Review 2nd Term (3rd Year)

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Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación.

U.E Colegio San Agustín- El Marqués
3rd year.
Foreign Language Teacher: Maria Alejandra Ospina.


In the following guide you are going to put into practice the topics that we studied
during the year. Please make a review before starting them.


1. Used to + infinitive.
2. Adjective followed by to +infinitive.
3. The infinitive of purpose.
4. Present simple (review).
5. Conditional 0 and 1

Here you have some links you can see before starting your exercises:

1. ( used
to + infinitive)
(Adjective followed by to + infinitive)
3. (the
infinitive of purpose).
( conditional 0 and 1)

Review 2nd term ( 3rd year).

A. Choose the correct words for each sentence

1. She ________ live near us.

a. Use b. use to c. used to

2. I don´t mind _________ my room.

a. For cleaning b. clean c. cleaning

3. I used to _________ a sweet little dog.

a. Had b. have c. having

4. It´s really fun _________ swimming at night.

a. To go b. go. c. for go

5. He´s gone to the mall _________ for some new sneakers.

a. To look b. for looking c. for to look.

6. It´s impossible _________ fast up this hill.

a. Biking b. bike c. to bike

7. Did your mother ________ to be flight attendant?

a. Use b. used c. using

8. I´m staying up late _______ the world cup on TV.

a. For watch b. to watch c. for watching

9. Did she hate ________ in the school concert?

a. Singing b. she sings c. sing

10. She still hasn´t finished ______ her room.

a. Paint b. painting c. to paint

B. Read the text , then complete the interview´s questions using a verb from the
box with use to or present simple .

Buy / get/ go / live / work

1. _______________________________to___________?

In a shoe shop.

2. _______________________________________now?

I don´t work. I´m at the college again. I´m studying.

3. ________________________________to_____________?
I shared very small dark apartment with two other girls.

4. ___________________________________________now?

I have a beautiful house with a pool in upstate New York.

5. __________________________________to work?

I used to bike.

6. _________________________________to your classes in college now?

I drive there in my porched.

7. ________________________________for your vacations?

I used to go camping in the Adirondack Mountains.

8. _______________________________ for your vacations now?

To the Caribbean, Thailand, the Seychelles.

9. ___________________________________your clothes?
I didn´t buy any new clothes. My cousins gave me their old clothes.

10. __________________________________your clothes now?

Gucci, Valentino, Versace! Money isn´t a problem.

C. Write sentences in the first conditional.

1. Peter (sit) on the table /it (break)


2. Susan (go) to the park now /she (find) Lily


D. Make 10 sentences using different verbs in conditional 0.

E. Make 10 sentences using different verbs in conditional 1.

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