Formative Assessments For Learning Targets Template-2-4 - Chelsea Hammons

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Chelsea Hammons Former 10th Grade English Teacher/

Stay-At-Home Mom
Remember to include your High Achievement Unit Outcome!

High Achievement Unit Outcome: ELA10.1 Students will determine a theme or central idea of
Animal Farm and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges
and is shaped and refined by specific details.

List All Learning Targets for your Target Type

High Achievement Unit Outcome Indicate whether
each Learning
indicated above Target is
Formative Assessment Selected
(include Learning Target Number) Reasoning, Skill, Briefly describe, provide links, or
or Product
attach samples of the Formative
Learning (This is from (There needs to be at least
Target Learning Targets your Target- one/Learning Target; there can be
Number Method-Match) more than one/Learning Target.)
ELA10.1. Students will define Knowledge After an introduction to theme and
1 theme and locate it while its characteristics, students will
reading the text locate a desired fairy tale and
describe in a paragraph what the
theme of the fairy tale is.
ELA10.1.2 Students will interpret texts Reasoning Students will annotate directly in the
to support comprehension text with sticky notes. They will
and analysis through
identify the central themes as they
read each chapter and carefully
describe their reasoning. I will
perform checks at the end of each
chapter to determine if they have
properly identified a theme and have
thoroughly discussed it.
ELA 10.1.3 Students will collect and Skill After a lesson about how to properly
organize evidence from embed quotations, students will read
texts to support analysis in
the poem, “Sarah Sylvia Cynthia
Stout,” and identify two quotations
that identify the theme.
ELA10.1.4 Students will make up Skill, Product After a lesson about writing
claims about texts using commentary, students will use the
specific textual evidence
poem “Sarah Sylvia Cynthia Stout,”
to practice writing a commentary
paragraph including a Topic
Sentence, 2 Concreate Details, 2
Commentary Sentences, and 1
Concluding Sentence that discusses
Chelsea Hammons Former 10th Grade English Teacher/
Stay-At-Home Mom
the theme of the poem and their
ELA10.1.5 Students will create Skill, Product Students will begin to create
paraphrases and integrate paraphrases and integrate quotes in a
quotes that support
relevant evidence from the
writing workshop. First, the student
texts will brainstorm ideas about the
theme of the text and identify
quotations that support their
analysis. Students will then create an
introduction paragraph and at least 3
body paragraphs and a conclusion
paragraph using commentary
ELA10.1.6 Students will examine and Product Students will work in partners and
convey complex ideas and participate in a peer review process.
write informative texts.
They will both revise and edit each
other’s papers using a rubric to
follow. They will make revisions to
their paper and then create a final

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