4.independent Listening Response Form1234 YOUR FULL NAME (UI-L&S)

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School of Languages & English

Upper Intermediate: Listening & Speaking

Independent Listening response

Section 1- Article information


Name: Author

Student Number Article Title

Date: Publication date

NOTE: The news story must be
from the last THREE WEEKS

Stars (delete the ✰✰✰✰✰ Link of news clip

extra stars

Complete each section about the clip.

Section 2: Write a summary of the clip.

Think about what, who, where, when and why

when you write.

Write approximately 100 words.

Section 3 - Response:

● What is your opinion about the news clip?

● How does it relate to your life or to your
● What other questions or comments do you
have about this issue or clip?

Give reasons for your answers.

Write at least 160 words.

Which strategies did you use before you ☐Used the headline and pictures to predict what the
School of Languages & English
Upper Intermediate: Listening & Speaking

listened to the news clip? topic was about.

☐Thought about what I knew about the topic already.
☐Thought of vocabulary about the topic that might be in
the clip
Other ____________________________

Which strategies did you use while you were ☐Concentrated on listening.
listening to the news clip? ☐Checked my predictions.
☐Paid attention to keywords.
☐Asked ‘Wh’ questions about the clip.
☐Stopped listening sometimes to think about how much
I understood so far.
☐Re-listened to sections to check I understood.
☐Listened to the end to find more information to help me
understand difficult parts.
☐Summarised parts of the clip and the main ideas (by
writing or in my mind)

Section 4: Vocabulary: New words and phrases from the text (minimum of three): Write an
example sentence in your own words.

Word or phrase Example sentence in your own words




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