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Sta. Lucia Sta. Ana, Pampanga

School of Engineering, Computer and Library Studies
First Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023

Environmental Science – Activity 2

Name: ________________________________________ Date:__________________________

Section: ___________

A. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank. (IN CAPITAL LETTER)
______1. Which of the following help pollution occur?
A. Burning fossil fuels in cars and trucks C. Oil spills in the oceans
B. Spilling chemicals in rivers D. All of the above
______2. Pollution can also come from natural resources. What is one natural resource that can cause
A. Fossil fuels C. Oil Spills
B. Forest Fires D. Unpleasant music
______3. What happens when people dump wastes from homes or factories into oceans, lakes or rives?
A. It flows to other parts of the world C. It causes water pollution
B. It kills animals and plants living there D. Both B and C
______4. How do people contribute to land pollution?
A. Littering C. Conserving
B. Recycling D. Spinning oil
______5. Why is it important to conserve water?
A. We all need it to survive C. We need it to swim
B. It is nice to drink on a hot day D. All of the above

______6. It refers to undesirable changes occurring in the physical, chemical, and biological
composition of natural environment consisting of air, water, and soil.
A. Pollutant C. Biodiversity
B. Pollution D. Man-made Pollutants
______7. It is one of the many ways to control water pollution, planting trees to a large extent as they check
surface soil runoff by running water.
A. Environmental Education C. Afforestation
B. Sewage Treatment D. Deforestation
______8. The principles of three R‘s - Recycle, Reuse and Reduce - help in minimizing generation of solid
A. True C. Sometimes True
B. False D. Sometimes False
______9. This is vital not only for the growth of plants and growing food but also cultivating raw materials
for agro-based industries.
A. Chemical material C. Soil
B. Machine D. Water
______10. Pollution caused by volcanic eruption is ___________ pollutant.
A. Primary C. Tertiary
B. Secondary D. Quaternary

B. Enumeration
1. Soil Pollution Control (8)
2. Major Types of Pollution (4)
3. Sources of Noise Pollution (7)
4. Causes of Soil Pollution (6)
5. Ways to Control Water Pollution (3)
6. Ways to Control Air Pollution (3)
7. Causes of Air Pollution (3)
8. Pollutants of Water (6)

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