Jimmy Prego

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Ethical Rules Screen and Ethical Principles Screen for Jimmy Prego Mattie Martinez

Module 3


1. There are many issues in the case study of Jimmy Prego, that need to be addressed. At a

minimum there are concerns about Jimmy’s emotional issues, his mother’s lack of involvement,

the options for his placement/residents living there and the social worker’s supervisor. For

instance, Jimmy, nor his mother can make sound choices for him. That causes the dilemma of

finding a competent person to step into the role of decision maker, in his best interest. It seems

like the only option that may be available to him is the social worker/agency to act on his

behalf. This creates yet another dilemma. Does the social worker go with the supervisor’s

placement choice and possibly harm Jimmy, or does the social worker stand up for the client?

NOHS Standards can guide the social worker in decision making.

In this case study we also see that the social worker and the supervisor seem to have

clashing goals. The group home that is being suggested by the supervisor has residents living

there that pose a possible physical and psychological threat to Jimmy. Though this option may

be beneficial to the agency financially, it poses some ethical dilemmas. The social worker is

focused on meeting the needs, and protecting the quality of life, for Jimmy. The supervisor

seems to be concentrating on meeting the goals of the agency, possibly at the expense of the

client’s safety.
2a. The NOHS Standards that apply to directly to this case are:

Standard 2

Standard 2 states that human service professionals must obtain informed consent from the

client at the beginning of the helping relationship. Jimmy is an adolescent that is unable to

make decisions on his own. Under these circumstances, Jimmy can have someone that is legally

able to give consent for him make his decisions. The social worker attempted to seek consent

from his mother, but she transferred that consent to the social worker/agency.

Standard 4

Standard 4 states that if danger/harm is suspected to occur to the client or others as a result

of the client’s behavior, the human service professional must act in an ethical and professional

manner to protect the safety of the individuals. The residents at the less restrictive group home

are older, bigger and more aggressive than Jimmy, who has issues with being passive/unable to

defend himself. The best placement for Jimmy seems to be the therapeutic foster home option.

This is a much safer/more structured environment.

Standard 15

Standard 15 states that human services professionals must provide a mechanism for

identifying the client’s needs and assets. It is the social worker’s/agency’s responsibility to make

sure that they identify/attempt to satisfy all of Jimmy’s needs. The social worker did her due

diligence by arranging for Jimmy’s placement into a therapeutic group home, that would
nurture his needs. After the social worker spoke with the supervisor, it was the social worker’s

responsibility to assure that the group home would be an appropriate fit for Jimmy’s needs.

Standard 25

Standard 25 states that when conflict arises between fulfilling responsibility to the employer

and responsibility to the client, the human service professional must work with everyone

involved to manage the conflict. This is especially true in this situation with Jimmy’s placement.

The social worker is recommending placement into a foster home that can be therapeutic for

Jimmy's issues; while the supervisor wants to fulfill the financial needs of the agency by placing

him into a group home, that can potentially be unsafe for Jimmy. This is a situation that will

require everyone involved to come to a conclusion that fits the ethical standards and principles

of human service.


I do not believe that any of the NHOS Standards tell me exactly what to do. The standards

give me a foundation/guideline to follow in my decision making. The standards inform me of

what is expected of me, and how I should be conducting business with/for my client. They also

allow for me to have a model by which to hold my supervisor accountable for their actions. My

final decision, based on the NOHS Standards, would be to advocate to place Jimmy Prego into

the therapeutic foster home. As a social worker, I shouldn’t allow the procedures or

administrative orders of my employer to interfere with ethical social work. Jimmy’s needs

should take priority over the financial needs of the agency.


1. The Ethical Principles that apply to the case, ranked in order, are:

Protection of Life:

Protection of Life applies to this case because Jimmy’s safety could be in jeopardy in

the group home. He is physically and psychologically unable to defend himself due to

prior trauma. The residents of the group home pose a threat to Jimmy. He has the

potential of being abused.

Least Harm:

Least Harm applies to this case because the social worker is tasked with making a

placement decision based on what would cause the least harm to Jimmy. The social

worker is compelled to place him where he would suffer the least amount of

abuse/harm. That would be the foster home. Though not placing him in the group home

could cause a financial downfall for the agency, the possible harm to jimmy’s life in the

group home is greater. The potential for a harmful situation is inevitable.

Quality of Life:

Quality of life applies in this case because the social worker must try to promote

Jimmy’s wellbeing. By placing Jimmy in the therapeutic foster home, the social worker

can meet Jimmy’s basic needs and provide safety. This can lead to him feeling a sense of

belonging and esteem. In the group home, his quality of life would be low. He would live

in fear and abuse from his peers.

Truthfulness and Self Disclosure:

Truthfulness and disclosure also apply in this case. The social worker has to gather all

relevant information from both placement options. They must truthfully disclose all of

the findings to the person that is legally able to make informed choices for the client.

This is the only way that they can make an informed decision as to the best plan of

action. That information was shared with Jimmy’s mother, who has developed trust in

the social worker.


If I was the social worker in this case, based on Ethical Principles, I would advocate to

place Jimmy Prego in the therapeutic group home. The greatest ethical importance goes

to Jimmy’s Protection of Life, his most basic right. He has the right to live in an

environment that provides safety from life threatening situations. This leads to say that

this is also the option that provides the Least Harm to Jimmy. Though it could still be

somewhat uncomfortable for Jimmy to be placed in a foster home, the foster home

poses the least threat and the most value to him. Finally, Quality of Life would be so

much greater for him there. He would have access to the resources that he needs for

structure and confidence.

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