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Chegg Textbook Solution


Open Question

City 1 produces 500 tons of waste per day, and city 2 produces 400 tons of waste
per day. Waste must be incinerated at incinerator 1 or 2, and each incinerator can
process up to 500 tons of waste per day. The cost to incinerate waste is $40/ton at
incinerator 1 and $30/ton at 2. Incineration reduces each ton of waste to 0.2 tons of
debris, which must be dumped at one of two landfills. Each landfill can receive at
most 200 tons of debris per day. It costs $3 per mile to transport a ton of material
(either debris or waste). Distances (in miles) between locations are shown in Table
79. Formulate an LP that can be used to minimize the total cost of disposing of the
waste of both cities.
table 79


City 1 2

1 30 5

1 36 42


Incinerator 1 2

1 5 8

2 9 6

Answer & Explaination

Open Answer

Step 1
Let be the tons of city waste that is sent to incinerator , for .

Let be the tons of debris sent from incinerator to landfill , for .

Step 2
The objective is to minimize the total of disposing of waste of both cities.

Thus, the objective function is

Step 3
Constraint 1 Per day, city 1 produces 500 tons of waste.

Constraint 2 Per day, city 2 produces 400 tons of waste.

Step 4
Constraint 3 At most, each incinerator can process up to 500 tons of waste per day.

Step 5
Constraint 4 At most, a landfill can receive 200 tons of debris per day.

Step 6
Constraint 5 Incinerator reduces each ton of waste to 0.2 tons debris, which is
dumped at one of two landfills.

Step 7
Therefore, the formulation of the given linear program is,

Subject to the constraints


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