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School of Languages & English

Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

Portfolio Writing Task Cover Sheet

Name: HUYNH BA KY 3976071
Sep 20th
S42208E Mr. On
Class: Teachers: Date: 2022
Word 311

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School of Languages & English

Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

Student Number NO.
Class Code S42208E

Climate change is causing a rise in natural disasters around the world. Write
a report outlining the problems caused by a natural disaster that occurs in
your country. Suggest short- and long-term solutions to address these

In recent century, Vietnam is the country which heavily affects by global climate
change. Every year, we had recieved variety of disasters with the increasing of
level and frequency which is taking a lot impact to people and properties. This
essay will suggest some of solutions in long- and short-term ways to solve and
react for reducing the impact of the weather and disasters.
With over 3000km coastline, which recieves the most impact of tropical typhoons
and depressions, the emergency system is taking a Typhoon warning system for
long-term solution which helps people and government take a good prediction to
the disaster. For example, the mitigation system in West Sea. This system helps
people predicting the typhoon before 48 hours, on the other hand, all the boat of
fisherman must equip the contact and navigation system in order to know the
newest information about the weather to take the time for back to the port when
the typhoon comes.
For short-term solution, the cheap way to protect our construction is using
sandbags. The military give a hand to make everything easier, they put the
sandbag on the roof to keep it from flow away by high level wind. This solution will
decrease the chance of losing about people and properties. Education to rising
resident awareness is necessary. People need to understand what is the heavily
impact of typhoon to their life. They must have knowledges to save their
construction, their crops and prepare to against the typhoon. Evacuating people
nearly the sea and low-land to higher and safetier place before 24 hours from to
typhoon comes.

In conclusion, due to the impact of global climate change, weather and natural
disasters in recent years have been extremely complicated. But by parallel
School of Languages & English

Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

implementation of short-term measures and long-term measures, we can minimize

loss of life as well as property when encountering natural disasters.

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