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Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación.

U.E Colegio San Agustín- El Marqués
3rd year.
Foreign Language Teacher: Maria Alejandra Ospina.


In the following guide you are going to put into practice the topics that we studied
during the year. Please make a review before starting them.


1. Pronouns and adverbs.

2. Reported Speech

Here you have some links you can see before starting your exercises:

1. Pronouns
and adverbs).

2. ( Reported

Review 3rd term ( 3rd year)

A. Choose the correct word to complete the dialogue.

ADAM: What would you do if you _________lots of money?

DOMINIC: You mean in a _________________ or something?

ADAM: Yes, what would you do if you won a ___________________ dollars, for

DOMINIC: I´d buy a _________________________________ for my mom. Then I´d

never have to do the dishes again.
ADAM: But _____________________________ would you get for yourself?

DOMINIC: I´d buy a __________________________ I think. I could keep it on Jon´s _

____________________________, maybe.

ADAM: Cool. Then we could all go over to Jon´s and ride. What would you

_____________________________ it?

DOMINIC: If it was a white horse, I´d call it Starlight.

If it was _________________________ , I´d call it Choco. What would you do?

ADAM: I´d probably buy season tickets for the Philadelphia Eagles. The I could go
and watch all their ______________________



B. Complete the sentences with pronouns.

1. What do you want to do tomorrow?

_____________. I don´t mind. You choose.

2. I don´t want ______________ to eat, thanks. I feel sick.

3. I heard a voice. I think there´s ______________ in the garden.

4. There´s _____________________ in this envelope. I think it´s a CD.

5. This village is boring. There´s ___________________to do and

___________________________ to go.

6. Your room is a mess. There are old magazines and socks


7. _____________________ in my family likes snakes. We´re all scared of


8. Let´s go ________________________ sunny this summer. I’m fed up with

the rain.
9. I´m not going to go to the party. I won´t know _____________________

10. I don´t want to go ________________________ this evening. I´m tired.

C. Report the following sentences or questions.

1. The student told his classmate, “My grandparents, from my mom side, visited us
last August”.

2. My sister asked me, “Have you done all your homework here? “.


Good Luck!!!!!

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