Welding Procedure Specification KLPK 2

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Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)

Code: AWS D1.1

Company name: UNY Identification #: 1

Addres : KLPK 2 SMAW –

Welding Process: Process Type: Position :

SMAW Manual 1G Is WPS Prequalified?

Base Metal Part I (Material Spec., type or grade): Base Metal Part II (Material Spec., type
Supporrting PQRorNo.

Thicness*/Pipe Diameter: Filler Metals:

AWS Classification*/AWS Specification:
Groove or Fillet Range:

*If Prequalified, qualified range as shown in sketch

Joint Detail/Sketch:
Table 3.4 of AWS D1.1
T S E min

RF ≥

the drawing
As specified in
G =
E= T≤

Joint Design Used (Design information for Prequalified WPS as shown in Sketch):
Root Opening G: Root Dace RF: Groove Angle: Radius (J-U):

Weld Type: Joint Type:

Backing Option: Backing Material: Back Gouging Method:

Electrical Characteristics : Shielding:
Current Type Polarity :
Transfer Mode :

Welding Procedure
Filler Wire
Current Travel
Weld Pass Filler Metal Metal Current Feed Remarks or
Process Type & Volts Speed
Layer(s) No. Classification Diameter Amps Speed Heat Input
Polarity (in/min)
mm(in) (in/min)
1 1
Layer 11 SMAW E6013 1.6 mm 95 DCEP - 380 200,79 9296
1 to 2 2 to 3
2 to n 3 to n

Stringer or Weave Bead:
Initial/Interpass Cleaning:
Number Of Electrodes:
Electrode Spacing:

Heat Treatment:
Preheat Temp: Interpass Temp:
Postweld Heat Treatment: Time: n/a

Additional Notes:
Manufacturer/Contractor Authorized by:
Welding Engineer:

Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Date Date:

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