. 5000 speakers, Amele/Tok Pisin Bilingual

4: Amele language: Roberts (1987)

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Yesterdays past tense in Amele (Roberts 1987:224-228)

Ija hu-g-an 1sg come-1sg-yesterdays past I came yesterday

Clause-based temporal in Usan (Reesink 1987:70-71)

Ai gb-gb (earth see.SS-REDUP)in the afternoon Urigerma (it becomes light.DS)at dawn Worom is-a (sun go.down3s.DS)at sunset

Noun-based/ Verb-based temporal expressions

Noun-based temporal
1: temporal adverbs/adverbials: casac (first), qila (now, today) 2: noun + postposition: qasil-na (morning-in) 3: others: loanword from Tok Pisin, Mande (Monday)

Classical time and new time (calendar-based):

cabi gel (year, literally "garden fence"): Roberts (1987:195) Now spoken "Yaar<Year" and geel

Noun-based/ Verb-based Temporal in Amele 8

Is postposition "na" extended from [Space] to [Time]? Can grammaticalization explain borrowed temporal forms from Tok Pisin?

Research in this study

Three temporal meanings (inessive, pre-/postessive, and perlative) Analog-/Digital-based time forms

Noun-based Temporal in Amele 9

on, in, at

Pre/post-essive Perlative
before/after, ago/later for

Digital/Calendar- At five based oclock

A week ago

for 3 minutes until dawn

Analog/Abstract In morning 3 days later

Temporal expressions in this study

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on, in, at

before/after, ago/later


Digital/Calendar- 5 kilok-na Week osol based hedocob Analog/Abstract Qasil Qasil-na

3 minut-na

Deel ied hedocob Gurric an beya (until sun rises)

Data 1: Results in Amele a. In-essive: postposition na b. pre-/post-essive: adverbial hedocob c. perlative: postposition na and verb-based
20110725 Nose Osaka


on, in, at

before/after, ago/later


Digital/Calendar- 5 kilok-na Week osol based hedocob Analog/Abstract Qasil Qasil-na

3 minut-na

Deel ied hedocob Gurric an beya (until sun rises)

Data 1: Results in Amele a. Digital-based: borrowing from Tok Pisin, together with postposition na b. Analog based: traditionally Amele
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Traditional usages:
ahine (noon), deel (day), wesu (afternoon), cuha (Sunday)

Borrowed from Tok Pisin: by necessity

wik (week), Ogus (August), 1 aua (1 hour), Mande (Monday)

Complex forms and others:

1 minut-na (for/in one minute, with postposition), two kilok esaue (half past two), ahinec saab (midday food: loan translation from Tok Pisin "belo kaikai")

Observations: traditional versus. loanwords

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Time: sain Now: qila Day: deel Night: witi Morning: qasil Afternoon: wesu Today: qila Tomorrow: uqadec

Hour: aua Clock: kilok Week: wiik Sunday: cuha Monday: Mande Month: muun Year: yaar, geel Season: sain

Loanword typology (Haspelmath & Tadmor 2009:30-31)

20110725 Nose Osaka


Is it applicable that there is [space] to [time] grammaticalization?

The postposition na can express both location and time meanings, but the form na is muti-functional, and it is still doubtful to clarify its process.

Classifying temporal expressions into two different groups; classical (yesterday, morning) and artificial (at 12 oclock, on Monday)
Is there any difference between classical and artificial ones?

Discussion 1
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Roberts (1987:160): at, in, on, with, of

Ija na jo (my house): of 187: Uba jo dunuh (inside) na teia (He went up into the house): at 188: Mala jo igoc (peak) na bilia (The chicken sat on top of the house): on 168: Ija man sonon-ec sigin (knife) na quga (I killed the snake with knife): with (instrumental)

We cannot identify a typical function

Functions of postposition na
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World Lexicon of Grammaticalization Allative > Temporal >>> postposition na Comitative > Temporal >>> postposition na Finish > After, Already >>> hedocob (to finish) Front > Before, later >>> hedocob? In (Spatial) > Temporal >>> postposition na Locative > Temporal >>> postposition na Time > Temporal >>> sain (time> when-clause)

Grammaticalization 1 a. Postposition na has too many functions b. Hedocob means originally to finish, but it means both [before] and [after/later].
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Grammaticalization process of postp. na

No form: qasil (in morning) Analog time: qasil-na, deel eu-na (from that day) Digital time: 1 kilok-na, 2 minut-na, Ogus-na

na is used first in analog time, and then in digital time, meaning for, in, from, around, etc.

Grammaticalizaton 2: na became a linker

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Grammaticalization 3: digital-based time

1. Not existed temporal expression like 5 oclock, June 2. Contact with Tok Pisin 3. Borrowing temporal words and gap filling
Thomason & Kaufman (1988:21): borrowing to refer only to the incorporation of foreign elements into the speakers native language Haspelmath & Tadmor (2009): loanwords by necessity Heine & Kuteva (2005:124): Contact-induced grammaticalization on the replica languages
Gap filling: There is now a new category for which previously there was no equivalent category. We will refer to this situation for want of a better term as gap filling.
20110725 Nose Osaka


Conclusion: Amele has

time systems (gap filling).

the traditional and borrowed

1. Originally non-existing temporal expressions

Borrowing from Tok Pisin: year > yar, minute> minut (later using with postp na, 2 minut-na)

2. Contact-induced, partly grammaticalized

Speakers are bilingual in Amele and Tok Pisin not heavy structural borrowing (Thomason & Kaufman 1988:50) few grammaticalization from [locative] to [temporal]
20110725 Nose Osaka


References (selected):The slides are available from:

Anderson, S. R. & E. Keenan. 1985. Deixis. Shopen, T.(ed.). Language typology and syntactic description, III, Cambridge: CUP: 259-308. Hagge, Claude. 2010. Adpositions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hapelmath, Martin. 1997. From Space to Time: temporal adverbials in the Worlds Languages. Munich: Lincom Europa. Heine, Bernd, Ulrike Claudi, & Friederike Hnnemeyer. 1991. Grammaticalization: a conceptual framework. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Heine, B. & T. Kuteva. 2002. World Lexicon of Grammaticalization. Cambridge: CUP. Heine, B. & T. Kuteva. 2005. Language contact and grammatical change. Cambridge: CUP. Kurzon, Dennis. 2002. Preposition as functor: the case of long in Bislama. In: Feigenbaum, Susanne, & Dennis Kurzon(eds.). Prepositions in their syntactic, semantic and pragmatic context. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 231-248. McWhorter, John C. 2001. The Worlds simplest grammar are creole grammars. Linguistic Typology 5:125-166. Mihalic, Francis. 1986. The Jacaranda Dictionary and Grammar of Melanesian Pidgin. Milton: The Jacaranda Press/Web Books. Muysken, P. Functional categories. Cambridge: CUP. Roberts, John R. 1987. Amele. London/New York/Sydney: Croom Helm. Thomason, S.G. & T. Kaufman. 1988. Language Contact, Creolization, and Genetic Linguistics. Berkeley/Los Angeles/Oxford: University of California Press.

CASIO Science Promotion Foundation, 2011-2012 Grant-in-aid for Young Scientists (B), Japan Society for Promotion of Science, 2011-2013 Amele & Tok Pisin: Villagers in Sein, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea Thank you for your attention.

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