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Unit 1 Expression of Greeting, Parting, and

Introducing oneself and others

By Lailatul Fitriyah, S.Pd

A. Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memaparkan jati diri.
 Greeting (Sapaan)
 Parting (Perpisahan)
 Introducing Oneself and Others (Memperkenalkan diri
dan orang lain)
B. Unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan untuk memaparkan
jati diri.
 Simple Present Tense
 To be in Simple Present Tense
 Pronouns
 Question Form (Yes-No Question and WH Question)

Materi Pokok
Below are some phrases used to greet someone:
• Good morning/day.
• Good afternoon/night.
• Hello, how are you?
• How do you do?
• Hi! What’s up?
• Hey, it’s been a while!
• Long time no see.
• How’s life?

Below are some phrases used to respond greeting:
• Hello.
• It’s nice to see you.
• Wow, you look great.
• I’m fine, thank you.
• I’m great, all in shape.

Formal Greetings
• You can say “Hello” and continue the conversation
by adding another comment or question. Examples:
• Hello, Faisal. How are you today?
• Hello, Yanis. Had a good day?
• You can use the greeting “How do you do?”
when you want to greet someone in a very formal way.

Informal Greetings

You can say “Hello” or “Hi” to people who are close to you,
and then ask how they are doing in informal way. Examples:
• Hi, how are you doing?
• What’s up?
• Good to see you.
• How are things (with you)?
• How’s it going?
• How’s life been treating you?

Below are some phrases used to introduce yourself:
• Hello, my name is . . . .
• Let me introduce myself, my name is . . . .
• I’d like to introduce myself, I am . . . .
• Hello, I am . . . . (your name)
• My name is . . . . (your name)
• I am a/an . . . . (your job)
• I live at . . . . (your address)
• I was born in . . . . (place and date you were born)
• I come from / I am from . . . . (the place you come from)
• I am . . . . years old. (year age)
Below are some phrases used to introduce other people:
• Hey, I’d like you to meet . . . .
• He/she’s my friend, let me introduce you two.
• Oh, I’m sorry, it’s . . . .
• Have the two of you met?
• Oh, hey. This is . . . .
• I’m going to introduce you

Introducing Others
above are some phrases used to respond
Parting Response
Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too
Nice to talk you Talk to you later
I’ve got to go now Take it easy
See you later. Bye So long. Take care
Good bye Good bye

Let’s see the example…
Let me introduce myself. My name
is Gisela Anggraini. I live in Jombang. I was
born at Surabaya on 27th of July 2005. I
am fifteen years old. I study at Vocational
High School. I am in first grade.
I am the second child in my family.
I have one older brother and one younger
sister. I have hobby. My hobbies are
reading, listening and swimming. I like
reading novel and book. I also like
listening music. In the next future, I want
to be a writer.
Write down a simple introduction text.
Use your own identity and family!

(Tulis sebuah teks perkenalan

sederhana. Gunakan identitas
pribadimu dan keluargamu!)
See You Next Material
In Simple Present Tense!

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