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Task 8 – Open Discussion


Hi Dear Tutor and classmates,

Name: Zulma Lorena Yaya Marquez, Female gender, Birthday: January 12, hobby: listen to
music and cooking
Which countries do you want to visit: Ireland, Germany and the United States.
Three words to describe you: Patience, security and commitment.
Two values by which you live in your life: respect and loyalty.
What is one thing on your wish list: graduate from college.

Best regards,

Zulma Lorena Yaya.

It was a coincidence because we took the same book without thinking that we liked the same
subject, we took the photo in the bookstore in February, the person in the photo is my best friend
and what is happening is that we are talking and debating about the science fiction book that we
like so much, I also keep this photo in the album because it reminds me that we have been
friends for many years, additionally it brings me many emotions because it is one of the most
important people in my life and shares every triumph and sadness by my side is why that photo is
so special.

Porque la gente habla por teléfono en el transporte publico

Pienso que hablan por teléfono en el transporte publico ya que las personas necesitan estar
informando de sus rutinas, de sus actividades a su jefe o simplemente hablan por diversión, las
personas tienden a ser sociables por lo que pueden durar hasta una o mas horas hablando por
I think they talk on the phone on public transport because people need to be reporting their
routines, their activities to their boss or just talk for fun, people tend to be sociable so they can
last up to one or more hours talking on the phone telephone.

La noticia impactante fue de un perrito que fue abandonado por su dueño, no le daban de comer
y lo maltrataban. Esta noticia la escuche el pasado miércoles en las noticias que dieron por
televisión, pensé en ese momento que ningún ser vivo se merece un trato así y menos un
animalito, me dio ira y rabia de ver esa noticia, por ultimo; recuerdo esa noticia porque
mostraron la imagen deplorable del perrito y me dejo muy triste.

The shocking news was of a dog that was abandoned by its owner, they did not feed it and
mistreated it. I heard this news last Wednesday in the news that they gave on television, I
thought at that moment that no living being deserves such treatment, least of all a little animal, it
made me angry and angry to see that news, finally; I remember that news because it showed the
deplorable image of the dog and it left me very sad.

How long will I do the practices?
Where will I stay?
How am I going to pay it?
Where will I work?
What documents will you request?

Language Learning
For to study languages its no easy, the people require to discipline, motivation, disposition, put
above all commitment to learning the idiom of the preference, this write search that as reader can
understand the importance idioms in the diary life as for occupational life, because each reader
must understand the following; the language is expand the mentality before other cultures.

You know that you could arrive in a new country where you don’t understand any of the people

The dominion of the second language is fundamental nowadays, because for the people will be
facilitated the communication and change of information, additionality for the people is created
life´s habits healthy as to train of brain, you can do friends of different cultures, you can
understand more diversity books and videos, too, you can get to work as translator or included
you can learn easier a third language.
In conclusion if you have a major communication with the world of maternal language and
outside language, then it could open the world of possibilities that improve the quality of vida for
this person and your family, for this reason is necessary motivate each day to others for open
them a world filled of possibilities and opportunities.

I will share with you my screenshot about the writing
For to study languages, it’s no easy, the people require to discipline, motivation, disposition, put
above all commitment to learning the idiom of the preference, this write search that as reader can
understand the importance idioms in the diary life as for occupational life, because each reader
must understand the following; the language is expand the mentality before other cultures.

You know that you could arrive in a new country where you don’t understand any of the people

For this question I propose the next steps:

1. You must read the book in the other language for approximate one or two hours.
2. If you listen to music with headphones in the free time, then you could vocabulary and
3. You could see movies or series in the other idioms, first in Spanish after in English for
more understanding in vocabulary and listening.
4. Once a day you practice pronunciation vocabulary front the mirror.
5. Or you could write in paper question of your daily life and practice front the mirror.

If you pay to course it´s probably that you have to teacher that indicate your instructions but I
considered if you studied only whit discipline learn more in little time.

Dayli rutines
I wake up at 7:30. / Me despierto a las 7:30. › She gets up at at 8:00 AM. / Ella se levanta a las
8:00 de la mañana. › I take a shower at 8:15. / Yo tomo una ducha a las 8:15. › I cook breakfast
at 8:20. / Hago el desayuno a las 8:20.

Language Learning

Estudiar idiomas no es fácil, requiere disciplina, motivación, disposición, pero sobre todo
compromiso al aprender el idioma de tu preferencia, este escrito busca que como lector pueda
comprender la importancia de aprender idiomas para la vida diaria como para la vida laboral,
porque cada lector debe entender que; el lenguaje es expandir la mentalidad ante otras

¿Sabes que puedes llegar a un país nuevo en donde no entiendes nada de lo que dicen las

El dominio de un segundo idioma es fundamental hoy en día, porque se facilitará la

comunicación e intercambio de información, adicional creas hábitos de vida saludables como
entrenar tu cerebro, puedes hacer amigos de otras culturas, puedes entender más diversidad de
contenido en libros y videos, puedes conseguir dinero trabajando como traductor o de la segunda
lengua e incluso se te facilitará mucho más aprender una tercera lengua.

En conclusión al tener una mejor comunicación con el mundo de lengua materna y el exterior, se
podrá abrir un mundo de posibilidades que mejoraran la calidad de vida de las personas y la de
su familia, es por esto que es necesario motivar cada día a los demás para abrirles un mundo
lleno de posibilidades y de oportunidades.
Jorge Luis Portilla Avella

Zulma Lorena Yaya

Yeison Armando Ortega

Camila Umbarila Parra

Yamileth Ocampo Cruz

Group: 518010_73

Presented to:

Nixdey Ruth Arias


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación (ECEDU)
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en Inglés.
English V
May, 2022
Step 1: Comments and feedback given to partners’ contributions regarding to the topic

● Jorge Luis Portilla Avella:


● Zulma Lorena Yaya

Robot Teacher

If the teaching job is supplanted by robots, then the teacher could no longer exercise his
profession teaching, they have also thought that robots can help teachers? In this 21st century,
because teachers have the help of TIC tools to create strategies, techniques and teaching methods
in students, but already at this time technology has more innovation and improvements; so
androids with human physical features can already be found, but is it possible that they feel
empathy to carry out teaching?

I was thinking about the consequences of robotics in the teaching profession, so I will
disagree with the implementation of robotics, because I do not want us to be replaced, I would
have been thinking that technology should be an aid to reduce the workload but not a
replacement, in the past technology had been very scarce so everyone learned with books and
was not limited to the internet that now became a necessity.
Additionally, I will also disagree with robots or technology acquiring feelings or empathy
towards others, because I had been thinking that technology is not for me to feel feelings or
empathy, but rather to serve as a help tool, but although I am disagree, not everything is bad
because it can solve this, it could also provide a solution to the problems of rural areas, an
example of a solution: if you implement technology or robotics in rural areas, students could
have access to knowledge.
To conclude, I was thinking that it is a very difficult subject and I have been analyzing that every
day we must be a better teacher, so that in the future as professionals in the area of education we
are not replaced by robots, also if now in the university we can generate a change in teaching, we
can change the world.

Hi Dear Yeison,
I want to answer your questions about your essay.

1. What do you think about the way he/she addresses the topic?

I consider that I address the subject well, it is clear, objective, handles grammar well and the
subject is coherent, in the same way I consider that it has good power and an adequate sequence
in the text that I wrote.

2. From your point of view do you agree with the position your classmate shows about the

Yes, I agree because the cell phone has become a source of distraction for drivers, causing traffic
accidents, injuries and deaths of innocent people, so what I want to add is that there are now
campaigns to learn how to use the cell phone with different tools, that is, to answer calls, now
people can answer hands-free or motorcycles can answer from the helmet to avoid distractions.

● Yeison Armando Ortega:


● Camila Umbarila Parra:


● Yamileth Ocampo Cruz:

STEP 2: Link with the recording of the open discussion


 British Council. (s.f.). Robot Teachers . Obtenido de
 ACT Raising Safe Kids Program. (2017, junio). Estilos de crianza.
 H. (2015, 29 diciembre). El desafío de ser padres y madres. Helena Arias Psicóloga.
 Children´s hospital of Philadelphia. (2020). Teen driver
 The Insurance Institute for Highway Safet. (2022). Distracted
 Cáceres, O. (Noviembre 1, 2019). Ensayo corto sobre los videojuegos y uso por los jóvenes. Una
reflexión personal sobre los videojuegos en la actualidad. about
 IBERDROLA (s. f.). ¿Por qué tus hijos sí deberían jugar a

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