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Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 22(43&44):54-61; 2021 ISSN: 0972-2025


Researchers of South Sulawesi Assesment Institute for Agricultural Technology Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan
KM 17.5, Sudiang, Makassar, Indonesia [PT].
Researchers of West Sulawesi Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Kompleks Perkantoran
Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, Jl. H. Abdul Malik Pattana Endeng, Mamuju 91522, Indonesia
[MPS, KI, Muhtar, IA, HR].
Researchers of Central Kalimantan Assesment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Jl. G. Obos Km. 5,
Menteng, Palangka Raya, Kota Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah 73112, Indonesia [Syamsuddin].
Researchers of Moluccas Assesment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Jl. Chr. Soplanit Rumah Tiga,
Ambon, Indonesia [EDW, Wahid, IO, RS, RFS].
[*For Correspondence: E-mail:]
Main Contributor, ++ Member Contributor

Article Information
(1) Dr. Al-kazafy Hassan Sabry, Professor, National Research Centre, Egypt.
(1) Nazmul Hasan Mehedi, Bangladesh.
(2) Asrat Alemayhu Ambi, Bonga Agricultural Research Canter, Ethiopia.

Received: 25 May 2021

Accepted: 01 August 2021
Published: 04 August 2021 Original Research Article

This research was conducted on dry land in Gowa District, South Sulawesi, using a single location
approach. Soil types in Gowa District are classified as Alfisols. The aims of this research are to
determine the critical values of P and K for maize; and also, to know P and K fertilization of maize
on various extraction and nutrient classes of artificial soil. Treatments were arranged as a split-plot
in randomized complete block design with three replications. The main plot was artificial soil
nutrient classes (very low, low, moderate, high, and very high of P and K) and subplot were
fertilization of P and K. The results indicated that the critical values of P and K for maize on
Alfisols (Typic Rhodustalfs) are 0.32 ppm P, 85 mg P100 g-1, 0.42 ppm P, and 1.04 ppm P for each
Mechlish, HCl 25%, Bray-1, and Bray-2 extractions, respectively, and 0.37 me K 100 g-1, 0.55 me K
100 g-1, 178 ppm P, 213 ppm P for each NH4OAc pH 4.8, NH4OAc pH 7, Bray-1, and Olsen
extractions, respectively. P and K fertilization, which gives the highest of maize yield, is obtained of
40 kg P, 80 kg P and 160 kg P ha-1 for the high class, moderate class, and low class of P. While for K
fertilization, the highest yield was 20–40 kg K, 40–80 kg K and 80–160 kg K ha-1for the high,
moderate and low class of K, respectively.

Tandisau et al.

Keywords: Critical values; P and K fertilization; maize; artificial soil nutrient classes; Alfisols.

INTRODUCTION absorption, that is 100-1,000 times of P soluble

[7]. A critical value of P for maize in the soil is 20
Maize is the second most important cereal crop ppm P [8]. And the last is Potassium. Potassium is
after rice, indicated by the percentage of area an essential element for plant growth, and it is
planted to maize. Maize has a very strategic role required in large quantities for the plant's
in the food security system and its role as the metabolic processes. To produce 6 t ha-1of grains,
national economy. In addition to its role as food the maize plants have to absorb a total of 120, 20,
for some Indonesian society, it also contributes to and 150 kg ha-1for nitrogen, phosphorus, and
the availability of maize protein because maize to potassium, respectively [9]. According to
feed raw materials livestock. The demand of Beringen [10], potassium plays a significant role
maize for food, feed, and industrial needs more in in the biophysical and biochemical processes of
the five years forward is projected to increase plants. The biophysical processes the regulation of
along with continued population increase and also the osmotic potential, specifically on the work
increased income and purchasing power [1]. mechanism of the guard cells of the stomata.
While in the biochemical processes include
In the tropics, the soil is often highly leached and regulating enzyme activities, such as starch
acid and suffers multiple nutrients deficiencies. formation, translocation of nutrients and protein
Because of the low fertility status of such soils, synthesis [11]. Commonly, the plants absorb, as
productivity is quite low. Furthermore, much as 1-2 % of the total available potassium
environmental factors, such as the length of the from the soil [12].
day and erratic rainfall, can have positive or
negative interactions with nutrient elements, Critical values of P and K nutrient for maize are
complicating the situation considerably. Poor 20 ppm and 0.30 me/100 g, respectively [8,13].
unbalanced fertilization practices can further Trehan et al. [14] reported that nutrient deficiency
exacerbate the problem. Improper and unbalanced symptoms are a prerequisite for balanced plant
fertilization will cause the soil to become more nutrition. Nutrient depletion of maize in South
damaged and drier. Damaged and dry soil does not Sulawesi has limited the area's yield potential and
supply much nutrients to plants; so, the plant profitability. This balanced fertilization study
suffers from nutritional deficiencies. This, too, examines the impact of applied nutrients and
will get worse, when there is interaction with other provides a recommendation that more closely
factors outside of fertilization, be it factors that match crop requirements. The objectives of
can be controlled or factors that cannot be research were to determine critical values of P and
controlled [2]. K for maize, and to know P and K fertilization
dosage for maize on Alfisols in Gowa District,
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium are the South Sulawesi.
macro nutrients which became a limited factor for
increasing yield. Edmeades et al. [3] reported that MATERIALS AND METHODS
90 % of the maize planted in the tropics area on
dry land could increase yield using nitrogen Field experiments were conducted on dry land for
fertilizer. According to Halliday & Trankel [4], two years for P and K nutrient in Gowa District,
nitrogen is generally needed of maize in large South Sulawesi (January 2019 - January 2021).
amounts, it is 120 – 180 kg Nha-1. However, on The research was done by a single location
cultivate layer is a little amount (0.02 – 0.4 %) [5], approach. Treatments were set as a split-plot in
so must give nitrogen fertilizer for reach highest randomized complete block design with their
yield. Phosphorus is the second important macro replications. The main plot was artificial soil
nutrient after nitrogen [6], often called a prime key nutrient class (very low, low, moderate, high, very
in sustainable agriculture. Phosphorus was added high) of P and K, and subplot were fertilization of
to the soil only small, using (about 10-20%) P (0, 20, 40, 80, and 180 kg P ha-1), and K (0, 20,
compared to N and K nutrient, and great which 40, 80, 160 kg K ha-1). Plant indicator was used on

Tandisau et al.

the treatment is a maize Bisma variety (The Bisma fertilizer to reach yield potential means, as shown
variety is a variety of maize that has a genetic in Fig. 1.
background as a cross between the Gene Pool-4
and introduced material accompanied by mass Response of Maize to P and K Fertilization
selection for 5 generations [15]. After that, the
critical values of P and K was determined by using Several factors including soil properties, variety,
Cate-Nelson method [16]. Cate-Nelson method is available nutrient status, and climatic conditions.
a simple way to divide bivariate data into two That soil factors can be considerably influence
populations to emphasize the relationship between responses to applied nutrients. According to
the x variable and y variable. Karama et al. [21], fertilizers for food crop
production are manufactured and distributed
Soil type in Gowa District is Mediteran [17]. partially under a subsidized program. High rates
Results of profile description by using Keys to of fertilizer, particularly P and K, might have been
Soil Taxonomy are classified into Ordo Alfisols agronomically and economically justified when
(Typic rhodustalfs) [18]. fertilizers were first introduced to very low
Maize yield response to phosphorus and
Critical Values of P and K Nutrient for Maize potassium fertilizer on each P and K classes on
Alfisols showed in Table 2 and Fig. 2. Table 2 and
Critical values of P and K for maize by using Fig. 2 show that the highest yield of maize was
Cate-Nelson Method showed in Table1. The obtained at the rate of P fertilizer for the low class
critical values of P and K on Alfisols soil in Gowa of 160 kg P ha-1, moderate P class of 80 kg P ha-1
District by several extractions are 0.32 ppm P; 85 and high P class of 40 kg P ha-1. While for K
meP100 g-1; 0.42 ppm P, and 1.04 ppm P for each nutrient classes, the rate of K fertilizer which
Mechlish, HCl 25 %, Bray-1, and Bray-2 gives the highest yield of maize for low K class of
extraction, respectively, and 0.37 me K 100 g-1, 80 – 160 kg K ha-1, 40 – 80 kg K ha-1 for moderate
0.55 me K 100 g-1, 178 ppm K, and 213 ppm K, K class, and 20 – 40 kg K ha-1 for high K class in
for each NH4OAc pH 4.8, NH4OAc pH 7, Bray-1, Alfisols soil in Gowa District.
and Olsen extraction, respectively. Fathan et al.
[8] reported that the critical values of P and K for Experiment on farmers’ fields indicated that a
maize each 20 ppm P and 0.30 me K 100 g-1, limited number of fields on soils medium or high
respectively. nutrient would respond to applied P and K. Sri
Adinigsih et al. in Karama et al. [21] reported that
Area in the left of critical level is responsive to application of P more than 80-120 kg P ha-1 to
fertilizer, but area in the right of critical level is acid soils can increase the yield of other non-rice
not responsive. For example, the soil with a K food crops. While K fertilizer for maize crop of
value under the critical level needs potassium 80-120 kg K2O ha-1 (Wade et al. in [21]).

Table 1. The critical values of P and K nutrient for maize on Alfisols soil type in Gowa District,
South Sulawesi

Nutrient Soil Type/Location Method/ Extraction Unit Critical Value

Mechlish Ppm 0.32
HCl 25 % me P 100 g-1 85.00
P Alfisols/Gowa
Bray-1 ppm 0.42
Bray-2 ppm 1.04
NH4OAc pH 4.8 me K 100 g-1 0.37
NH4OAc pH 7 me K 100 g-1 0.55
K Alfisols/Gowa
Bray-1 ppm 178.00
Olsen ppm 213.00

Sources: Sirappa [19]; Tandisau et al. [20]

Tandisau et al.

Fig. 1. Critical value potassium for maize by various extraction on Alfisols in Gowa District, South

Dosage of P and K
5 Fertilizer :

4 0 kg ha-1
Y ie ld (t h a-1 )

20 kg ha-1
40 kg ha-1
80 kg ha-1
160 kg ha-1

Soil Nutrient Class

Fig. 2. Maize yield response to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer on each P and K nutrient classes
on Alfisols in Gowa District, South Sulawesi

Tandisau et al.

Table 2. Maize yield to P and K fertilization on several nutrient classes on Alfisols in Gowa District,
South Sulawesi

Maize yield w.c. 12% (t ha-1)

P and K extraction/
0 20 40 80 160
P and K nutrient classes
(Fertilizer dosage, kg P, K ha-1)
- Mechlish a) :
Low-P 1.00 1.77 2.83 3.64 3.84
Moderate-P 2.03 3.03 4.80 4.74 4.39
- HCL 25% b) :
Low-P 0.45 0.85 1.71 2.75 3.64
Moderate-P 1.25 2.07 3.21 4.03 4.12
High-P 2.02 3.14 4.88 4.81 4.25
- Bray-1 c) :
Low-P 1.04 1.87 2.99 3.64 4.13
Moderate-P 1.79 2.69 4.25 4.38 4.10
- Bray-2 d) :
Low-P 0.74 1.32 2.35 3.46 3.80
Moderate-P 1.26 2.15 3.43 3.85 4.10
High-P 1.98 2.94 4.46 4.72 4.28
- NH4OAc pH 4.8 e) :
Low-K 3.87 4.37 4.82 5.02 4.17
Moderate-K 4.53 4.75 5.04 4.90 4.53
- NH4OAc pH 7 f) :
Low-K 3.57 4.01 4.89 5.05 4.55
Moderate-K 4.24 4.69 4.79 4.85 4.49
High-K 5.13 5.27 5.27 5.25 4.78
- Bray-1 g) :
Low-K 3.57 4.01 4.89 5.05 4.55
Moderate-K 4.24 4.69 4.79 4.85 4.49
High-K 5.13 5.27 5.27 5.25 4.78
- Olsen h) :
Low-K 3.48 3.93 4.77 5.03 4.53
Moderate-K 4.44 4.88 5.06 4.87 4.50
High-K 5.14 5.31 4.83 5.05 4.78

Remarks: a) low: < 0.35 ppm; moderate: > 0.35 ppm

low: < 65 mg P 100g-1; moderate: 65 – 90 mg P 100 g-1; high: > 90 mg P 100 g-1
low: < 0.5 ppm; moderate: >0.5 ppm
low: < 0.6 ppm; moderate: 0.6 – 1.2 ppm; high: > 1.2 ppm
low: <0.4 mg K 100 g-1; moderate: > 0.4 mg K 100 g-1
low: < 0.4 mg K 100 g-1; moderate: 0.4 -0.6 mg K 100 g-1; high: >0.6 mg K 100 g-1
low: < 200 ppm; moderate: 200 – 300 ppm; high: > 300 ppm
low: <215 ppm; moderate: 215 – 250 ppm; high: > 250 ppm

Sirappa & Tandisau [22] reported that K manure gave the highest yield of maize about 4,5
fertilization for Lamuru variety on low class – 8.0 t ha-1. According to Widjaja-Adhi [25,26],
nutrient is 80 kg K ha-1 is sufficient. Graph curve determining the optimum dosage of the
of yield response of P and K fertilizer by HCl 25% preparation needs to be done recommended rate
and Bray-2 extraction for classes nutrient P and using response curve fertilization. Based on this
NH4OAc pH 7 and Olsen extraction for K, which curve, optimum K fertilizer is determined by
gives the highest yield, showed Figs. 3 and 4. following the laws of economics. The
recommended rate of fertilizer is fertilizer to
Sirappa & Nurdin [23]; Sirappa et al. [24] reported achieve optimum results. Optimum fertilizer
that P and K fertilization with rates of 200 kg SP- usually occurs when the crop reaches 90%
36 and 50 kg KCl ha-1 combined with 2-ton maximum yield [27].

Influence of P Fertilizer for Maize Yield on Several Nutrient Influence of P Fertilizer for Maize Yield on Several Nutrient
Class by HCl 25% Extraction Method on Alfisols Soil in Gowa Class by Bray-2 Extraction Method on Alfisols Soil in Gowa
Distrct, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Distrct, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
6,00 5,00

Yield of Maize (t/ha)

5,00 4,50

Yield of Maize (t/ha)

4,00 3,50
3,00 2,50
- Low-P 2,00 - Low-P
- Moderate-P 1,50 - Moderate-P
1,00 1,00
- High-P 0,50 - High-P
0,00 -
0 20 40 80 160 0 20 40 80 160
Rate of P Fertilizer (t/ha) Rate of P Fertilizer (t/ha)

Fig. 3. Graph curve of K fertilizer for maize yield on several nutrient classes by NH4OAc pH 7 and Olsen extraction methods on Alfisols
soil in Gowa District, South Sulawesi

Influence of K Fertilizer for Maize Yield on Several Nutrient Influence of K Fertilizer for Maize Yield on Several Nutrient
Class by NH4OAc pH7 Extraction Method on Alfisols Soil Class by Olsen Extraction Method on Alfisols Soil in Gowa
in Gowa Distrct, South Sulawesi, Indonesi Distrct, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
6,00 6,00
Yield of Maize (t/ha)

5,00 5,00

Yield of Maize (t/ha)

4,00 4,00
3,00 3,00
- Low-K
- Low-K
2,00 2,00
- Moderate-K
- Moderate-K
1,00 - High-K 1,00
- High-K
0,00 0,00
0 20 40 80 160 0 20 40 80 160
Rate of K Fertilizer (t/ha) Rate of K Fertilizer (t/ha)

Fig. 4. Graph curve of K fertilizer for maize yield on several nutrient classes by NH4OAc pH 7 and Olsen extraction methods on Alfisols in
Gowa District, South Sulawesi

Tandisau et al.

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© Copyright International Knowledge Press. All rights reserved.


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