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Launching Meeting
Compliance RA 11285

July 22, 2021

A.T. Yuchengco Centre

• Introduce the team
• Project Objectives
• Activities and Schedule
• Next steps
Empower our customers through innovative,
effective, and practical energy solutions,
products, and services.
Energy Management (ISO 50001) Energy Efficiency Improvement

Electrical Engineering Services Utility Billing Analysis

Power System Analysis

Power Procurement for Technical Studies
Utility & End-users

Reliability & Power Quality DU System Loss Management


DU CAPEX Planning DU Operations & Management

Marvin Ryan G. Bathan REE, CEM
20 years experience in energy industry
7 Years experience in energy efficiency

Adorado B. Tarun Jr REE

20 years experience in energy industry
10 years experience in revenue assurance and system loss management
8 years experience in distribution utility operations
2 years experience in international consulting and business development

Elaine N. Mateo
12 years experience in energy industry
7 Years experience in energy efficiency
Thank you!
(+63 917) 5589068
EnMS Awareness Training
• Objective is to be familiar with the requirements of ISO 50001
• Target participants are key personnel involved in the operations and
can significantly influence energy use of the facility
Establish the energy metrics
• Craft the energy map
• Identify the SEU (Significant Energy Use)
Data Collection
• Determine frequency of data recording
• Determine the manner of data measurements
Establish the baseline
• An energy baseline (EnB) is a quantitative reference providing a basis
for comparison of energy performance.
Energy Review
• Energy use and consumption analysis based on data collected
• Examples:
• Determine relevant variables that affect energy use
• Identify person/s who can influence or affect energy use of SEUs
Energy Planning

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